FACTBOX: VOLUNTEERING WW" Y°tumseir$’, Weratsesniace from 1—7 June 2006-


As we reach the first anniversary of the Asian tsunami, now is the time to combine culture and charity on a volunteering trip, says Rachael Street. Additional reseach: Gillian Carmichael.

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Around 43% of Scotland’s population (roughly 1.8 million adults) their

charity each year. Hours worked each month:

economy: £510 million-£1.25 billion. See‘www.vds.org.uk for more information.

9 million. Annual contribution to the

of the new

camcorders PAGE 115

ike the death ol‘ l)iana or 1 I September. most people can remember very clearly where they were when they heard about the tsunami in south-east Asia. .\'eil Butler was in llikkaduwa. Sri l.anka. reading a book about tsunamis when the tirst waves came in. He was lucky to escape with all his friends and family but only live days alter returning home to (ilasgow. the managing director ol' [7. livents was back in Sri l.anka to help with the relief el’l'ort. having secured the support of Lord l’rovost l.i/ (‘ameron to set up the llikkaduwa Area Reliel' l‘und. ‘lmmediately. we wanted to help the people who had helped us escape from the disaster.‘ he explains. ‘We were extremely l'ortunate. but around 4000- to-5()()() people died within a mile radius ol where we were.‘ ()ne of his lirst projects was to set up a boat yard to help create jobs for local people and vital to this was the support ol a retired boat builder from File called \Villie Meldrum. He is one ol‘ thousands ol volunteers who have helped the llikkaduw'a Area Reliel‘ l’und

and other charities by ol‘l'ering their services to the affected ' communities doing everything from building walls and clearing beaches to

providing medical support or project managing. l‘or many the

chance to offer tangible support

is more important than just donating money and it is clear

that there is still plenty more

that needs to be done. "l‘his is a

major ongoing project.‘ says Butler. ‘.'\s a charity we're committed to helping for at least live years.‘

So whether you have two weeks or two years to spare. there are plenty ol‘ organisations that can help budding volunteers do their bit. l‘rom clearing beaches in 'l‘hailand to building walls in Yorkshire. the scope for taking a volunteer holiday is huge. Sonic combine short periods ol work with cultural tours. because in the quest to help out in some ol‘ the poor and damaged areas ol' the world. it's important to remember that the tourist pound can be as vital as an hour spent planting trees. As Neil Butler points out: "l‘he average wage in Sri l.anka is £250. but by spending that amount or more on a two-week holiday. you could support a lainin tor a year.’



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Example trip: Taking part in long-term support work in areas of Sri Lanka affected by the tsunami, involving tasks such as clearing beaches or helping out in a classroom.

Fee $7795 for a two week tin l(?X(Iltl(lllltl flights throng“. Responsible lravol.

Global Crossroad

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