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Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport@list.co.uk for sport or morag.bruce@list.co.uk for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.

Thursday 18


ArtBites! .\lcl.cllan (iallcrics. 270 Sauchichall Strcct. 565 4100. lpm. l't'cc. Short talk on ‘V'li Day" by LS l.owry.


Fiction Book Group ()ttakar’s Bookstorc. l'nit (a. Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 1500. (ipm. [p for discussion this session conics Mitch Albom's Hw' I’vup/r you MW! in Hun-m and Philip Pullman's Non/writ Lights.

Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. 7 8pm. £5 (£4). Apparcntly it's your civic duty to shakc your booty.

Saturday 20


Body and Soul Fair Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 0| 31 55.3 004]. l lam 5.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Scotland's biggcst gathcring ol' tarot rcadcrs. astrologcrs and clait‘yoyants. complcmcntary thcrapists and hcalth practitioncrs as wcll as cral‘t stalls. Comic and Card Mart llcmy Wood Hall. 73 (‘larcmont Strcct. 287 55] I.

1 1.3021111 4pm. Comics. cards and action ligurcs bought. sold and yalucd. Scc pancl. aboyc.

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Queen's Park. 520 Langsidc Park. 287 7273. 10am ~ 2pm. l’orgct all about that mass-prtxluccd rubbish - l'armcrs' markcts arc all about organic. quality producc.

Highland Park Food and Drink Festival (icorgc Squarc. £5. 'l’hc highlight (it (iulll'mt'l (i/(lsguu'. with cookcry dcmonstrations from thc world's lcading chcls including Jcan-(‘hristophc Noy'clli. Anthony Worrall 'l‘hompson. Nick Nairn and Mark Saltcr. pltis thc chancc to tastc spccialist food and drinks and swank about in thc l.aurcnt—l’crricr ('hampagnc Bar. 'l‘ickct includcs a drinks vouchcr. wwwgiiurmctglasgtmucom


Scotfairs Antique Fair Kcly'in llall lntcrnational Sports Arcna. I445 Argylc Strccl. 0l7o4 654555. l0am 4.30pm. £l (l‘rcc). Browsc stalls ladcn with


Body and Soul Fair Royal (‘onccn Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 013i 553 004]. l lam 5.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50l. Scc Sat 20.

Food & Drink Highland Park Food and Drink Festival (icorgc Squarc. £5. Scc Sat 20.


Poetry Workshop (iallcry ol Modcrn Art. Quccn Strcct. 229 1996. 1 4pm. lircc. Join poct Magi (iibsott to crcatc poctry in rcsponsc to thc Barbara Krugcr cxhibition. Booking Csscntial.

Food & Drink Highland Park Food and Drink Festival (icorgc Squarc. £5. Scc Sat 20.


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Bordcrs Books. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. opin. Alistair l’attcrson hosts a writing group opcn to anyonc intcrcstcd in dcycloping thcir crcatiyc llair. .\'cw mcmbcrs always wclcomc. Ask in storc l‘or dctails.

Activities & Events

Stitch and Bitch (ilasgow Womcn's library. 109 'l‘rongatc. 552 8345. b.30pm. l’nwind wool and any pcnt up gossip at this closc knit (did you scc what l did lhcrc'.’l knitting group. ('all to say you'rc going along as placcs arc limitcd. Tommy Gemmell ()ttakar‘s Bookstorc. t'nit (i. Buchanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 l5()(). 1 2pm. l’rcc. 'l'hc Scots footballing lcgcnd signs copics of his autobiography [Jon llmrl. packcd lull ol‘ anccdotcs about ('cltic. Nottingham l‘orrcst. Jock Stcin and lil‘c as a playcr in thc (ills and 70s.

Food & Drink

Thai Me Kangaroo Down Sport Strayaigin. 28 (iibson Strcct. 334 2665. £29.95. An inllucncc into thc inllucncc Thai food has on Atissic cooking. with an accompanying tutorcd Australian winc tasting. Part ol‘ (iourmcl (i/usgnn:

Wednesday 24

Activities & Events

Melvin Burgess Bordcrs Books. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 4pm. l'rcc. .\'o strangcr to cithcr controycrsy or acclaim. thc author of Doing it and Junk rcads from ncw noy‘cl [floor/song.

Food & Drink

Paella and Tapas Barca. l’rinccs Squarc. 48 Buchanan Strcct. 248 (i555. £25. A dcmonstration ol' paclla cooking with a lull sclcction ol‘ tapas and a boltlc ol' cay'a pcr two dincrs. l’att ol' (iuiu‘nu'l (i/usgmr.

Activities & Events

Alan Bissett \Valc‘l'slonc‘s. 153 157 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 9l05. (v.30pni. lircc. 'l‘hc promising Scottish author discusscs his ncw book I/u’ Iltr'rm/ib/c xii/um Spur/x.

The Reading Party Sikorski Polish ('lub. 5 l’arkgroyc 'l‘crracc. A rcading/pcrhn'mancc group for poclry. short liction, song and mixcd mcdia.

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GARY ERSKINE APPEARANCE Henry Wood Hall, Glasgow, Sat 20 Aug, 11.30am-4pm

Jack Cross is a one-man solution to direct threats to America’s freedoms. Hired by the National Security Council, Cross is placed into flashpoint situations with carte blanche to solve problems.

He’s also, according to creator Warren Ellis, a ‘self-mutilating emotional cripple whose mother tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan‘ and the star of DC Comics’ Jack Cross, a new title that reunites Ellis with Rutherglen- based comics artist Gary Erskine. The two previously collaborated on the respected City of Silence and were eager to work together again.

‘Warren is one of the best writers in the country,’ says Erskine, who has worked with Grant Morrison and Mark Millar, as well as contributing to titles such as ZOOOAD, Star Wars and Hellblazer. ‘He is more visual than most writers I’ve worked with, and it certainly pushed my abilities as an artist in trying to keep up with and improve what he has in mind,’ he says.

On Jack Cross, Ellis’ script requested X-ray and bullet-camera shots, challenging stuff for Erskine who considers films like Se7en as much of an influence as comics such as Watchmen or Elektra: Assassin.

‘I immediately latched onto the whole genre, seeing elements of 24, CSI and various cool thrillers in the story,’ says Erskine. So how does the artist think Jack Cross will fare in an industry dominated by traditional superhero


‘It will be interesting to see what the reaction will be when the book is published. Although the story is set in the DC universe there are no plans to have any superhero involvement. There are enough superhero books out there that this story should be distinct enough for readers to enjoy.’

(Iain Laurie)

I Gary will be signing, sketching and talking to fans on 20 August: go to wwwyarycrskine.(lemoncoilk to see more of his work. Call Red Hot Com/cs on 0 I4 I (530 004.9 for information (thou! the Comic Marl.

Talks Have Telescope, Will Travel . . .

(ilasgow Scicncc ('cntt‘c: Scottishl’ow ct' l’lanctarium. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000.

7 8.30pm. £4.95. l)r l)ayid (‘larkc. l‘ormcr dircclor of thc l'niycrsity ol' (ilasgow‘s obscryatory. comcs to thc planctariuni to takc you on a globc- trotting tour ol astronomical highlights. including ltaly's glittcring night sky. an ccric moon-risc in (‘apc Town and high altitttdc star-ga/ing in tltc Andcs.


Activities & Fun

Dance Your Socks Off Hi 19 Aug. I lam noon. 'l‘hc lliddcn (iardcns. 'l‘ramway. 25 Albcrt l)ri\ c. 0845 3303501. An cxprcssiyc cxploration ol‘ dancc. cxcrcisc and moycmcnt lor thc undcr liycs. Booking csscntial.

CCA Kids Club: Monuments . . .

What Are They? Sat 20 Aug.

10 l |.30am. £3. ('('A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. A day cxploring just what constitutcs a monumcnt. plus a chancc to makc your own.

Theatre & Dance

The Jungle Book 'l‘uc 23 Sat 27 Aug. 'l'uc 7.30pm; \Vcd l-‘ri l,30pm; \Vcd Sat 7pm (Sat mat 2.30pml. £13 l£8l. 'I'hcatrc Royal. 282 llopc Strcct. 3329000. Birmingham Stagc (‘ompany bring to lilc Rudyard Kipling‘s classic childrcn's talc of thc young man-cub .‘ylowgli and his scarch tor acccptancc and sal'cty in thc junglc.


Children’s Storytime - Arthur, Story of a King Sat 20 Aug. 2pm. lircc. Bordcrs Books. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. An L‘\ll‘;|-spc‘c‘lttl storytimc as a cast mcmbcr l‘rom thc 'l'hcatrc Royal's upcoming production ol‘Aithur comcs to rcad thc lcgcndary talc.

18 2‘5) Ala) mos THE LIST 11