Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland 239 Argyle Street. Glasgow 0141204 51-31.

Tickets Scotland 127 Rose Street. Edinburgh. 0131 220 32311.

Ripping Records 91 South Bridge. 0131226 7010.

Way Ahead 0141 339 8383.


I Jeg Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 331 0720. 7pm. Free. Rock night.

I 28 Costumes, lndica and Racing Green Barfly. 30(1 (‘lyde Street. (187(1 9(17 (1999. 8pm. £4. Liverpudlian indie rock band.

I Airstrip Won Barfly (upstairs), 30(1 Clyde Street. (187() 9(17 0999. 8pm. £4. Sereamo.

I The Free Candy Sessions The Liquid Ship. 171-175 (ireat Western Road. 331 1901. 8pm. Free. \Veekl}. laid back session with guest musicians.

I Michale Graves and Myre King Tut's Wah Wah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8pm. £8. Over-14.x show. [Ex-Misfits man punts his new- album Punk Rock is Dual. 11. _\ou \21)’ so, Michale.

1‘" The Sundowns The (ioat. 1287 Argyle Street. 357 7373. 8pm. Free. Quallity Americana quintet from Edinburgh.

' ‘1‘1 ,

I Thomas Peter Davis, Otterley, Uncle Fritz and Andrea Tomlinson 'l‘chai ()Vna. 43 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. l’s} chedelic 1'olk‘

\ittgct'/\oitgw riter. and triends.

I Andrea Marini ’I'inderhox. 189 By'es Road. 339 3108. 9pm. l-‘ree. Acoustic set.

I Buttwiser arid The Woo Woo Witches 'I'he Halt Bar. 1011 \Voodlandx Road. 353 9990. 9pm. Free.

I YoungBlood Brass Band .\'ice'n'S1eazy431 Satichiehall Street. 333 (190(). 9pm. £8. \Vixconxin enxemhle. who comprise 1i\ e horn pla} erx. two drummers. a xousaphonixt and an .\1('. with a \ound spanning hip hop to ehamher muxic. Juxt the ll\l121l. then.

I Lights Out By Nine Studio ()ne. (irtmenor 'l‘errace. 341 0510. 9.30pm. Vticttlixl :\l lltlglics lit'tmlx Illlx L‘\ct‘- popular stomping hlues outtit.


I Trade, the Arguments, a Goodbye Scene and A Future History Rockers. l4 Midland Street. 331 (1730. 7pm. l‘ree. Rock night.

I Dignity Dies First The ('athouse. l5 ('nion Street. 348 0000. 7.30an £7.50. ()x'er-14x \how. llal‘dcot‘c.

I Hell’s Bells Renl'rew l-‘err_\. Anderston Qua}. 'I‘he Broomielaw. (11098 305 51 l. 7.3(1pnt. £l(1.;\('/l)(' trihute hand shake you all night long.

I Mogul Borderx Bookx. 98 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. 7.30pm. i‘ree. Pop/rock.

I Penknife Lovelife, Azriel and Hate Becomes the Hero Barll). 300 (‘l_\de Street. (187(1 907 0999. 8pm. l-‘ull throttle emo from the headliner\.

I Small Creatures, Dot to Dot and No Minutes of Hate Stereo. 14 Kelvinhaugh Street. 5705018. 8pm. £3. Small (‘reaturex i\ a new hand tormed h} \inger/xongw riter Joe Budenholler. originth from Omaha. .\‘ehra\ka. hut now haxed in (ilaxgow.

I Glasgow Glam Bangers, The Stranded, Suicide Underground and Firechild liur} .\1urr_\ \. 90 Maxwell Street. 331 0511. 8.30pm. £4.

With the uncomfortable rise of Athlete and Keane over the last

12 months - both of whom are vying for that empty stadium Colplay don’t feel at ease with filling - means every record label is hunting for their own band of down to earth, earnest pop chaps to sell squillions of catchy but whiny CDs Kubb have their own Chris martin in Harry Collier but are blessed with a bit more atitude and a lot less whine.

I Barf/y, Glasgow. Wed 75 Aug.

32 THE LIST 11—18 Aug 200:")

including entr} to post-gig cltth. \Veckl} \ltowcaxe of local indie hand\.

I The Star 69, Daybreak and Conestone King llllK \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £0. The headliners are a local indie group punting their dehut alhum 'l'lrr'x l\ .Vorl/n’rn Soul.

I Tempercalm, Kicking Buckets, Japan 4 and The Chargrilled Squirrels l3th .\‘ote (ale. 50 (ill King Street. 553 1038. 8.30pm. £4. Rockin' quadruple hill.

I Ella Bell Beanxcenc. l 3 Helena l’lace. ('larkxton. 030 3001. 9pm. l-‘ree. I.ocal singer/mngwriter \l1o\\ca\c\ her warex iti laid hack \tll‘l'ttlllitllltg\.

I Hiding Place The Hall Bar. 100 \Voodlandx Road. 353 9990. 9pm. l’rce. limoixh rock from (ilaxwegian quintet lliding Place.

I Information Control Niceri‘Sleax}. 431 Sattchiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £3.

I The Mandrakes .\1c('huill\. 40 High Street. 553 3135. 11111111. l’t'ee. Bowie and Pink l‘lo} d tendenciex trom thix indie hand.

I Thee Exciters Bartl}. 300 (‘hde Street, (187(19(17 (1999, l(1.3(1pm, £5 (£4 1, (iarage punk comho trom Southampton pla} the weekl} l‘tinliouxe night.


I The Stranglers, Kim Wilde, T’Pau and Toyah ('ul/ean (‘axtlc. (11055 884400. The 80\ hill from hell )ou hoped )ou'd nc\ er we in _\our lifetime. What. no liclttllix Some.)


I Madeleine Pritchard Trio Brel.

39 43 .-\\hton lane. 343 4900. 3 0pm. l‘ree. l-‘unk llllthc‘tl. \oult'ul. Atlantic \t}|e

jax/ hour the \ilk} \oiced e\-

('otnmitmentx \inger ck hand.

I Open Stage 'l‘he Halt Bar. 100 \Voodland\ Road. 353 9990. 4 8pm. l-‘rec. \Veekl} \cxxion tor local 111ll\1cl;111\.

I Open Mic lirunxwick ('ellarx. 339 Sauchichall Street. 333 9339. 4pm. l-‘ree. \Veekl} \L‘SSlUll.

Mr David Viner, The People and Frightened Rabbit Barll}. 300 ('l)de Street. (1870 9(17 (1999. 8pm. £5. \tl- hluex trom .\1r l)a\ id Vincr. a 1'a\ourite ol the White 5111ch and other Detroit \otll hrotherx and \i\lct'\.

Malcolm Middleton, James Orr Complex and Viva Stereo King lurk \Vah \Vah lltit. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £7. .’\rah Strap guitarixt wallow \ and \elli-llagellatex in \olo mode. See pre\ iew.

I The 44 Diesels The Hall liar. 100 \Voodlandx Road. 353 9990. 9pm. l‘ree. Rock and indie.

I Data Panik Nic‘e‘it'Slettl}. 431 Sattchiehall Street. 333 (19011. 9pm. £5. Data l’anik are a new outlit tormed h} the L‘\-111c111l1ct\ Ul clectt‘o kand} poppcrs lil\. I Fran Schoppler Band lion Accord. 153 North Street. 348 4437. 9pm. Free. .\1elancliol_\ melodicx l'rom hix dugcr/wngwriter.

I The Fusion Experience Saint index. 19() Bath Street. 353 8801). 9pm. liree; £5 alter 1 1pm. (iltlxgtiw '\ linext exponentx ot'jaH-houxe electronic lthltill. \\llt1\L‘ \et lllcllltlcx co\ ct'x ol the l)oot‘\ and Air.

I The Ocean Floor, Pale Faced Princess and Hospital Ship 1301 .\'ote ('ale. 50 0(1 King Street. 553 1038. 9pm. £3. l)ow nheat epicx trout the Ocean l'loot‘. \upported h} punch} pop trom l.i\erpudlian all-girl quartet l’ale liaced Prince“ and \cll-\t'\ lcd \clctill\l 11th from (ilaxgow \ lltrqiitztl Ship.

I Skeleton Bob and Wintergreen \Vootlxidc Social (‘luh. 339 North \Voodxide Road. 337 1043. 9pm. £4. .\1ellow acouxtic rock trom Skeleton lioh who are one 01' thix month'x |i\e 111ll\1c gltc\l\ All the \Vinchcxteer ('luli.

I Touch and Go Rockerx. 14 Midland Street. 331 (1730. 9pm. l'i‘ee. Rock and hlucx cm ct’x.


I Girls Aloud and Darius ('ul/ean (mile. 01055 884400. The collecti\e poptaxticnexx ol' (iirlx Aloud tar outstrips their indi\ idttal talentx. Dariux harm it tip in a \uppoi'ling role.


I Verse, Another Breath, Delay is Fatal and A Famous Betrayal Barll) tupxtairxi. 30(1(‘l'\de Street, (187(1 907 (1999. 7pm. to.

I Cold Night Song The (ioat. 1387 .r\rg'\ le Street. . 57 7373. 8pm. lace. ('harlie and Neil. formerl} ol:\\trid. are joined h} Stace} Sie\ ew right of the Reindeer Section (or this acottxtic night with surprise guextx.

I The Country Joe Band Renlrew l-‘err_\'. Anderxton Qua}. The Broomielaw. (11098 305 51 1. 8pm. £13.50. ()ld hipp} \talwat‘tx who lttlttolhl} had the Woodstock l-‘extnal tip in arms against the Vietnam War.

I The Mascara Story, Brigade and Outl4w Bat‘ll). 30(1(‘l}dc‘ Street. (187(1 9117 (1999. 8pm. £5. the headliner\ are a punk} trio from Northern Ireland who recentl} won the Snickers l'nxigned competition.

I Soul Circus, Serenity and The Gain Stereo. 14 Kelt inhaugh Street. 570 5018. 8pm. £4. Indie rock.

I Acoustic Open Mic Bar Bloc. 1 17 Bath Street. 574 0000. 9pm. Free. \Veekl} unplugged \exxion.

I Yeti and New Rhodes Nice'n'Sleax}. 431 Sauchichall Street. 333 09(10. 9pm. £0. 1.ihertine\ haxx pla} er John llaxxell gets on with hix lite lt'ontittg new hand Yeti.

DeSalvo and Fuckstick 13th .\'ote ('ale. 5(1 0(1 King Street. 553 I038. £thc. Agile hardcore pttnk tnctallerx DeSalxo return. to celehrate the hirthda} ol' legendar) trontman l’hil. Rare appearance h} the incorrigihle l’uckxtick in \uppot't.


I Acoustic Jam .\'ice‘n’S1ea/}. 431 Sattchiehall Street. 33.3 (190(1. 8pm. liree. \Veekl} \ltow ca\e 101' local \tttig\\t'ilct'\ perlorming original material.

I Blue Meridian and Chris Gorman Bai'l'l} lupxtairsi. 30(1('l_\de Street. 0870 9(17 (1999. 8pm. £4.

I Kubb, theonewhoflew and Clearfall Bat'l'l}. 30(1('l)dc‘ Street. (187(1 9070999. 8pm. £5. l’oxt—(‘oldpla_\ cotnho (routed h} \ingei‘/\ongwriter llarr} (‘ollietz

I The Feeling, Castaway and Rise King 'l‘ttt'x \Vah \Vah llttt. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8.30pm. £5.

I Gav Prentice Brunxw ick ('ellarx. 339 Sauchichall Street. 333 9339. 9pm. l‘ree. Singer/\ongw riter.

I Hank Barrick and Man Down Door 13th .\'ote (ale. 50 00 King Street. 553 1038. 9pm. £3. ‘.\lodern rock music (or people with legx'. \Vhat ahout thoxe w ithottt legx'.’

I Wild Strawberry Beanxcene. 1 10 Battlclicld Road. 030 0977. 9pm. l‘ree. (iuitar hand pla) trackx trout their latest release on Luna Record\. the lahel rttn h) thoxe enterprising Beanxcene people. I The Spikedrivers Studio ()ne. (il‘t1\\c11(11‘ ’l‘erracc. 341 0510. 9.39pm. liree. Vocal harmoniex and unique inxtrumentation taking their inspiration liorm their American t'ool\ and countr) \ rich heritage.

Tuesday 16


I Fans of Kate King ‘l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8pm. £5. ()\er-l4\ \how. l.ondon—ha\ed quintet who ha\e heen descrihed ax 'Keane with charixnta‘.

I The Kiteflying Club 'l‘chai ()\ na. 43 ()tago l.ane. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. lmprm ixalion with metnherx ot~ the (ilaxgow ltnprm i\c1‘\ ()rchextra.