I The Chalets, Hoboken and The Apsherons Barl'ly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 7.30pm. £5. Polka dot pop lrom boy /gir1 combo the (’halets plus clcclro lotmgc l'rom lloboken.
I Liars and Celebration :\B(‘2. 330 Sauchieltall Street. 332 2232. 8pm. £8. l.iars are a delightfully angular. theatrical outlit. lronted by the unl‘easibly tall Angus Andrew s.
I Orla ‘l‘chai ()y na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. .-\coustic sounds from ()rla Pendcrgast.
I The Bright Space, Yellow Bentines and Sleepmode King Tut‘s Walt Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. The headliners are a London—based outlit w ho sound like a hybrid ol the Strokes and (‘oldplay
I Esther Bcansccne. l lll Battlclield Road. 636 6‘)". ‘)pm. Free. listher Dull-m. l'ormcrl.‘ o1 local favourites Ashton Lane. lronls Itcr own
I The Lindsay Dolan Band The Butlcrlly and the Pig. 153 Bath Street. 221 "I I. ‘lpm. l'rcc. Rocking blues and tall tinged soul.
I The Dangerfields, Karloff and The Poisoning l3lh .\'ote one. 5060 King Street. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. last and l'urious ptmk lrom Bellast's DangerlieIds. I The Blue Hyenas Studio One. (irosvcnor Terrace. 341 6516. 0.30pm. l‘rcc. lidinhurgh-based hand w ith a unique brand ol' good-time swing and RKB.
I Illegal Eagles Queen‘s llall. (‘lerk Street. 668 2(ll‘). b'plll. £15.50(£l41.Sec Thu 17.
I 13th Arrow, The Winkle Experience and To Kill a Day Batmerman’s. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. lndic triple bill.
I Open Mic Whistlcbinkies. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5114. ‘)pm. l‘ree. Jtist turn up and perl‘orm.
Tuesday 22
I Franz Ferdinand, Editors and The Rakes Sl.(‘('. liitmicston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 6.30pm. S()l.l) ()lUl‘. The all-contnicring l-"ran/ l-‘erdinand are back \\ ith their second albtnn. .-\s always. they are welcomed with open arms and tnuch singing along to their ril'l's.
I Story One, The Aftereffects and Kobai King Tut's Wah Walt llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. Nottingham band Story ()nc. ol'lcring a timed hag ol' current indie sounds and a v iolin-vy iclding lronlman. who ha\e taken up residency in Tut’s til late. See caption. page 68.
I El Dog Bcansccnc. l365 Argy le Street. .557 43—"). 911111. Free. \lL‘lUtliL‘. passionate rock l'rom this (ilasgow band. I Neil Sturgeon Beansccnc. l‘)
Skirv ing Street. Shaw lands. 632 80‘)0. ‘lpm. l‘rcc. The (ioldenhour trontman play s a solo sct.
Calton Consort Edinburgh Renaissance Band “Vespers” Monteverdi Vespers 1610
Saturday 26 l\'o\cml‘er 2005. 7.30pm
( anongatc Kirk. Royal Mile. lidinl‘urgh
£7 ‘25 - lit'lst'ls .t\.lil.ll‘lc on the door
http: www.caltonconsortorgtik’
' l)t:t:1’f,{;f;
From the drummer from the Trachtenburgs to Ben Lee,
there’s always been the odd indie kid who was indeed such a kid that they couldn’t get served a drink at their own gigs. Sisters Asya and Chloe (ten and 12 respectively) met Death Cab for Cutie’s Jason McGerr at Seattle’s Drum School (where Chloe now studies) and when he heard their bittersweet pop he was hooked. Armed with their drums, keyboards and twin harmonies, the pair have opened for bands like Death Cab and SIeater-Kinney in the past and prove that Shirley Temple and that little brat from Annie were the exception, not the rule.
" Stereo. Glasgow. Sat 26 Nov.
I Spookey l3th Note (Kile. 5060 King Street. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. Shangri l.as meets the Ramones. it says here. How can this l'ail‘.’
I Simon 8: Oscar The Venue. l7---2l (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £15. Acoustic gig from two members of Ocean (‘olour Scene.
I East Meets West ('abaret Voltaire. 36-38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 7pm. £tbc. Selection of some of the best bands (ilasgow and lidinburgh have to offer as this epic battle of the coasts reaches its grand linal.
I Covert Camel, Jakata and Spacial Entrepreneurs Subway (‘ow-gate. 6‘) (‘owgate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £3. Indie and rock triple.
I Band Showcase Whistlebinkies. 4A 6 South Bridge. 557 5114. ‘)pm. Free. (‘all in advance for a gig.
Wednesday 23
I Franz Ferdinand, Editors, The Rakes and The 19908 Sli(‘(‘. l-‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 6.30pm. £21.50. See Tue 22.
I Tony Christie (‘lyde .»\uditorium. l-‘innieston Quay. 08700404000. 7.30pm. £19.50 £21.50. British crooner whose career has been reignited by Peter Kay's love of his classic irritant ‘The Way to Amarillo'. We prefer ‘Avenues and Alleyways‘.
I Capricorns and Baroness Stereo. 14 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £6. Monolithic instrumental metal from members of Iron Monkey and Dukes of Nothing supported by a l’lorida sludge rock/hardcore hand.
I Fursaxa, Sharron Kraus and Alexander Tucker Motto. 12 Kings Court. King Street. 553 2400. 8pm. The headliner is acid l'olkster Tara Burke.
I lnvisibles, The Low Mifls, Stealer and Eric and the Bunnyboilers (ilasgow t’niversity l’nion. 32 University Avenue. 33‘) 86‘)7. 8pm. Free. Weekly Bandwagon local hand showcase night.
I Michael Simons Tchai ()vna. 16‘) l)eanston Drive. 0141 64‘) 7258. 8pm. £2. Glasgow-based guitarist playing l'olk. blues and beyond.
I No Comply, Failsafe and Big Hand Barlly. 260 (‘lytle Street. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £6. Over-14s show. The headliners are a female-fronted hardcore punk band.
I Fickle Public, Terra Diablo and Carson ()ran Mor. 731- 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 8.30pm. £5. Sale as Milk live music night. headlined by the punkish l-‘ickle Public. l'ormerly Purple Munkie.
I The Dead Fingers and Zenith 13111 Note (Kile. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. '/.ep and Primals-inlluenced indie rocking.
I Green Peppers Beanscene. 38- 42 \‘l'oodlands Road. 352 ‘)800. ‘)pm. Free. lix-Soup Dragon and Ble Bandit Jim .\lc('ul|och presents his latest wares.
I Surrounded and Findo Cask Bar Bloc. 1 l7 Bath Street. 574 6066. ‘)pm. Free. (‘elestial epics l'rom Surrounded. I The Bottleneckers The Scotia Bar. 112 Stockwell Street. 552 8681. ‘).30pm. liree. Weekly blues residency.
I Figure 5 The Bunker Bar. l‘)3~~1‘)‘) Bath Street. 22‘) 1427. 10pm. l’ree. Retro psychedelic action.
The Zephyrs, Foxface and The Mitford Girls (‘abaret Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6176. 7pm. £5. Psychedelic country from the Zephyrs. lo- li folk l‘rom Foxl'ace and punky pop electronica from the Mitford (iirls as they help kick off the One in Four 2005 music festival raising money for tnental health awareness. See preview. page 65. I The Rushes, Chase Manhattan and Obsidian The Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £4. Triple hill of local indie. I Milaphobia, Countervayl, Fat Ben 8. the Looters, Safe Distance and Alfonzo Subway ('owgate. 6‘) (‘owgate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. lidinburgh's tip-antl- coming live-piece Milaphobia headline. I Dirty Kicks, The T140s, Darklight and The Draymin Whistlebinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5114. ‘)pm. Free. Night of indie. I Proverbial Creek, Bob Cuba and Elevensixes The Bongo (‘lub. Moray House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. ‘)pm. £5. Indie rock'n‘roll from recent (‘hormium signings Proverbial (reek.
I The Ronelles Beanscene. 40 King Street. 01786 451472. ‘)pm. Free. See Fri 18.
I The Bravery, The Paddingtons and Protocol ('arling Academy. 121 liglinton Street. 0870 771 2000. 7pm. £16.50. ()ver- l4s show. Despite being ringleaders in this current revival ol~ all things 80s synth rock. this quintet of New York haircuts claim not to he fans of Duran Duran.
Rama Lama with Sons & Daughters .-\B(‘. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. ‘)pm 2am. £1 1. Scotland's tnost exciting band ol~ hell protn swampy rockers host their own nocturnal liesta with guests the (iossip and rockabillytastic combo Vincent Vincent & the Villains. See clubs page 34 for preview.
I Half Man Hall Biscuit and Flying Matchstick Men The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 0870 240 7528. 8pm.
£13 £15 (£8, £121. The acerbic post-punk outlit formed in Birkenhead. back in 1‘)84. are back on the road with their cutting social satire and esoteric song titles.
I Almighty Me, Kicking Buckets, PMX and Skudpuppetz The (‘athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £4 advance t£6 on door). ()ver- 14s show. Skate punk line-up.
I Martin Stephenson Riverside (‘lub. 33 l‘ox Street. 248 3144. 7.30pm. £10 in advance (£1 1 on door). Well-loved (icordie sitiger/songwriter makes another live appearance in the central belt.
I Carl Palmer Renl‘rew Ferry. :‘vnderston Quay. The Broomielaw. 016‘)8 265 511. 7.30pm. £15. Drumming
pow erhottse. once ol‘ prog hehemoths limerson. lake and Palmer.
I Adam Bomb, the Aftereffects and Silver Bullet Barlly (upstairs). 260 (‘lydc Street. 0870 ‘)07 099‘). 8pm. £4. llard rock guitarist from New York who has played with ex-l.ed '/.ep bassist John Paul Jones and Hanoi Rocks vocalist Michael Monroe.
I The Eighteenth Day of May, Lucky Luke and Tibi Lubin Mom. 12 Kings ('ourt. King Street. 553 2400. 8pm. £5. Winsome indie l‘olk line-up. headlined by London-based psych l'olk outlit.