1 David Tennant (78)

|,\ at ~,. (‘ 4,09 H, ,t 1., ,, J1,» ,, , t, t\.\, (but, out,“ 5) 1 new,» (ml‘, (KAN He he .. .t In a

re,at"vee‘maxhh 0: Dana

tlte (:ttH'ertt ,tlnttatt,

lem; Hit the l’atffej. we actor's; (/00?) (:areer‘

l'élllffii’fl', (;()tt'1l pe (l()'l‘[)£lt’€}(l to a (tn rival}, t;r'<>'.'.wht; s;"::.'.’l>ail that (:a': s;t.'t;ev's;e(:e (E'.(E"‘,',t‘-"ttt .l‘t Sight.

A? the heqzttn'hg et' ‘f'te year. the ftk'ltl“, Seett 3h thespla". .'.”th the heel: pat», eyes; was prehatzly tweet Keeyz'r‘ ‘()r hn; rite"t::'ahe lttt't. f;(ltl£ttltl(} up In Dap'vrt l\./'I()t'-f}f1€‘:', as; a seedy. £i"‘-t)t(;tif} :3e?e<:t:‘.e in the BBC}; [)(L-"ll'f; l’ette' "1:;pt'ett "lllSItIétl :l'arha Ar; teeter (W the

Hawker,‘ .ettge (, a 'te..' ytrtzl.

":ar‘. e" an; r‘e;'.1;;:g;er‘t‘5; shell re‘.'ea'f; a pletl‘eia <;‘ 'l‘;i§l£1/:l‘<?(i()‘.‘(?!f; ‘eafttlzr‘g lenrraht at; the tenth. near‘rtatreh (t‘ Heat/N tithe. pattlm; C',l)(2't‘l(3t‘. l" f'te ttifltJHXilé‘Kl f3til ft ae' es! ()’>."x:;{'7u't:; /,'*'.'a:;/ert. lewwfi tnssf leapt tr; the atfetttuw et' the f;(t|t£ll(} e,e’t Butts“. ;;:.'t;ls<; l>a<tn i.“ We Hum ‘frflf; .'.<:th hit; ;,<;v'fr,'rnart<;e (if; "lillt'fi (tepremgrxe ll()f§l)l7(tl rattle ,2: ‘4; tar \Zatttz:t;e=? “1 BBC Shetland}; [ah/Ir" ()uet flat/t3", 110:. Hlf; sweep. (Late-e" has; tttpltetl once again It 'e-';e.'tt ‘,ea's; tltatw; tu hm; f;ll()‘.'."~,' ttt'h as; the

fatmtwtti; '. "eh (Butte! t‘. Stept‘er‘ l '5; [fil/gl‘f Yet/Hg

Vega. I" The intern" the 'tt).'." 3"- year (t

(l auto." ",()".(:(l ’11:; watt ert a ",tltilME" 0t t)l(:f$ll(}§()tif; theatte “"i‘i’93‘3- t"l?'l"l"":! seam? <3 -.'."tl‘ [:84. [)tthtlee Rep lt‘(:§l°_l(r aerl The l?<,,at Shake-Spea'e ;()l'r‘.t)€ttt‘,. .‘xlth when he pia,e<l Hf)"li:f, to .'.'=<le (:r'2tl<,al aeelautt. Appea' "g; eawn it. 3; ‘,(:£lt' as; J h‘t't, l’e"f<:-'. the pug/mat 'a'ttgt, ,ehrtg; “tail 0: the Bitfnfit theatre tl‘. thell.<:et:r'1'5;textualettlehp()stwtttvtte'eleekHack N‘ Art/11,”. lertpartt matte a triumphant tettnh te tl‘e Statush stage. l l.f; ‘(:‘.’(:t'|f$lt [)I>r‘t(>t"‘tzzti(;<: helped that; ("e Henrietta, trr,t.l;lef;r,t'te pia, leKlllt] a'ttl ‘3’;.":£t-'tl"‘t] "to the ’/“f;t ee'tttr‘, awe" l‘:tt't£t."t aahhetl

t' r: (to! t; u Heat Mare l’erfewna'um 't‘ fine (when

/\'.'.'av<lr; fer theatre {'1 Scotland IONS.

4OTHELIST” I». "' v

Yet i S; ta" 't'f; appearances; :th the f3l‘téil am: t;tl'.e' E;(:'(+(:-l‘ 'hat l(1~"..":£ll“t earr‘s; t‘, 5:, Ma't at the V(?£tl aeeeiatle ttf3flil0'u3350'1'()i(?53£ll’(}llétlttClUtll‘. vt<;t<:-'.'.<>tthj.. r‘e‘. rp(}t’(‘:l‘, ‘er the” tllittl‘flt‘zt‘titk. he: the el‘ee' '(llt§}(? at characters ‘.'.'l‘:;:;e :skzr‘é; he "as; tl‘-l‘~£lt)ll€:(l. ll-r; status as a 't<>t;5;e.'t<>i<l aga"‘<> gar; leaked (zf‘ tr, a (:l‘eek‘, perfe'r‘ta'tet‘: (lf; Zl‘e j.::,t,"t_;ei trear'tatte". et the eexaal". £t(l*.(}l‘lt.lf);if3 tam,- ltumei? l [)a‘.'tes;' (Jami/12'. H, 't() wears average tell}, l‘ttr‘k. lt)’tt‘£l"tTY‘:)"(Eflu!"(:(3'1‘.'Itt(‘<?tttifi the (laishvtgt. :;L.'pe' t2()l‘li(l(}'tT f:l{]it".(‘: <:.t‘.tt'tt; a :;_-.'att2e lt":)tl§}‘t the t;e"fee§ ia<l;ef; at l tt'tilh’i'.

E‘SI'KI‘Q’ theft. l(}'tt‘-£t.".lllétf;§t()'t(ft)'l11);)0'f'tt', earpeet [)1 limewe m the live ‘.'.'(>":l ‘et .'.'f>'(lBH(:-1 update 07' l€l1'>()s;<:lztss;i<; [he Oun’IfeHth;

l ‘-:.')e'.«"7:(,>.'>f. £1llilll£lf§jtlf3l put lllf;tltl<(tll(?F§ll"t rm that <>l<l (:hefsthttt. the (:ha'r‘mt; pf;',<;h<:. l)'£i‘,‘ll(_) stalker %I'<:-v‘.<iart Bleak 'r‘. llV'f; See/e3 SSW/e. lla‘. we spent f;(; 't‘.tt<tlt t.'"e 'H ahtl e: t >?' the make up (:lza'! tel tl‘e yeav'f; meet tt()l£lt)l(? telex'aruert (lrat‘tat;. .t'5; a unret‘tler the aetev' tl£t(l t-me te aquee/e ltt a Scene-ti. (IMO‘IXI-‘K; l)(?tl<)t'tt1£tt‘(:(}£th t‘teevtl Béttf'y (:l()tl<1ll\Jt trt / l’etfe' am! the telfle-fet‘fVe. let alone(:er‘tpietettit; tvtattgtn‘ai :3ene:; at; the I'lll(3t)l(l l'trvteler‘tt.

Followers 0‘ Termattt wet to mention legumes; of loyal LVN) ‘.’|£i 18' will he ‘.'.’£it(lltlltt} his; fuet preper' euttht; as; the [)eetet' tltts; ()hmtmar; Day With great Interest. Judging; h‘," the l<3£tf3€3l trailer I". Nexertthei‘s (Shot/tee ,n Heed extrax'attah/a. the aeter If; !(}{l(l'tttt the character further a‘.'.«'a\,' tree] hlf; authet'tarlar‘ ()tlttlllfs. (Lr'eatntt; a mere hip, taut haek Inearvtatlett I: .'./.II he Interestlrtt; t<> SH: \.'..'hat l)|(l‘,|ltt} sueh alt lemme

charact :' ‘.'.’ll] (te fer lehnartt's; ‘.'./I<te.v (:ateev'.

Cttttf;l()t)tt(?"[’“(i(:t(:f;l()lt(1llll thereleteavettl l‘,l)(f’l£tf3lltl(). while preweua [)p<:tt)rt; have t;titt(_;t;'(:<t

te .‘.’l'l§}(}t(} ettt of the eutrageeuel; lent; t;<:ar'l. that


' tn”, to .y t“ ,t \ -~,~-,‘, '; ,.,..~ qt“. ._ t,“ ,H' l(:l ..(,'t.t 3. I(/ (1-,.I (it; \l

amualatelz (l'tl' t..a"f ‘_ t ,l' .t' W) was; "watts

E3Lili‘_ It f;(?(}"lf; the fita' st'amx l)t‘:'f;l-f", pg, "at; germ:

ft. t:'.'<:le_ All


Kelly Apter, Nick Barley, Norman Chalmers, Steve Cramer, Paul Dale, Ashley Davies, Brian Donaldson, Mark Edmundson, Malcolm Jack, Doug Johnstone, Alexander Kennedy, Carol Main, Dave Martin, Kenny Mathieson, Stuart McHugh, Emma Newlands, Camilla Pia, David Pollock, Allan Radcliffe, Mark Robertson, Barry Shelby, James Smart