I dEUS Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'nix'crsity (iardens. 339 9781, 8pm. £l5. (ilorious Belgian art rockers return after a lengthy titne axxay xx ith a nexx line up and a great new album. I’m‘kt'l lx’ex-u/u/i'un.
3.5-7 The Mitchell Brothers and Lady Sovereign King 'l'ttt‘s \Vali \Vah llttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £9. See caption. page 72 for The Mitchell Brothers and see prex iexy. page 6| for the Sox'.
I Daybreak, The 123’s, Bone Idols and Moses Renfrexx l-‘erry. .-\nderston Quay. The Broomiclaxx. (H698 26.5 5| l. 7pm. £5. The headliners are a (ilasgoxx outfit aiming for the anthemic sound of Rli.\l attd ('oldplay.
I Middleman, Parklane, Tony Shoebox, Shot Silver, Redhouse attd Codeen l‘ttt‘y Murry 's, 96 .\la\xx ell Street. 22l 65| l. 8.30pm. £1. I.oca| rock night.
I Milburn and The lvories The (i|a\:_'oxx School of Art. I67 Renfrexx Street. 35.3 4526. | lpm. £6. Sheffield upstarts who are mates xx ith number one stars Arctic Monkeys play as part of the Art Schools (‘ltth .\'.\lli tiigltt.
I Buck 65 (uhat‘ct Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 7pm. £8. Aka Rich 'l‘erfry. a performer xx ho splices hip hop xx ith altcountry and ends up with comparisons such as ‘l 'NKlli meets Tom \Vaits’.
I an Santana The l.lt|tlltl Room. 9e Victoria Sll‘t‘c‘l. 335 2504. 7pm. (ll). Sec Thu 3.
I Gin Goblins and Critikill Bannerman's. \iddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £-l. lidinhurgh's faxourite. if not only. horror punks.
I Blackjack Blues Band, Dakota and Jojocoke \Vhistlehinkies. -l 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 6pm. l’rec before midnight; £—l after. Rock xx ith a country xihc front l)ukota.
I Cayto attd Indatusion Suhxxay (‘oxxgalc. 6‘) (‘oxxgate. 22.5 6766. 7.30pm. £4 (£3). Piano lcd indie _|a// rock outfit. (‘ayto. lattttch their nexx alhtnn xx ith support from space rockets lndafusion. See page 65 for rex new of (‘ayto album.
I The Ralte Band, Attic Lights and King Bear ('aledonian Backpackers. 3 ()uecnsferry Street. 476 722-1. 8.30pm. £5. l'nclassiliahle linglanders the Ralfe Band headline.
I Delta Mainline, Reiser, Transaudio and Favourite Sons (iig lfot‘tttet'ly Rexolutionl. 3l l.ot|tiatt Road. 229 7670. 9.30pm. £6. Psych-blues rock frotn lidinhurgh hand l)e|ta .‘ylainlme. who headline indie disco (iig xx ith Be/ (Happy Mondayst manning the decks.
I My Chemical Romance (‘arling Academy (ilasgoxx. l2l liglinton Street. 0870 77] 2000. 7pm. £l3. ()xer- l-ls. Huger popular New Jersey metallers with an awesome Iixe reputation.
I Sinead O’Connor llat't'oxxlattxl. 244 (ialloxxgatc. 552 460l. 7.30pm. £24. ('ontroxersial Iriin singer comes out of retirement to promote her nexx alhum. 'I'ltmxx'n l)uxx'n linuxlrmx. xx ith Sly arid Robbie of all people.
I Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel Renfrexx l-‘ert‘y. Andcrston Quay. The lit'oottticlitxx‘. 01698 26.5 5t l. 75pm. £18.50. The original ('oekney rebel returns to play hits from MS nexx album The (_)ll(l/II\ u/ .3It’l't \.
I Raising Kain Bartly. 260 (‘lxde Street. 0870907 out»), I.3()ptlt. £3. sL-n hroclaitned local sax tours of rock ‘n’ roll play afternoon show.
I The Boogaloo Investigators ()ratt .\lt)t'. 7.3l 7.35 (it't‘ttl \Vt'slt‘t'lt Rtttttl. 557 6200. 3pm. Retro funk arid Rth t'csidettcy.
I Stepping Stone A&R Showcase The (‘ittltottsch l5 litttott Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £4. l)ixcrse shoxxcase of metal and rock talent.
70 THE LIST Ii W No. 200‘-
Id reggae acts never die they just skank off into the sunset. They are a bunch of true veterans who more
certainly have a few jaunts left in them yet. Regarded as one of the true pioneers of ska, they were viewed by many as the Jamaican equivalent of Booker T and the M65 or the Stax house band. With legends like Tommy McCook, Rolando Alphonso and keyboard master Jackie Mittoo passing through their ranks since their formation in 1964, the line-up may have changed but the feelgood vibe and skanking beats remain true.
til ./ (rat: Hoo'tf. I git/irxngli. Ihu .5‘ Not: Ronfrow Ferry, Glasgow, Fri 4 Nov
I Cold Night Song The (ioat. I28,“ .\igy|c Street. 357 7373. 8pm. l‘ree. (‘harlie and .\'eil. formerly of Astrid. are ioincd by Stacey Siex exxrigltl ol the Reindeer Section for llll\ acoustic mght xxith surprise guests.
I Oversol, Andy Gallacher attd Castro Barfly. 260 ('lyde Street. (le0 907 0999. 8pm. £4. l)txerse local rock litte tip.
I The Primevals .\lotto. l2 Kings ('ourt. King Street. 553 2100. 8pm. lidgy Rth from this xeteran (ilasgoyx hand.
I The Warlocks attd Dead Combo King Tut’s \Vah Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £7.50. lixcellent dttmh assed greasy drone rock from San l‘t'uttc‘tw‘utt dudes.
I Acoustic Open Mic Bar Blue. I I7 Bath Street. 57-1 6066. 9pm. l‘ree. Weekly unplugged \t‘sslttll. xx ith ('raig (irant.
I Craig Grant Bar Bloc. ll7 Bath Street. 57—1 (3066. ()pttl. l'l'CL'. l.oca| songwriter ('t'aig (irattt hosts llloc\ regular open night.
I Fragile l3th .\'ote (are. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. lligh class screaming emo.
I Data Panik and Breschnev The liquid lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 6333. l0.30pm. £4 t£3t. Data l‘anik. the nexx outfit formed by the ex-mcmhcrs of Bis crop up again this time at Plcc.
ii": KT Tunstall (’orn lixchangc. l I New Market Road. -l77 3500. 7.30pm. £l3.50. See l'it't -l and feature. page l8.
Iii Spectrum Queen‘s llall. ('Ierk Street. 668 2019. 3 llpm. £6 £7. A nexx mini- festixal tor the Queen's Hall from Sunday Suppletnent. Shoxxeasing music from local acts and l).ls such as Bomhskare. the Rusth. Has ('otttt'as. (iecko 3. llooxct‘lislt. .\langomad and the Deep l)ig Allstars alongside stalls. lood attd drink. I The Subhumans, Swellbellys, Apocalypse Babys, Chinese Burn, One Man Stand attd Happy Spastics \‘x'heatsheaf. 207/209 Balgreen Road. 346 UN”. ‘lltttl. £3. ()ltl school political punkers. the Suhltumans who also trade under the name (‘tti/en l-tsli. head this bumper hill of punk. l'here's a nexx album out on l'ttl \Vrcck (‘lltlltl\.
I Tracy Chapman l’lttyltottse. I8 22 (irecnside Place, 0870 6063-124. 7.30pm. £25. ()nly Scottish date lot” the socially
conscious. ()hio-horn. artist currently touring to promote new albtttn ll'here you live.
I Drive-By Argument, the Common Redstarts, Odd Shaped Head and Thee Comrades (‘aharet Voltaire.
36 38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 8pm 3am. £4. l)rixe By Argument promote their new single ‘Sex lines are lispensive (‘omedy' at indie club night 1 lily Spitfires.
I Tokyo Dragons, The Sound Explosion and The Answer Studio 24. 24 26 ('alton Road. 558 3758. 8pm. £6.50. l'nreciinstructed dtnnb rockers Tokyo l)ragons with a night of rampaging. foot stomping guitar-flailing at this New School of Rock tour.
I Mikabomb and Grande Cobra Suhxxay ('oxx'gate. 69 ('owgate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £6. All girl Jap pttnk.
I Suis la Lune, Ben Cozine, Kiss the Traitor and Was a Fighter The ('anons‘ (iait. 232 (‘anongate. 556 448i 7.30pm. £5. Night of hardcore and metal core with screamo and down tuned guitar soundscapes from headliner. Sweden's Suis la lune.
I The Yard, Jezebel’s Dirty Secret and Donnalitico Bannerman's. .\'iddry Street. 556 325-1. 8.45pm. £4. Heavy post- grunge rock from the Yard.
I Prime Suspect and Nathanial Slade \Vhistlehittkics. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5l l4. 9pm. Free. Prime Suspect are a duo featttring l)ave l)udgeon of the l‘sual Stispects.
I Hobo The Bongo (‘lub. Moray House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 760-1. l0pm 3am. l‘ree before £l lpm; 3 alter. live music and alternative disco for justified sinners'. l.ive guests are (iym Shorts and Blue l-‘lint.
I Motorhead and In Flames (‘arling Academy (ilasgow. l2l liglinton Street. 0870771 2000. 7pm. £2l.50. Lemmy and his self proclaimed ‘loudest hand in the world‘ continue on their endless tout' hitting 30 years in the business.
I Heavy and Trouble Man The Sub (Tub. 22 Jamaica Street. 248 4600. 7.30pm. £8.50. lleaxy are a NY(' duo
xx ho hlend soul. hip hop, rock and pop. and haxe toured with everyone frotn NliRl) to Jill Scott.
I The Longcut ()ran Mor. 73l~735 (ireat Westem Road. 357 6200. 7.30pm. £7. Mancunian trio recently hailed as ‘the saviours of dance music'. whatever that's supposed to mean.
I Lucie Silvas Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £17.50. Typical major label winsome female singer/songwriter fodder. To paraphrase Tina Turner. we don‘t need another Dido.
I Acoustic Jam Nice‘n'Sleazy. 421 Sattchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8pm. Free. W ‘ek‘ly showcase for local songwriters performing original material.
I Broken Dolls Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £4. Diversely influenced gritty rock upstarts. I Dead Glamour Girl, Nothing from Nowhere and Capturie Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £3. London punk six-piece plus local support.
I Mr Sneaky Tchai ()vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 452-1. 8pm. £2. Psychedelic trip hop.
I Mystery Jets King Tut's Wah Wah lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 5279. 8.30pm. £6. Fltttl‘tolISC/liycs Wide Open host the sophisticated indie songwriting from tipped newcomers Mystery Jets who have been described by NMlz' as the missing link between (‘an. l)exy's and the Ztttons.
I Vomitory, Desecration, Screamin Daemon and Man Must Die l3th Note (are. 50—60 King Street. 553 1638. 8.30pm. £6. Death metal mayhetn.
I The Low Mitts and The Mitford Girls Stereo (Glasgow). 14 Kelvinhaugh Street. 9pm. £3. Bonkers skewiff pop dottth bill.
I Symbolics Bar Bloc. l 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. Free. Local indie rock.
I Martha Wainwright, Teddy Thompson and Horse Queen‘s llall. (‘lerk‘ Street. 668 20l9. 7pm. £12.50. Sister of Rufus. London and Kate must be very proud of the family.
I Michael Buble Playhouse. |8—~22 (ireenside Place. 0870 6063-124. 7.30pm. £30» £35. Twenty-five-year old vocalist from Vancouver who croons from ‘lior Once in My Life‘ to ‘Moondance' with seamless grace.
I Ella Bell Beanscene. 99 Nicholson Street. 667 5697. 9pm. Free. Local singer/songwriter showcases her wares in laidback surroundings.
I Open Mic Whistlebinkies. 4-‘6 South Bridge. 557 51 I4. 9pm. Free. Just tttrn tip and perform.
Tuesday 8
I Music in the University: Musica Electronica Glasgow University (‘oncert Hall. University Avenue. 330 4092. l.l0 2pm. Free. Contemporary electroacoustics presented in surround- sottnd by (ilasgow composers.
I The Impossible Flower Tchai ()vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 452-1. 8pm. £2. Ambient soundscapes on guitar and electronics.
I Nightmare of You, db68 and The Day I Snapped King Tut‘s Wah Wah llttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8pm. £6. ()xer- l-ls. Long Island post- hardcore etno outfit.
I Polysics, Data Panik and We are the Physics Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £8. Japanese art- terrorist punk nut jobs inspired by l)evo who have collaborated with some of Kajagoogoo in the past. apparently.
I Small Creatures ()ran Mor.
73l 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 6200. 8pm. £3. V-Twin offshoot outfit. fronted by American ex-pat Joe Budenholzer. will he doing their alternative country rock thing.
I Co-exist, Amok and Carnage l3th Note Cafe. 50- 60 King Street. 553 1638. 8.30pm. £4. A night of extreme metal mayhem. Ya has.