Accommodation wanted


Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810 620 email: festl' or write to 3 Linkylea Cottages, Gifford, Lothian EH41 4PI'I. wwwfestivalflatsnet

Commercial Property

EDINBURGH I Looking for affordable

nllkc \lxlcc Ill ll) mimic ;llltl cl'mllxc cm ll'llllllIL‘lll lll Slnc'klil'lllgc :ll'cu'.’ \Vc llnpc xn' l’llllIlL' RIL‘llill'Ll ()ll Ill 3| ,l-Il

2222 nl' clllull llcllul‘llln' llL‘L‘IlL‘I

Office to rent within Edinburgh - l)C\l:_‘ll Sillllln, \\Ulll\l \llll .v\l'cllllu‘l / Snlc l’l'ut‘llllnllL‘l. \L'I‘} l'cllsnlluhlc I'L'lll I‘UI lllnlc llllnl'lllullnll cull .\I;l\\\cll (ilccn l)L'\lL'II l.Iil

0131 661 7766

Flats to let


limlllllul l\\n lwlll'nnlll \lil‘lll KL‘l\lll\lle‘ lllll. Mmlt‘l'll kllt‘llcll. l‘dlllllllllll. Inllllgc. Soc Cllll'). (3(‘ll .lllll llnlllilcglu/lllg. 51lllll»ll'nlll Ii}l'c»l<n;ul. [S‘Hpgni llfl‘HlN ‘l-IN UN).

Scc \\ xx \\.l Illqllu'll lllul'gul'cllll‘nct'nlll

I Very Central Glasgow ("llll pull plu» lull» Illll \Vclllllg lnll Sll‘ccl. Inn / llll'L‘L' lk'll l'nnlll. (}(‘ll. .'\\;lllillllt‘ lllllllclll .llt'l). Icl ll‘7‘)(l.\' I5"".\l\' ln \lc\\. I Glasgow (Denniston) flat ln l'L‘lll. ()llL‘ lu‘lllnnlll plu» hn\lnnlll. l.;ll';_'c .llll'ucllw |l\lll;_' lnnlll plll» wpumll' \puclnll» kllcllcll \\llll llnx cnnkcl' .lllll hashing: llluclllllc. L'S-Ill pull plll» lull» “MU-II) N-II 556

I Glasgow West End - lt‘c't'llll} \lL‘x'Ul'JIL‘tl Ullc llclll'lmlll llll'lll\llL‘tl ll;ll. lx'clHlllulllgc, \\Ullltl \llll llnll winking [ll'lllk‘\ \lllllill pclxnll/cnllplc HUS [NH] 7 lull» (hill lllll 3% 2‘)ll"/ ll"75(l 325 .\.ill

I Glasgow Southside Flat ln RL‘III, .\ lwulllllul. hllglll. 2 lwclllnnlllctl l|.ll lll lllt' llcxll'uhlc (‘lllt't‘lhlkll'lx .llcu. l,l\lll:_' lnnlll. 2 hull'nnlll»tllll mg: kllt’llcll. lmllllnnlll. .\l| llllltl t‘nll» L315“ [Will i ('l. lt‘l lll~Il (l-I‘) l5.\_‘ nl‘ UNI: 071 »l"ll

I Luxury furnished 2 bedroom lllulll llnnl‘ gl'nllllll llnnl' llgll \\ llll gunk-ll lll Sll'ullllllallc. (i;l» (’ll. Hmullllll lik'illlllll. Rcmlcnl» parking. (ll;l\_*_'n\\ 2“ mm» Slll‘llllg: *5

mill» Mllllgmlc 7 min» £595 pm" mnlllll. (‘nlllucl 0788‘) SH l—IX / HIV)“ 77H 7(ll)


I Edinburgh. Immaculate fully llll'lll\llL‘tl l\\n |;ll‘;:c llnllhlc hull'nnlll ll;ll lll (llllnllllllllx. 2ll llllll \\illl\ ln u-llll'c. L55” pull. .'\\;lllillllL' mm. \nll \lllnklllg lil‘lllt‘\\lllll ill\ nlll} 7 Icl H70“) 253 388 I Old Town - One l‘L'tl l'nnlll llul ;l\.lll;lll|c l'nl' lnllg. \hnll lL‘lIll nl' Ilnllilll} lcl. Icl llTNih' I'T.i (Flu

Edinburgh, sunny Newhaven. \\;ll'lll. ll'L‘\ll .llltl lll'lglll I hull lnnlll llill. (i('ll. l)(i. llL'\\ \\;l\|lcl‘/\ll_\cl .lllll lllllgc/lluvcl: Inp llnnl. \cl‘) lllllcl. \cclll‘ll} cull}. Silll ll/\ pl'nlL‘\\lllll;ll L'Ull plc nl‘ \lllleL‘. L-lnll pull. Call Alison on 07968 823 381

I Edinburgh, Newington, 2 tllllllIlC lwlll’nnlll Illll_\ l'ul m»|lcll l|;ll. Kllcllcll/dllllllg. In my lnnlll. Inllllxxllnum‘ l'nnlll. plclll} \lnl;l;_'c, |.n\cl) lllIL‘l'llll' \\llll .lll llIUtl L'Ull\ Ill ll‘udlllnlml lilllltllllg. gl'nlllltl l'lnnl'. (il'ml l‘ll\ lllll\\ .lllll llL'L' lullklllg. Still pl'nl amply/2 \llilllllfJ. l‘cls lctlllllcll, .'\\;lll t‘llll III” ()0. L505 plll ~r lull» lt'l (F788 (i2h .\(l‘)

Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more. the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our

Classified Property



I I am a Dundonian L'lll' l'cllll) |i\ in; Ill (il'ccllnck :llld Innklllg ln lllU\L‘ ln (iluxgnu I\\L‘\IL‘lltl/ lllL‘l'L‘llillll cit} ). I am unl'klllg Ill (il‘ccllnck .l» u xnclul \Hll'le‘l and plan In L‘UlllllllllL‘ cu'l'} llu}. l tllll 2h lallll luck and L'll_|(l_\ gnlng nul :ll \wck cllll» illll Innklllg ln \llill'L‘ \\ llll .l _\nllllg_' pl‘nlc»»inll;ll nl‘ llllllln‘c \llltlk‘lll. 'l-L‘l: “7380 335 4H)


I Fun, friendly, female [ll'lllL‘\\ll)ll;ll. 23. mm in; In laillnhurgll (ll/lll/lln lnnklllg lnl' l'l;ll»ll;ll‘c Ill and .ll'nllllll cll) t‘cllll'c, ('ull Rlllllnllll7h'21 .122 053



I West End luxury, cwcll- llH‘ ll;ll. lll II'L‘L' llllL‘tl \ll'L‘L‘l lll Kch lll\ltlL‘. lk‘ulllll'ul tlnuhlc lwtll‘nnlll \\llll sllllllg ill'L‘il. l\\n lelhl'nnlll» UIIL' \\ lIll juccll/l. l\\n nlllcr \llllllg arm» and scpgl lulu kllcllcll. parking \lmcc. ;l\;ll|;lll|c lllllllCtllillL‘l}, £375 pm lllnlllll, l’lcuxc cull (l77llX()(\_§ll(l-l.

I Professional female flatmate \\;llllcil. \\ L'\l Clltl In \llill't‘ \\ llll nllc UlllL‘l' l22/l/llnll \llllet'l'l. lll \L‘l') »p;lclnu» ll;ll IIL‘\I ln (llil\:_'(l\\ l'lll Ilhl'ul'}. 'l-L‘lj (l77fill547l‘fi

Flatshare cont.

I Large double room (17") .\ ‘l'2l. \\ llll 'l‘\' pnllll :lllll hl'nllillxlllll. ln lcl lll cnnl Inll illlill'llllL‘llI lll ‘l‘l'utlmlnn. (ilglxgnu (‘ll_\ ('cllllclll llllll \\;lll\ l'l'nlll cll) L'L‘IIII'L‘. 2 llllll\ ll'nlll llllllcl'gl'nlllld. £350 pL‘lll IllL' hill» ('nnlucl: ('lllllcl‘nll: L‘illllL‘l‘Ull l 2 l ()(U hlllllt‘l‘llcl.cnlll nl' cull (ll-II 42‘) Sllllfi lllllll (l7‘)(l() 807 l45 (\llllil

I Flatmate wanted to \llill'L' l'cl;l\cll. hl'iglll. \puclnu» \\ k‘\l L'lltl l'llll (\nlllllpul'k thL‘llllL‘l. llnuhlc l'nnlll. huge Inullgc. (i(’ll. lunalllxlllll. ull lllnd all)» L‘Alanumlh + lull» cull Pillll nll 07813 330 302. I Beautiful spacious room mullahlc lll Snlllllxlllt‘ llul. li;l»\gnlllg. pl‘nlL‘xxlnnul. clcull :llld lid} pclwll xnllghl. I-‘lul ll;l\ llL'\\ kitchen and bath l'nnlll .lml llllltlL‘l'll l'lll'lllllll'c. llillltl} l'nl' ll';llll. \llPL'l'lllill'l'xCl. l;lkc;l\\;l_\» clc. 'l'cl: H7738 532 04-1

I Flatmate required for u lk‘utlllllll I'L‘\ltlL‘IIL'C ln \Vnndlllnll» l llnllhlc lk‘lll'lllllll ;l\;li|;llw|c. (i(‘ll. Sut‘lll'il} clll. lulgc ll\lll:_' l'UUlIl tk lxlIL'llL‘ll Lilli) pull. l’lll» hill» Ynllllg pl‘nlcxslnllul pl'L‘lL'l'l'ul. I’l'npcrl) ;l\;lll;lhlc ll‘nlll .l;lnll;ll‘.\.'l‘c|: ()7780 345 547

I LARGE EN-SUITE ROOM. l.;llg_'c \\c\l l'.lltl l‘lill. plm L‘l‘ \lllm L‘l'. lillL'C llxllc‘llc‘ll. Inllngc and dining: .ll'cu \\ llll IV. l)\'l) clc. Bl'n;ldh;1lld. ('lcllllcl‘. £325 l’('.\1 + Hill» + (I + Dcpnxll. ‘l-L‘l: “797.: If): .lJl

flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives 40,000 unique visits per month.

. up 30mins; reseller. , thétlaftsmrélfll‘r'mm t“ mm" m i v ,. ,g .

Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service.

Adverts placed prior to 12pm on Fri 13 January are free of charge. Adverts placed after 12pm on Fri 13 January will cost £5 and must be paid for by credit/debit card at the time of booking. For administration purposes, advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication)

The Flatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication in this section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be placed in our 'Flats to Let' section, full instructions for booking these ads are available on our website by clicking on 'Flats to Let'.

it is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be offensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our

discretion and without explanation.

If you would like further information about The List flatshare service. there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We'advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety, you should always have

someone with you when you are showing people your flat. or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

.l.lll Ra‘w‘i: THE LIST 123

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