kiss Kiss Bang Bang 115)

Daily: 1.15 8; 3.45 (not Sat & Sun). 6.45. 9.15.

Also late Fri 8; Sat: midnight.

The Legend of Zorro 1P0)

Fri—Sun: 1.15.

Mon & Tue: 1 1.45am. 5.45.

The Ubertlne (18)

Daily: 6.30. 9.15.

Also late Fri & Sat: midnight.

Lock, Stock and No Smoking Barrels (Senior Screening) 118)

Matinee Tue: 10.30am.

Mrs Henderson Presents 112A)

Wed & Thu: 1.15. 4.00. 6.15. 8.45. Nanny '50th ([1) Sat & Sun: 1 1.00am. Saw II (18)

Late Fri & Sat: midnight.

Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 111)

Daily: 1.45. 4.15.

Also matinee Sat & Sun: 1 1.30am.

Odeon City Centre

56 Renlield Street. 0141 332 3413. Info and (‘C booking: 0871 22 44 007. ID] screens 5. 6. 7 and 8. Fri—Sun: £5.25 (£3.75): Mon: £3.50; Tue—Thu: £5 (£3). Family ticket: £15.

1.15. 3.45.

TH11R§DAY 17

The Brothersde 112A) 2.15. 5.30. 8.30.

The Constant Gardener 1 15) 2.31). 5.31). 8.31).

CorpseBride1PG) 2.15. 4.31). 6.45. 9.00.

Ellzabethtown112A) 1.31). 5.30. 8.15. InllerShoes112A) 2.30. 5.45. 8.31). TheLegendolZorro1PG) 2.1)1). 5.15. 8.15.

llannyMcPheetU) 1.15. 3.45. 6.15. 845

Saw 11118) 1.30. 4.00. 6.31). 9.00. SerenIty115) 8.30.

Skyl'llghtl’G) 1.15. 3.31). WallaceGGromItzTheCurseolthe Were-Babblt1U) 1.1)(). 3.30. 6.00.

FRIDAY 18—THURSDAY 24 The Brothers Grimm 112A) Daily: 1.00. 6.00. Also Sun—Wed: 3.30. 8.30. The Constant Gardener 1 15) Fri—Tue: 2.15 (not Sat 6’; Sun). 5.15. 8.15. Wed & Thu: 1.00. 3.45. Bride (PU) Daily: 1.45. 3.45.

Also matinee Fri-Sun: l 1.30am.


Elizabethtown (12A)

Daily: 8.30.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose 115) Fri. Sat & Thu: 3.30. 8.45. llarryPotterandtheGobletoll-Tre (12A)

Daily: noon. 1.0(). 3.30. 4.30. 7.00. 8.00.

Also matinee Fri—Sun: 9.30am.

In Her Shoes 112A)

Daily: 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.

Also matinee Fri—Sun: 1 1.15am. The Legend of Zorro (PG)

Matinee Sat & Sun: 12.31).

The Libertine 1 18)

Daily: 5.45. 8.30.

Mrs Henderson Presents 112A) Wed & Thu: 1.30. 4.00. 6.30. 9.00. llanny McPhee 11f)

Daily: 1.30. 3.45. 6.15.

Saw II 118)

Daily: 6.45. 9.00.

Sky High (PG)

Sat 8; Sun: 12.30. 3.00.

Stoned 115)

Daily: 3.45. 6.30. 8.45.

Also matinee weekdays: 1.15. Wallace 8: Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 1U)

Fri—Tue: l 1.30am (not Mon & Tue). 2.00. 4.30.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Showcase Leisure Park. Langmuir Road. Coatbridge. [1111) line: 01236 434434. CC hooking: 01236 438000. IDI. [1i]. £5.50 (£4.50 before 6pm). Child/()Al’: £4.20: Student: £4. Tue all tickets: £4.20: Student £4.


The Brothers Grimm (12A) 11.10am. 1.51). 4.41). 7.35. 10.20. TheConstant Gardener115) 1.111). 4.25. 7.30. 10.25.

CorpseBride1PG) 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. 6.15. 8.15. 10.15.

Dreamer: Inspired byaTrueStory1 U) 11.40am. 2.10. 4.35. Ellzabethtown1I2A) 1.15. 4.11). 7.10. 10.05.

In Her Shoes112A) 1.20. 4.20. 7.21). 10.15.

The Legend ol Zorro 1P(}) 1.01). 4.1)(). 7.1)1). 8.1)0. 9.55.

LordotWar115) 9.35. lIannyhlcPheeu’) 11.45am. 12.31). 2.15. 3.1)0. 4.45. 5.31). 7.15. 8.00. 9.40.

Much criticised for its sympathetic treatment of gypsies when it was first released in 1950, Powell and Pressburger's tale of innocence and corruption in the English countryside can now be seen as a bona fide pantheistic classic. Do not miss. I Fi/mhouse. Edinburgh (Sat 26 8 Sun 27 Nov only).

Also late Fri & Sat:

6.15. 8.15.

Saw II(18) 11.35am. 12.35. 2.05. 3.05. 4.30. 5.30. 7.25. 7.55. 9.50. 10.30.

Skylllgh1PG) 11.05am. 2.25. 4.50. 7.10.

Wallace&Gromlt:The Curse of the Were-Babblt1li) 11.30am. noon. 2.00. 2.30. 4.30. 5.00. 7.00. 7.30. 9.30. 10.00.


The Brothers Grimm112A)

Daily: 11.10am. 1.55. 4.40. 7.35. 10.21).

The Constant Gardener 115)

Daily: 1.00. 4.25. 7.30. 10.25.


Daily: noon. 2.10. EIlzabethtown112A)

Daily: 10.15.

Also Mon & Tue: 7.10.

Harry Potter andtheGoblet of Fire (12A)

Daily: 10.30am. 11.00am. noon. 12.30. 1.00. 2.00. 2.30. 3.30. 4.00. 4.30. 5.30. 6.00. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 9.00. 9.30.

10.30. 11.00. 11.30.

In lIerShoes112A)

Daily: 1.20. 4.20. 7.20. 10.15. The Legend of Zorro 1P0)

Daily: 1.00 8: 4.00 (not Sat & Sun). 7.05 (not Wed 84 Thu). 10.00.

The Libertine ( 18)

Daily: 11.00am. 1.40. 4.20. 7.10. 9.55.

Also late Fri & Sat: Nanny McPhee 113) Daily: 11.45am. 2.15. 4.45. 7.15. 9.40.

Also late Fri & Sat: midnight.

Saw II 118)

Daily: 4.35. 7.25. 9.51).

Also late Fri & Sat: 12.15am.

Sky Illgll (PG)

Daily: 11.05am. 1.50. 4.15. Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Babblt1L’)


Daily: 11.30am. 2.00. 4.3(). 7.00.


Showcase Cinema, Paisley

1 (iril'lin Avenue. Phoenix Business Park. 0141 887 001 1. 1111010141 887 0151). (‘(‘

booking: 0871 220 1000. [1)]. Ilil. £5.50 (£4.25 Mon—Fri before 6pm). (‘hild/OAP: £4.20; Student: £4. Tue all

tickets: £3.75.

TH F1 DAY 17 TheBrothersGrimrn112A) 11.10am. 1.51). 4.40. 7.35. 10.20. TheConstant Gardener115) 1.01). 4.25. 7.31). 10.25.

Capsedeeu’G) 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. 10.15.

Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story 11‘) 11.40am. 2.10. 4.50. Elizabethtown112A) 1.15. 4.11). 7.11). 10.05.

In ller Shoes112A) 1.21). 4.21). 7.15. 10.10.

IntotheBlue115) 7.20. 9.55.

TheLegendol Zorro11’(i) 1.00. 4.1)1). 7.00. 7.40.

10.00. llanny "0911001111 11.45am. 12.30.

2.15. 3.1)1). 4.45. 5.31). 7.15. 8.00.

9.40. Saw II ( l8) 11.35am. 12.05. 2.05.

2.35. 4.30. 5.30. 7.25. 7.55. 9.50.

10.25. Sky Illgh (PG) 11.50am. 2.20. 4.35. Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the

Were-Babbltm) 11.30am. noon. 2.00.

2.30. 4.30. 5.00. 7.00. 7.30. 9.30. 10.00.


; TheBrothers GrImm112A) Daily: 11.10am. 1.50. 4.4(). 7.35.


i TheConstant Gardener115) Daily: 1.21). 4.25. 7.31). 10.25. CorpseBrldeu’G)

Daily: 11.00am. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. Elizabethtown112A)

Daily: 10.15. Also Mon & Tue: 7. 1().


llarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (12A)

Daily: 10.30am. 11.00am. noon. 12.31). 1.00. 2.00. 2.3(). 3.30. 4.1)(). 4.31). 5.30. 6.00. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 9.00. 9.30.

Also late Fri & Sat: 10.30. 11.00. 11.30.

In Her Shoes 1 12A)

Daily: 1.20. 4.20. 7.15. 10.10.

The Legend 01 Zorro 11’(1)

Daily: 1.00. 4.011. 7.05 1111)1\\'e11& Thu). 10.00.

The Libertine 1 18)

Daily: 11.00am. 1.41). 4.20. 7.11). 9.55.

Also late Fri & Sat: Nanny McPhee 11') Daily: 11.45am. 2.15. 9.40.

Also late Fri 62 Sat: midnight.

Saw II 1 18)

Daily: 11.35am. 2.05 8C 4.3511101 Sat 1% Sun). 7.25. 9.50. Also laIe Fri & Sat: Sky High 1P0) Daily: 11.00am. Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 11')

Daily: 11.30am. 2.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30.

UCI Clydebanlt

(‘lyde Regional Centre. ('lydehank. 0871 224 4007. |1)|. £5.501£4.50.\1on Fri before 5pm). Child/()Al’: £4. Students: £5 (£4 .\1on Thu before 5pm).


4.45. 7.21).



TheBrothers Grimm112.-\) 3.10. 6.15. 9.00.

The Constant Gardener 1 15) 2.30. 5.21). 8.21).

CorpseBrlde1P(}) 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. Dreamer: Inspired byaTrue Story11') 4.1)0.

EIlzabethtown112A) 2.51). 5.51). 8.51).

In Her Shoes112.»\) 2.41). 5.41). 8.41). Into the Blue 1 15) 6.50. 11.30.

The Legend of Zorro11>(}) 2.45. 5.45. 8.45.

LordolWar115) 9.20.

llanny McPhee1t') 3.01). 5.31). 8.1)1).

Saw 11118) 4.15. 6.45. 0.11). Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Babbit1t‘) 3.30. 6.00. 8.31).


The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl 11')

Matinee Sat ck Sun: 11.00am.

The Brothers Grimm 1 12.-\)

Mon & Tue: 12.30. 3.10. 4.15 (not Tue). 9.1(1.

Elizabethtown 1 12A)

Sun Thu: 8.00.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose 1 15)

Fri & Sat: 8.01).

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Gold Class) 1 12A)

Daily: noon. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. 7.00. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00.

Also matinee Fri Sun: 9.30am. 10.00am. 10.30am.

In Her Shoes 1 12A)

Daily: 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.

The Legend of Zorro 11’( 1)

Daily: 2.55 (not Sun).

Also .\1on Thu: 6.00. 9.00.

Also matinee Fri Sun: 1 1.55am.

The Libertine 1 18)

Daily: 5.45. 8.45.

Me and You and Everyone we Know 1 15) Sun: 4.0(1.

Tue: 7.1)(1.

Mrs Henderson Presents 1 12A) Wed & T1111: 3.55. 6.10. Nanny McPhee 11')

Daily: 12.31). 3.00. 5.311.

Saw II 1 18)

Daily: 6.45. 9.10.

Also Mon Thu: 2.00. 4.15. Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Babblt11') Daily: 12.45. 3.15. Also matinee Fri Sun:



11'N1>‘. 1 [)111tl’11-I‘f)THE LIST 57