I Divine at (ilaxgoii School ol' .'\l’l. llipm 3am. £3.50 £(i. \chkl} (not 3| l)cc). l)ccp ltittk. (IllS and 7l|x groin cx and a lo)al croxxd go into lhc mi\ at thix \cr) long running (ilaxgou rcxidcntx' night.
I Electrobix New Year Party at Buddha'x Back}at'd. ll).3()pin 4am. £l2. 5| l)L‘L'. RL‘\|(|L‘I1| lii\ l).l\ :(lld \L‘clul gucxtx Salon lioi'ix p|a_\ into lhc \\ cc hotirx.
I Garage Saturdays at tlic (iaragc. |().3()piii 3am. £7 (£5). \Vcckl}. Brian McMaxtcr pla} x all ~\our laiouritc claxxicx in lhc main hall \xhilc KL‘IIII} xoarx through altcriiatii c indic and rctro L'lil\\|L‘\ lit thc x\|liL'.
I Groovejet at MAS. llpm 3am. £5. \YCL‘kl} ((10! 5| l)cc). .UNS Km in .\lc|5arlanc tcaiiix up u itli liix huddicx Stcphcn l.cc and \Yood) in thc main room for a \icckl) maxli-tip ()l thc lincxt hoiixc muxic around \ihilc Ran B xpiiix lhc xucctcxt Rtin ctitx in tlic louiigc.
I Hogmanay Hoot at l-'iir_\ \lllt‘t'}\. |()pni 4am. £7 (£6). 3| l)cc. Mark I) “llll a .\'c\i Ycarx part} not to lot'gct in thc main room \\llll Slc\ ic l)c\ inc in thc loll rockin' to thc cat'l) hourx.
I Hogmanay Hootenny II at Soundhaux. 0pm 5am. £23 (Up). 3| l)cc. All thc top rcxidcntx l'rom Soundhaux join l'orccx to xcc in thc \cu Ycai‘ iiicltidiiig ()‘l‘R. l’tl\\} pimcr. .\|ono\. lnncr ('it) Acid and Siiic.
I Home Cookin’ at llc lo. Upnt 3am. l'i‘t‘c‘ £7. \chkl}. Stcnart Mc(’alluni and Joc lliggiiix \xith urban and S'tix xotil.
I Homegrown at liainhoo.
ll).3()pm 3am. £8 (£6). \Vcckl}. Slc\ic Solc pla_\x a funk}. xoulliil houxc xct with Migucl pla)ing R&B and Dominic Martin xupp|_\ing thc ltlnlx and ja//.
I Inside Out Hogmanay at lltc Archcx. 0pm 4am. £25. 3| |)cc. llard liouxc i‘cxidcntx Simon l‘o}. laxixcr |.atla and Alan liclxhzm arc ioincd h} Matt llill'(l\\ ick. Adam Slicridan. .lon ()‘liir. Kutxki . Scott Mac. (‘lit‘i\ l);i\ i\ and (ilcavc Dohhin.
I Let’s Go Back . . . Way Back at Riicrxidc ('luh. l2am 3am. £8 (£4). l7 l)cc ottl}. Boxco and Bill} \Yootlx tranxpoi't ion hack to thc da_\x \\ licn )oti daiiccd to acid houxc in Illlltltl} licldx. l’la)ing thc muxic that changcd a gcncration lrom IUSS lo l‘)‘)2.
I Liquid Lounge Hogmanay at Liquid Loungc. 9pm 4am. £thc. 3| l)cc oiil}. (‘arlox .»\do|l'o Dominguc/ pci‘loi‘iiix in (ilanJou lor thc laxt limc. :\l\o p|a_\ing arc (‘i'ix Rcid. ('olin |)a\ ic and ('otton ('ttl'xc. \t't'} llllillL‘tl lickt‘lx
chcck thc \\ clixitc lor tipdatcx. timcx and pt'iccx, \xn \x.thcliqtiidlotiiigc.co.tik
I Lush at thc l’olo l.ouiigc.
|().3()pm 3am. £5. \chkl}. l’caturing And} in thc 'l‘roph)‘ Room \\lll| liitx l'rom thc (i()x to thc (Sllx, \xliilc loin pro\ idcx an tip li'ont dancc xclcction in thc main room at thc cit} 'x prctticxt ga_\ club.
I Lust For Life at .-\li(’l. l|pm 3am £7 (£5). \chkl}. l)J (icrt‘) l._\onx ix )(itit‘ man on S;ittit'tl;i}x \\llll mcrfihing lroni dixco to indic and thundcring rock. .\'o\\ upxtairx dtic to popular dcmaiid.
I Mas Hogmanay at Max. llipm 3am. £|(| (£3). 3| l)cc onl). l)J\ Kmin Mcl’ai‘lanc and Stcphcn Icc (.I/N maga/inc) pla} thc lincxt in houxc \xhilc l)a\'c Young pl;l)x (Itillxltip part_\ tuncx. I Melting Pot New Year Shindig at Riicrxidc ('luh. 0.30pm 4am. £25 (£l5). 3| l)cc. A boat trip tip tlic (‘lidc (9.30pm l2.3()am) l'olloixcd h} a night of daiicitig at thc Rixcrxidc until llic u cc hourx. .-\ rarc trcat.
I Mish Mash Vs Salt Lick New Year Bash at Baxiillc 'l‘axcrn.
7.30pm 4am. £45 (£25). 3| l)cc. |()() puntcrx gct to cat lirxt (£45 tickct) thcn l\\() ol' (ilaxgou ‘x iiioxt popular clulinighlx gct logctlici' to ciitcrtain tlicin itlltl llit‘ I'L‘Sl ()l' lllL' l't‘\t‘llt‘l'\ (£25 llclxt‘ll until 2()()(i. laclcclic niuxic all tiiglit long. 5(— Monox Christmas is Shit Party at Soundhaux. llpm 5am. £l2 (£|()). l7 l)cc. Monthl_\. Anti ('hrixtmax tcclino inadncxx lrom a \\l|()lL‘ l'();t\|L‘t‘ ol top nanicx including .\'ci| l.andxtriiinm and
50 THE LIST I?) l)(:<: 700‘) ‘> ,ltlll fi/(Lta’i
up techno of Sugar Experiment Station.
Monox celebrate their Christmas is Shit Party with the wonky, fucked Perhaps best known for their time
served at legendary nights Sativa and Test, SES (AKA Tobias Schmidt, pictured, and Neil Landstrumm) put on a live set that should expand your horizons on the possibilities of the form, while stimulating your feet.
t.-.‘x)<l. / lit». -l("".i1:.\)\
'loliiax Schmidt .\|\‘.I\ Sugai l~.\pciinicnl Station lll\ c PM and (‘iiilliia Stcrn (lnptit ()utput ).
I Optimo Hogmanay at (ilaxgtiu School ol .'\|‘l. lllpni l.llll. £25. 3| l)cc onl}. lunch and \Vilkcx ioiii loiccx
\\ illi /.oiiganiin and .lll\lll\ Kiillllt'kt‘ upxtairx \\ itli Ronnic. l).l Mingo ( in and RUI‘} ('li'axh. ()iii‘ l)ixco) don nxtaiix
I Saturdays at ilic ('ailioiixc.
ll). 3||piii 3am. £1 to \\'cckl\ (not 3| |)cc). l).lx Hair} and {Mid} \\lll| claxxic and ciiri'cnt rock. glam. inclal. liiiik inctal. goth and lii'cak
I Souljam! New Year Party at liltiu. Spin 4am. £ l 5 i £ l 2 i. 3| |)cc. (ict i'cad} loi' thc iiiotlici ol all partch ax Sliac II and .\iid} l'ngci' pliix tlicii li\c cnxcinlilc rock llit' ioiiit.
I Subculture at tlic Stili (‘lulx
llpm ~|ani. £ 1 2. \Vccklv lllt‘ liaidcxt \iorking rcxidcntx in thc land. Haiti and l)oiiicnic. do \ihat tltc} lia\ c liccn doing lic\l lot" I l Influx
I Superfly Hogmanay al Wootlxidc Social (‘lulx ‘lpni 3am. £l2.5(). 3| l)cc. l)ancclloor (an. iiiight_\ xoul. xc\} axxcd ltttik. (ilix px}c‘ltt‘ rock. x\\cat_\ (llSt‘ti lit‘alx .thl a t‘litilct' \t'lt‘clliill ()l poxt ptiiik and mm i'clcaxcx all coiii'tcx} ol t'cxidcnl l).lx Duncan and Lu).
I Tokyo Disco at (‘ulio |()pni 3am. £ l X l£ l .5 I. 3l |)cc. .l;I\()ll liltitllx\ .llltl li'icndx bring a daxli ol ()i'icntal cnci‘g} and c\citcincnl to (il;t\g(i\\.
I Traxx at liquid l oiingc. llpiii 3am £S (£5) l7 l)cc. \lontlil} 'lcclino and liouxc licatx lioni l aurciicc lluglicx. 'l'oin ('liiitcliill .md .lamic llionixoii
I Tusk Saturdays at lll\lx
()lllll .‘ain licc £5 \\cckl\ \ iiii\liiic ol liiiik. xoiil .llltl claxxn .iiilliciiix \\Illl .la} lilait.
I Urizen at liaxtna lilanta. ‘laiii .‘aiii. £ 3. I“ l)cc, Motillilx lii/cii ix non (ilaxgou ‘x oii|_\ inonllil} (lllllll t\ liaxx iiiglil. 'l'iincx li‘oiii icxiilciitx .la_\ l)oiili|c 1‘. HM. .llll' lii_\xon and Mannan.
I: "I’M ( an”.
I Wasted Youth al .-\li(‘3.
llpm 3am. l’i‘cc £4. \chkl}. lalcctro. tcchno and liai‘dci‘ cdgcd licatx,
I Xmas DeathKill4000 at Barth. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). I" |)cc. Monthl}. .\lx.\ llic l-’o\ ioiiix Hut} Maic. l‘ili ('liopx and ('litoi'ix l’aiti \\ lio \\ ill pump )(itl lull o| xcaxonal clicci'.
I Zuba at (‘ai‘iinal .\itx (‘cnli'c
Spin 2am. £5. l" |)cc otil_\. /iiha pla_\ a ll\t‘ \t‘l lt)ll()\\(‘tl li} l).l \tililt‘ action.
Glasgow Sundays
I Disco Badger New Years Day Special at ltanilioo. llpm ‘ltllll. £5 (£3), l .laii. lltitl‘xt' iiiuxic all night long ll'tilll Dominic Marlin. Rtkli liom lx;ixli and lioogic (tincx li'om .\la\.
I Freakmenoovers .il ('aihoiixc.
llpm 3am. £4 (£3) \Vcckl} (not 25 “cu. llic Siinda} Soiindx} \lt‘lli \Hlll l).l\ Dana and \icc pla) iiig tlic licxt in hip hop.
I Optimo (Espacio) at (M Suli ('luh. llpm 3am, £5 £9. \Vcckl} (not 25 l)cc & | Jan), |~.\ci‘_\ Stinda} \\llll .ll) 'l'\\itch and .l(i \Yilkcx pla} mg tlic licxt xclcction ol rccoi'dx on llic plancl. ()1) IS l)cc l’i‘o l‘()|'lll.| takc to thc xtagc,
I Plec at l itluid louiigc. It) 3()piii 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl} (not 25 |)cc). .\ night ol li\c liandx and Mix li‘oni liandx \\ itli licat lilti'x Martin liatc.
I Spank at tlic ('atlioiixc. llpm 3am. l'lt't‘ li-l, \Vt't‘lxl} (ltiil .35 l)t't'l. l).l litll‘l') plaix altcinati\c. punk. claxxic iock. hip hop. iiictal and croxxoxcr induxti’ial to a l.t|(‘ \\(‘t‘lx(‘ltil climtl
I Sundays at (’lnli\ liiili l()pni 3am (5 (H) \Vcckl} (not .‘5 l)(‘t'|. l'lllllx_\. x('\i. dixco and lioiixc li'catx \\ itli Simon ('haduick at tlic liclni
I Sunday Klassics at .\|;\S'.
l lpin 3am £4 (£2). \Vcckl} (not 25 l)cci, ,\ |I||\ ol iock. xtudciit anthcmx. clcctro and pop ll'tilll l)a\ c Yotiiig and \Vtititl),
I Thirtynine at Bluu. lllpm 3am. lircc. \chkl} (not 25 l)cc). .-\ nii\ ol li\c ja/l niuxic and l)Jx \iith hotixc hand Tag.
I Xmas Day at liamhoo. l lpm 4am. £5 (£3). 25 l)cc on|_\. Rtkli lrom Kain and hoogic tuncx li'om Ma\ at thix onc—ol'l' \pccial.
Glasgow Mondays
I Boxing Day Disco Badger Special at Bamboo. lllpm 4am. £5 (£3). 2o l)cc oiil}. llouxc muxic all night long lI'UIII l)omiiiic Martin. RtUi li‘otlt Kaxh and hoogic tuncx lroni Ma\.
I Burn at lhc Bull, l lpm 3am. £5
(l'i'cc £3). \Vcckl). lt'x thc claxxic night lol‘ tlioxc making in thc liccnxing tradc. Burn admitx (hoxc \xith a pa} -xlip lor ahxolutcl) hcc han. \ihich ix tiicc.
I Colours Boxing Day Winter Party at tlic .-\rchcx. lllpm 4am. £26. 26 l)cc. Rogcr Saiiclicl. l-‘crgic (making hix lirxt c\cr (‘olourx appcarancc). Iiric l’i‘}'(l/. Martin Sohcig. loin .\'c\ illc. Jonathon l.ixlc. l’aolo Moio aitd lltm ()ucn.
I Fuse at Baxtillc 'l'a\ crn. 9pm 3am. £lll. 2o l)cc. Mixh Maxh gct togctlicr with Salt l.ick aiid Mclting l’ot lor llIl\ onc~oll xpccial.
I Mas Boxing Day at Max.
lt).3()pni 3am. £7. 26 l)cc. |)Jx chin Mcl‘arlaiic. Stcphcn l.cc and ('ut/ hattlc it otit lor thc cicniiig.
:3 Optimo at Suh ('luh. lllpm 3am. £7 (£(i), 2o |)cc & 2 Jan. ()ptimo hoxtx thc l'ii‘xt ol l\\() t'cxtiic Monda} night xliindigx. ()ii 2o l)cc. ‘lt‘x (‘hrixtmaxf' ix thc thcmc uhilc on 2 Jan thc ‘thi‘c’x III) hcad at'." part} ix lot' tlioxc xtill \i itli onc altcr llogmaiia}.
I Trade Night Party at Max.
|(|.3(|pm 3am. l‘rcc. 2 Jan mil}. 1)] RAW B [)l;t)\ an L‘L‘lccllc‘ \L'l l-(it‘ (Ill llttixc poor xoulx \\ll() had to uork all out thc part} pci'iod.
Glasgow Tuesdays
I All Star Tuesdays at Bamboo.
ltipiii 3am. l‘i'cc £4. \chkl}; lii thc main rooin Kaxli plaix Rtxli and hip pop and in thc loungc :\lltl_\ \Vilxoii dropx all—timc claxxicx di'i/xlcd \\ itli a littlc rock and iiidic.
I Fanni’s Christmas Crack-er at Baxtii'a Blanca. 0pm 2am. £5 (£4). 20 Du: Motithl). lntimatc club night attracting a hcautil'ul and mind crou d M Iagliagx. haiidhagx and xlaghagx. l)J '|'R:\.\‘l-xixtcr pla}x lunk} houxc. rctro hcatx and killcr kitxch dixco tuncx.
I Fluff on the Needle at (‘Iiih\'l)uh. ltipm 3am. £3 (£2). \Vcckl}. litiiik. xoul. houxc and dixco accompanicd hi hi c iiixti'umcntalx \xith Mark} Mark atid lricndx.
I Killer Kitsch at lhc Bull ('liili.
llpm 3am. £4 (£3). \chkl). .-\ iiiiiquc lour dcck xct tip. pounding clcctro claxh tiincx and kll\L‘lI claxxicx.
I l&lSounds at Bar Bloc. 0pm 3am. l‘rcc. \chkl}. Rootx. rock. rcggac in a duh xt_\ lcc \\ itli And) 'I‘;i_\lor and l’atilic.
I Inside Out Birthday Party at thc :\I'L‘ll(‘\. llipin 4am. £23. 27 l)cc. Monthl}. llou old'.’ You don't look a day o\ci' li\ c. Marco V. Scott l’roicct. ('or l‘iinciiiaii and man} morc cclchratc.
I Magnificent Seven at Blankci. llpm 3am. £5(£3). \Vcckl}. l.il Rich \tith liix lunk} hag ol xtudcnt claxxicx and Naccni u itli a morc xcrioux hlcnd ol‘ xtrcct \(illl and RN”.
I Revolution at ()Ml'. ltlpm 2am. £2 (£| ). \Vcck‘l}. \Vith Hi Martin Batc (Bcat l(|(i).
I TIT at M.\S. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Vcckl}. l.l\.l l tttlcixood (lical l(l(i) atid (it'altalllt‘ l't‘t‘g'ltxiitt t‘L‘xItlt‘ ;Il llltx t]ll(l\\ L‘L‘lx xhindig. pla_\ iiig houxc. RtUi and lotx of part} tuiicx. ()n 2() |)cc thc 'l’l'l' gang L‘t‘lt‘l‘t'tllt‘ llIt‘lt' lil'\| ltlt‘llitltl).
I VEGAS! at chlrcix l-‘crr'v
9.30pm 2am. £0 (£7). 27 Dcconly Spccial \icxt coaxt ('lirixtmax part) \\ ith all thc tixual colourlul \cgax charactcrx turning on thc l'cxtiu‘ charm.