- u N

Q15 Apart from using The List, how else to you find out what’s going on? Please tick all the boxes that apply to you

Regularly Occasionally Never

Word of mouth

Promotional material such as

leaflets, flyers, posters, etc

Advertisements Radio

Newspaper listings and reviews

Other magazines Internet (please list below)

016 Which websites do you use to find out what’s



[J [J [J [J [J [J


[J [J [J [J [J [J

What Do You Enjoy Doing?

Q17 How often do you attend the following

events? Please tick a box for each type of event

Once 2-3 times per week per month Cinema L] C] Theatre L] Live gigs/ concerts U :l Museums and galleries C] 7:] Clubs D L] Comedy :I :l

018 How much do you spend a week on

Once per month

[J [J [J [J [J [J

C] C]

[J [J [J

entertainment such as films, clubs, gigs, etc

(excluding eating out)?

Under 920 C] 950-874 C] 220-229 C] 275-299 C] 230-239 E] £100rfius C] 240—249 [J


[J [J [J [J [J [J

Occasionally Never

[J [J [J [J [J [J

Q19 How often do you eat out (for instance in a restaurant, café or pub)?

Once a fortnight or more often Between once a fortnight and once a month

Up to six times a year Up to four times a year

[3 [J C]


Very occasionally Never

020 On average, how much do you spend per meal, including the amount you spend on other


Under 210 CI $10-$19 E] $20-$29 C] 230-539 Cl 240-249 E] 250 or more C]

021 How often do you get a takeaway meal?

Once a fortnight or more often

Between once a fortnight and once a month

Up to six times a year Up to four times a year Very occasionally Never

[J [J [J [J [J [J

022 Approximately how much do you spend a

month on the following? (Please tick an amount for each item) Less than £20 $20-$49 $50—$99 2100—2199 More than £200


E] C] Videos/DVDs

E] E] Books

[J [3 Electronic games

C] E] Clothing

E] E]

023 Which of the following activities do you take

part in?

Alternative health (yoga, tai-chi, shiatsu, etc)






Evening classes/adult education

Health club/gym/sports Interior design/decorating Reading

Surfing the internet

Watching live sport (not on TV) Watching TV













[J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J [J