Odeon City Centre
56 Renlield Street. 0141 332 3413. 111111 and (’(‘ hooking: 0871 22 44 007. [1)] screens 5. 6. 7 and 8. 111 Sun: £5.25 (£3.25). Mon: £3; 111C 11111: £5 (£31 15.1111in ticket: £12 £13.
Charlie andtheChocolate Factory11’(;1 11.45.1111. 12.30. 2.311. 3.15. 5.15. 6.00. 8.00. 8.45.
Dark Water 1 151 3.311. 8.45.
Fantastic Four11’(i1 noon. 1.00. 2.311. 3.30. 5.15. (1.15. 7.45. 8.45.
Kicking and Screaming 11’(i1 noon. 2.00. 4.15.
Madagascaru') noon. 2.15. 4.311. 6.45. 9.01).
The Skeleton Key 1 151 (1.30. 9.011. Wedding Crashers1151 1.00. 2.45. 5.30. 6.15. 8.31).
Charlie andtheChocoiate Factory11’111 Daily: noon. 2.15. 3.00. 5.00. (1.00. 7.45. 8.30.
Thellevll’s Rejects1181
Daily: 3.15. 6.00. 8.45.
Fantastic Four11’(i)
Daily: noon. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. Herbie: Fully Loaded (11)
Daily: 1.31). 4.00. 6.31). 9.01). mmMHZA)
Thu: 2.31). 5.30. 8.30.
Kicking and Screaming11’(i1
Daily: 1.00.
Daily: 12.15. 2.31). 4.30. 6.30.
The Skeleton Key (151
Daily: 1.15 & 345111111 ll1u1. 6.1511111! 'l'hu). 8.45.
Daily: 12.31). 3.15. 6.00. 8.45.
War of the Worlds1I2A1 l-‘ri Wed. 8.30
Wedding Crashers 1 151 Hall) 1215. 3110. 545. 1130.
34 THE LIST 4 1 1 A1111 20051
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge
Shoyy ease leisUIe l’aik. Langmuir Road. (‘11.11h1i11ge. 111111 line: 01236 434434. (1 hooking: 01236 4381100. ID|.|1:|, £5.25 (£4.21) I1e1'oie (111111) ('11i111111A1’. 1'4 .‘11 Sludenl' £4. Iue all 1111.1“: 13 .5
Batman Begins112A1 1.1111. 4.15. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1111 ;1 11.15.1111. 11.45.1111. 1215. 2011 2 311. 3.1111. 4.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7 35. 8.30. 10.05. DarkWater1151 11.15.1111. 20‘. 7.21). 9.51).
Thellescent1181 7 35. 9.55. Fantastic Four 1111;) 11 411.1111 210. 2.411. 4.411. 5.111. 7.111. 9.40. 10.10. 121111111. Madagascani) 1130.1111 111.11... 1230. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.311. 51111. 5 311. 7.00. 7.30. 9.15.
The Skeleton Key1151 13115. 5.15. 7.50. 9.511. 10.211. War of the Worlds (12.-\1 11.011.111. 11.311.1111. 1.45. 2.15. 4.25. 4.55. 7.011. 7.311. 9.411. 111.111.
Wedding Crashers1151 111111.111. 145. 4.311. 7.15. 7.45. 111.1111. 111111.
I ‘2.
4 45.
12.10. 7.411.
‘ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11111
Daily. 11.15am. 11 45.1111. I-‘ 15. 2 00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7.“. 7.55. 8.30. 10.05. Also late 1:11 82 Sat: The Descent 1181 Daily. 7 35. 9.55. Also late 1’1i & Sat:
10.45. 11 1“
The Devil’s Rejects 1 18)
Daily: 5.10. 7.45. 11) 21).
Fantastic Four (1’01
Daily: 11.40am. 2,10. 4.40. 7.111. 9.40. Also Iale 1'11 8; Sat: 12.10.1111. llertiie: Fully Loaded 111 Daily 11 5011111. 2 20. 4.50. .-\1sol.11e111& 5.11: 12 25.1111
7 [5‘ 1) 5i.
This big screen version of the popular Japanese TV series (which in tum was based 011 a truly classic 1 omic) tells the story of Spike Spiegel and his Bebop crew and their
attempts to rid the world of a deadly vii us. I GFT, Glasgow (1 // 5 Aug OI 1/y).
Daily. 11.30am. noon. 12.30. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.30. 5110. 7.1111. 9.15 Also laie I’ri & Sal: l l 30.
' The Skeleton Key 1 151
11.111): 12.115. 235. 5.15. 7.511. 111.211.
4.35. 7.1111. 7.311. 945.
Daily; 11.05am. 1.15. 1.50. 405. 10.15.
Also lale 1 1'1 & 8211' 12.30.1111.
War oi the Worlds112A1
Daily. 11.00.1111. 11.30.1111. 1.45. 2,15.
4.25. 4.55. 7.1111. 9.411.
Madagascar (1') 11.30am. 11111111.
Also late l‘ri & Sai‘ 12 20.1111. Wedding Crashers 1 151
Daily: 11.00.1111. 1.45. 4.30. 7.15. 7.45. 10.01). 10.30.
I Showcase Cinema, Paisley
(iril‘lin Ayenue. Phoenix Business l’aik. 0141 887 001 1. 111111: 0141 88/ 0020. (‘(‘ hooking: 0141 887 0011. ID]. |1€|. £5.25 (£4.21) heline (1111111. ('111111/( )Al’: £4.20; 8111111911: £4. 'lue .111 liekels: £3.75.
Batman Begins1l2A1 1.1111. 4.15. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11’(; 1 11.15.1111. 11.45.1111. 1215. 200. 2.30. 3.00. 4.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7.25. 7.55.
8.31). 111.115.
DarkWater1151 11.15.1111. 205. 4.45. 7.211. 9.511.
TheDescent1181 7.35. 9.55. Fantastic Four11’111 11.40.1111. 12.111.
2.11). 2.40. 4.40. 5.11). 7.10. 7.40. 9.40. 10.11).
12.30. 2.1111. 2.311 3011. 4.311. 5.30. 7.00. 7.30. 9.15
The Skeleton Key1151 12.05. 2.35. 5.15. 7.50. 9.51). 10.21).
War of the Worlds 112.-\1 11.00.111. 11.30.1111. 1.45. 2.15. 4.25. 4.55. 7.110.
7.30. 9.41). 10.10. Wedding Crashers1151 1100.111. 1 15. 4 311. 715. 745. 10.00. 111 311.
FRIDAY 5~1HURSDAY _1 1 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 111;) i
Daily. 11.15am. 1145.1111. 12.15. 2.00. i 2.30. 3.00. 4.45. 515. 5.45. 7.25. g 1 7.55. 8.30. 111115. Also late l‘ri (‘Q Sal' 10.45. 11 I5. Tlienescent1l81 Daily: 7.20. 9 51). Also Iaie 1'11 & 8111' 12.15.1111
Also Iale 1-‘ri & Sal:
2.311. 3.1111. 4.311. 51111. 7.1111. 9.15.
11.111): 12.115. 2 =5.
Also lalc 111 81; Sat:
I Also Iaie l‘i‘l & 8111' Wedding Crashers 1 151
Z UCI Clydebank
3 Students: £4. 75 (£3.95. Mon
Also late 1'11 & 8111: 11.31).
Thellevil’s Rejects1181
Daily: 5.11). 7.45. 10.20. Fantastic Four 11’(i1 I Daily: 11.40.1111. 2.11). 4.41). 7.11). 9.40. 1 12.111.1111.
Herbie: Fully Loaded 11 1
1 Daily: 11.50.1111. 220. 4.50. 7.15. 9.55. 1 Also late 1511 & $.11:
12 25.1111. Madagascar1l‘1 1 Daily: 11.30.1111. noon. 12.30. 2.01).
TheSkeleton Key 1151
5.15. 7.511. 111.211.
11.1111. 1111511111. 1.15. 1.511. 4.115. 4.35. 1
7.1111. 7.311. 9.45. 111.15. ?
War at the Worlds112A1
Daily. 11.00.1111. 11.30.1111. 1.45. 2.15.
4.25. 4.55. 7.00. 9.41). I 12 20.1111.
Daily: 11.00.1111. 1.45. 4.30. 7.15. 7.45. 10.011. 111.311.
('1y11e Regional (‘e1111'e.(‘1ydehank. 087011 102050. 11)]. £5.25 (£4.25 11e1‘111e
511111). ('111111: £3 60. ().'\l’: £3.60.
1 llCliUlC 5111111.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11’( 11 10.30.1111. 12.15. 1.15. 3.00. 4.00. 5.45. 11.45. 8.30. 9.311. DarkWater1151 7.1111. 9.45. 1:8me F0lfl1l’(i) 1100;1111. 11111111,
1.31). 2.45. 4.15. (1.00. 7.011, 8.45.
Kicking and Screaming 1140 10.45.1111.
The Skeleton Key 1 151
Madagascar1l1 11.45.1111. 1.1111. 2.15. 3.15. 5.1111. 5.311. 8.15
11.15.1111. 201), 4.15. 11.111. 9.15. f Valiant11i1 11.00.1111. War oitheWorldS112.\1 11.30.1111. 2 =11. 5.411. 915.
Wedding Crashers1151 12.45. 4.1111. 7.311. 9 311.
5111127115 11111113137111 1 1 i
AreWeThereYet? 11’111 Daily: 11.00am.
The Assassination of Richard llixon 1 151
Sun: 400.
line: 7 00.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory11'(i1 ’ 11.1111; 111.411.1111. 12.15. 1.211. 3.1111.
4.110. 5.45. (1.45. 8.30. 9.30. TheDevil’s Rejects1181 11.1111; 7.1111. 9.45. Fantastic Four11'111
' 10.50.1111. 11.20.1111. 4.15. 4.45. 7.00. 9.40. llerhie: Fully Loaded 11 1 Daily: 10.30.1111. 1.00. 3.30. (11111. 845. Thelsiand112.»\1
11111: 12.31). 3.15. 6.15. 9.00. Kicking and Screaming 11(‘11 Daily: 10.20.1111.
Madagascar1l‘1 ; Daily: 11.10.1111. 12.10. 1.40. 240. 3.50. 4.50. (1.10.
TheSkeleton Key1151
Daily: 7.21). 9.45.
Daily: 12.40. 3411. 11:11 1115 Viruddh112.\1
81111: 3.45.
M1111: 8.01).
Waroithe Worlds112.;\1
1'11 “1‘11? 7.011111111151101. 9.40.
Wedding Crashers 1 151
Daily 100. 345011118111116 10111111 M5111. 8 <0. 9111181011111
1311, 21111,