
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


Extraordinary Everyday ( ‘( ‘.-\. Kill Sauchicliall Street. 353 lUllll “pm. l r'cc Book launch and panel discuxxion focusing; on arts in a social cutilt'\l.


Through the Letterbox Sc‘itllhll l’octr} librar}. 5 (‘riclrton‘x ('lmc. ('anongatc. 557 257». l lam (rpm. l-rcc. :\tt mliihilion illuminating: llk‘ lll;tl\lll;_' of a hook containing; haikus \\rillcn ll) lalc Scottish Renaissance pocl (icorpc llrut't'. and illustrated h} lili/ahcth lilackatltlt-r. Work h} icxwllcr Slicana Stephen is tll\pl;l_\ ml alongside.


Through the Letterbox Smurxli l’octr} lilit'ar'}. 5 ('ricliton'x ('Imc. ('attongatc. 55.— 387i. I lam (rpm, licc. Scc ‘l‘hu l5.

The Guid Crack Club: Festival of Lights ‘l'lit- \Vawrlc}. 81 .\lar_\ \ Sim-t. 550 957‘). "fiflpm. L5 donation. .\l| art- \xclcomc to come along: and hear \Ulllk‘ cracking: imm- _\arn\ and conlrrliutc a ten ottltcir unit it the) \\l\l1. tonight‘s special gucxl is “0111110 llcntlcrwn Sltctllaw.

Christmas Party Sandcman llouxc. 'l‘runks (low. 55 High Strccl. 531 lllfill. £5. .loin l't'lltm \\l'llt‘l'\;ll1tllllL‘St'Hllhll Book ‘l‘ruxl for an afternoon lorum on an issue al'l't‘cting Scottish \\ r'itcrx rcrnail \uggcxlions to

caitrinarmxtriin;(U \t‘otlrxlilmrrklr'tist,t'rrmr . and an m cning reception t'clcln'aling (‘lu'ixtmas and all it ln‘inps. .\tl\ancc hooking: atlx l\L‘tl.


Story Hour Alliance l‘iancaixc dc (il;t\§Jir\\. 3 Park ('irt‘us. “9-1331. l2..5ll l.5llplll. l'lk‘t‘. l{t‘tltllllf_‘\ (ll ('lirixtmax lair) talcx and \lur'it's lll l‘rcncli. .r\l| children agctl lour' upnar'tlx arc \wlcnmc. ll‘flill'tllth at their knoulcdgc of spokcn l'rcncli.

Colin McAllister 8. Justin Ryan llol'dctx llookx l‘ol'l Retail l’ar'k. WU l’rman Walk. 5" I‘llfl. lpm, l'rcc. Interior design tips and lcxtnc liantcr from tcll) '\ lmourilc laxlclul l\\o\omc as the} sign copit-x of their hit punlc llun .\'Hl In NH NIH/(k


Through the Letterbox Scottish l’octr} l.ilu'ar_\. 5 ('r‘icluon'x (like. (‘anongalc .55” 287». I .5pm lrcc Sn- ‘l'hu l5.

Sunday 18


Green Christmas Storytelling Raul Botanic (iartlcn rl:\|irlntion llall r. li\luhilron llall. lnwrlcrtli lx’rm. 55.‘ "l "1 2pm. l-r'cc. ’l'alkin‘: 'l'rccx lk'll ('lnr\lrna\ ta|c\ to delight and tickle )rriii t'lli\ll t‘.il\ The perfect \\a_\ to spend a crisp \\ lIllt'I K ttllL‘l‘llooll.

Tell Me a Story for Christmas St ('ccilia‘x llall. \ltltlr} Slim-l. 55ft W5”). 3.30 4.30pm. .loin Duncan \\ lll|;t|ll\iill and “mid (‘amplicll fora rc|a\rn;' afternoon of lcslnc \lttl'lt'\. snacks and decorations for" atlullx and oltlcr clnltlrcn lllt‘t'c \\ill ill\tl lit' a ‘i'tllt‘ l,o§._' tlct‘utalllh' \L'\\iott.

Through the Letterbox Scottish l’octr'} library 5 (‘ricliton‘x ('Imt; ('anongatc. 557 28%. l'rcc. Scc 'l Iru I5.


Colin and Justin

Monday 19


Through the Letterbox St'ollixll l’nctr) l ilnar}. 5 (‘rit‘lilon'x ('loxc. (flinongnrlc. 5.5" IVY» |l.nn (rpm. l‘rcc. \cc Hill 15,


Other Worlds Smith .\rl (iallct‘) and \ltixcum. l)llllll\tl'litll Road. (ll "Nb 3"I‘ll". 2.4 «l.'.‘ mcrnlicrx. r. .\ pr'cst'rilatton in pot-tr} .lll\l \Ullfj I») l{S,\\ll) tutor. \liwn \l\'\lurl.rntl. \‘\|‘lttl'lll_‘_‘ the oral naturc of Scottish son): tratlrlron and its rcsrslant’c to \l.l|l\l.ll'tll\.lllt\ll.

Tuesday 20

l dinburgh

Through the Letterbox Scounli l’oclr} lunar}. 5 (.llk'lilllll'\ (low. ("anonyaltz .55” .‘..\"o I lam (rpm. l-rcc. Sec Hill 15.

Wednesday 21


Through the Letterbox St‘rtllhll l’oclr} l.1|\r.n_\. 5 ('ricliton‘s (low. (Linonyalc. 55'" .‘Vfi I lam (rpm. l'rcc. Sec l llll 15.

Thursday 22


Seasonal Tales for a Victorian Fireside (|cr_\ of \lotlcrn ,\rl. ()uccn Street. .‘.“t l‘l‘lfr 1 5pm l'rcc .\n oppnilurul}. lot mutt-rs to g'alltct liryt'tltct' .lllkl \liarc lll}lll\. folklore poems and \ltlll\‘\ of .l lcslnt- nature If _\ou arc llll\'lk'\lt'kl lll pcrtornunp plcasc email iriar’t'xlicr'lanilfw' )alhurut uk as wailing: \lltl\ \‘-rll l‘t' lllllllt‘il.

l dinburgh

Through the Letterbox Scottish l’octr} lilnar}. 5 ('rrt'lilon'x (low. (Knioni'atc. 55" .‘X‘li. llaru (rpm. l‘rcc. \icc l lnr l5.

Wednesday 4

l. dinburgh Through the Letterbox Scollhli l’octr} | rluar}. 5 (in liltin's (low. ('aliong'alc.

.\ 'f», llarn (min. I lk'k'. Soc l liu l5.

Thursday 5

l dinburgh

Through the Letterbox St'ttllhll l’oclt’} l rlnar}. 5 ( "rrt‘lnon'x ( low. ( anonyalc. 55" .‘.r\"l~ llam (rpm l'icc, Sec l'liu l5.

. on pager-3



When in Rome

DC: .0.

As a creative team. writer loeb and artist Sale naxe been much praised tor titer." collaborative work on min series leafarrng characters like Batman and Superman. among many others. In this :nst; nce. however. it's something of a mismatched partnership.

Surtabry enough for its ltatrar‘ setting. this stars one of the more alluring \rliains around. Sale's tr'vsheu art lending this collection of the original series a kind of exaggerated bar‘ogue grarr‘cur‘. aibert overlaid '.'.!’.."r a r >sonant r‘octurnal groorr‘. that's pretty much numdaton, r.'.rl‘.en getting .n‘.:;~.'ed rn anything to ac wzth the Batman

liltfti't; ‘.'.rords. on the other land. are f;_)ll‘.(3‘.'.'ll£tl less :1snrato'ial. Presenting a l'lyfil(3f\ that's not really a rugstery the lead ;:riaracter ar‘d her .'.-::asei\,r accomplce the Etrddrer are only fleshed out rr‘. that comic book "‘ar‘ne: that allows them to ‘easrbly fail lt()ll‘. one kinetic act.on sequence '{3 another. '{ )avrd Pollockr

fill)! Ftrrl Ht)


litan [in 0..

Sup 2rman. Batman and ‘.".’onder Woman. Are there really any new stories to tell about [XI's conic trrurnxirate'?

Indie legend Matt Wagner clearly thrn s so. but an auspicious beginning soon gnes .'.'a\, to the predictable xc-rse chorus verse structure of exposition. fight and exposition in this uneven telling of the trio's first rneetrng.

Forced together when Ra's al Ghul enlists Superman clone Bizarro and renegade Ania/on Arternrs to help hrrn destroy the world and rebuild rt in his rrnage. the heroes must cast aside their prerudrces and work together to thwart the evrl eco- terrorist.

It's hardly a revolutionary concept. and although Wagner writes an excellent. slightly cynical Superman in stark contrast to the humour‘less Boy Scout he's usually portrayed as - and contributes strong. classical art. this all feels a little superfluous. rDave Martini



V For Vendetta lVertigo Titan) 0000.

A now our unva=

---.- ~~~...-

As milestones of the graphic novel form go. Moore's 1990 savage. terrifying satire rs near unsur‘r)assable.

World War III came and went. leaving disorder in its wake. lhrs chaos was gurckly reared in by small insurgent groups who used fear. force and faith to subdue an entire nation. forging a new ‘Greater' Britain. It rs in this brave new world that V. a mysterious. masked. swashbuckling figure. saves the young woman from unspeakable tortures. and takes her under hrs wing rnto a world that may prove to be full of tortures of its own.

Created against the background of a third term government that was losing its touch with the electorate. V For Vendetta still stuns in its relevance and totalitarian depiction. Although this beautifully packaged hardback edition comes on the back of the delayed release of the Wachowskr brothers' film version (put back because of the London bombings). it's the current political climate that seems to be the clearest reason for releasing this haunting gem. (Paul Dale)


All-Star Superman No.1

(DC) 000

Seemingly working his way round the entire canon of established Superheroes as an aside to his more personal projects. Grant Morrison here finally gets hrs hands on gurte possibly the most iconic. Once again he's teamed with fellow Scot Frank Quitely —« whose vrvrd. clear lines brightened the early issues of Morrison’s exciting run on New X-Merr - and this first chapter of a continuing story naturally tones down the writer’s more customarin graphic excesses.

In a nutshell: saying the crew of a spacecraft sent to map the surface of the sun from a ‘genetically rnodifred suicide bomb in human form'. Superman's powers are overloaded and he starts to die. So far. so mainstream. if sharply executed in all departments. A taste of warped things to come. (Davrd Pollock)