Tiger Beer Tartan Extreme (Various) Matinees and evening screenings of a selection of new horror and thriller films from Asia. See round up. page 44. Visit www.asiaextrenieco.uk for more information. ('ini'ii'urd Ron/rim: Street. (i/iivgim: ('ini'u‘m‘ld. I‘idUl/Hll'g/l.
Triptych Film Competition — Finalist Screening (i’(i) (Various. l'K. 2005) Various. 60min. Six of the country 's most promising young filmmakers were given allarcas access to film this vibrant music festival and these are the results. (i/iitgnir I'll/It Tlil'llll'l’. (i/usgnii'.
A Very Long Engagement ( 15) O... (Jean-Pierre Jeunet. France. 2004) Audrey Tautou. (iaspard l'lliel. Jean Pierre Becker. Dominique Bettenfeld. 134mm. Romantic mystery from the actor/director team is ho made Amelie. Set around World War I and based on the novel by Sebastien Japrisot. this tells the story of Mathilde (Tautou). a young orphaned polio sufferer who decides to turn detective and unearth the fate of her fiance in the battlefields of the Somme. Relentlesst inventive. gritty but rather wonderful romantic drama. Brunton Tlll’rlfl't'. Iz'dinbuijgh.
The War Game ( 15) .0000 (Peter Watkins. I'K. 1965) 48min. A scathing warning against Britain‘s involvement in the nuclear arms race. Watkins‘ dix'uinentary places the viewer directly in the midst of a possible nuclear fall out. and won a Best Documentary Oscar for his troubles. l'ninissable. Part of Peter Watkins season. I'ilnihnus'i'. Ifdinburgh.
War of the Worlds ( 12A) see (Steven Spielberg. US. 2005) Toni (‘niise. Justin ('hatwin. Dakota Fanning. Tun Robhiiis. Miranda ()tto. 1 16min. “(1 Wells‘ alien invasion as seen through the eyes of Spielberg and divorced east coast blue collar dockworker Ray Ferrier (Cruise). Despite good atmospheric work in the first half. pyrotechnics and noise render this to he only an adequate version of the much adapted book. Brlmlmi Theatre. It'dinbmjg/i. West Side Story (PU) eooo (Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins. US. 1961) Natalie
Wood. Richard Beymer. Rtiss 'l'amblyn. Rita I
Moreno. 155mm. Romeo And .Ill/fl'! revisited against a background of New York gangs. (ireat songs of course. but the playing of the stylised dancing against a realistic background contrives to make it all look rather camp these days. I'i/mhouu’. Iz'dinbuigh.
What the Bleep Do we Know? (12A) 0 (William Anti. Betsy (‘hasse. US. 2004) Marlee .‘viatlin. lilaine Hendrix. 108mm. l’tiponing to he an investigation of quantum physics. in reality it's an advert for something akin to a dodgy American New Age cult. (’(‘I Edinburgh. Edinburgh.
When Will I be Loved? (15) 0 (James Tohack. US. 2004) Neve Campbell. Fred Weller. Mike Tyson. Dominic (‘hianese 81min. Like a Woody Allen film without the witty repaitee. Toback’s film follows spoilt New Yorker Vera (Campbell) as she embarks on some of the most unerotic sex in cinema history in an attempt to glean affection. or something. Particularly cringe worthy is her session with a fawning rich old man (a decaying (‘hiancse) who she wheedles serious cash otit of for the ‘pleasure'. A continuous soundtrack of lotid plinky classical piano and cheesy r'n'b. drowns otit some of the dialogue. there is a god. l’rev iews only. ('ilti'u'm'ld Ri'lifi'i'ii' .Sli'i't’l. (i/itvgmi‘. (i/usgmi‘. Whisky ( 12A) 0... (l’ahlo Stoll/Jtian Pablo Rebulla. l’ruquay/Argentina/ Spain/Germany. 2004) Jorge Bolani. Daniel llendler. Mirella Pascaul. Andres l’alos. 98min. When cantankerous sock factory owner Jacobo’s (l’alos) brother Herman (Bolani) announces that he is going to visit. he asks his long suffering assistant Marta to pose as his wife. to save him face in front of his sibling. but in doing so he is about to bring about in subservient harmless little .‘slarta. Hilarious downbeat comedy drama from l’ruguay that's a peculiarly sour poem of mislaid loyalty. grief and pessimism. (iluvgnw I‘d/n Tlll’UlI'l'. (ilusguu: Wolf Creek ( 18) O... ((ircg McLean. .»\ustralia. 2005) John Jarratl. (’assandra .‘yiagrath. Andy Mcl’hee. Kestie Morassi. 94min. Mick Taylor (Jarratt) goes to Wolf ('reek. site of Australia's largest ; meteorite crater. with two female British backpackers (Magratli and Morassi) and things go a bit pear shaped. To write Wolf (‘rm'k off as a splatter movie would be a serious disservice to this sparsely executed slice of first rate filmmaking which even
The Woodsman ( 15) secs (Nicole Kassell. 1.'S. 2004) Kevin Bacon. Kyra Sedgwick. Mos Def. 87min. Paedophile Walter (Bacon) returns to his home town and tries to adapt to life outside prison. After returning to his old job 111 the lumber trade. he meets another fragile loner (Sedgwick). (‘2111 he resist his desires and lead a normal life‘.’ Daring and intelligent polemic of a difficult. emotive issue. Bacon is as commendable as es er. (i/usgmi' l-"ilni Theatre. (iluvgmi:
4 (Chetyre) ( 15) see.
Khr/hanovsky. Rtissia. 2004) Mariia Vovchenko. lrina Vovchenko. Svetlana Vovchenko. 126mm. See interview. page 41 and review. page 43. l‘ilinhnuw. Edinburgh.
Superb double-bill action which brings together two of the greatest films ever
made about the stinking belly of corruption that lies beneath the city of angels. Both films are irreproachable; both films are classics. Miss at
your peril. I OF T. Glasgow (Sun 25 Sep only).
little does he know what change
boasts a craftin ambiguous ending. (ii'ni'ru/
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Jules Graham.
Cineworld Parkhead
The Forge. l’arkhead. 0871 200 2000.
IDI. llil. Adtilt £5 (£4.50 before 5pm Mon Thu. (‘hild/Student/OAP: £3.60. Family ticket £14. All tickets before noon: £3.
TheAdventuresotShaniboy and Lava Giri(U) 1.20. 6.05.
Bewitched(P(i) 11.00am. 3.45. 8.45. Charlie andtheChoeolate Factoryfl’o) 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30.
Cinderella Han (12A) 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.45.
The 40 Year Old Virgin (15) 11.50am. 2.50. 6.00. 8.45.
The Longest Yard (12A) 10.50am. 1.25. 4.00. 6.30. 9.05.
ThelilanHZA) 8.55.
Pride and Preludlce (11) 11.55am. 3.00. 5.50. 8.30.
llevolverHS) 10.45am. 1.20. 3.55. 6.30. 9.10.
WollCreelulX) 11.35am. 1.55. 4.15. 6.35. 8.55.
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl (U)
Daily: 11.05am. 1.20. 4.00. Bewitched (PG)
Matinee Sat & Sun: 10.50am.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (PG) Fri & Sun Thu: 1 l.30am. 2.30. 5.30 & 8.05 (not Fri & Thu).
Also matinee Sat: 2.30.
Cinderella Man (12A)
Fri & Mon Wed: 11.30am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.35.
Eire El Avoir (To Be and to Have) (U)
Matinee Sat: 1 1.30am. Four Brothers (15) Thu: 6.15. 8.45. Coal! (12A)
Sat. Sun & Thu: 11.15am. 1.45. 4.15. 6.45. 9.15. A History oilllolence (18)
Fri & Sat: 6.00. 8.00. LandolthelleadHS)
Daily: 12.20 (not Sat & Sun). 2.20. 4.35. 6.50. 9.05. TheLongestYanltle)
Daily: 10.50am. 1.25. 4.00. 6.30. 9.05.
Pndeand Prejudloem)
Daily: 11.55am. 3.00. 5.50. 8.30. Revolver(15)
Daily: 10.25am. 12.55. 3.50. 6.30.
9.05. Wolf Creek (181
Daily: 6.35. 8.55.
i Cineworld Renirew Street
7 Renfrew Street. info and CC hooking: 0871 200 2000. Adult £5.80 (£4.80
Mon Thu). (‘hild/sttalents/concessions: £3.90. Family ticket £15.60 (Sun—Thu: £14). Sunday all tickets: £3.50. Unlimited ('ard: £10.99 per month.
TheAdventuresolSharkboyand Lava GlthJ) 1.15.
TheMstocratsH8) 11.00am. 1.10. 3.40. 6.10. 8.30.
‘ ‘81“!!!th 1.40. 4.00. 6.20. 8.40. Bewitchedd’o) 10.30am. 12.50. 3.20.
5.45. 8.15. TheBusinessuxi 4.10. 9.30. The Cave (12A) 11.20am. 1.40.
Cinderella ManHZA) 10.00am. 1.20.
4.50. 8.20.
' Crash(15) 11.50am. 2.40. 5.20. 8.00.
The [lilies oi llazzard (12A) 10.30am. 12.50. 3.30. 6.10. 9.10.
The 40 Year Old Virgin (l5) 11.30am. 2.20. 5.20. 8.30.
WWHM 10.30am. 4.00. 6.40. 9.30.
Herbie:FullyLoaded(U) 1.20. ThelongestYard (12A) 10.20am. 1.00. 3.40. 6.30. 9.10.
LOTUS“ (12A) 10.10am. 12.40. 3.20. 6.10. 9.00. TheManttZA) 11.00am. 1.10. 3.40. 6.10. 8.50.
Mustloveoogstizm 11.00am. 1.30. 4.00. 6.40. 9.15.
On a Clear Day (12A) 10.45am. 3.20. 5.40. 8.20.
Pride and Prejudice (U) 10.50am. 2.00. 5.10. 8.30.
lied £10112)” 11.30am. 1.40. 4.00. 6.20. 8.50.
llevolveuIS) 11.30am. 2.30. 5.20. 8.20.
WollCreelttlx) 10.30am. 1.10. 3.50. 6.30. 9.15.
The Adventures of Sharkhoy and Lava
Daily: 1.15. TheArlstocratsHX)
Fri & Mon Wed: 4.10. 9.00. AsylunHlS)
Daily: 8.40.
Also late Fri & Sat: Bewitched (PG) Daily: 10.30am. 12.50. 3.20. 5.45. Blinded 1 15)
Tue: 8.00.
Fri-Wed: 7.00. 9.30.
Charlie andtheChocolateFactorytPG) Fri—Wed: 11.00am. 1.40. 4.20. Cinderella Man ( 12A)
Daily: 10.00am. 1.20. 4.40. 8.20(not
Tue). Crasht15) Fri & Sat: 11.50am. 2.40. 5.20. 8.10. 11.10. Sun Thu: 11.50am. 2.40. 5.20. 8.00.
Fri & Sat:
The Dukes of llamrd (12A)
Daily: 10.30am. 12.50. 330829.10 (not Fri & Sat).
Also Thu: 6.10. ThedovearOIdVlrgInHS)
11.00am. 1.50. 4.50. 8.00.
1 1.00.
Sun Thu: 11.30am. 2.20. 5.20. 8.40. FourBrotherstlS)
Thu: 10.30am. 1.20. 4.10. 6.50. 9.30.
l GoalHtZA)
Sat. Sun&Thu: 11.20am. 2.20. 5.20. 8.20. GreenStreetHX) Daily: 4.00. 6.40. 9.35. Herbie: FullyLoadedtU) Daily: 11.00am. 1.20.
Fri & Sat: 3.30. 6.00. 8.40. 11.15.
2 Howl’s Moving Castle (PG)
Fri & Sat:
10.30am. 1.2(). 4.30. 7.50. 10.50.
Sun Thu: 11.30am. 2.20. 5.30. 8.50. Land of the Dead ( 15)
Fri & Sat: 12.10. 2.50. 5.30. 8.10.
1 1.00.
Sun -Thu: 10.40am. 1.10. 3.50. 6.30. 9.10.
The Longest Yard (12A)
Fri & Sat: noon. 2.40. 5.30. 8.30. l 1.30. Sun Thu: 9.20. Lords of Dogtovm (12A)
Late Fri & Sat: 10.40.
The Man (12A)
Daily: 11.00am. 1.10. 3.30. 6.10. 8.20. Must Love Dogs (12A)
Fri & Mon-Wed: 1.30. 6.40 (not Tue). On a Clear Day (12A)
Daily: 10.45am. 1.00. 3.20. 5.40 & 8.40 (not Tue).
10.20am. 1.00. 3.40. 6.40.
y ~ , I. : _‘ l: f a n a . A ,_:i;‘ ‘I ,. a “ r ~11: .’ “,e-‘hd ‘w '.<
22 Sep~6 Oct 2005 THE LIST 51