
Odeon City Centre

5(1 RL‘lll-lk‘ld Sll'1‘1‘1.0141 332 3413. 111111 111111('('l1o111110g: 0871 22 44 007. ll)] 51'1'ee05 5. (1. 7111111 8. l‘ri Sun: £5.25 (£3.75): Mon: £3.50: 1111' 11111: £5 (£3). 111111111} 111‘111‘12 £15.


The Brothers Grimm 112.-\1 1.15. 3.45. (1.15. 8.45.

CorpseBride1l’111 2.15. 4.30. 11.45. 0.011.

Dreamer: Inspired bya‘lrue Story1t'1 1.30.

Four Brothers1151 8.45.

Into the Blue1151 1.00. 3.30. 11.15. 8.45.

The Legend oiZorr01P111 2.011. 5.15. 8.15.

Nanny McPheed‘i 1.15. 3.45. 11.30. 8.45.

Saw “1181 4.110. 11.30. 0.110. Skytligh11’111 1.00. 3.30. 11.15. Wallace81Gromit2TheCurse oitheWere- Babbittt'i 1.15. 2.30. 3.311. 5.15. (1.15. 7.45. 8.45.

1-RIDAY 1’1- lHURSDAY 10

The Brothers Grimm1l2..\1

l‘ri Sun: 12.15. 3.00. 5.45. 8.30. Mon 1110: 2.15. 5.30. 8.30. Comsedeed’m

111111): 2.15. 4.311. 11.45. 0.110.

A1511 matinee 111 Sun: 12.15. Dreamer: Inspired bya‘lrue Story11'1 Matinee S111 1% Sun: 1.30. Elizabethtown 1 12A)

1‘1'1 Sun: 11111111. 2.45. 5.30. 8.15. M1111 11111: 1.30. 5.30. 8.15.

In HerShoe51l2A1 Sun 1% 11111: 1.00. Into the Blue1151 1)ail_\: (1.15. 8.45. The Legend oilorro11’111

111 Sun: noon. 2.45. 5.45. 8.30. M1111 11111: 2.00. 5.15. 8.15. Nanny McPhee1t'1

l)ail_\: 1.15. 3.45. (1.15. 8.45. Oliver 1111115011111

111 S1111% M1111 \Ved: Saw 111181

l)1iil_\: 4.00. (1.30. 9.00. A1511 matinee 151141111115: 1.30. Serenity115i

1511 S1111% M1111 Wed: Sky High 11’(i)

l)ail): 1.15. 3.45. Wallace81Gromit: The Curse oi the Were- Habbfltl'i

l)1111_\: 1.00. 3.31). (1.00. 8.30.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Sliouea5e l.ei5ure 1’111‘11. Langmuir Road. (‘oathridge 111111 line: 0123(1434434. ('(' hooking: 012311438000. |1)|. llil. £5.50 (£4.50 11e1or1' (1111111. ('111111/()Al’: £4.20: Student: £4. 1111‘ 1111 (111145: £4.20; Student £4.

3.30. (1.00. 8.30.

1.00. (1.00.

3.30. 8.30.


Corpse Bride113111 12.15. (1.15. 8.15. 10.15. Dreamerzlnspired byalrue Story1t'1 11.4011111. 210. 4.40.

Four BrotherS1l51 0.30.

2.15. 4.15.

Goa|!1l2A1 111011111. 1.55. 7.25. Intothe Blue1l51 11001110. 1.40. 4.211. 7.211. 0.55.

Kinky Boots112.-\1 4.40. 10.10.

The Legend of Zorro 113111 110011111.

1.00. 2.00. 4.00. 5.00. 7.00. 8.00. 10.00.

Lord otWar1151 7.111.

Nanny McPhee1l'1 114511111. 12.30. 2.15. 3.00. 4.45. 5.30. 7.15. 8.00. 0.40.

OIiverTWist11’1ii 1.15. 7.00.

Saw "1181 11.35am. 12.35. 2.05. 3.05. 4.30. 5.311. 7.25. 7.55. 0.50. 10.20. Serenity1151 4.05. 0.50.

Sky 111911111111 1111511111. 1.45. 4.111. 7.05.

Wallace 81 Gromit: The Curse oi the Were- Babbit1l'1 11.301101. 1111110. 2.00. 2.30. 4.30. 5.01). 7.00. 7.30. 0.311. 10.00.

54 THE LIST (3 11' Nov 20051


The Brothers Grimm 1 12A)

D1111): 11.10am. 1.50. 4.40. 7.35. 10.20.


D1111}: 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. (1.15. 8.15. 10.15.

A1511 late 1‘11 1% S111: 12.1511111. Dreamer: Inspired byaTrueStoryu') 1)ail_\: 11.401110. 2.10. 4.35. Elizabethtown 1 1 2A1

l)ail_\: 1.15. 4.10. 7.10. 10.05.

Four Brothers 1 151 1)ai1_\: 9.35.

A1511 late 1‘11 1% S111: Goal! 112A)

1)ail_\: 11.251110. 2.20.

Into the Blue 1 151

l)ail_\: 11.00am. 1.40. 4.20. 7.20. 9.55.

A1511 late 1'11 1% S111: 12.25.

The Legend of Zorro 113(1)

Daily: 1.00. 4.00. 5.00. 7.00. 8.00. 10.00.

A1511 late l’ri 1% S111: Lord otWar1151 D1111): 7.05. 9.45. A1511 late 1'11 1% S111: Nanny McPhee 11') l)ail_\: 11.4511111. 12.30. 2.15. 4.45. 5.30. 7.15. 8.00. 9.40. A1511 late ["11 1% S111: 1 1.00. midnight. Oliver Mist1l’111

Daily: 11.00am. 2.00.

Saw 111181

1)ai1): 11.35am. 2.05. 4.30. 5.15. 7.25. 7.55. 9.50. 10.20.

A1511 late l‘ri 1% S111: 12.15am.

Sky High 11’111

1)ail_\: 11.0511111. 2.25. 4.50. 7.10. Wallace 81 Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Babbitd?)

1)ail_\': 11.3011111. 11111111. 2.00. 2.30. 4.30. 5.00. 7.00. 7.30. 9.30. 10.00. A1511 late 1‘11 1% Sat: midnight. 12.301110.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(irillin A1enue. Phoenix 131151111155 Park. 0141 8870011. [0111:0141 8870150. (‘(‘11111111i11g: 0871 220 1000. |1)|. llil. £5.50 (£4.25 Mon 1-‘ri 11e111re (111ml. (‘111111/()Al’: £4.20; Student: £4. 'l'ue all 11145018: £3.75.

12. 1011111.





CorpseBride1l’111 12.15. 2.15. (1.15. 8.15. 10.15. Oreamenlnspired bya‘lrue Story11'1 11.4011111. 2.10. 4.40.

Goal!112..\1 11.0511111. 1.45. 4.50. AHlstory otVioIence1181 7.10. 0.35. Into the Blue1l51 11.051011. 1.40. 4.21). 7.20. 0.55.

The Legend of Zorro 113111 1 1.0011111. 1.01). 2.00. 4.00. 5.01). 7.00. 8.00. 10.01).

Lord otWar1151 7.21). 10.25. Nanny McPhee (1'1 1 1.4511111. 2.15. 3.00. 4.45. 5.31). 7.15. 0.40.

OliverTwistd’Ui 1.15. 4.10. Pride and Prejudice 11') 7.30. 10.20. Saw "1181 11.35am. 12.35. 2.05. 3.05. 4.30. 5.30. 7.25. 7.55. 0.50. 111.20.

Serenity1l51 0.30.

Sky Hightl’G) 11.3511111. 2.20. 4.35. 7.05.

Wallace 81 Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Babbitd’i 11.3011111. 11111111. 2.00. 2.31). 4.311. 5.011. 7.00. 7.31). 0.311. 111.00.


12.30. 8.00.


Broken Flowers 1151 D1111}: 12.10. 2.40. 5.10. The Brothers Grimm112A1 D1111): 11.1011111. 1.50. 4.40. 111.21).


1111111: 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. 11.15. 8.15. 10.15.

Al5o late 1’11 1% S111: 12.1511111. Dreamer: Inspired hyaTrueStoryd'i Daily: 11.40am. 2.10.

7.40. 10.10.


Elizabethtown 1 12A) Daily: 1.15. 4.10. 7.11). 10.05.


Daily: 9.35.

A1511 late Fri 1% Sat: 1 1.55.


Daily: 11.05am. 1.40. 4.20. 7.20. 0.55.

A1511 late l-‘ri 1% S111: 12.25am.

The Legend of Zorro11’131

Daily: 110011111. 1.00. 2.00. 4.00. 5.00. 7.00. 8.00. 10.00.

A1511 late Fri 1% Sat: 1 1.00. LordoiWar1151

Daily: 10.25.

Nanny McPhee1t‘1

l)ai1_\': 11.4511111. 12.30. 2.15. 3.00. 4.45. 5.30. 7.15. 8.00. 9.40.

Al511 late Fri 1% S111: 111i1111ig111.

Saw “1181

D1111): 11.3511111. 2.05. 4.30. 5.30. 7.25. 7.55. 9.50. 10.20.

A1511 late 1'11 2% S111: 12.1511111. SkyHighd’U)

[)1111)‘: 11.5011111. 2.20. 4.35. 7.05. WallaceBGromit: The Curse of the Were-Babbit1t'1

Daily: 11.3011111. 1111110. 2.00. 2.30. 4.30. 5.00. 7.01). 7.30. 9.30. 10.00. Al5o late l'i'i 1% S111: midnight. 12.301101.

UCI Clydebank

(’l)de Regional ('entre. ('11111'11111111. 0871 224 4007. |1)|. £5.50 (£4.50 M1111 1-‘ri 11e1ore 5pm). ('11i1d/()Al’: £4. Student5: £5 (£4 Mon 1110 11e111re 5pm).


The Brothers Grimm 1 12A) 4.00. 11.30. 0.00.

CorpseBride11’111 3.20. 5.20. 7.20. 0.20.

Oominotl5111.15. 0.15. Oreamenlnspired bya‘lrue Story1t'1 3.45.

lntotheBlue1151 4.40. 7.00. 0.25. The Legend oi Zorro1l’111 2.45. 5.45. 8.45.


Nanny NlcPhee11'1 3.40. 11.10. 0.011. Saw II118) 4.15. 7.15. 0.45. SkyHigh1l’111 2.00. 4.15. 11.45. Wallace 81 Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Babbitd') 3.30. 4.30. 11.00. 7.00. 8.30. 0.30.


The Brothers Grimm112A1 Daily: 3.15. (1.15. 9.00.

A1511 matinee Sat 1% Sun: 12.30. Corpse Bride 11’111 Daily: 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. 9.15.

A1511 matinee S111 1% Sun: 1 1.101110. 1.15.

Domino 1 151

D1111): 9.30.

Dreamer: Inspired by a Tine Story 11') D1111): 4.00.

A1511 matinee Sat 1% Sun: 1.40.

Elizabethtown 1 12A) D101): 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. A1511 matinee Sat 1% Sun: Festival 1 (81



Sun: 4.00.

'l‘ue: 7.0(1. Ghaiini118)

l‘ri: 8.30.

Matinee S111 1% Sun: Heidi 11'1

Matinee Sat 1% Sun: In Her Shoes (12A) Sun 1% 11111: (1.30. 9.30.

Into the Blue 1 151

1)ai1_\: 3.3010111 Sat 1% S1111). (1.00. 8.30 (11111 Hi).

The Legend of Zorro 11’111 l)ai|_\': 2.45. 5.45. 8.45. A1511 matinee Sat 1% Sun: Lord of War 1 151

1'11 Sal 1% M1111 \Ved: (1.30. Nanny McPhee 11'1 l)ai1_\: 2.45. 5.30. 8.15. A1511 matinee S111 1% Sun: Saw II 1 18)

D1111): 4.15. (1.45. 9.15. Al511 matinee S111 1% S1111:


1 1.0011111.

1 1.4511111.



Sky High 113(1)

l)ail): 4.1510111 Sun). 7.0010111 'l‘ue). A1511 matinee S111 1% Sun: 10.45am. 1.30.

Wallace 8. Gromlt: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 1t'1

Daily: 3.30. (1.00. 8.20. A1511 matinee S111 1% Sun: 1.00.



Ladywell Way. Mti55e111urg11. 0131 (1115 2240. £4.50 (£3.50).

TUESDAY 8 NOV Pride and Prejudice 11') 7.30.

WEDNESDAY 9 NOV Oliver Mist 1131;) 7.31).

3811111111‘ Street. 0131 228 4141. (‘(’ Booking: 0131 228 4141. Bar. 12111;. 24 1111111' 10111110110110 Line: 0131 228 2800. 11)]. |1i|. Main evening 5ereening5: £5.90; £4.20 M1111 l'lt'i hel'ore (1pm. (‘11111‘52 £3.50 11e111re (1pm. £4.20 alter. M1111 (except Bank 1111li11a_\‘51 1111 ticket5: £4. Sunda) 1)11ul11e 111115: £5 (£3.50). \Ved: 111151 51111115 in each 5ereen £1 1111' e11nee55ion5. Big Seream 1101 £3.50 (£2.50) 1111' p11renl5/earer5 111111 111111ie5 11111); l"rien115 cardholder 51'l1e111e5 £25 per )ear 11111ilal11e 1111ering 1li5e11unte1l 111111115111 all 11111115.

THURSDAY 3 Battle in Heaven (Batalla en El Cielo)

1181 1.50. 4.20. 11.40. 0.05.

Broken Flowers1151 1.41). 4.111. 11.45. 0.15.

Corpse Bride11’111 3.20. 5.20. 7.20. 0.20.

Whisky112.\1 1.15.


Battle in Heaven (Batalla en El Cielo) 1 18)

1111in: 4.211. 8.55. Broken Flowers 1 151 Fri S11l1% M1111 11111: 0.15.

Sun: 1.00. (1.45. 9.15.

Corpse Bride 113(1)

l)11il): 3.20. 5.15. 7.10. 9.20.

Al5o late 1‘11 1% Sat: 1 1.30.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 1 151 1111111; 1.511. 11.411.

A1511 late Hi 1% Sat: 11.35.

King’s Game (Kongekabale) 1 12A) Matinee 1511 S1111% M1111 Thu: 1.10. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

1 15)

Late Sat: 1 1.40.

Lost in Ti’anslation 1 151

1.111e l’ri: 1 1.40.

Lost in Translation 1 151 + The Lite Aquatic with Steve Zissou 1 151 Matinee Sun: 1.30.

Cineworld Edinburgh

1‘1111111111011111'15. Dundee Street. 24111' 10111110110110 1% ('redit ('111‘11 Booking Line: 0871 200 2000. ('1111" 11111: Adult: £5.80 (£4.90 Mon-Fri before 5pm). (.111111/5111111‘01/1'11111‘1‘551110I £3.(10. li111‘111111‘1l Price: £3.40 1111 per'l111‘11111111‘e5 111-1111'e 11111111. 15111101} tieket: £111.\'e11r|_\ [11155 (unlimited 111111 ie51 £10.99 per 1111111111.

1.40. 4.10. (1.45.


Broken Flower51151 3.411. 11.05. 8.30. The Brothers Grimm1l2A1 2.50. 5.40. 8.30.

Corpse Bride 11’111 11.1011111. 2.11). 4.10. 11.21). 8.30.

Oomln01l51 5.50.

10.50am. 1.15.
