; Ex-More Fire Crew MC Lethal Bizzle (seen here * modelling his best Christmas jumper) guests at

Rukus. With a distinctly British take on hip hop, he draws elements of grime, garage and humour into his unique style, even picking up a Best

Single at the M0805 for ‘Fire’.

Wed 28 Dec. Flu/«rs (it the Honeycomb. Edinburgh.

Hash bring the R&B. hip hop. lunk. disco and more while Tokyo Blu take care ol the house and disco.

I Nuklear Puppy at ligo. 10pm 3am. £12 £I5. 30 Dec. Residents Jason ('ortel and Phil York keep the hard dance flag flying in the capital with special guest Anne Sayage back again for one of her legendary hard house sets as well as Scott Project.

I Obscene at the Venue. |().3()pm 3am. £3 before midnight; £5 alter. lo Dec. The drum & hass collectiy'e return tor a w inter party of the best in jungle from residents Termite. Mare liP. DVSl. Sola Perplexus and DJ ('aly‘in. ()ld skool and hardcore in the basement.

I Orange Street at Studio 24.

l lpm 3am. £2. lo Dec. .\'ew ska and reggae night with Selector Ragga Rohhie and M(' Ras Ista.

I Pins & Needles at Rlil). 9pm 3am. £2 before midnight; £3 alter. 30 Dec. .Monthly least ol' itehy-glitchy tech-house from Matthew Hart-Wilson. KM(} and Paul Bendoris. liestiy‘e party with a two hour jackin' (‘hicago house set from ('raig Hamilton.

I Planet Earth at ('itt'us (‘luh

|().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Music from |()7o through to NW or. in other words. a healthy dose ol punk. new w an e. new romantic and electro pop.

I Shake Your Rumpa at Rlil).

9pm 3am. £2. lo Dec. The Trouble DJs take oyer the intimate yenue for their sublime mix of funk. soul and hip hop gT‘UOVL‘S.

I Subculture at ('aharel Voltaire.

| lpm 5am. £5 l£~ll. 23 Dee. llarri makes another ol' his irregular \‘islls lo the ’hurgh joined by local house master (iareth Sommeryille.

I Sugarbeat at ('aharet Voltaire.

l l.30pm 3am. £5 (£4). lo Dec. As per usual you neyer know what to expect down Sugarheat. and this instalment is no different as Smokey 8; the Bandit and the Boy B join Tim and Je/ tl'tah Saintsi for another music mash-up.

I Tapebox at the Bongo ('luh.

l0pm 3am. £5. lo Dec. Hip hop, rhythm and blues. drum d;- hass and hreakheat sessions.

I Telefunken at RliD. 9pm 3am. £2. 23 Dec. Deep l'unked tip house night. a jackin' way to start the weekend.

I 33/45 at ('aharet Voltaire.

|().3()pm 3am. £4 hel'ore midnight; £(i alter (£4). Weekly. Damn sexy soullul

house lt‘ont DJs |.eon liaster and .\'iek Watson with a Tree (‘hristinas (’D lor eyery punter.

2 Many DJs at (‘ity1 lidinhurgh. llpm 4am. £l‘).50. 30 Dec. The illustrious kings ol~ cut tip hootlegs head hack lor a pre-NVI'I party.

I UTI at the Venue. |().3()pm 5am. £7 t£5 members). 23 Dec. ('elehrate the end ol the year in style with lidinhurgh home grown Detroit sound man Steyen Brown. liy e |’:\s l'i'oni Zuni plus ('ymhol and DJ sets lrom Jonny Oh! and Semaj while in the Moog room it's Roh Dylan and Nimrod 33.

I The Vapours Xmas Block Party at the Bongo (‘Iuh |().3()pm 3am. l‘ree. 23 Dec. Hip hop liloels‘ pat‘ly ol breaks and random heats plus hip hop karaoke. See prey iew. page 48.

I Xplicit at lloney comh. |().3()pm 5am. £5. 30 Dec. Presenting the last ey er drum tk hass party at the Honey comh. The (ieneral. li.\'(). Prophecy and the Beast proy ide the jungle at this last hurrah. with .-\ccess giying you electro and techno in rootn lyyo.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Afterdark at (‘ahare' Voltaire.

l0pm 5am. £|0 t£8t. 24 Dec. ('hristmas li\e Irouse party with a lull residents roster of .\'ei| Barttley. Jammy. Stuart Sandeman. Martin Valentine. Stey en \thllless. Seoll Dickie tllitl :\llt|y ('hl'islie. I Allsorts Hogmanay Party at Suhway (‘ow gate. l lpm 3am. liree helore l l..5|lllllil £3 alter. 5| Dec. See in the New Year with the hest in chart. dance and party tunes. .\'ot lorgetting their inlamous two hours of Tree yodka t l lpm lami.

I Audio at Berlin Bierhaus.

10.30pm 3am. £5 before midnight; £(r alter. l7 Dec. ('raig Smith spins the hesl in sotllltll real house with support l'rom DJ Sol.

I The Beat Goes on . . . at the Iiychange. |0pm 5am. £20. 3| Dec. Three of lidinhurgh's hest loy ed cluhs join l'oi'ces lor this llogmanay special. llot disco and a dancel’loor workout l'rottl Disco lltlet'no. hop hop specialist Sotil Biscuits and the hests in lunk and soul with special guests Jared tSound Library. .\'\'(‘t. James Trouhle t 100 ('Iuh. London) atid l-‘unky Plummer t.\'ottinghami at Motherl’unk.

I The Big Splash at Ocean 'l'erininal. ()pm 3am. £35. 3| Dec. ()ne ol the

ol'licial llogmanay parties as the Big Splasli returns taking oy‘el' ()cean 'l‘erminal. Armand Van llelden headlines joining regulars ’l‘rendy Wendy. Jon Pleased. 2 Many JDs and Sally l-‘.

I Colours Meets Hed Kandi NYE 2006 at ('ity: lidinhurgh. 9pm 5am. £3|.50. 3| Dec. The decadent. glamorous cluh returns Tor another llogmanay ol‘ hot liouse sounds from Patil Wilkins. Roh Wilder. Paul llill. Andy Warhurton. John .Mancini. Marco Smith. Damon Melvin. Da/ Smith. Neil (‘rookston. litian McKen/ie. Brainstorm. Kanal. Dan l-‘rat and Laura on s;t\.

I Departure Lounge Hogmanay Special at the (ayes. |0pm 5am. £20. 3| Dec. 'Ja// grooyes. |.atin rhythms and lunky glohal heats' as they take oyer the (‘ay es l'or another llogmanay special. llot liy e sounds from ()rkestra Del Sol and lidinhurgh Satnha School. and DJ sets lt'oni Dolphin Boy and .-\slt‘ohoy. This sold otit ages in adyance last year so don't slouch in picking tip tickets.

I Dogmanay at Studio 24.

|().3()pm 5am. £|8 t£|4 in adyancei. 3| Dec. Dogma hring tis their last eyer regular night (with ol all-out weirdness. crunchy techno kicks and more to take you into 200p. Morph and S('Sl Pucker guest (htilh with |i\ e selsl while the residents t.\'omad. .-\| Macdonald and

B ' Wilder) run through the classics that ‘made your ears hleed' through Dogma's liy e year residency.

I Drum 8. Bass Hogmanay Extravaganza at the Venue.

|().3()pm 5am. £l2. 3| Dec. The best ol lidinhurgh's drutn (Q hass cltihs tincluding ()hscene. .\'plicit. |"at Mess and Splittjoin l'orces lot' one almighty liestiy e party as l | DJs take to the wheels ol' steel lot' the last titne in 2005.

I Flaunt NYE at Massa. 9pm 5am. £10. 3| Dec. llogmanay special l'rom Jon lidwards and Tommy (iallo and their house mi\.

I Gig Hogmanay Special at (iig tl'ormerly Reyolutiont. |().3()pm 5am. £20. 5| Dec. The indie disco iny'ites it leyy‘ pals in l'or .\'ew Year as Snow Patrol and Belle ck Sehastian man the decks.

I Give it Some! at the Bongo (‘luh llpm 3am. £4 helore midnight; £(r alter. l7 Dec. |n Room I: l'unk. soul. ja// and rare grooy e with a smattering ol' reggae. (ills heat and disco l'rom DJRedo t|.i\esciencesi. In Room 2: roots. reggae. ska and duh l'rom Decoy Roy

tl’enpushers l.

I Headspin New Year’s Eve at the Bongo ('luh. I lpm 5am. £l5. 3| Dee. The best in hip hop. l'unk. soul. house and ht'eakheat lrom residents Allan. the Resonance (Dam and ('olin Millart and Steye Spin. who take oy er the Bongo for another .\'Vl:. their spectacular lour deck mi\ taking you through lo 2000.

I Hogmanay Fever at ligo. |0pm 5am. £3” £25 (Uh liteltlht‘l‘s). 5| Dec. The open-minded. gay --lt‘iend|y dance party that is Taste tl‘isher «k Price) take oy er llgo in their l-‘ey er guise l'or NVl-l.

I Honeycomb Hogmanay at lloneycoinh. |0.30pm 5am. £|5 £20 t£l3 £l8i. 3| Dec. Bio-Rhythm and Mardi (irahl take oyer the Honey coinh with a mash tip ol' heats. hreaks. grime and hip hop. In the Bio-Rhythm room the Drumattic Twins tl‘inger |.ickin‘t headline with their lren/ied heat attack. Mash (Beat tom. Silyer Stoi'ic and DJ Belieye pt‘oy ide support. Room two echoes to the sounds ol the carniyal ol' heals with Richie Rul‘l'tone. :\J. Spectrum and Blag |.

I JakN at the Venue. |().3()pm 5am. £(a (£51. I? Dec. This month Jak.\' has asked Morph to battle his alias Sola l’erplexus in a li\ e sonic skirmish. Watch a man heat hilltst'll tip with heats. plus drinks promos ttlltl lt'ee ('l)s til the end til e\ my ex ent.

I Liquid Soul NYE Special at Po .\'a .\'a. |0pm 3am. £|0 £l5. 3| Dec. Retro disco and l'unky house night l'rom Mark B as they celebrate another top year at Liquid Sotil spanning ltmk classics to yeslet‘tltly \ disco house shakers.

I Mambo NYE at RliD. 0pm 5am.

£8 £|0. 3| Dec. Bringing in the New Year

with the best in hip hop and Alro (‘arihhean sounds from Tony TNT and M(‘.

I Mingin’ Hogmanay Party at the Venue. |().3()pm 5am. £|2 (£10 in adyance). 3| Dec. The tisual Mingin' shenanigans all made eyen more eyciting heeause it’s llogmanay. Alan Joy and Brian Dempster are joined by DJ Brett King. Adyance tickets l‘rom the Regent or Q-Store.

I Mission at Studio 24. l lpm 3am. £5 t£4 members). Weekly (not 3| Dect. Night of metal mayhem. goth rock and more from the dark side. With new top lloor specials liatth lnlerno t 17 Dect.

I Progression 8: Tokyoblu present Hogmanay 2005 at the Liquid Room. |()pm 5am. £20. 3| Dec. The deep and e\pansi\ e house nights join forces to see otit 2005. Pull resident line-tips l'rom hoth night across two rooms. plus the Tokyoth six-piece hand going Inc for their party tip Basement Ja.\\ style gt'ooy es.

I Progression at the Liquid Room. |().3()pm 3am. £8 (L‘m. l7 Dec. ('hristmas Party lorm the house masters with residents Derek Martin. Alan Dohson. (iay (irant. Stuart Johnston and (iary Bow man supplying the ('hristmas cheer.

I Stereotype Hogmanay Spectacular at Berlin Bierhaus.

10pm 5am. £l8. 3| Dec. Alter another successful year at Berlin llttggy takes to the floor for this llogmanay special celebrating the hesl hotlse talent in the ('apital with exclusiye sets l'rom ('raig Smith. llarry. .\'ei| Bartley. Master (and. KippS. DJ Beely and Kris Lindsay.

I Tease Age at (‘itrus (’luh.

l lpm 3am. l’ree heiore l |.30Pm; £3 alter. Weekly. This indie stalwart dishes up everything from swinging (30s hits to haggy Manchester l'ayes as well as a host of current Vii]:~ chart hotherers with DJ Monkee Mickee. litlillhllt'gh’s longest continually running indie night.

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1:" |)t’?(i .7005) :3 .Jan .xio'fi THE LIST 53