Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Carol Main.
I Music in the University: German Lieder (illl\:_‘()\\ l‘nixcrxii} (‘onccrl llall. l‘mxcrxil} .v\\cnuc. 33(l 4WD. l.l(l 2pm. i'il'L'L'. .\ \aricl} ol \ongx h} (ici‘man conipoxcrx including Brahmx' l.i¢'/u'\/imli'r llu/u'r l'or lour- Dari |lll.\L‘tl \oiccx \\ ilh Brahmx' tour- hand piano accompaniman
I Brass Workshop with the Golden Section RSAMI). Inn chl'rcu Slrccl. 332 5057. 2pm. l‘rcc. lickclcd. Bra“ \Hil'lxxllnp l'rom lilt‘llilk‘l'x (ll. lliL‘ (illltlL‘ll SL‘L‘liUll.
I Carmen Ro}a| ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 .\'(l()(). 7.30pm. U750 [30. (‘hixinau National ()pcra pl'cxcnh Bi/cl'x p;|\\ioiialc Spanixh opcra haxcd on a tltlllgt‘l’ullx gHix} girl and hcr lo\ci' l)on Joxc.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xhcr Hall. l.olhian Road. 22\’ ll55. 7.30pm. 'l‘\\o acnxalional .'\u\irian
\ iolinixlx arc gucxlx ol' lhc S(‘(). chlacing K) ling-\Vha ('hung. \\lio lltlx a lingcr injury ix llcniamin Schinitl. “ho pla}\ BachK li major and A minor Violin (‘Ullct’l'lUx .'\lt'\&llltiL‘l' .lanivck. a prc\ iou\ lcadcr ol' lhc orchcxira. dii‘cclx Bach\ Ifrum/vn/mrg ('uni‘i'rlu .Vu J and llayln'x (‘lmA .Sl'liI/i/IHIIV.
Friday 18
I Lunchtime Concert: Golden Section RS.\.\H). Hill RL‘lil'l'C“ Sll't‘cl. 332 5057. lpm. £7 (£5). .-\ prograininc ol llillle‘ \\ iih l.alin. :\l'rican. .-\\ian and liuropcan originx.
I Carmen Ro)al (‘onccrl Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Sli'ccl. 35.3 MN)“. 7.30pm.
Li l 7.5” [.50. SL‘C ililill l7.
I Handel’s Messiah Si :\lo_\ xiux‘ (lunch. 25 RUxC Sirccl. (iarnclhill. 332 5057'. 7.30pm. L' | 5 lL'5 childran JillllL‘x llunlcr conducix incinth oi lhc BBC Scottish S}iiiplioii_\ ()I'chcxli‘a and lhc Bcarulcn ('hoir ill a pcrloriiiaiicc ol' Hanch iii;i\lcl'piccc in tlltl ol' lhc lili("\ (‘illitll't'll ill \L'L‘il appcal. .l'lL‘kL‘h can hc purchaxctl ai lhc RSAMI) or on lliL‘ tlool'.
I St Aloysius’ College: Trafalgar Concert RS.r\.\ll). llll) chl'rc“ Sli'ccl. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5. .-\n c\cning ol' mu\ic to mark ihc hiccnlcnar} ol‘ lhc Haillc ol‘ 'l'ral'algar. lo includc lla'uln‘x .Vr/wn '\ .lluxx. 'l‘ickclx arc amilahlc l'rom Si :\lo} \illxi ('ollcgc l'L‘L‘L‘plioli. 45 Hill Slrccl. (ilaxgou.
I Spirit of France Si .-\ndrc\\ \ in lhc Squarc. Si .'\nilrc\\ '\ Squarc. 5-18 ()()2(). 8pm. [7 it'3 t5), Siraihclulc l'nhcrxil} ('hamhcr (‘hoir ix conducch h} Alan ‘llncncr in a pcrl'ormancc iii an all l-‘rcnch programmc. lo includc \\Ul'k\ h} l’oulcnc. \lcxxiacn. l)urul'lc and lirik Salic.
I Organ Recital: Roger Fisher .\lcli\\an Hall. Brixlo Squarc. 6504381. |.l(lpm. l‘rcc. .\ pcrl'ormancc ol’ RilL'llth‘ligL‘l'.\ Sir/lulu .VU // ill I) Illllll’l' and Slccl'x \iu'iuliunx on u 'l'ln'nu' of (iiii/luiinn' (li' .llni'liuul.
RSNO: Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite l'xhci‘ Hall. l.ol|iiaii Road. 228
l I55. 7.30pm. L‘l2 £28. Kl'ixljall Jam. \on M RS.\'()\ on n \ccmc Jami lL‘tltl\ llic oi'clic\ll‘a in a pcrl'ormancc ol
Slim inxk} '\ tla/xling l'irv/nn/ Sui/v. Danish \il'llloxo \iolinixl Nikolai [lliiitlL‘l' is \oloixl l'or Bl'alillix' lilo/I’ll (IN/[(Y’I‘IH.
82 i Ni). " [JUL I/UUS)
Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Sun 20 Nov
ST PETERSBURG PHILHARMONIC Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Tue 22 Nov
Moscow and St Petersburg - twin city tourist destinations that trip off the tongue like Brussels and Bruges or Rome and Naples. But what they have that the others don’t are their very own top drawer orchestras, both of which visit Scotland’s two leading cities this month. While Edinburgh plays host to the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra as part of the Usher Hall’s International Classics season, Glasgow welcomes the St Petersburg Philharmonic to the Royal Concert Hall just two days later, as part of their series of super-starry performers (which, incidentally, has even more of the Russians coming when the Kirov
appear with Valery Gergiev in May).
Predictably, both have programmed stalwarts of the Russian repertoire, although the St Petersburgers do also venture into the wider symphonic world with Brahms’ Symphony No 2. Conducted by the
The Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
Saturday 1 9
RSNO: Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite Ro}al ('onccrl Hall. 2 Saucliichall Slrccl. 55.3 Kill)“. 7.30pm. “5 £30. SL‘L‘ l'ri l8.
I Edinburgh University String Orchestra RL‘ltl (’onccrl Hall. liilinhurgh l'nhcrxil}. Brixlo Squarc. 0737‘) 377 (ms. 7.30pm. U) ([4). Tim orchcxlra pcrlorm unilcr llic halon ol‘ \Villiam (‘onxxay
I The Scottish Clarinet Quartet Si John's Church. l’rinccx Sirccl. 7.30pm. t") (L'oi. RS.-\.\ll)-hrcd chamhcr group making iix mark through ihc \ixion ol ll\ commixxioning and \iriuosil) ol' ilx
pla) ing.
I Ensemble Shudi: Neapolitan Concertos Si ('ccilia'x Hall. Nidtlr} Sirccl. ()(ix 2()|‘). 7.45pm. ('onccrlm and \onaiax l'roin Souihcrn lial). including conccrli lrom a I720 Ncapolilan liltllill\L‘l‘lpl l‘or rccortlcr. hm \ iolinx and conlinuo. \\lllL‘ll caplurc lhc opcralic \plcnilour ol Baroquc Naplcx.
I For All the Saints Si (iilcx' ('alhcilral. Ro)al .\lilc. 225 9-142. 8pm. £7 (£5). ‘l‘hc Scoliixh (‘hamhcr ('hoir launch lhcir \L‘axoli \\illi a pcrl'ormancc of British choral lllll\iL' l'caluring Kcnnclh l.cighlon\ l'cxih c cantata .S'i'qiu'ni'i' [Ur .-l/l Sui/11.x and onc ol the llioxl l'ainous choral canlalax from a 2()ih
phenomenal Yuri Temirkanov, their music director and
principal conductor, this will be a performance to set the pulse racing. ‘The St Petersburg Philharmonic is a real favourite of Glasgow audiences,’ says the Concert Hall’s director, Louise Mitchell, ‘and people simply love to see them. We’ve had Yuri before too and the combination really is exhilarating.’
The remainder of the St Petersburg programme is the orchestral suite from Prokofiev’s Cinderella and Rachmaninov’s Variations on a Theme of Paganini with the young Russian pianist, Denis Matsuev, as soloist. Rachmaninov’s writing for piano and orchestra can be heard in Edinburgh too, with another famous Yuri - Simonov - conducting the Piano Concerto No 2, along with Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No 5 and the Russian Easter Overture by Rimsky-Korsakov.
While Edinburgh describes the Moscow band as ‘the
remiere Russian orchestra’ in its brochure, Glas ow’s 9
publicity reiterates The Guardian’s claim that the St Petersburg Phil is ‘probably the world’s greatest orchestra’. This is not a case of taking your pick. Go to hear both and prepare to be astounded. (Carol Main)
it fife-e '- ‘47'
ill“ . '-
ccnlur) British L‘nlilpihcl‘ Rijjuin' in I/u' lmnb h} Bcniamin Brillcn.
I Primrose Quartet 'l‘imn llouxc. lladilinglon. 'I‘ickcix/lurlhcr inl‘o: ()l.\'75 340074. 7.30pm. t'll) lih'). \amcd not in honour of ihc liloncr. hul William l’rimroxc. onc ol' lhc lincxi \ iola pla} crx ol' ihc 2(llh ccnlur}. this tll\llllglll\llt‘tl quarlci along uiIh pianixi John 'l‘lmailcx pla} Mo/arl. Bi‘idgc and Brahmx.
I Distances Within Me RSAMI). Hill chlrcu Sii‘ccl. 332 5057. 2.30pm. £5. :\ \a.\opllollc I'L‘Cilal \\ ill] a dillcrcncc. .-\n cclcclic llll\ of \l} lcx and inxirumcnlalion. \\ iih a programmc lo includc \\Ui'k\ h) lixan (‘hamhcix John :\llll10ll) l.cnnon. Karcn ‘l‘anaka and Ian Slcnarl. Saxophonixl (‘arolc Sullicrlantl ix joincd h) pianists Scoll .\lilchc|| and Michacl Barncli. \iullllixl l‘cargux llcihcringion and \craich |)J Michacl l’cck.
I Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra l'shcr Hall. l,olliiali Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm. £15 £30. Riixxia'x prcmicr orchcxlra pcrl'orm a rouxing programmc lrom ihcir honicland. \\ iih Rachmaninm 's l’iulm (’uni'r'rm ,\'u 2 and 'l‘cliaikoyskys .S'_\'mp/mn\~ No 5 all
unch lhc haion ol'Yuri Siminox. “llll pianixl Naialia 'l‘rull. Scc prc\ icu.
ahox C.
I Scottish Sinfonia (il'L‘) l'riarx Kirk. (irc)lriar\ l’lacc. (ma 2()l‘). 7.30pm. L") ([7). (‘ontlucior \cil .\lanllc and lhc Hill \irong Sinl'onia orchcxlra pcrlorm \Vallon'x \iulu ('oni'i'rlu. l)_\ \on\ 'I’lu' ('unlvrlnu'i Pilgrims: ()wrlim' and lilgar'x .S'i‘inp/iuni' .\'u 2 in [51) major.
I The Edinburgh Quartet Siockhridgc l’arixh ('hurcli. Saw ('ohurg Slrcci. (ihh' 201‘). 7.30pm. 9.“) (to). 'l‘hc Quarlcl pcrl'orm .\lo/ari\ I)I\\Ull(llli c and llor/nn'ixli'r. ax \\ cll a\
Shoxlakm ich'x String anrlc'l .Vu S in (' nnnm'. onc ol~ lhc grcalcxl quarlclx c\cr \\l'lllL‘ll. and .S'Iring Quiz/“Iv! .Vu 7 in /" \llill'p minor.
Tuesday 22
Glasgow I Hugh S Robertson Prize for Scots Song RSAMI ). lllll chl'rcxx
Sludcnlx prcxcnl l\\o contraxiing Scolx \ong\ in compclilion l‘or lhc pri/c.
I The International Classical Season: St Petersburg Philharmonic with Yuri Temirkanov Ro)al ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slrcci. 353 8000. 7.30pm.