Visual Art .

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l‘hc Mound. 225 667]. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon- 5pm.

The Sea L’ntil Sun 20 Nov. l‘rcc. Works l'rom thc Acadcmy's archivc showing Scotland‘s particular relationship to thc sca and coastlinc. Director’s Choice: Boucher Hi 4 Nov". 12.45 l.l5pm. lircc. National (iallcry l)ircctor Michacl ('larkc discusscs its collcction ol’ paintings by Francois Bouchcr.

Choice (For the Visually Impaired) \Vcd l6 Nov. l()am-3.3()pm. I‘rcc. l)cscriplivc tour of lhc cxhibition. ('all ()131 624 6428 to book a placc.


23 (‘ockburn Strch. 622 62()(). Daily l lam 6pm.

Ricochet oo l'ntil l~‘ri l8 Nov. lixhibition to mark thc cnd of a Stills cducation projcct. which invitcd pcoplc from a widc rangc of cultural backgrounds to try out v‘al‘iotts artistic tcchniqucs. Scc rcvicvv. pagc 03. Open Forum Thu 1() Nov. 3 6pm. l‘rcc. Discussion on artists working in community contcsts. limail

inl‘om to book a placc.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'nivcrsity ol lidinburgh. South Bridgc. 65() 22“). 'l‘uc Sat l()am 5pm. Lucy McKenzie l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. (‘ollaborativc cxhibition with Birgit Mcgcric and Lucillc l)csamory. Palermo Restore: The Bonn Archive l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. An cxhibition oi l’alcrmo's paintings. drawings and photographs from thc collcction oi Kunstmuscum. Bonn.


Hawthorndcn l.ccturc 'l’hcatrc. National (iallcry'. thc Mound. 624 6560.

Art Competition for Schools l'ntil Sat 3] l)cc. lixhibition oi winning cntrics lrom this National (iallcrics ol‘ Scotland compctition. Scottish Landscape Painting: Idealism to Expressionism 'I'uc 8 Nov. l2.45 l.3()pin. l’rcc. Art historian Sally Kcrr looks at thc changing trcnds in this gcnrc.

The Watson Gordon Lectures: Richard Cork ch ‘) Nov. 6 7pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc art critic. brmidcastcr. historian and atithor givcs this lccturc on ‘l.ucian I’rcud: 'I‘hc Scarching (‘ia/c'.

Choice: Paintings Tue 15 Nov. 1245- 1.30pm. l-‘rcc. Sir Timothy ('lii‘l‘ord talks about sonic of his lavouritc works acquircd during thc last 21 ycars of his l)ircctorship.

The Watson Gordon Lectures: Professor TJ Clark \Vcd to Nov. 6 7pm. l-‘rcc. Poussin's ‘Sacramcnt ol .‘vlarriagc' is thc subjcct of this lccturc by Phil '1'] ('lark from thc l'nivcrsity ol ('alil‘ornia. Bcrkclcy.

Lucile Desa, Lucy McKenzie and Birgit Meqerle

Three artists explore each other’s oeuvres and their shared friendship, creating a site-specific installation. The artists, from Brussels, Glasgow and Hamburg, respectively, employ different representational styles, referencing cartoon drawing, public art murals and a tableau approach to


I Round Room. Talbot Rice Ga/lery, Edinburgh, until Sat 3 Doc.

Private Galleries


78 .‘viontrosc 'l'crracc. Abbcyhill. 66]

l 167. 'l’uc» liri l()am 5pm; Sat

10am 2.30pm.

Through a Lens Darkly l’ntil 'I'hu ll) Nov. Atmospheric photography of urban landmarks by 'l‘crcncc ('han. accompanicd by thought provoking dCsct‘iplions. LAST CHANCE lO SEE.


75/7‘) ('umbcrland Strcct. 558 3352. \Vcd Sat llam 6pm.

Naomi Garriock: Accept/Reject l'ntil Thu 17 Nov. 1 lam 6pm. 'I'hc first solo cxhibition by thc lidinburgh artist tiscs ink drawings. magnctic picturcs. paintings and othcr cxpcrimcnts to cxplorc thc scductivcncss of thc product

21 Oct - 20 Nov 2005


Royal Scpttish Academy TheMound Edinburgh

" mon to sat 10 - 5 sun 12 - 5 admission frees t0131 225 6671 www.royalusgottishacadergybrg

96 THE LIST ii if Nov 7005)

and rcasons lor sclcction. lASl



l()2 Wcst Bow. 22() 0601.

Before the Birds Stop Singing l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. Paintings. murals and sculpturcs dcpicting birds in many guiscs by Birmingham-bascd artist l.ucy .\lcl.auchlan.


l l (iaylicld Squarc. 558 7| ll). \Vcd liri

l lam 6pm: Sat noon 5pm.

Charles Avery Tim I() Nov Thu 22 l)cc. Exhibition ol' ncvv work by l.ondon- bascd artist (’harlcs Avcry. NEW SHOW.

I I2

54 Abcrcromby l’lacc. 558 9872.

Mon liri lllam 6pm; Sat l()am 4pm. Patrick Caulfied: Some Poems of Jules Laforge l'ntil Sat 5 Nov. Work inspircd by thc pocms ol' lulcs Lalorgc l‘rom Pop artist Patrick ('aullicld.


6 ('arlton 'l'crracc. 556 4441. ’l'uc Sat lllam 5pm.

Exposure ooo l'ntil Sat 5 Nov. (iarry l’abian Millcr's ncwcst picturcs inspircd by thc timc hc has spent on thc chridcan island oli'l'ircc. lASl CHANCE lO SEE.

Edition 'l‘hu ll) Nov \Vcd 2l l)cc. A chancc to buy liinitcd cdition prints by artists such as l.ouisc Bourgcois. lan Hamilton l-‘inlay. Howard Hodgkin. (‘allum lnncs and morc. NEW SHOW.


15 Randolph (‘rcscan 225 5366.

Mon \Vcd & l-‘ri 0.30am 5.30pm; 'l'hu noon 5.30pm; Sat 9.30am 2pm. Shaeron Averbuch: Flower Garland l'ntil Sat 26 Nov. l-‘rcc. .‘vlctal

and papcr sculpturc l'rom lidinburgh- bascd artist Shacron Avcrbuch.


58 Warrcndcr Park Road. 22‘) 2676. Wednliri llam 6pm; Sat 10am 5pm: Sun llam 5pm.

Eleanor Adair: Figurative l'ntil Wed 23 Nov. Work cvploring thc human ligurc by lidinburgh-bascd artist lilcanor Adair.


77 .‘vlontomcry Strcct. 558 5400.

Shed - Does my Glass Look Big in This? l'ntil ’l'hu ll) Nov. 'I‘racy l-"ostcr’s first solo show l'caturing an intricatcly cral‘tcd sct of glass tools. Vicw ing by appointmcnt only: call ()131 558 54()().

I THE ROYAL INCORPORATION OF ARCHITECTS IN SCOTLAND l5 Rutland Squarc. 22*) 7205. Mon Fri 9am 5pm.

Tech City: Writings on the Wall l'ntil \Vcd 30 Nov. .-\rchitcctural paintings by .‘vlichacl Jcssing.


l6 Dundas Strcct. 558 1200. Mon liri lllam 6pm; Sat 10am-4pm. Alexander Muir: Paintings 1955-1994 Mon 7 --'I'uc 2‘) Nov. Exhibition of city sccncs by thc l)undcc- bascd artist.


Princcs Strcct. Mon Sat 1 Iain --6pin. Anti-War Exhibition 'l'uc 8 Sat 12 Nov. \'idco scrccnings. photography and a slidc-show cncompassing various issucs around thc war in Iraq.

Artist Spaces


76 liast (‘i‘osscatiscvvayg 667 2808.

Thu Stm noon 6pm.

Psittaciformes Trying to Change the World Sat 5 Nov Fri 2 l)cc. lixhibition ol' new work by l.ondon-bascd artist Ruth livv an. ccntrcd around rcscarch into thc possibility ol tcaching birds to sing political chants such as [ltosc hcard at IliL‘ (i8 prolcsls. NEW SHOW.

I PATRIOTHALL GALLERY i\\'.»\Sl’Si l’ati'iothall Studios. oil 48 Hamilton l’lacc. 225 I280.

Blue Flowers, Red Shadows l'ntil \Vcd ‘) Nov. (‘olour woodcuts by Paul l-‘urncaux. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


3 Bristo l’lacc. 22() 4538. noon 10pm. Ninja/Nikita II l'ntil ‘I‘uc l5 Nov. Mixcd mcdia cshibition by Danish artists ldit (‘L‘CillL‘ chlll) and 'l’rinc l’cdcrscn. which cxplorcs thc boundarics of artistic cxprcssion. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


l’atriothall Studios. 48 Hamilton l’lacc. Stockbridgc. 225 128‘).

Jonathan Shearer Sat 12 Wed 23 Nov. lllam 6pm. Ncw paintings of Scotland and Andalusia. NEW SHOW.

Outside the Cities


152 thhcrgatc. (ll 382 900900. 'l‘uc. \Vcd. l'ri & Sat ll).3()am 5.30pm; 'l'hu ll).3()am 8.30pm; Sun noon 5.30pm. David Claerbout ooooo l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. David (‘Iacrbout's work litlsCs thc catcgorics or photography and film. sccking to qucstion thc durability and incaning of photographic imagcs in our digital world. Scc Hitlist.

Exchange l'ntil 'l‘uc IS Nov. Scottish- litlscd ttl'lisls Hclcn Angcl—l’cccc. l'illtnltt l‘rascr. ('hristinc (loodman. l.isa (iribbon and (‘ampbcll Sandilands producc ncvv work in rcsponsc to thc thctnc ol' ‘changc'. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.