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108 THE LIST 6—20 Oct 2005

V I Saw You Paulie. looking fit as always. You'll be a black belt soon! My hero. ABZ U/533/lo

V I Saw You eating pizza in La Favorita. 16/9. Our eyes met across the birthday fanfare. You looked very fine in your orange T-shirt. From the Irish girl with long dark hair. x x U/533/l7

V I Saw You Bruce in the Basement with a beautiful lady. i do hope that you‘re still gay. Love U. M x U/533/l8

V I Saw You girl with the cute stomach. Remember my nice arms‘.’ Get in touch (Joely) x U/533/l9

V I Saw You Emma Jones going on your travels. Stay cool and don‘t forget me! U/533/20 V I Saw You Irish Emma. with the red hair. break dancing at Velvet and shaking your toosh at Vibe. You're too cutting edge for the scene! M x L'/533/2|

V I Saw You pink haired bar

maid in the Street. God. hmmm.

gm. Let's make babies . . . like now! U/533/22

V I Saw You Hailey in the Street. surrounded by men (mostly older). Please take a break from the mature man and engage in some shenani- gans with someone your own age . . . like me x x x U/533/23

V I Saw You dancing like a demon with your floppish arty hair-do. Your panninis drive me wild. kitchen boy. You can draw me any time. U/533/24

V I Saw You when I woke up this morning my magical Princess Banella. Thank you for a wonderful day and just for being you x U/533/25

V I Saw You. seems no matter where I buy my coffee. the Ginger Goddess is there. smiling. stalking. To me forev- er is each day with you. U/533/26

V I Saw You Kiwi dude. cutting a path of heartbreak in your swanky suit. A weekend in the 'dam with this (‘anuk will get you playing for the right team! BON VOYAGE !! U/533/27

V I Saw You karaoke. Three Sisters. Mon 26/9. Me: singing poor songs. Caught me looking a few times. You: tall. dyed red hair. struggling with map. You get home UK? U/533/28

V I Saw You swimming with dolphins. Let‘s do that again. Congratulations on your new post. 'ood luck. U/533/29

V I w You on the N8 bus. 3am. Sun 25m Sep. I (Hugh. top hat) had been to Vegas. you (Sharon. red jacket) Espionage. Fancy a coffee (or another go at Salsa)? U/533/30

V I Saw You teaching Bodycombat at the gym in a see-through white T-shirt and sweaty rippling muscles. and l was knocked out! You can wrestle with me any day . . . U/533/3l

V I Saw You Francis from Belfast at Spiegel Tent. Fancy a pint'.’ David U/533/32

V I Saw You at Heathrow on 15/9. You: short hair. black suit and tie. Me: long dark hair. glasses. green jacket. Then on plane at 20:40. then on bus. Can I see you again sometime“? U/533/33

V I Saw You. Edinburgh Park train station. Friday 16/9. 13.45. You: blonde haired. beautiful. freeing a trapped moth/butterfly. l applauded

your intentions and your efforts.

and now can‘t get your smile out of my head. U/533/34

V I Saw You briefly at Waverley Station. Saturday l7/9. bubbling over with front page success. Buy you cake some time to celebrate? x x U/533/35

V I Saw You Tug o‘War Holyrood Park Thursday evening. I was celebrating an executive second place in the Canons Gait. You worked for Bamardos and we met briefly. never got your name before you left. Perhaps I will see you on a beach somewhere?! U/533/36 V I Saw You in Black Bo‘s 16th Sept. You: black T-shirt. blue jeans. glasses. Me: black T-shirt. blue jeans. Though I don't need glasses maybe we should start a new trend? U/533/37

V I Saw You smelly! You‘ve been the smelliest thing in our lives for three and a half years and now you‘re leaving us. The burger won‘t be the same without you. Love Bob and Sal x x x U/533/38

V I Saw You Delay Bird at Planet. ()ut rocking the house! U/533/39

V I Saw You hugging my head at the City Cafe about a packet of Luckies. Elephant

Colourful. U/533/40

V I Saw You Funki Diva

playing at Furburger until Dejay

Bird joined the Smurf parade. Les Stroumps! U/533/4l

V I Saw You Funki Diva

wearing the Smurf. lt suits you! U/533/42

V I Saw You Irish Jen looking for the right one. ()i -— over here! NY3 U/533/43

V I Saw You Funki Bird. . . Waiting on the photos!!! One Love. [3/533/44

V I Saw You Delay Bird. going Nowhere and drinking mohitos. x x U/533/45

V I Saw You tall boy. Don't go nowhere! ()r at least keep away from the toilets! [5/533/46 V I Saw You Delay Bird playing nowhere! U/533/47

V I Saw You S I appreciate your effort but it's too little too late. You will love again. x x J U/533/48

V I Saw You Spiderman without your head. Thank you for giving me the body ! ! '.’ '.’ ! U/533/49

V I Saw You missing the haggis. neeps and tatties in the

City Cafe. I miss them too. x x

x U/533/50

V I Saw You the Funki diva

at Furburger. You made me spin right round baby right round! Do it again! U/533/5l

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