I Kid Carpet (‘aharet Voltaire. .36 38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 7pm. £7. One man electronic weirdness lo-li sampling of old kids TV and Van llalcn as all on the cards.
I Cockburn Comedy The Arcade Bar. 48 (‘ockhurn Street, 220 1297. 8pm. £3 (£3). More music and lattghs from the C ockhurn (‘omedy crew.
I The Vibrators, Sad Society and Pummel Bannerman's. Niddry' Street. 556 3354. 8.45pm. £5. Old school punkers formed way back in 1976. the Vibrators are joined by their younger brethren.
I Baby Tiger Open Mic Night Northern Bar. l Howard Place. 556 I558 . 9pm. Free. Good tunes at this alternative open mic night.
I Open Mic Night (‘aledonian Backpackers. 3 Queenslerry‘ Street. 476 7234. 9pm. Free. W'lcoming all styles ol musical treats. covers and original material.
1. Peter Gabriel is a fan The man who used to dress up like a big flower in Genesis heard a demo tape and immediately signed Arthur up to his Real World label. The native of Akron. Ohio released his debut, Big City Streets, in 1997.
2. He’s an artist A piss artist. more like, ha, ha. No, only joking. He really is an artist of the artistic kind. not just the musical kind. When he released his second album, Come to Where I’m From, he claimed to have taken longer over the artwork than it took to make the record. His latest release. Our Shadows Will Remain, comes complete with a 36-page booklet of scary skeletal head drawings from the man himself.
3. He won a Grammy Let‘s not get too excited. they give away Grammies for everything, don't they? Arthur is a case in point. In 1999 he won the Grammy for Best Recording Package (yes, really) for his seven-track ‘Vacancy’ EP.
4. He’s got big, green pale Not the Hulk, sadly, but he is on first name terms with Shrek (is Shrek a first or last name?) on account of contributing a song, ‘You’re 80 True'. to the Shrek 2 soundtrack.
5. He’s not a 19th century French racist Joseph Arthur de Gobineau was a French aristocrat who became famous 150 years ago for developing the theory of the Aryan master race that Hitler took to his heart. This is not him. Which can only be a good thing. (Doug Johnstone)
I Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Thu 25 Jul.
70 THE LIST 21 Jul 4 Aug 73%)?)
I Out of the Bedroom Wayerley liar. St Mary's Street. 556 8855. ‘)pm. Open tuic session for l:diuhurglt-hased singer/sougys'riters. Folk. punk. l'unk. just hring along your original songs and sign tip to play at 8ish.
I Dundee Guitar Festival (‘aird Hall. ('ity‘ Square. (ll 383 434‘)4(). 'l’inics vary. the. A celebration ol the guitar and its personalities. Featuring \sorld t'enoyy'ned performers.
I 3rd Dan, Dieselbone and Green Door Clinic King 'l‘ut‘s \\'ah \\'ah llut. 273a St Vincent Street. 23] 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. Indie rock hill. headlined by a .\laucunian quartet \y ho mix the many moods of Athlete. (ii'atttlatldy' and the (hilt Peppers.
I The Secret, Sparks Lights and Flames, The Punchline is Murder and Soundshok liat'l'ly (upstairs). 36() ('lyde Street. 0870 ‘)()7 ()‘)‘)‘). 7pm. £6. .\letal sounds.
I The Aphrodisiacs and Wall Street Ammunition liarlly. 26o (‘lyde Street, 0870 ‘)t)7 099‘). 8pm. £4. Dancey'. electt'o rock trio li‘om
.\lotheryy ell puntiug dchttt album This is (l (tint/titty".
I Cortez, Standby, Replica, The Experts and Wake lyot'y Hlaeks. 56 ()syyald Street. 248 4| l4. 8pm. Battle of the Bands competition.
I Troubleman, The Trains and Washington Street lite Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 565 |()23. 8pm. £6. including free entry to the Funk Room. A trio of lunk and soul hands play prior to this eycning‘s Fttnk Room cluh.
I nanobots Stereo. 14 Kely'inhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £3. lilectronic duo leaturing mcmhers ol' the Space Kittens and the Johnny 7 play this month's l)olly .\lislure.
I Independence Samuel l)t)\\ ‘s.
67 7| Nithsdale Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. Free.
I TempestT, Trade, My Vendetta arid The Draymen Fury .\Iurry 's. ‘)6 Masyycll Street. 22l 65l l. 8.30pm. £4. inclttdiug entry to post—gig cltth. Weekly shoys case (it indie hands.
I After Christmas and You Can’t Eat the Word Food l3tli .\'ote (are.
wt. lat/iii. in «w, I. i. let, ii; iii‘ ll '1.,,~l';ivlt Jr'- l 1
5t) 6() King Street. 55.3 I638. ‘)pui. £3. Old school indie rocking.
I A Destructive Issue and Ripping Reality .\'ice‘n‘Slea/y. 42| Sauchiehall Street. 3 3 3 ()‘)()l). ‘)pm. £3. Skate punk.
I Frank O’Hagan 'l'lie Scotia Bar. I ll Stockyy ell Street. .553 863 l. Upllt. Free. (’oyers ol l)y latt. the liand. (‘reedeuce I The Fusion Experience Saint Jude's. l‘)” Bath Street. 3.53 SSH“. ‘)pm. Free: £5 alter l lptti. (il;tsgt)\\ ‘s linest exponents ol‘ja/flltonse electronic l'usion. \yhose set includes coyers ol' the Doors and .-\il'.
I TWO Bob Rocket .\IacSorley 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. ‘)pm. Free. Rock co\ ers.
I The Fratellis .\lct‘ltuills. to High Street. 553 3l35. ltlpni. Free.
I Right Left Hand, Myopia and Satellite Dub The limits“ ick Hotel. mo 8 lirtinsysick Street. 553 I552. £4. Aherdouian indie rockers Right l.el't Hand. (ilasgoys 's .\lyopia and electronica \yhi/Ikid Satellite l)uh play the launch ol‘ neyy cluh/gig night Shoot to Kill.
I Piano Bar l’i/la lispress. lll llolyrood Road. 557 5734. 6pm. laid hack piano har sounds.
I Toe’d Up, Aces High and Warstone Suhysay (‘oysgattx 6‘) ('oysgate. 235 6766. 7.30pm. £3. l'titll‘ piece rock act 'l‘oe‘d l'p are promoting their neyy alhum.
I Ally Kerr, Emergency Red and Dropkick ('aledouian Backpackers. 3 ()tteeusl‘erry Street. 476 7234. 8. 30pm. £4. Acclaimed \\ est coast singer- songysriter and his hacking hand.
I Tin Rokit and Golden Hedges t) liar. 5 ll l.eith Street. 8.30pm. £3 £4. High energetic rock l'rotn 'l'itt Rokit.
I Good Against Remotes, Carpe Diem and 8 Lives Left The liongo (Juli. .\loray‘ House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 8.45pm. £4. Rock \sitli a heayy edge.
I Douglas Kay and Alan Davison Roxy Art House. 2 Roshurgh l’lace. ()87l 75(l (ltl77. 9pm. £3. Acoustic douhlc hill featuring [no local singer/song“ritcrs.
I Dundee Guitar Festival (‘airtl Hall. ('ity Square. (H382 434040. times vary. the. Sec 'l‘hu 2|.
I Raar, Hellhouse and The Blimp King 'l‘ut's \\'ah \Vah llllt. 373a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. local noiscttiks. and some theatrical rocking hour the Blimp.
I The Side, The Little Kicks, The Zens, Simpson and Reograd (ieorgc Square. 3pm. Free. liill oi unsigned hatids play as part of the lee Sounds l'usigned tour. 'l‘here \\ ill also he a litte- ttp or hands play ittg simultaneously iii l'rhan ()utlitters.
I Stax of Soul .\lacSorley ‘s. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 8581. 3.30pm. Free. ('ouimitmentssty le soul/Rtkli collecliye. I Open Stage ’l‘he llalt liar. l6t) \Vootllantls Road. 353 9996. 4 Split. l'tce. \Vcekly session lol‘ local musicians. I Open Mic Brunsyyick ('ellat‘s. 33‘) Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)33‘). 4pm. Free. \Vt‘elkl} \k'\\lllll.
I Jamie Barnes 8r Cochise .\lacSorlcy 's. 43 Jamaica Street. 348 h53l. (t..3llptlt. Free. Residency lot' the hlttes \clct'au.
I Old Crow Medicine Show .-\li(‘. 33l) Sauchiehall Street. 3 33 3332. 7.30pm. U 1.5”. Appalachian string hand a ho haye ht'anched out to incorporate pre—yyar hlues and jug hand rags iii their set.
I The Experts, Serpico and Soul Circus 'l‘he \‘ale. 5 l)undas Street. 332 -l‘)28. 8pm. £3. (ioodtime indie pop.
I The Duvets Samuel l)o\y ‘s, 67 71 .\illmlalc Road. 433 ()l()7. 8.30pm. Free. I Ampersand, My Shotgun Sister and The Lunarians Stereo. 14
ls'cly inhaugh Street. 576 5(ll8. 9pm. £4 (£3). .\ly Shotgun Sister play epic retro rock lor the open road.
I The Fiction, Ultimo Dragon and Mesa Verde l3tli .\'ote (Kile. 5t) on King Street. 553 I638. ‘)pm. £3. New York hardcore hand supported hy' local sludgecore trio t’lliitio Dragon.
I Funk-A-Fize Saint Jude's. 1‘)” Bath Street. 352 88lll). 9pm. Free: £5 alter llpttt. 1 ate night t'unk sounds.
I Joe Viterbo and Bombskare \ice‘n’Slea/y. 431 Sauchiehall Street.
3 st ll‘)ll(l. ‘)pin. £3. lis Neystoyyu (it'tltlt Vilerho's music jumps l'ront rock. ska. punk and tau lo soul. l’lus lidinhurgh ska punkct's liottthskare.
I Red Sun The Hall liar. l6() \Vootllattds Road. 352 ‘)‘)‘)6. ‘)pm. Free. lilack ('royses sty lc rocking.
Since the disolution of Weegie indie demi—gods the Soup Dragons a few years back, if“! “ the four members have cast their talents to the four winds. Guitarist dim McCulloch has
set himself up as Green Peppers, a loose line up of musicians charged with making flesh on the bones of
McCulloch’s thoughtful pop songs. 1 [itftl/lSCU/lt), (i/{lSthl’lfl Mi 1/) .' ’5) ./i 1/.