10 Armando Iannucci


\‘."e'<l '.'./arted patrehtly for t'.'.ro long; decades for a :ruairtz‘ Htrlrst‘. p<>..t.<:a «:ttrr‘tv '~.'/hen frnaily. Hie an‘m of/f. Armando lanrrue<:;'s exee-‘rent sent 't‘t)t;>. star ser hrt our sereens. It made up for {ill that lost Intro and then some. lle (les<:r't;:::

hrrllrantiy (:ynreal fly -on the-«yaall style serres as 'Yes :‘gfrhrsfe.’ meets /.":?1.:‘"‘.

Sande/s Show.” out exert that sold :t short: :t .'.as one of the :jle.-;:res‘. :e"o.'.

the l;ox In 200:"). The llrrex of It uhreh (l(3it‘.'(}r'(::l re<;ord 'gifl’tglf; ‘o' lv‘lv‘tll and (:orn'no to BBC? next year really (:aprtalrsed on the (Blasooz'. l‘,()tt‘ (termed). director. producer and performers strengths Ialthoutth he rema 'tetr (z‘f f;( '<:-:;

Fae-r suree h:s ear'l‘, oa‘,.s ()l‘ ()hrrs lvlorrrs' [He Ha: fora. and Keats. r.

K'to.'.'r>t,' You. ..

hex/l '.'.'orthy (:ortteoy out of the darkest. most drstmrnrsr rr‘ale' at. T! to 'l‘r:";.‘:

SIJplflll‘, ar‘d rn;ustr<:e, As well as ‘.'.'r'rt:tt;

1203‘? Alan l’t'trt/roge. lar‘nuerr l‘as heer‘: a“ expert at s;; r‘ ‘t ‘1

[he [.’lrr,r\ /.'. Ila?) ,ear he s upte

hresented Rad'o -.'s Anna/too lair/rueer's (Sham: ()f/‘(,‘.’I_‘;;'.’r}. a cuerl ar>eue

aseragte top't:ai';sh. eome panel show: And. perhaps more notalny. he

do? l“!Y‘f;(:|l rhto the (:omedy reeord hooks after heht; (t;2;::;‘t‘r°.é:(t professor of hroadeast meoa u:s:t.no (:hanrr for ()xt’zxrd lJr‘ xers t,. lanvtaeer :s (:trr‘rerttly ‘.'.'or'krn(_; on a shox'; (:alled Irrrte I'orrjoef. a lake

"rstor‘, programme lookrnr; hack on (:urrent events from ~15; years :r:

the future. It's (:ertarn to he genrus. IN).

9 KT Tunstall (40) ) SiNGEQ/SCHGVCiffj‘

ln ()r:toher‘ 200-1

.5; known rl‘. tne trade as a ‘Holland'.

Kl lunstall drd '.'.'hat

Not that she relaxed he" la.'.'s on eannahrs o' estalmshed (:ontrols on prostatutrrr. 'htr’. she was uneer'err"onrously' shot Into the pulzlre e,e . a a s'ot o" I ate! . . 120th Joo/s l/(;.v’a.'tr:_ lha'. per‘orrnanrx: o" 'Hlaek Horse and tl‘e Cherry free a sort; .'.’lt (:h .'.er‘-t onto heat ()asrs. James Blrht and ‘Zordpia', to a () /\.'.raro for Song; o‘ the Year

a seuous contender arurr she has spent

estaoi'shed her as

lt‘t: 'tt';f‘.lltf; srr‘<:e hummer; on t.

‘./'./h:|e her (teler allrurn sales dangle trst under the one 'rrrllrer‘ lt‘zt'k. the ‘essor‘. ltere rs more one of perse‘.era'i:;e. as luhstalr spent se‘.erat yea's plah'rr; r". eoffee shops

to a sele<;f fer.’ trelore the songs front

36 THE LIST " Ina .1 .‘ I

the exeerler‘t 1 '.e .‘o the lefeseope mere lzrtariy prefixed up and run. tl‘. lhzs summer. f;l()'71l).l‘;tt per'for'mar‘ees a‘. Glastonbury and l .r‘; the Park as .'.'e|l as a ::<:..ple <,-‘ soldeut UK tours s<,-aie-'l .".(:l fate: sne auras r,»-::-<:<,n‘..ng; a proper pa't of lirttrsn m.:s" lhe rrrrportan'. tl‘vro '1, tt:lll(:lt‘.l)(;t .s that t'trs :a'rrvr'. he soier, attrrlrtried to .'.r.":.: £illtl)ll=<;t‘-i ner oe‘tness as a sonrrmrter rs r T)'lf;“il(:létlné: and her l (-nee (Jo'lertryt: rot/.1; are a remrnoer that thrs :s l‘.i: par'tteo up pep hopele hat someone .'.'rt't t're sk'l s to pay the hzfls. And leave a trp aftertaards.


x, r:':. a"i .r":l if‘tlr't‘AMf; effer:t.

l \l."'l',1.'t§l‘ hasn't pee.“ the only

“art‘s depart'tter‘t store rahoyer

\; age-raring; from hunger and

"t ::..r-.: l!."r‘.:t;:; at:<:ornt)an:e<t

':>nr:s. {ll-)t‘glIizt'lltit1.!;ll)()l'£ii()!’

‘i; ;,t‘:~t,t:tt(

., .mat eons a .rutr‘ul

men. :‘t' t>rr‘..a,'tt shouxs tor the

speerfre lo<:atron.

Asrde from therr own grfts. the parr 3st <t tweeters of (3nd Iron. haxe ehosen some tremendous (:oilahorators over the years. most 'rotahly Jones. lrghtrng desrgner .7"t,>1')e. “s / woe-r alone. George larhuek and the exeellent anonottlnvr()1a::e‘st;ool< physreal theatre actress Cart Dawes. ~;::-;z::ts of appet;te and rts '-.'.'ho. although not present thrs yvear. mm. are. At tr‘<:l :r:r:hu'g;n ‘.'.'rll no douht return soon. ‘SCr grunts, a::::ort‘r,ar‘.red hy

.'.<>':r\e<t i"t‘;rr Lay ltttotrgth

.KT'. H‘Hx (I.1"}:I'Irl(i'fi{/(l\.l\i

:rmst T"Is szrpe'h sr‘<>.'.'. .'.'l‘.::r‘.

Zorn. Nev. York and

7 Simon Starling (42)

st:"-.:_r...e. l'. .’.as ar‘ apt re‘.'.'ard

‘. If: .'.-n<:m l)o::hert‘, and As the 200:") ‘.'./rnner of the Turner Prrze.

«:2 .ahovateo on a Srmon Starlrng gvrll reeer‘xe more than ,ust a 325.000 (:hedue. Hrs work now :resat re sr't::e the (Z()lll[){t"9{. hears the stamp of oflrerally sanetroned .'.as ‘o~"ed. Ar'tono rrtralrty yarnrle (:omprrsrng the most these .'.e'e non art materraas. urges and (L't’grr'rfgrrr. researches rntaornahle. The /t2.~'r;en'atror‘ and ‘Shedhoatshed sculpture was turned [he Bloody rr‘to a hoat then 'eeor‘strueted hefore (Irrarrzoer. all of rnstallatzon rn the Tate alter herng '.h.<:h made paddled do‘.-.'n a seetron of the thne. vnsprred Hrs '.'.'or transforms exeryoay or <:nor<:es of found ohreets -v a Charles Eames


eharr. a nan. prano: . rnododendrons l>y (:onlusrng t'nerr' supposed orrgrns. retroorng tnerr components. underlrnrng enwrrorrrnehtal Issues that relate to them and then pr'ese'rtrng them as ‘researeh hased art'. Some thrnos are taken hack to where (:ur (l()|t)t‘.l£li predecessor‘s found them. samples of rhododendron por‘tr<:ur". for example. warren terrrporarry ouno themselyes as part of the 1300»? Venree Brennale tStar'rno was part o‘ the f'st exttltrs!‘.ely Cttottrsh payrrren rn Venrr:e-.

In theory. hrs work should repel the magpre irke- puhlro hut the r'rstallatror‘. at thrs year's l‘umer‘ Pr'r/e uve'rt donnn a treat rmayhe oar tooi shed frxatron svmnrt t':‘ He also managed t.) l()()r\ trute rather than daft after tallrng; down tl‘e starts unnen he aeeepted the award. (Ziassze. 'AKr