Mr&MrsSmlth1151 12.30. 3.15. (1.00. 8.45.

ThePacitienl'm 11111111. 2.00. 4.15. (1.30.

SlnCity1181 8.30.

Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of theSlth112A12.15. 5.15. 8.15.

War of the Worlds (12.-\) 11.451110. 12.30. 2.30. 3.15. 5.15. 11.00. 8.00. 8.45.

1111DAY 8 111URSDAY 14

Batman Begins 1 12.v\1

Daily: 2.00. 5.30. 8.30. Thenescent1181

Daily: 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 9.00. Kung Fu Rustle1l51

Daily: 1.45 1‘41 4.151111118111181 Sun). (1.4511111! 8111 & 811111. 9.00.

A Lot Like Love 1 12A)

111 Wed: 1.00. 3.30. (1.15. 8.45. Madagascar1171

81118: 8110: 12.15. 1.00. 2.30. 4.45. 5.45. (1.45. 8.45. Mralilrs Smith1151

Daily: 12.30. 3.15. (1.00. 8.45. ThePacifier11’10

111 Wed: 011110. 2.00. 4.15. (1.30. Sin City1181

1:118; .\1110 Wed: 8.30.

Star Wars Episode ill: The Revenge 01 theSith112,-\)

1)ai|_\: 2.15 & 5.151111118111152 81101. 8.15.

War oltheWorlds112.-\1

Daily: 11.4511111. 12.31). 2.31). 3.15. 5.15. (1.01). 8.00. 8.45. Wedding Crashers1151

11111: 011110. 12.45. 2.45. (1.15. 8.15. 9.00.


Showcase Cinema, Coatbrid o e

8111111 caw leisure Park. 1.1111g11111ir Road. (11111101111212 10111 line: 0123(1434434. ('(' 111111111054: 012311438000. |1)|. |1il. £5.25 (£4.20111‘1'111e(111101.(‘111111/().«\1’: £4.20; 8111111011: £4. 1111'1111111'k1‘ht £3.75.

'111U118DAY 7

Batman Begins 1121\1 110011111. 11111111. 1.00. 2.10. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. 11.30. 7.30. 8.30. 9.45.

Kung Fu Hustle1151 12.20. 2.50. 5.10. 7.35. 9.55.

ALot Like Love112.\1 5.11). 7.45. 10.15. Millions 1 l2.\) 11.41111111. 2.05. Monster in Law112.\1 4.40. 7.20. 9.511.

Mr81MrsSmith1I51 11.0011111. 2.00. 4.20. 4.50. 7.10. 7.40. 10.30.

The Pacifier 11’( 11 4.45. SinCity11817.15. 10.15.

Star Wars Episode ill: The Revenge of theSith1I2A1 11.00.1111. 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

Warotthe Worlds112.r\1

11.5011111. 2.30.

1.30. 10.00.

11.4511111. 2.20.


11.301110. 0111111. 12.31). 1.45. 2.15.

2.45. 315. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. (1.00. 7.01). 7.30. 8.00. 8.40. 9.411. 10.10. 1111U/\Y 8 111U118DAY 14

Batman Begins1l2.'\1

1)ai1\: 11.001110. 11111111. 1.00. 2.10.

3.15'. 4.15. 5.15. 11.30. 7.30. 8.30. 9.45.

.-\1\111ale 1'11 134 .8111: 10.45. 11.45. The Descent 1 181

Daily: 11.451101. 2.20. 4.45. 7.35. 10.00.

.1\1\11|111e 111 1%; S111: 12.251110. Kung Fu Rustle1151

Daily: 11.2011111. 9.55. .1\1\111111el‘1'i& 8111: 12.2011111. ALot Like Love112..\1

Daily: 11.5011111. 2.30. 5.10. 7.45. 10.15.

Monster in Law1l2.1\1

D1111}: 1.51). 4.40. 7.20. Mr&Mrs Smith1151

Daily: 11.001101. 1.31). 2.011. 4.20.

4.50. 7.10. 7.40. 10.110. 111.111 ThePacifieni’m Daily: 11.401101. 2.05. 4.30. 4.45.


Daily: 7.15. 10.15.

Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of MSMHIZA)

l)aily: 11.001110. 2.01). 5.00. 8.00. A1811 lale 1‘ri & 8111: 11.00. WarottheWortdS1l2A1

Daily: 11.001110. 11.301110. 1111110. 12.30. 1.45. 2.15. 2.45. 3.15. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. (1.00. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8.40. 9.41). 10.10. Also late 1‘11 8: 8111: 12.2011111.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(11'11'1'111A1e1111e. 1’11111‘0111 Basinexs P1011. 0141 887 001 1. 111111: 0141 887 01120. ('1' 111111ki11g:0141 8870011. |1)|. |1-.|. £5.25 (£4.20 11e1‘111’e (11110). (‘111111/( ).\1’: £4.20; 81011001: £4. '1 111' 1111 tickets: £ 3.75.

10.40. 11.20.


Batman Begins 112.'\1 11.0011111. 11111111. 1.00. 2.10. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. (1.30. 7.30. 8.31). 9.45.

llouseoiWax1151 10.115.

Kung Fu llustIe1151 12.20. 2.50. 5.111.

7.35. 9.55.

A Lot Uke Love 1 12.\) 11.50100. 2.30. 5.10. 7.45. 10.15.

Mlllions1l2A) 11.401011. 2.05. 4. 30.

Monsterln Law112..\1 7.05. 9.30. "EMISSII‘IWIHM 11.001110. 1.30. 2.011. 4.211. 4.511. 7.10. 7.40. 7.50. 10.01). 10.30.

Mrand Hrs Bridge11’(;1 11.00.1111. 1.30. 2.00. 4.211. 4.50. 7.111. 7.40. 7.511. 10.00. 10.30.

:Kung Fu Rustle1151

Sunset 301111111111de Bad and the 11111

ThePacifleHl’G) 4.45. 7.15.

Sin Clty118) 7.25. 10.15.

Star Wars Episode Ill:The Revengeot

11.451110. 2.21).

theSith1I2.-\1 11.001110. 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

: Valiant1l'1 0.1511111. 1.15. 3.311. 5.30.

War of the Worlds 1 12A) 11.001101. 11.301011. 11111111. 1.45. 2.15. 2.45. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. 7.00. 7.31). 8.00. 9.40. 10.10.

1' RID/\YB _1_11UF3SD/\Y 14

Batman Begins 1 12A)

1)aily: 11.0011111. 0111111. 1.01). 2.10. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. (1.30. 7.30. 8.30. 9.45.

Also 1111c 1‘11 8: S111: TheDescent1181 Daily: 11.451110. 2.21). 4.45. 7.35. 10.00.

Also 11110 1'11 & 8211:

10.45. 11.45.


Daily: 7.40. 10.05.

.-\1\11 lale 1"1'i & Sal: 12.301110. [Hot Like Love112.r\1

Daily: 11.51111111. 2.30. 5.11). 7.45. 10.15.


Daily: 11.401110. 2.05. 4.30. Monster in Law112..\1

1111111; 7.05. 9.30. Also 1101‘ 1'11 84 S111: Mr81Mrs Smith115) Daily: 11.001011. 1.30. 2.00. 4.20. 4.50. 7.10. 7.40. 10.00. 10.30.


ThePaciflenl’m 1)ai|y; 11.351110. 2.25. 4.45. 7.15.



111.111 111 & 5111:

Daily: 9.35.


StarWars Episode lllzThe Revenge oithe Sill! 112A)

Daily: 11001110. 2.00. 5.00. 8.00.

Also late l’ri & Sat: 1 1.00.

' Valiant1U)

Daily: 11.15am. 1.15. 3.31). 5.30. WaroitheWortds112A)

Daily: 11.001110. 11.301110. 11111111. 1.45. 2.15. 2.45. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 9.40. 10.11).

Also late 1’ri & 8111: 10.40. 12.20am.

UCI Clydebank

1 ('lyde Regi0nal ('enlre. (’lydehank. 08700

102030. 11)]. £5.25 (£4.25 before 51110). ('111111: £3.60. ()Al’: £3.60. Students: £4.75 1£3.95. M011 1110. 1'11 before 5pm).


Batman Begins 112A) 11.301110. 1.45. 2.45. 5.00. (1.00. 8.15. 9.15.

Five Children and lt1171 1 1.0011111.

Kung Fu Rustie1151 (1.45. 9.15. A Lot Like Love 1 12A) 1.15. 4.00. 9.30.

Mllllons112A) 11.301110.

Mrs. his Smith 1151 12.10. 3.00. 5.50.



ThePacitieuPU) 11.151110. 1.31). 4.15. Pahell1111 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. StarWarsEpisodell:TheRevengeotthe Sllh112A) 11000. 3.10. (1.15. 9.15.

War of the W112A) 11.451110.

12.45. 1.31). 2.31). 3.31). 4.15. 5.15.

(1.15. 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. 9.45.

Great double bill of two of the greatest films about Hollywood ever made. Wilder’s

timeless classic starring William Holden, Gloria Swanson and Erich Von Stroheim is always worth checking out, but less rarely screened is Wncente Minnelli’s version of writer George Bradshaw’s short story Tribute to a Badman a scathing tale of film studio production mores. Kirk Douglas and the mighty Walter Pidgeon star.

I(-}/ I, (3/1'151111111/1‘1‘1/11 [71/11/1111)

/' 21 .1111 90051 THE LIST 59