
On a Clear Day I l2.\) 0.. I(}ab_\ I)ellal. l’ls‘. 2005) Peter Mullan. Brenda Blethm. Billy Boyd. .laInie Siyex. 08mm. I'rank t .\IuIIan) a (ilaxgnw shipyard worker linle hnnselt without a Inb when the yards sold oil In t'nreign in\estnrx. Denied his It\eIlIlI)I)II. l‘l‘;tllk III‘clIIes II) x\\ lllt II) I’I'ance In prn\ e snIIIething tn hinIxell'. .\'ot quite the broad comedy nl' I'he I’M/l .lIInIII' and not as Icelgood ax li’I//\ [cl/III]. ()II II ('lI'III' /)II\ Ix a more sombre IIIIII. But like those etlnrtx It benelits t'rnIn Its concrete setting and \ l\ Id characters. and l'rnm iIx cI'ItIeIsIII oi the sorry state ol' the IIatInn that'x IIIheIent In the story rather than being xhny ed down ntIr throats. (ienem/ I‘I’/I‘I1\I'.

On the Town II'I IStanIey I)nIIaII/(iene Kelly. IS. I040) I'l'tlllls Sinatra. (iene Kelly. .Iulex Munxhtn. ‘lb'mm. 'I‘hree guys go out Into the 'wnnderlul low II' III New York. New \Itl'k [U see the \lg‘llls. Inc the lllgllllllc and wow the women. More cinematic and dance nIIentated than other musicals. It's as big and brash as they come. (i/Inemt I'I/nI /‘/II'II'II'I'. (i/IH'JUH.

Pilton Video: 68 Scotland: Won’t Get Fooled Again It’IiI I\'aI-Ioux. t'k’. 2005) 50mm. ll/IlI/IIIIHI'. lat/III/nu‘e/I. Point Blank I Is) 0000. Ilotm Bnnrman. I’S. I‘lo") Ice Marytn. Angie I)IckIIIxnn. Keenan \Vynn. 02mm. Rewnge I‘Idden Maryin Ix bent on qutilymg his dreamlike e\Ixtence and turning the tables on llte In_\ xIeI'Inux criminal organisation which employed lllltl III Ihix tense. well cIalIed thIIller that boasts an IInagItntne and Int'luenltal treatment nl' lllllL‘. Bnorman'x nnprexxn e III‘xI American Ieature Ix made InenInIabIe by Man In‘x brIlIIant portrayal nl an outmoded gunman cnntuxedly takIng on a world In erI‘uII by technology (i/Iiseon III/II l/II‘IIII'I. (i/IH'JIHI.

Pride and Prejudice It”) 000 IJoe \\ right. Its. 2005) lsen'a Kntghtley. Matthew .\IacI-adyen. Brenda BIeIIIyII. [lonald Sutherland. llalllltl. III this solid and IIkeabIe new \crxinn III Austen's tIInelexx nny eI. director “tight and screenwriter Deborah Mnggach cut the source material down In xI/e allow Ing time tor the secondary tales to de\elnp thle

ne\ er onIng sight nt the all perxadmg rotttattcc between Darcy and l:|I/abeIh. like tlte nn\eI. It makes tor a tale lull nt' plnt IwaIx and emotional turbulence without

I'\ er acquiring the mannered subtlety nI .'\ng [cox SI 1m and SI'IIII/u/III. (it'llt'l'tll

It /I (In.

Primer Il.\t O... IShane (’arrutII. IS. 2004) Shane ('arruth. I)a\ Id Sullnan. (‘axey (iooden. wIIIIII. III suburban 'I'e\ax. tnuI II'Iendx muck abnttt III their garages tIyIIIg In In\eIII xnIIIeIIIIng that will make them some money When one ol theIr primer bn\ex begins to haye a wry real personal and almost In Ihe/II /llll(' cited. the two men try to grasp the potentials nl commerce and nutre chence. I’I'mII'r Is a unique and nIIgIIIaI work. which III all Its challengmg nddnexx bears witness to the bull] nl a nIaInI' talent In wtiter/director (‘arruth (‘I/II nor/II lat/III/Iurgh. l'J/III/HII'L'II.

Falklrk Town Hall

A GOOD WOMAN (PG) 2",: ’iII/I; ' {On/7‘,

HOW ARNOLD WON THE WEST (12A) Inward, ./‘/."*, / 30;)":


.r '1' (a , Hf: / 10:)“


.I'.’Ivr:' malt. in"? ()I for»), / )‘Orflrt

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Bo'x office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

48 THE LIST i;-':: I’»

Black Narcissus

Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s brilliant

1947 melodrama about nuns, sexual repression and the Himalayas, starring Deborah Kerr, David Farrar and the mighty Flora Robson, really needs to be seen on the big screen and now is your chance. Part of the Michael Powell season I / IIIW‘oI/so. I (h‘lllfll’g/I/I ll 30 Set) and Mon 3 Oct only).

Punishment Park I IS) 00000 tl’elet’ \Vatkinx. I‘S. l‘)7l ) I’atriek Boland. Kent l‘oreman. (’armcn .'\rgen/iano. I.uke Johnson. SSIIIIII. I’urporting tn be news t'nntage. this pseudo documentary has a crew I'nllnw mg a team nl' soldiers cttchtttceII II) the desert to excan :1 group I)Ii hippies and other anti-extablithent types. The sentence Ix In tra\erxe “0 miles nt' desert In two days to I'etI‘Ie\ e a Ilag. Set amIdxt an America nl .\'I\nn-era social crisis. Remarkable. seldom seen cult IIInI IrnIII the director nl' ( 'II/IIIIII'II. I'Ilmhouxe. l‘.(/lIl/’III'L’/I.

Ray I IS) O... I'Iaylor llacklord. IS. 2004) Jamie I-'o\\. Kerry Washington. Regina King. (‘IIt'ton I’owell. l52min. Ilackt'nrd'x long awaited biopic nI’ Ray (‘harlex Ix undoubtedly o\ erlnng and giyen In bad e\p|anatory graphics and cheesy pub psychology but it still IIIaIIagex In be entertaining and re\ elatnry. Beautit'ully set designed. costumed and scored (by (‘harlex IIIIIIerI') II Ix I‘n\\'x mi\ ol iIIIpI'csxion. pathos and rare presence as ('harlex that holds the IIIIII together. .-\ Inaxterlul. \ery adult biopic. Brim/Int Iheulre. l'fI/I'II/Iurgh. Rebel without a Cause I Is) .00. I.\'Icholax Ray. I'S. I950) James Dean. Natalie Wood. Jim Backus. Sal Mitten.

l I IIIIIII. In this seminal ynuth Ino\ Ie. Dean Is a \L‘ll\lll\e but IIIiquIderxtood kid battling In communicate with his parents and caught In the \ Inlent struggle t'nr sell-definition. 'I'IIotIgII now Irre\ncabl_\ dated. this is still notable as the tilm that articulated the until-

then unrecognised experiences and aspirations III a w hole generation and does of cnurxe contain otir I'ayottritc nostalgia icon In lull I‘Iow. l'l/III/IHIHI’. ItI/Ul/llll‘k’ll. Red Eye I I2:\) .0. I\\'ex ('ray en. IS. 2005) Rachel .\Ic:\dams. ('illian

Murphy. Brian (’o.\. 'l'ina Anderson. 84min.

Ilotel manager l.Ixa I.\Ic:\dams) Is blackmailed In join a plot In assassinate a gm ernnIent ot'licial all while cruising at 30.000 l'eet. ('ra\ en's tattt direction generates more suspense. character imolyement and excitement In its tirst 20 minutes than most summer blockbusters manage III two hours. (ieIII-ru/ release. Revolver I IS) 00 I(Iu_\ Ritchie . l'K. 2005) Jason StatlIanI. Ray l.intta. Andre Benjamin. Vincent l’astore. l 14min. See reyicw. page 4 l. (re/tent] release. The Rolling Stones: At the Max Itbc) INnel .v\rchaIIIbault. I)a\ id Douglas. Ireland/('anada/l'S . I‘l‘ll ) Mick Jagger.

Keith Richards. (‘harlie \Vattx. Bill \Vy man.

Ron \Vnntl. S‘hnitt. :\ selection ol' Iixc perl'nrntanccx I'rom the ageing rockers comprixes this IMAX exclusiye. the first feature-length concert tihn ot' its kind. /.II.'I.\' 'I'III'IIII'I’. (i/Itygun.

Salaam Namaste I PI 1 l I .s‘tIlIttIaI-Ih .-\nand. India. 2005) Sail Ali Khan. I’reity Zinta. ISSInin. Big budget Indian remake nl Nine Months abotit a young cottple w ho embark on a journey together which includes pregnancy and responsibility. .\'ot \ery original but yery watchable. ()I/emi .-l! The QIIIH. (i/IHQUII, (i/(lsgunli’.


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The Secret Garden It') 00. I.-\gnies/ka Holland. IS. 1993) Kate Maberly. Maggie Smith. John Lynch. 102mm. The unusual cotnbination ol the director of Europa lz‘uropu and the writer of Iz‘IlII'Iu-Il SI‘txs’ur/tuItI/S conspires to create an authentic and affecting Version of the children's classic novel. Shipped back‘ from India. loner orphan Mary tMaberIey) makes friends with a local lad and her sickly cousin. exerting a magical recuperath process on the latter and revealing a hidden walled garden. Touching and uncontriyed. (imst‘enm: Glasgow. Silver City I 15).... Ilohn Sayles. IS. 2004) (’hris (‘ooper. Richard Dreyfuss. ('ajardo Lindsey. lilI/abeth Rainer. I28Inin. Sayles' detective story-cum-political satire is a pitch-perfect parody of small town Republican mores and the detritus that hangs around them. Not classic Sayles but good enough. I-‘I'lmhuuxe. [admiring/i.

Sky Blue I IS) 0.. IMoon-saeng Kim/Park Sunmin. South Korea/I'S. 2003) Marc Worden. ('athy (‘ayadinL Joon-ho ('hung. 86min. (‘iini/ation has been destroyed by war and pollution. but the suryiyors have built the last city of Iicoban. Stunning to look at but rather unfulfilled futuristic drama. (11mm, lidinlmrgli. Space Station 30 It') I'l‘oni Myers. (‘anada/I‘S. 2003) 47min. Narrated by Tom ('ruise. this big screen [MAX presentation follows real astronauts Into the big blue. Impressive. but not as awesome as it should have been. [WAX 'I‘heutre. Glasgow.

The Spy in Black tl’(il (Michael Powell. I'K. I‘BUI (‘onrad Veidt. Valerie llobson. Sebastian Shaw. 82min. Powell was as daring as eyer when making this WWI thriller on the eye of WWII. forcing the audience to sympathise with the clearly (Eerinanic \‘eIdt as he attempts to destroy the British Ileet. Like I Know ll'here I'm (ioiltg. the director uses Scottish locations - Scapa lilow most notably - for atmospheric eI‘t'eet rather than pretty pictures. Part of Michael Powell season. (ilusgnw I'll"! Theatre. (lltlfil’t’lll

Stroke (Am Seidenen Faden) I DA) IKatarina Peters & Boris Baberkol‘l‘. (ierinany. 2005) I l IIIIIII. A highly moving documentary that chronicles the turbulent journey of a young married couple. one of whom is afflicted by a stroke shortly after their wedding. A video diary interwoyen with dream sequences that questions the nature of loye. responsibility and guilt. (iluseon' I‘ilm Theatre. Glasgow; film/muse. [ZIIIIl/Illl'tjll.

Summer Storm (Sommersturm) (15).. (Marco Kreu/paintner. (lermany. 2004) Robert Stadlober. Kostja l'llmann. 98min. See reyiew. page 44. Him/muse. It‘IlI'II/mrgh.

The Sun (Solntse) IPUI 0.00 I:\le.\ander Sokurm. Russia/Italy/Iirancel SwIt/erland. 2004) lssei ()gata. Robert Dawson. Kaori Momoi. Shiro Sann.

I 15min. See review. page 44. Film/muse. IiIlt'IIlmI‘g/I.

T-Rex 30 Il') (Brett Leonard. t'S. 1998) 40min. Amaling looking IMAX movie about a lather and daughter In danger from a \‘lc‘ltills carnivorous dinosaur. (Ireat fun. “LIX Theatre. (ilusgnn:

Tea with Mussolini tl’(i) COO (Franco Zeltirelli. Italy/l'K. 1909) (‘her. Joan I’Iow right. Maggie Smith. I 17min. Zel'lit‘elli's lilm Is partly autobiographical. partly lictitious. and concerns his own upbringing and education by a group of linglish ladies living III Florence at the time (ll. ll l)uce's rise to power. This particttlar brew by Zet‘lirelli and John Mortimer has a melange ol‘ flavours and is deftly poured III the most idyllic oI. settings. yet it seems oddly lacking in lest. (ihlxgun' I'I/m Theatre. (i/Itsgmi:

This Charming Girl (Yoja, jeong- min Hwang) I IS) IYoon-ki South Korea. 2004) JI-su Kim. Jeong-min Ilwang. 90min. .-\n Isolated girl stuck in the routine of working at a post office and keeping a tidy house takes in a stray kitten that proyokes IIIeInorIes of her past. Reaching out to a young writer who frequents her work Inspires her quiet life and brings hidden trauma to the surface. (i/usgun' l't/nt 'I'heulre. (i/uxgmr‘.