S'AND Li) AL KENNEDY The Stand, Edinburgh, Sun 13, Wed 16 Nov

The phenomenon of comedians retreating to the quiet security of their garret to pen the novel they’d always viewed as their primary creative ambition has become so familiar as to barely merit reaction. Some of the results, such as Mark Gattis’ The Vesuvius Club, were pretty inspired, while others (Jo Brand’s Sorting Out Billy) inspired only polite encouragement to stick to the day job.

But what on earth has compelled AL Kennedy, the award-winning novelist, short story writer and screenwriter, to take the opposite career trajectory? Kennedy, who will be appearing at the Stand in Edinburgh this fortnight, has recently dipped her toe in the piranha-infested waters of stand-up comedy, with further appearances lined up for the rest of the year

Typically, she is somewhat reluctant to reveal too much about her reasons for getting involved in the world’s scariest pastime. ‘I think I have to have been standing up for a few more years before I get to do interviews about it,’ she says. ‘You’d have to ask someone else about whether I’ve taken to it or not. I would hope that might eventually happen. It stops me thinking about my life too much.’

Kennedy has always written of sad, serious subjects with humour. Her latest novel, Paradise, for instance, hilariously charts Hannah Luckraft‘s hopeless battle with the bottle. 80, are there things that can be said onstage that you can’t on the page?

‘It’s still writing - even when it’s not written, it’s saying something with words to other people,‘ she says. ‘Or you could just throw up, I suppose - that would be another approach. The speed is different. Faster. And you get a reaction. Even a bad one is right there with you, as opposed to miles away in a stranger’s living room. And you get a lot less respect in stand-up. Not that I’ve chucked in writing. This is just something else, exercising my sanity clause.’ (Allan Radcliffe)

40 THE LIST 2 " g

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy©list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Building. Reitli‘eu Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £7. (‘liatterhox SL‘Ullxt‘ Brendan Rile} \llttl'tN a \tage \\ ith \Velxh- Jeuixh lunn} ho} Bennett Arron. raconteui' .\'ick Will} and Stti \Vho‘.’

The Big Bluu Comedy Gong Show Bliiii. 50 'l‘rongate. .\lerchaiit (it). 548 I350. 8.30pm. Free. Scott Agnew Ctilllpt‘l't‘\ llll\ audience-led Silt)“ in uhich a £100 caxh time is gi\ en the people\ lmout‘ile iwrl'orinei'.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 ()00 (i055. 8.30pm. £(i i£3 £5). Rapid lire l-‘rankie Bo}|e joinx Paul Sinlia. big man (iar) little. l.e\le_\ Kell) and hoxt Ra}inond .\learn\.


Big Word Performance Poetry The 'l‘i'on. ‘) Hunter Square. lligl) Street. 226 0931. ‘lpiii. £3 i£2). llt)\l\ Jeni Roll\ and Jenn} l.ii)d\a_\ are joined h} more coined} \\Ul'tl\lllllll\. including ;t\\;tl'tl-\\ttlllltlg ('alit'oi‘iiian \lainiiier Sekoti i'l'ha Mixlit ). 'l‘rac) Patrick. Richard Medrington and l)tindonian (iat') Rohenxon.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night The Three 'l‘uiix Wine Yatiltx. 7 l l liillltnt‘l' Street. 07900 552345. 0pm. Free. Regular li'ee coined} night featuring a changing line-up ol local act\.

The Thursday Show The Stand. York Place. 558 7272. ‘lpm. £(i i£3 £ l‘ull-l'ot'ce hoxt Vladimir .\lc'l’a\ ixh \xelcoinex metal-head Jaxntt Rouxe to the coined} \tage. accoiiipaitied h} tun—lining lad .-\le\ Horne. (ii‘aeme 'l'hoinax and Betl) Horde).

The Snatch Social The Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 225 2504. 1 1pm 3am. £5. (’omic duo llarr) .'\lll\\\t)l'lll and Tim} (‘aitei' llll\ it tip once again.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jiltlglelll‘x. l'(i(' Building. Renl‘reu Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £l2. See Thu 3.

The Stand The Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. 0870 ()00 (i055. 8.30pm. £8 IL”). Madcap Frankie Bo} le head\ up this coined} team. featuring the laughter- induciiig talents ol Paul Siiiha. llltlllllll) '\ ho} (iai') little. I.e\le_\ Kell) and hoxt SllStlll Moi‘i'ixon.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jt)llglL‘ttt‘\. ()inni (t‘ltll‘t‘. (it'L‘L‘ttSlde Place. 08707 870707. 8.|5pm. £l2. lrithai) Michael Legge teamx tip uith surreal ('anadian 'l‘oii} lam. Rick Right and .\'o\oca\ti'ian Micke} Hutton.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £8 t£7). (‘omed_\ metal head Jason RUUSL‘ \tandx up alongxide in\ entit e litinn} niait .v\le\ Horne. (iraeme 'l‘homax. Beth lloi‘xle) and compete Jane Macka}.

The Bedlam lmproverts Bedlam 'l‘heatre. I ll) HI'lSlU Place. 225 9803. l0.30pni. £3.50 t£2.50 £3). long \tanding late night laughter inxtitution. imolx ing much audience participation. drunken l't‘\Cll"\ and \ptilllttllt‘tlth coined} gainex.


Ha Ha Comedy Blacktriaix. 30 Bell Street. 552 5024. 8pm. U) i £5). Northern lad Barr} l)odd\ teamx up \\ ith Ke\ in Bi'idgex. (ieol'l' la} lot and chattei‘hm host Bill l)e\\ai'.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlettt‘S. l'(i(' Building. Renti'eu Street. 0870" 870707. 8pm. £l3. See Thu 3.

5 5).

Cosy Comedy Cafe The State Bar. I48 Holland Street. 332 215‘). 9pm. £5 i£4). Permide man \‘ladimir .\lc'l‘a\ ixh llL‘tttlllllL‘S. \\ ith \llpptil'l iron) the Impro- Bahle ('omed} Playerx and compere Billy Bonkei'x.

The Stand The Stand. 33.3 \Vtiodlandx Road. 0870 ()00 ()055. ‘)pm. £ 10 (9.8). See l'i'i 4. but with hoxt Jane Macka};


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()mni ('enti'e. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 8.l5pm. £l3. See Fri 4.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. ()pm. £l0 i£8). See l‘i‘i 4. although SUSHI] .\loi'ri\on takex over as compete.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 3.3.3 \\'t)t)tlland\ Road. 0870 600 (i055. 8.30pm. £41“ £3). I.atin-lo\er .’\le\ llornejoinx Sai. lull) \Vilkex. :\lltl_\ NIL‘PatTlttlld and ht)\l Michael Redmond.


Whose Lunch is it Anywaf.’ The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lpm. l‘i'ee. Beat the Stilltlit) morning hltiex

xx ith a dime ol‘ laughter provided b} iniprox- veterans Paul (irahaiii and Stuait Morph}.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £4 t£l £3). Deliciouxl) camp llt)\l Bruce l)e\ lin im'itex on Patil Sinha. (iraeine 'l‘hoinax. .liin Park. Dougie .\lunro and more Red Ra“ rising \lttl'\. Talk of the Town The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £4 (£1 £3). Bruce l)e\ lin. Teddy and Steven Dick. :\K.-\ the trio u ho made tip '\\'alkout \Yednexda} '. return \xith more lllltll'ltillx topical shenanigans based around the

\\ eek'x ne\\ \.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 333 Woodlandx Road. 0870 600 (i055. 8.30pm. £4. 'l‘eain .\loiike_\ thetter kno\\ n ax Sand) \elxon. Allen (’halinei'x. Patil Pii'ie and l)e\ .\lcl.ean) \pice up Honda} night \\ ith more \ptlllltllletlllx \ketchex. lllllSlL‘ and gags.


Piranha Poetry Hol} rood ’l‘ax'eri). ‘) Holyrood Road. 557 4072. 8.30pm. l-‘ree. An extra-special doxe ot‘ tree-torn) poetr} antics ax (ia/ Death celebrates l5 )earx on the hoai'd\ \\ iii) a little help lion) double \ltllll \\lllllt‘l’ Stephen Barnah}. Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £l. Keir .\lc:\lli\ter leadx a t'i'exh group ol' neucomerx through their comedy paces.

Tuesday 8


Red Raw ’l‘he Slatitl. 3.3.3 \thtxlllllltk Road. 0870 ()00 0055. 8.30pm. £2 i£l ). Dundee-lubed ltttl\ Keir .\lc:\lli\let‘ and Paul Pirie \hou more fresh—laced llL‘\\L‘UlllL‘l'\ him it\ done.

Wednesday 9


Glasgay! Special: Topping 8. Butch The Stand. 3.3.5 \thtllatltlx Road. 0870 ()00 0055. 8,30pm, L") i£8). liiimitahle dtio ‘l'opping tk Butcl) \lltl\\t‘il\L‘\ their unique brand ol camp coined} and cabaret. I’d/'1 l’f (i/iixeiii'


A Kick Up the Tabloids The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. ‘lpm. £5 i£2.50 £4). Well-educated l'unn} man .\lile\ .ltipp and canipxtei' Bruce l)e\ lin join Paul Sncddon. l‘i'aiikic Ho} le and Susan .\lorri\on in tll\\L‘cllllf_‘ the latest i)e\\\.