
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert« I.x'I .000 ISIcphan l'.||IolI. .'\ll\ll'.!|l.l. I‘Nll ‘lcrcncc Slamp. Hugo \\ca\ mg. (in) l’caI‘cc. Ill-1mm. 'l‘uo II'aIIxxcxIIlcx and a lI'.IIIxxc\IIa| lcaIII up loI' a II‘Ip .IcI'oxx llIc '\ll\ll.l|l.lll onlhack lor a drag; xlIIm III .r\lIcc SpI'IIIgax ScI‘Ioux Ixxucx pop up Irom IIIIIc lo IIIIIc. lIuI Ihc cmphaxIx Ix on Ihc camp humour ol llIc III hux hIlchIncxx and oulragcoux InIIxIcal xcl plcccx. (.(ll'l IIII. /' 'lIIl/llllg'll

t.. I

The Battleship Potemkin

The Adventures of Robin Hood III 0.... I.\lIchacl ('III‘lII. l'S. I‘HXI lirrol l‘|_\nn. ()Ilea l)c Ha\ IllaIId. liaxIl Ralhhonc, llllmm, Sparkhng. ()xcar

\\ IIIIIIII}; cchlcmcIIl ax l‘l} IIII and Ile lllL‘l'l'} IncII lighl Ihc cx II prIIIcc and Ihc \\ Ickcd Ralhhouc Io hpr Ihc poor and caplurc Ihc hand ol Ihc laIl‘ l)c Haulland. l’ccrlcxx xxxord pin} and an mIchIoux chIxc ol hIgh prI'le ("IIII'IIorlIl l’urL/II'III/. (i/mumc (I./(l\‘\'lH\.

Alien 1 ISI 0... IRIdlc} Scoll. l'S. I‘V‘II SIgouI'nc} \\ca\cr. laII Holm. .lohn “II” I lomm. Agalha (‘hrleIc III oulcr xpacc ax a III-Ighlcr IaIIdx on a In)xIcrIoux plancl and Ix IIIchIIouxl) Imachl h} a ra\cIIoIIx IIIII'IIch' \\ hIch procccdx lo chomp le \xa} llII'IIIIth lhl‘ taxi llxl. lidgc Ul‘ Ihc \Cdl

Excellent opportunity to see Eisenstein’s extraordinary 1925

silent film about the 1905 mutiny by the crew of the Prince Potemkin ship and the support given to them by the local civilian population in Odessa. This is truly a lesson in montage and history.

I '."/(95;1(>/I [ IrI’n. [ll/"bll’lll/I“ Iii/{III 7!) Aug (J'l/l’l.

Edinburgh's oldest cinema showing the best in arthouse to commercial cmema.

Hot and cold snacks served in the bar.

r‘3 .7”

~I. k] __y .I II\ \‘x a \j \ A

26 THE LIST 7-

38 Home Street 0131 228 4141


xnxpcnxc lhrIllcr \\ Ilh a xIrong: c.le and ghaxll} xpcclal Clit‘k‘lN (' ('/('( II'II. liI/I‘II/III/‘u/I.

Aliens I l8) 0... IJaIncx ('aIIIcI‘oII. l'S. mam SIgolIrnc} \Vclocr. .\1Ichac| BIchII. l37mIII. ch I\L‘(l l'rom a 57 )car moon in dccp xpacc. Warranl ()l'lic‘l'l'

\ch cr Ix canlcd Inlo IoIIIIng a marmc rcxcuc meonn lo Ihc plancl lhal Ix homc i'or Ihc origmal ahcn hcaxllc. hlll't'lt‘llllllgl} paccd u Ilh a lL‘l'l’lllCIIH} glllx} pcrlorInancc lI'oIII \Vcaxcr. IhIx nch c xhrcddIIIg xcqucl IIoI onl} IIIaIchcx le prcdcccxxor hul cannle xIIrpaxxcx II. An ()xcar \\ IIIIIcI' l'or xpchal CHUCK. (‘ (’II'I'II'II'. [CI/ININU'Q/I,

American Beauty I IxI moo ISam Mcndcx. 1'8. 109‘)! Km III Spacc}. .’\llllL'llt‘ Bcnlng. 'l‘hora BII‘ch. IZIIIIIII Suhurhan huxhand and l'alhcr lcxlcr Burnham ISpacc}. go In}: a carccr hcxI pcI'l'orIIIanch halcx hIx hlc. hul a cloxc cIIcouIIlcr xx Ilh hIx daughlcr'x goI‘gCoux xchool ll‘lk'llll Ix lhc calal} xl l'or hi}: IIIIIc xcll' IIIIpI'mcIIIcIII: hc qule hIx Ioh. dng oul hIx old rock alhumx and xcorcx IIIarIIIIaIIa lI'oIII Ihc kId IIc\I door. And Ihcxc lccnagc klckx I'clurn Io lcxch' \xhal‘x hccn IIIIxxIng l'roIn hIx lIlc l‘oI' _\cal'x plcaxurc and happIncxx. ('auxIIc. louchIIIg and hIIarIolIx III all Ihc I‘Ighl placcx a Inodcrn claxxIc. (‘I’II'I IrII. lit/III/Hll'g’ll

The Amityville HorrorI ISI 0. l.'\lldl'L‘\\ [)ouglax. l'S. 21K)5Il{_\;III

Rc) IIoldx. .\lcllxxa (icorgc. l’hIle Balxcr Hall. JIIIIIII} Bcnncll. 80mm. l’omllcxx. llaccld rcuorkmg oi Sluarl Roxcnhcrg‘x dull 107‘) 'haIIIIlcd houxc' IIIo\ Ic. Ixhlch claInIx axle ‘IIprII‘alIIIIr IIIIIIxcd IIle III .la} :\IIxIIlI\ dlxcrcdllcd onII‘cc hook. (-(lHll'U. lfI/In/III/‘u/I.

Another Time, Another Place I ISI 0.. (\llchacl Radiol'd. l'K. Nb")

l’h} llIx Logan. (ircgol‘ l-Ixhcr. 102mm. ('arcl'ull) mcaxIII'cd rural \xarlIIIIc drama ax a laI'IIIcI‘\ \I’Il'c‘x unchIIIllIng xlog III Ihc nghlandx Ix IIIonIcIIIaI'II) I'cllc\cd h} Ihc hillclmg ol' llalIaII Pl )Wx and Ihc proxpccl ol l‘olllullL‘L‘. (i/Ilwnu I'll/III 'I'III'II/I'I'. (i/uwun. Antz Il’(iI O... IlzI‘Ic Darncll. Till) Johnxon. 190M 'l‘hc \oIccx o1 Wood} .-\||cn. Sharon Slonc. (Scnc Hackman 8 iIIIIII. \thn \xorkcr anl /. JIUS Ix\l|cnl mcclx l’I‘IIIccxx Bala lSloncI. hc l'allx coIIIplclcl} III lo\ c. hul. \\ hIlc H} In; lo prox c hIIIIxcli' ax a xoldIcr. hc uncm crx a daxlardl} plan Io llood Ihc colon}. sin/4‘ Ix hI'Ighll} colourcd and l'ull ol' gagx. xo adullx xx Ill chuch \thlc lxldx arc pullcd III h} Ihc xllck compulcr anllnallon. (i/uwou' I'I/nI 'I'III'IIII'I'. (i/uwou Are we There Yet? (I’( I) .00

(Brian l.c\aIIl. l'S. lellSI lcc ('uhc. .\'Ia Long. Alcixha .-\l|cn. l’hIle Boldcn. 9.1mm liIIIo}ahl} xi|l_\ road lrIpcoIIch} III uhlch lcc ('IIhc xlarx ax a man xo dcxpcralc Io Imprcxx hlx nc“ gIrllI‘Icnd (long) lhal hc agrccx Io drnc hcr lno chIIdI'cII lI'oIII \Vaxhlnglon l)(‘ lo Nc-\\ York on \c“ \car'x liw. ('( ‘/ ('lu/c/IIIIIA. (‘lulc/um/I

The Assassination of Richard Nixon I ISI 0... I.\'Iclx Mucllcr.

l‘S/Mcuco. 200-1) Scan l’can. Naomi \Vallx. l)on ('hcadlc. 95mm. l:\cc||cnl xii)“ building drama haxcd on Ihc lruc \llil'} of Sam B)ck \\ ho. III l-chruar} l‘)7-l. dro\ c lo Ballnnorc-\\‘athIIglon lIIlcrIIalIoIIal :\ll'pIIl'l

eq'handitto 9" on a Plate

and allcmplcd lo hIIack a planc. llc IIIchIdcd Io craxh Inlo Ihc \VhIIc Houxc III Ihc hopc ol kIIIIIIg I’I‘cxIchIl .\'I\on. l’cnn III Ihc lcad Ix c\II';IIII‘IlIIIIII"\. \\'c|| \HIllh chcckmg olII. ('( 'l (‘lu/c/IIIIIA. ("In/chunk

Back to the Future mm .0. lRohcrl lt'IIIc‘cka. l'S. I085) .\lIchac| J l‘ox. lca ’l‘hompxon. ('I'prIII (ilox cr l|(IlIIIII. l)cxcl‘\cdl_\ popular IIIIIc ll';l\t‘l|lll}1 lanlax} adwnlurc \\ Ilh xlI'ccl xnIaI'l Xllx lccnagcr uhkacd hack III IIIIIc l'oI' a |Ill|c chIcancI'} \Kllh hIx l'ulurc parcnlx (‘ ('lt'l (III. III/III/llll'g’ll.

Back to the Future Part 2 (|’( I) O... lRohcl‘l /.cIIIcclxIx. ('8. 10801 .\1Ichac| .l l‘ox. ('hrleophcr l.|o}d. 'l‘hoIIIax l' \VIIxIHI. ll)3llllll.l'llllx|1llig \xIlh a hIg lcaxc xcqucncc ol hIghlIghlx lor Ihc IIIId I‘NU xchcdulcd [I’m/I In Illf' l’II/III'I' I’III'I 1’. IhIx could hc Ihc longcxl IIon Ic lI‘aIlcr III llollyxood hIonI‘y ()ncc agaln Mlchacl hax lo oullo\ Bl”. IhIx IIIIIc Ioommg loruardx ax \xcll ax hackuardx III Ihc IIIIIc Inachlnc I)II‘chcI| and pl;I_\cd \\ Ilh lL‘l‘l‘lllt‘ \cI'u‘.

Ill [’3 Inmcx xo 1';le l'I‘onI onc xcl pIccc Io Ihc Ichl lhal IlIc‘I'c"x no mm to I'ci'lccl on Ihc haxIc I‘IdIculouxncxx o1 Ihc plol (’I'lm II'II. la'Il/II/mrg/I.

Back to the Future Part 3 mm .0. (Rohcrl chIIccklx. l'S_ 1001)) MIchacl J l‘o\. ('hI’leopth'l |o}d. Mar} Slccnhurgcn l l‘hnm Alch Ihc clongalcd lraIlcr ol Ill/'3 \xc'I'c hack III 1835 lor Ihc lhII'd and ahxolulcl) l'mal IanaIIIIcIII ol Ihc xcrch. III \thch .\lIch.Icl hax lo l’acc up lo Iongxlandmg cIIcIII} BI” and x,l\ c lhc l)oc lI'oIII ch'laIn dcalh. c\ccpI lhal lhc lalch' Ix Inuch Inorc IIIIcI‘cxch III l'aIIIIIg l'or \lar} Slccnhurgcn. 'l'lIc cIId I'cxull Ix noI IIuIlc a had lilm. hul. ax \\ Ilh almoxl cxcr} olhcr xcqucl ol a xcqucl lhcrc‘x an owrall xlackIchx \thch prcwnlx Il lI'oIII lIlIIIIg; oil III Ihc \Kll} lhal Il xhould. III alIIonl L‘\L‘l} xcnxc. \xc'w hccn th‘c hclolc. ('I'II'I I/‘II. Inll/I/Iuru/I.

Batman Begins I 12m .00 I(’hl'leopth' Nolan. 18'. 31MB) ('hI'leIaII Balc. Michacl (‘aqu ham .\'ccxon. Morgan l'I'chnan. Gar} ()ldIIIan. KalIc Holmcx.

I WIIIIII. 'l‘hc llal Ix hack III IhIx dccpl_\ llaucd hIIl xalle_\ Ingl} darlx and IcaIIxIIc adaplalIoII o1 holh Boh Kanc'x oI'IgIIIal xlrIpx and Frank .\lIlch"x II’IIInIIIII. )i'm' ()III [)a\ Id II’IIIIII' (io_\ c'I"x ch'IpI Ix prcll} a“ in] hul lhlx Ix alxo a lilll'l} xuhxlandard pIccc ol \xorlx lIoIII Nolan ax \xcll. Ila/mun [I’m/III docx. honcu'l’. IIccd Io hc applaudcd l'oI' parll} rc\ IlalIxIng an ailing ll'dllt‘lllxt'. XI’II'I'II'I/ I‘I'II’IHI'.

The Battleship Potemkin Il’liI moo (Scrch l'.IchlecIII. l'SSR. I03") A. .'\lllllllli\. \'|adInIIr Harku. (irIgoI‘I :\|c\andro\_ 7Sllllll \Iadc illl‘ Ihc lelh annncl'xar} ollhc NUS rcxolulIon. liIxcancIII'x all lInIc claxxIc ll)llll\\x Ihc IIIulIn) h) Ihc cl'cu ol Ihc l’rIIII c I’ll/(’IIIAIII and Ihc xIIppoI‘l gncn h} Ihc local cI. IIIaII populallon. \\ ho arc lllU\\ II do“ II h} Ihc ('Iar‘x lI‘oopx III Ihc lilillUllx ()dcxxa Slcpx xcqucncc. lixprcxxlx c caIIIcI'a lcchnIIIIIc and a graxp ol chlIng lhal \\I'Ult‘ Ihc lc\Ihookx arc |ll\l onIIc ol' Ihc IIIIIo\aIIoIIx lhal pul liIxcnxchn and RlIxxIan lIlIII lII'IIIl) on Ihc clncmallc map lli'xlon [NIL I'fI/III/IIII'u/I.
