iielmat3:AChronicleot and
W Beginningsfl'arti‘ivehlsi 1.15. lleep Blue (PG) 2.00. llelmat 3: A Chronicle oi Endings and Beginnings (Part Six) (15) 3.30. Onlyiluman (15) 5.00.
Helmet 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings (Part Four) (15) 5.45. 3-hon (Bin-lip) (15 ) 7.00. 9.00. "V50: Coronation Street(P(i) 8.30.
Only iii-nan ( 15 ) 1.00. 9.00. Swallows and Amazons (U ) 2.00. 3-lron (Bin-lip) ( 15 ) 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. Helmet 3: A Clloriicle oi Endings and Beginnings (Part Four) (15 ) 4.00. Helmet 3: A Chronicle ot Endings and Beginnings (Part Five) (15) 0.40. ilelmat 3: A Chronicle oi Endings Beginnings (Part Six) ( 15) 8.45.
Ashton lane. llillhead. 0141 339 8444. Fri Sun: £5 50 before 6pm; £6.50 after; Mon: £3 50: Tue Thu: £4.50 before 6pm; £5.50 alter. Students/GAP: £3.50 (not matlahle alter 6pm Fri Sun); Child: £3 50; Kids' ('lnb Sat Morning: £2.50.
Babe(Parent&BabyScreenlng)(U) 10.30am.
BatmanBeglns(12A) 8.50. BombonelPerroHS) 3.45. Thellescentux) 1.00. 0.15. FantasticFouuPti) 0.30. WarottheWorids ( 12A) 1.20. 4.00. 0.30. 9.10.
EBJDAY. 2_2 :1. HLJBSDAY. 28
A Cinderella Story (PU) Matinee Sat & Sun: 10.30am. Consequences oi Love (151 Sun l‘hu: 3.45. Also matinee ’l‘ue: 10.30am. Fantastic Four (PU) Daily; 1.20. 4.00. 6.40. 9.10. Also matinee 'l'ue: 10.30. Fantastic Four (Parent 81 Baby Screening) (13(3) Matinee 'l‘hu: 10.30am.
obots (L‘) Matinee Sat & Sun: 10.30am. WarottheWorids (12A) Daily: 1.00. 6.20. 8.50. Also Fri & Sat: 3.45.
IMAX Theatre
Glasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. (1141 420 5000. £6.95 (£4.95). 10‘; discount on parties ()1 more than tour
Robots(L‘) 4.00. Space Station 30(1’1 1.00. 3.00. 3D Manlad') noon. 2.00.
Daily: 4.00. SpaceStation 30(0) Daily: 1.00. 3.00. 3DManla(l'1
Daily: noon. 2.00.
Odeon at the Quay, Glasgow
()11 l’aisley Road opposite Harry Ramsden's. 0141 4180111. 11110 and CC booking: 0871 22 44 007. [D]. llil. Adult £4.50 hetore 6pm: £5.50 alter (and all day Sat & Sun). Wed all tickets: £3.60. Students/(’hild under 14: £3.75. Family ticket: £14.40 Licensed bar.
Ll._HUB$/§~X '2 1
Batman Begins112A) 13.45. The Descentilm 1.15. 3.30. 7.00. 0 <1)
58 THE LIST )1 .1111 4 Aug 7001')
Last chance to see this reissue of Peter Watkins’ still prescient 1971 political thriller
set in (possibly) imaginary punishment parks which sprang up during Nixon’s administration as a way of dealing with radical hippies, free thinkers and revolutionaries.
I GFT, Glasgow (1/11/ 21 Jul (mlv).
FSMFWUKH 10.45am. 1.00. 3.30. 6.00. 9.00.
Festivamx) 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 9.15. llaan...flalneBhiPyaarKiya(1’(1) 2.00. 5.15. 830
Will.) 10.30am. 11.15am. 11.45am. 12.45. 1.30. 2.00. 300. 3.45. 4.15. 5.15. 600. 6 311. 7 31). 9.00.
*GMSIIIWHI51930. “IOWUKU 1100:1111.
Star Wars Episode Ili:The Revenge ot theSlth(12.r\) 1.00.
WIIBIIML') 11.45am. WaroitheWorlds112-\1 110011111. 11.45am. 12.15. 1.45. 2.30. 3.15. 4.45. 5.30. 6.15. 7.45. 845. L1 MIMCMSMSHM noon 2 3.45. 5 30. 6 311. 8311 113(1
Batman Begins 1 12.-\1 Daily: 12.30. 3 3(1 Dari: Water ( 15)
Daily: 1.30. 4 00. 6.45. 9.15 Also late Fri & Sal' midnight (181
Fri Wed: 8.45.
Also late Fri & Sat: midnight Escape from Alcatraz ( 15) Matinee'l‘ue: 10.30am. Fantastic Four (l‘ti)
Daily: 10.30am. 11.30am. 1110. 200.
3.30. 4.30. 6.00. 7.00. 8.45. 9.30 Also late Fri & Sat: midnight Kicking and Screaming (13(1)
Daily: 11.15am. 1 311. 415. 7110. 9.30.
Daily: 10.30am. 11.00am. 11 30am. 12.30. 1.15. 1.45. 2.30. 3 3(1. 4.15. 5.00. 5.45. 6.30. 7.00. 9.15. MalnPyarKyon Klya?(1’(11
Daily: 2.00. 5.15. 8.311. TheSkeleton Keyil5)
Thu: 8.45.
Star WarsEplsodelii:TheRevengeot “mllel
Daily: noon.
Daily: 3.00. 6.00. 9.00. WarottheWorids(12.-\)
Daily: 12.15. 3.00. 5.45. 8.45. 9.15. Also late Fri & Sat: midnight. WeddingCrnhersMS)
Daily: noon. 245. 5 30. 6.45. 8.30. 9.30.
Also late Fri 8; Sat' midnight
For films shorting between
Odeon City Centre, Glasgow
56 Renlicld Street. 0141 332 341 3. 11111) and (‘(' booking: 0871 22 44 1107. |l)| screens 5. 6. 7 and 8. Fri Sun: £5 25 (£3.25); Mon: £3; inc 1110: £5 (L 31 Family ticket: £12 £1 3.
Batman Begins(12.,\) 2.00. 5.30. x30. ‘I'tieiiescentum 400. 0.30. 000. Fantastic Foqu’U) noon. 215. 4 30. 0.45. 9.00.
ALotlJiie Love(12..\) 100. 8.45.
Madagascantii 1145:1111. 1230. 2.00. 2.45. 4.15. 5.00. 0.30. 7.00. 000 hirSllrsSmitiu15ix45.
3 30 (1.15.
‘I'hePaciller(P(i) 1101111. 2.00.
Star Wars Episode Ill:The Revenge oi theSith(12A) 12.15. WaroitheWorldsHZA) 12.15. 2.15. 3.00. 5.15. 6.00. 8.00. 8.45. Wedding CrashersHS) 1145:1111. 2.31). 3.15. 5.15. 6 00. 800. 845.
EBJDAY 22- THURSDAY 28 BatmanBeglns(12-\1 Daily: noon. DarliWater(151
Daily: 1.15. 3.45. 615. Thebescentum
Daily: 3.00. 5.30. 8.45. Fantastic Fourd’tii Daily: noon. 1.00. 2.31). 345. 6.15. 7.45. 8.45.
Kickingand Screamingd’ti) Daily: noon. 2.15. 4 3(1. 6.45. Madagascant.)
Daily: noon. 1.15. 2.15. 3.30. 5.45. 6.45. 9.00.
Star Wars Episode ill: The Revenge oi “SlalllZ/U
Daily: noon. WarottheWoridstA)
Daily: 3.00. 5.45. 8.30.
Wedding Crasher3(151
Daily: 12.30. 3.15. 6.00. 8.00. 8.30.
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge
Showcase Leisure Park. Langmuir Road. ('oatbridge. 11111) line: 01236 434434. ('(' booking: 01236 438000. [1)]. IF]. £5.25 (£4.20be1'orc 6pm). ('hild/()Al’: £4.20; Student: £4. 'l'ue all tickets: £375.
4. 30.
Batman Begins(12..\) 110011111. 1.00. 2.10. 4.15. 5.15. 7.25. 8.311. ThebescentHX) 114511111. 220. 245. 7.35. 9.55.
Madagascaul‘) 11.30am. noon.
. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.30. 5.00.
. 700. 7.30~ son. 0 is 04%
Also late Fri & Sat: Dark Water ( 15)
Mr 8. Mrs Smith (15) 11.10.1111. 2.00. 4.50. 7.40. 10.30. Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of
I, WSW! (12A) 11.05am. 2,05. 5.05. 8.05.
War oi the Worlds ( 12A) 11.00.1111. 11.30am. noon. 12.30. 1.45. 2.15. 2.45. 3.15. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. 0.00. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8.40. 9.40. 10.10. Wedding Crashers ( 15) 11.00am. 11.30am. 1.45. 2.15. 4.30. 5.00. 7.15. 7.45. 10.00. 10.30.
Batman Begins ( 12A)
Daily: 1.00. 4.15. 7.25. 1045. Daily: 11.15am. 2.05. 4.45. 7.21). 9.50.
Also late Fri & Sat: The Descent ( 18)
0.111): 11.45.1111. 2.20. 4.45. 7.35. 3.55.
Also late Fri 84 Sat: 12.25am. Fantastic Four (PU) Daily: 11.40am. 12.10. 2.10. 4.40. 5.10. 7.10. 7.40. 9.40. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.10am. Kicking and Screaming (13(1)
Daily: 11.25am. 1.55. 4.35. 7.115.
2.40. 10.10.
9.25. Also late Fri & Sat: 11.45.
Madagascantii Daily: 11.30am. noon. 12.30. 2.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. 700.
Also late Fri & Sat:
7.30. 9.15.
Also late Fri 8: Sat: Mr 8. Mrs Smith ( 15) Daily: 9.45.
War of the Worlds ( 12A)
Daily: 11.00am. 11.30am. noon.
12.30. 1.45. 2.15. 2.45. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8.40. 9.40. 10.10. Also late Fri & Sat: 12.20.
10.40. 11.20.
Wedding Crashers (151
Daily: 11.00am. 11.30am. 1.45. 2.15. 4.30. 5.00. 7.15. 7.45. 10.00. 10.30.
- Showcase Cinema, Paisley
(irllllll Avenue. Phoenix Business Park.
0141 8870011. 11111): 0141 887 0020. ('(' booking:0141887()011.|D|.|li|.£5.25
(£4.20 belore 6pm). (‘hild/UAl’: £4.20;
Student: £4. inc all tickets: £3 75.
Batman BeginsHZA) 11.00.1111. 1.00. 2.10. 4.15. 5.15. 7.25. 8.30. TheDescentHxi 11.45am. 2.20. 4.45.
7.35. 9.55.