Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Ab-Normal Beauty: IXI O. t()\lth l’ang ('hun. llong Kong. letl-lr likIn (‘heng. .'\llxttll l.eung. \liehelle .\lee. Hilnnn. .\ _\oung uoman mm H ex a elnltlhootl trauma but heeonIex ohxexxetl \\ Ith mortalrt}. the unrequrtetl lexlnan lo\e other hext lllL‘lltl and the total laek or a truxtmg aIIIl eloxe mother. The ehmaetre xllouthm n hem een her and a xthxtIe nuxogynxt I'ehex on the xhoek \altte ol’ a hall naked woman herng repeatedl} heaten III the iaee. XIII one the l’angx' llltlxl mature momentx. l’art ol 'l‘Iger Beer ’l'artan .'\\l;l li\treme 2005. (tumor/II II’I'II/I'III Xll't't'l. (i/IMQIIII. tilt/won.

The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl Il'I O. le’ohert Rodriguel. l'S. ZlHJSI 'l';I_\|oI' l.atItI1eI‘.la}lor l)oole). (';I)tleII lioyl. (ieorge l.ope/. 03mm. .\

ho) ‘x Imaginar} xuperhero trientlx eome to lite and Iomx lnm on a xerIex ol' aIl\enturex. Bland poxt».\'/I\ [VII/I kIIlIhe l'hek lrom Rouh‘tgueI. (inn ml I‘I'lI'IIu'.

Alien Adventure 30 It'I O... Itsen Straxxen. Japan. Ziltll l \'oIee ol John Bo} Ie. Bouh l.annerx. .i”II1III..r\na|Ienraee looking lot a planet to eolttltlxc lllttl earth and untortunateI} enter a theme park “here the} eaIIxe Inueh aInuxIng ma}hem. /.\l.rl.\' I'llCtt'Il't'. (r/Ilvqntt.

Another Public Enemy I ISI 0.. le'an \Voo-xuk. ~South lx'orea. 2005i Jun-ho Jeong. Sang K)ung-gu. 148mm. Sequel tote 3002 xerIal killer eomIe tlIrIller. 'l‘hIx tune out proxeeutor Kang attemptx to Ilrrx e corporate had gu_\ x out oi Dodge \\ hIle

\\ eakenetl tI'aIlItIonal \aluex anIl tln'eatx to South Korea'x IIlentIt} anIl eulture are blamed on a ‘t'uture generatron' \‘-CLlllL'll on \Vextern temptatIon. :\I l\\o and a hall houI'x long. tlnx Ix InIhIlgent hut tun. l’art oi ‘I'IgeI' Beer 'l‘artan .-\\l;t l'.\treme 2005. (’IIII'IIIII'II/ Rentren Strut. (i/mgon. (i/Irxg'mr

The Ascent I i’( iI 0000 II)IIII;IIII Sltelult. (‘attatla l ‘S.v\. l‘l'YII x\\ll‘;t .'\\ll‘;t. l,C\llL‘ (.lll-\llll\l. l’lllllp (.llC‘L'C. lien (-l'tlxx 00mm. Set In a lirItIxh pI'Ixon ol' \\aI eamp In .'\ll’lt'it. /'/II‘ .lu In! Ix a elaxxle xtoI} oi |o\ e. eourage and hope. IzI/In/rurglr I’ll/II (iIIIlIl. I'fI/In/m/g/I.

Bad Education (La Mala Educacion) I IFI 00... I l’eIlro .'\hnoIlo\ar. Spam. ItitHI (iael (iareIa liernal. l'ele .\lartIne/. l)anIel (iIInene/ ('aeho. l.|urx Ilomart ll|5tnur .-\ xueeexxtul )oung mo\ Ie IlII'eetoI‘ linrrque I.\lartIne/I reeen ex an une\peeIeIl \IxItoI‘ xomeone elamnng to he lIIx elnlIlhooIl irIenIl and lo\er lgnaero l Bernal I. \xho no“ preleI'x to he ealleIl .-\nge|. l’oxxrhl} the l'IIIext ':\|IIIoIlraIna' to date. thIx xI/Ilex “llll llItelIeoekIan \er\e anIl RIpIe)exI|IIe nrenaee. x\n altxolule Ilehght .-\|moIlo\.Ir Ix urnlouhletll) one ol the llllL‘\l lilnnnakerx \xorkmg In laurope toIla}. l’l/Hl/IHHH. liI/m/Iurg/I.

Batman Begins I l.‘.'\l 000 I(‘lIrIxtopher .\'olan. l'S. 2005i ('lII'IxIIan Bale. .\lIelIae| (lune. l.I.Im \eexon. \lorgan l‘l'L‘Clllitll. (iar') ()lIhnan. KatIe llolmex.

lem. The Bat Ix haek In tlnx tleepl) llaued hut xatixl') Ingl} dark and realixtre adaptation ol' hoth Bob Kane'x original xtrIpx and Hank \liller'x Ila/mun: lI'Irr ()m'. l)a\nl lJ/Utlt’ (lo) eI”x xerlpt Ix prett) an int hut tlnx Ix alxo a lan'l} xuhxtantlartl piece of \Iork from Nolan ax \\ ell. IiIIInIIuI Bt'L‘l/H tlth\. lit)“ e\ er. need to he applauded (or partly I'e\ItalIxIng an aihng lranelnxe. /.\I.l.\' III/lUll/H'. (i/Ilwmt.

* Battle in Heaven I IxI .000 I('arlox Re}gatlax. l‘ranee/lielgIIIIn/XlexIeo. 2()t)5r .\lareox llerIIanIle/. :\ttapol;t .\ltleIkath/. Berta RuI/ ‘ann. See Inter\ Ie\\. page 42 and re\ re“. page 3‘). (il-‘I. (i/Irxuon. (Inner). Int/In/IIII'u/I.

Beneath her Window (Pod njenim oknom) t ISI I.\lotoIl l’ex ee. Slownia. 200M l’olona Jllll. .\lar|ana lireeeli. Saxa ‘l'ahakoxre. Robert l’I'elnl. ‘llnnn.

.\l_\ xterIotIx. olll‘eal and humouroux film about the lo\ ex. th'ugx anIl mIIl-hle erIxIx oi a .ill-}t‘;II'-IrlIl Ilanee InxtI'uetoI'. l’arl ol'

Slm email xeaxon. l‘l/IH/lr'llH’. Iz'I/IIt/mru/I. Black Narcissus I Pt i I 00.00 I.\lIehae| l’o\\ ell. l'lx'. l‘l-JW Deborah Kerr. Sahn. Jean SIInnIonx. l)a\IIl l‘arrar. l-lora Rohxon. lililnnn. Kerr'x eolon} ol' nunx III the llIInala_\ax lllltl tlIeIr iaIth texteIl h} tlexn'ex ot' the l'lexh. .'\n unhkel} xulneet matter. axtomxlnngl} e\oeatI\ e xtutho xettIngx antl al'l'eeungl} eontrolletl perl'ormaneex are eomlnnetl In a heauttlul. IIanue film. l’arl ot‘ the Po“ ell retroxpeetrx e. (i/IHQIIII I'l/lr! I'llutll'r’. (i/Ing'rm.

Blind Beast (Mojuu) I 1M .00. IYaxu/o .\laxumura. Japan. Wow litll l'unakoxln. .\lako \lIIlorI. \orrko Sengoku, thm. .\ hhnd xeulptor knlnapx a )oung laxlltolt model and unprIxonx her ax lnx llill\t‘. liI/arre and brilliant late .\laxumara tllm \xlueh ImextIgatex peI'\eeron anIl xatlo maxoelnxm. .v\x ex er \\llll .\l.IxInnara. tlnx Ix hIglII} I'eeIrInmenIleIl. l’art ol .\laxumura xeaxon, l‘l/lll/lrtllu'. l'jI/I/I/Iurulr.

Bombon el Perro I ISI 00.. I(‘;II'IIIx Sorrm. .'\l'f_‘t‘ltllll;t. JUUJI Juan \‘Illegax. \Vaher l)onaIlo, 08mm. In the rough land ol' l’atagoma.a51-}eaI—oltl IIIeelIame. Juan \Illegax. lIItx lIaI'Il tImex \xhen he onex lnx (oh. llIx lortunex turn “hen he I‘epaIrx a ear .ttttl t‘eeenex pit) met” It] lllC \llitpt‘ til tt hounIl nanIeIl lioml‘on. l'oI' Juan. tlnx Ix the lirxt xtep touarle a eaI'eeI' ax a dog e\hIl\Itor. (‘harmIng road IIon Ie hour the threetor ol [Izmir/In lint/mm, (Tl/Hf“. ILI/HI/tmg/I. Britannia Hospital I ISI .00

Il.Inlea} :\nIlerxon. l‘lx'. l‘lxlr leonard Roxxrter. llrIan l’ettIler. John \lollat. l'ulton .\laeka}. \‘IHan l’Ieklex. llarl‘ara lltekx. lltrInIII. 'l‘he tlIIrtl part oi ;\nIlerxon'x liI'ItleI xoeIet} tI'Ilog} Ialter II and ()II [III AI .lIIIn' takex on the health er\ Iee “Illi mI\eIl texttltx. l’at't ol Metheal _\lo\Iexi lloetot'x. l’atIentx anIl (‘elluloIIl Solutionx IntI'oIhIeeIl h} _\lIlex l'IelIleI. New” link. lit/Illl’lll'Q/I. Brodeuses (A Common Thread) I IHI 0.. Il'.leonol‘e l‘aueher. l"ranee. ZlNHI l.ola \a} mark. .'\l'l;ll]L‘ .v\xearIIle. 'l'hoInax l.aroppe, N‘lmm, ln IhIx xtor_\ oi a pregnant teenager “llU gaInx meaning l'rom her hie through heeonnng Intenxel} In\o|\eIl In emln'onler}. the Ihreetor \\ ea\ ex a narrath ol t\\o elIaI'aeteIx .'\xearnle'x gt‘Ie\ Inf—'

Great Lukas Moodyson double bill action with two of his most

Show M Lovet

312*" if"; sf:


‘03":— {‘5 7H1, ‘i‘fiili ‘3'.“‘uugmh

accessible and enjoyable films. His debut film, Show Me Love, from 1998, is a rare uncensored glance at teenage sexual mores in small town Sweden, and Together (pictured), a black comedy set in a 70$ commune, was one of the best films of 2000. A treat.

I (VT. GI;I§;§}()I1' /SI'I’.’) 23 Oct (NI/Iv.

mother and \II}IIIaI'k'x quIekl) maturing teenager ax the} mm e ltl\\;ll'tl\ a mutual unIlerxtanIhng M We. Itx loxxex and Itx gaInx. 'l‘herapeutre eInema. (Imrm. l-[I/In/III/g/I.

* Broken Flowers I Is. 0000 am .larmuxeh. 1‘8. 200% B1” Murra}. Sharon Stone. Jexxrea lange. Jel'tre} Wright. 'l‘IIIla Smnton. JulIe l)elp}. 55mm. See l'eature. page I”. atnl I'e\ re“. page >11. (iI'III'rIr/ I'I'lI‘IIIIz The Centre (Die Mitte) I l:.'\l IStaInxlau \lueha. (ierman_\. JHHJI 85mm, lantertaInIng Iloeumentar} lolloxung the xearelI tor the hue eentre' oi liurI‘Pe. a IhxtInetIon man} to\\ttx elann ax theIr tmll. .I‘. (lttt‘llle lnxllltllc [H‘Cxclllaltolt.(i/Ilu'mt I'llm HII'IHI'I’. (i/Ingun.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Il’(iI O... tlnn Burton. l'SI'l'K. 2005i Johnn} l)epp. l'reIlthe llIglnnore. l)a\IIl l\'e|l_\. Helena lionhatn (‘arteru Noah ‘l'a_\lor_ 1 15mm. li\eellent anIl laItht'ul adaptation oi Roaltl l)ahl'x elaxxIe I‘M-l hook. llt/at't‘e anIl lteautrl'ul to look at. thIx Ix Burton at the top of hIx game. SFh'lJl't/ I't’lt’rlw.

* Corpse Bride Il’(iI O... I'l'Im Burton/Mike Johnxon. l’lx'. IUUSI \oIeex ol Johnn} l)epp. llelena lionham (‘arterz liInIl) \Vatxon. 'l'raee) l'llman. "mm. See

Inter\ Ie\\. page RH. and I‘e\ re“. page it). (it’llt'l'tl/ I‘t’lt'rlu',

Cowboys and Angels I ISI II);I\ ltl (ileexon. lreIanIlj(ieI'many'l'K. Jill”! .\lIelIael legge. .v\llen l.eeeh. .-\III} Slnelx. l)a\ IIl .\lurra.\. 80mm. (‘rmul-pleaxlng

Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1.

Any film, any time, every Wednesday at cinemas nationwide. Orange customers text Conditions apply.

eoInIng oi age tale In \tlIIelI a lonel) Ill-war- oltl llll\lll mo\ex to l.ImerIek and takex on a ga} tlatmate \\ Ith a ilaIr tor laxlnon. I’Irrr II! (ilmem ' (i/Iiwnu l'I/m I'III'IIII'I'. Ulmgon. Cyberworld 3D It’('.I I\’.-II'II»IIx. [‘51 Mom Jenna lullman. Man he“ er. Wood} .-\llen. 44mm. Jenna lzllman Ix the oxher hoxt u ho IntI'oIlueex ux to \arIoux unrelated xegmentx ol‘ eflwr .IIIImatIon. I'III Slur/mun and .‘llll.‘. make 3i) appearaneex III a xpeelaeular Ihxpla} ol totla) 'x moxt Imprexxn e graplne teelInolog}. /.ll.l,\‘ I'I'II'IIII'I'. (i/Inqun. Dance in the Rain (Ples v Dezju)

I l:.'\l Ilioxtlan llIthIIk. Yugoxlm Ia. l‘)(Il I .\lIha lialoh. Ratlo \aert. l)IIx.I l’oekal. .'\h Raner. Jo/e /.up.In. lllllllllii. llIglIl} regartleIl Slmeman drama about one )ouIIg IrraII\ l'ruItlexx xeareh [or low. \er} Inllueneetl It} l-ranee‘x nomelle \ague Ino\ement. tlnx Ix one ol the moxt popular lIlIIIx e\ er made III Itx hoIIIelanIl l’aI‘t oi Sloxeman xeaxon_ I'I/nr/Iorm. l‘.(/IlI/’IlI'L'/l.

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo

I |5I O. I.\lIke liIgelo“. l‘S. ZUHSI Rolt Sehnenler. l‘.ll\llL' (iI'IltIII. JeIoen Kralthe. ‘I‘Il Selmetger. 82mm, _\lore xeatologreal Ina)hem troIn Sehnenlerk lixlr tank eleaIIer-eum male \thore lranelnxe, 'l‘lnx tune out liIgalo“ eroxxex the .-\llantIe to mateh \\ Itx \\ Ith the louelre xe\tIal xophIxtIeatIon and rampant Ile\ lane} x}IIIIII)IIIIIIIx “Ith lIte III leI eeIItuI'} liurope. l’;IltI'_\. IlIxtatel'ul eIItertaIIIrnent.

.‘r‘lt'I’lI’I/ I't'lt’rlu'.


0.". .\ . f' THE LIST 45