


Flats to let

GLASGOW I Large 2-Bed Flat,

Kelvindale (lardens. West lind. l.ight spacious rooms. compris- ing Living/Dining. separate kitchen vv ith all mod cons. tvvo double bedrooms. storage. (i('ll. broadlmnd. l'urnished. ovvn parking space. £495pcm. Tel: 07759 229 98.3 .\'o USS

Glasgow West End, liairlie Park Drive. To suit one couple. Bright lriendlv ilat comprises lounge. l bedroom. kitchen (all mod cons). bath- room and shovv er. (}(‘ll. £495 pcm + ("II Immediate entr_v.

07745 136 151

I Glasgow Dennistoun. Self catering rooms from L'l30 per vveek. (‘lose to cit) ce ntre. hospitals and M8 call Sandra on 0|4l 554 6797

I Glasgow southside furnished l bed llai. nevv kitchen. oak lloors. minimal decor. Would suit professional single or couple. £400/month plus bills and deposit. Tel: Debbie 07803 970 02‘).

I Glasgow West End. 2 double bedroom li/lloor nevvl_v renovated ilat. lkea furnishings. sanded floors. 2 mins livr'es

Road. Quiet street. parking. £575 pcm. Tel: 0796] 845 936. I Glasgow Off Maryhill Road. 2 bed period red sand- stone hottse to let. (i(‘ll. (iarden. £500 pcm. 'l‘o v ievv call ()77l7 ()78 59‘).

Glasgow - Luxury 2 bedroom flat vv ith secure parking. in nevv development 5 mins vvalk l‘rom B}t‘es Road. Master bedroom en-suite. beau- til’ul kitchen. litted vvardrohes.

l‘urnished - £600. l'nl'urnished -

£550. Tel: 07973 262 441


l/l' llat. Living Room. nevv kitchen and ballirootii. double bedroom. .\'ear llavmarkct. cit_v centre. £450 pcm plus deposit. Tel: 07786 310 389.

I Easter Road. Bright, spacious llat vv ith period fea- tures. located close to cit} cen— tre. Double bedroom. large lounge. lovel} big kitchen. hall. bath/shovv er room. l-‘ul|_\ lur- nished vv ith stripped floor- boards throughout and (i(’ll. £500 pcm + bills. Available end ol' November. Tel: 07843

()56 042.

How to place a Flatshare

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate and what's more it's free, you only have to cover the cost of calling our Flatshare Hotline to place your advert.

I Fab newly decorated i bed llat on Albert St Iidinburgh. l’vv r shovv er. good storage. gsh and \\ ell i'urnished. £450 pcm L‘\ bills L‘illl (l73l5 39.5 45‘). Suit plot.

I 2 bedroom flat in l.eith t('rabbies \\'ai'el1otise). Large rooms. fitted kitchen. one en-suite. ()ne private park- ing space toll-road). ('entral heating. £590 pcm. ()l3l (m3 5 l 37.

I Smart fully furnished

2-dottble bedroom lilttl.

\Varriston Road lidinburgh. near

Bolliliic‘s. l5-liiills \\;lll\ lo tovvn. Available lst Oct. £550 pcm. Non-smokers Hill}. Suit l’roi‘essional. ‘l‘el: 07734l

()Zl (ll)

I To-Iet: Spacious flat in (irange area. lidinburgh. lvvo dbl bed. ba} -vvindovv ed lounge. \ep mod kitchen. Vievvs lo Arthur's Seal. [050 pm. Tel: 0798‘) 550 738.


I North Berwick Seaside Spacious. lull} lur nished Hat on sea iront. large bedroom plus bo\room. living room. separate kitchen. (i(‘ll. sanded lloors. \ ievvs to east beach and llcrvvick l.avv. £450 pcm. plus bills. 'l‘el: 07753 398 397.



I Glasgow, Dennistoun - gay lemale lecturer seeks l'lat- mate. dottble room. all mod cons. broadbaml. t'ol) pvv inclu si\e L'\cepl (.Ili. 'liel ill-ll 550 (i075.

I One double bedroom in attractive Queens Park l'lat. all mod cons. nevvl} rclur- bished. n/s required. £250 pctn. pllls bills. lel l)7‘)7l 3‘)(il‘)l or (ll—ll 57o (l‘)4(l.

I Double furnished room to let in Sliaulands. sharing vv ith one l‘emale tenant. sttit prolcssional lemale or mature lemale student. all mod cons. available 38 ()ct. £235 pcm. plus bills. 'l‘el 0778o 544085.

I Garnet Hill area, rel'ur hished l'lat. private parking. sharing vv till one other. proles- sional person vvanted. Ms. 5 minute vvalk to cit_v centre. £350 pcm. 'l'el 0777l 9l8353. I Large room in Sottlliside lilitl. e\L‘ellclil amenities ttlid transport. (}(‘ll. all mod cons. n/s. £290 pcm. plus bills and deposit. lL‘l (ll-ll 43‘) 834-1. I Friendly owner seeks voting. n/s. prolessional 25

5()_\ l' old to share lilotlei'liiscd llat in l)ovvanhill. \\'est lind. lovel_\ surroundings. close to ll_vndland Road and I0 mins \valk to llvres \Valk. parking available. £250 pcm. plus ("l‘. plus hills. Tel 07725 050578.

I Bright double bed- room 10 minutes vvalk from cit) centre. vvould suit proles sional n/s. £340 pcm. including all bills. ("l and phone line. ’l‘el 0l4l 420 509.5.

I Hyndland, West End pl'olessltiliitl person to share labtilotis West lind llat. ga_\ l'riendl). double bedroom beau til'ull} lurnished vvith all mod cons. ovvn phone line. £350 pcm including ("l and share ol bills. plus relerences. Tel 07980 (10547 l.

I Double room to let in l'ull_v rclurbished 3 bedroom ground floor tenement in liaitlelicld. close to bus and train routes. secure entr}. (i(‘ll. ovvn bathrtloin/shovver. laminate flooring and nevv tittings throughout. all mod cons. suit house trained. n/s l'emale pt'oles sional 35»35)i's old. {285 pent. plus bills. Tel 07717 337503. I West End, Hyndland - prol'essional person to share labulous \\esl lind llat. ga) lriendl'v. double bedroom beau tilull) l'urnished vvith all mod cons. ovvn phone line. has to be \L‘L‘li it) be lillll) appreciated. n/s. £350 pcm. including (“i and share ol bills. Rel'erences required. 'l‘cl (ruso out? I. I Shawlands - large bedroom in quiet street. 5 minutes vvalk to shops. trains. buscs and l’ollockpark. n/s. sharing vvith l other. £355 pcm. plus bills. lcl 014] 033 2872.

'Phone'therlatshareHotline9070201610 "

You will be asked for: I

I 1 "Your. name. address and daytime phone number dialling code

2 Up to30 words description about the flatshereincluding rent, number of other'ocCupanfts and V

3 A contact number for would-be flatmates to ring ' _‘

Y°"' “ml V" be Pulis in the at ill

{he List is published fortnightly on Thursda

s and weekly during the Edinburgh Festival. The deadline for placing your Flatshare advert is

2pm Thursday 1 week prior to our publication date. All adverts placed after this deadline will appear in the following issue.

if you have any queries or would like to confirm when your advert will appear please call our free

Terms & Conditions

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes. Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more. ’If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. in the barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone. 'Advertisers must supply full name and address (NOT for publication). ‘Please note the Flatshare Hotline is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication, any adverts advertising whole rental properties will be removed. ‘The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

We adVise that you do not give out personal details when receiving enquiries about your flat and always ensure you

have someone with you when showing people your property

108 THE LIS1’ 0-20 Oct 200:")