Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
Anita and Me I I.‘ \) .0. l.\lL'llll lluxcy in. l'ix. 2002) ('handccp l'ppal. Anna lircthcr. Kathy liurke. ‘Jhmin. lt'x l‘)72 and I2 year nlIl Mccna Il‘ppal) liyex m a Midlandx mining \ illagc \\ llll lIcr xIruggling Indian paII'ntx when the lilnndc. myxtcrinux Anita I Brew xII-r) cnlcrx her lil‘e \\ it!) her IlI'I-ply Ilyxlunt'tinnal lamily. Mccna hecnmt‘x lit-xnttcd w ith Ihix .-\ryan \ ixinn. but it ix a liicndxlup lltat ix In text her l'anuly alnng w llll hcr xcuxc nl‘ cultural heritage Mcera Syal hax dnnc a great inh nl‘ adapting licr nn\cl l'nr Ihc xcrccn. managing In prcxciyc the Innc nl' lnng xummerx and dixplat'cd lnyalty that permeach Ihc hnnk. Mni'c pinlxlt'inatic. hnwcxcr. ix lluxcy in whn l1.llltll\‘\llll\ tcndcl'cnuttltg nl age drama
w ith all the xuhtlt-Iy M a l eatherhcad cricket grnund gi‘axx I'nllcr. (ilayuuu l‘l/Ill IIII'IIII'I'. (r/II\;'IHI'.
Ant: I l’( i) C... Il'Itc l).irnc|l. il‘IIn JItlttlxth. l‘)‘)I\'l 'l‘hc \Itlt‘LN (ll. \VIIInl) Allen. Sharnn Sinnc. (icnc llackiuan. N iiuin.
\\ III-n \mrkcr ant / 4 NS I:\llcn) met-Ix l’IInccxx Hal.) (Slnnc). he l'allx cnmplclcly III lI)\c; hut. \\lu|c IIy iug In prny c liiiuxcll ax a \UlIlk‘l'. h: IIIIt'nyct‘x a daxtardly plan In lJnnd the I nlnny. .lnl: ix brightly cnlnurcd and lull Itl' gagx, xn aIlullx w ill chuckle \ylulc kIle aIc pulled in by Ihc xlick I‘ninputci .uuniatinn (i/Inquu /-//m l/lt'tlll'f'. (I/Ii'ygtm.
The Bad and the Beautiful mm C... I\ inI‘I-nIc Minnelli. l'S. l‘)52) Kiik lJnIIglax. I an.. 'l'urncr. Harry Sulliyan. l)Itk l’nwcll. ll.\'min, llard hitting
(ll\\\'x llHtt Hl llnlly \Hmtl lI'HIll Ihc
perm-pm c Minnelli The career nl a dynamic ynung prnduccr tl)nug|ax). nn\\ chewed up and xpat nut hy the film induxtry. ix i'I-Inld Ilunugh Ihc I’I'Incinlwrcd inurncyx In xtaidniu n) a xI'IccnwriIcr. an actnr and a diiI't'Inr. thux I'\pnxing the pcrlidinux nature nl' 'I‘Inxellnw u, \Vcll acted and intelligent IuI'lnIlraina Sue PM turt- caplinn. (i/mqnu I‘ll/II IllUll/lh. (I‘ltl‘g‘l’ll.
Bad Education (La Mala Educacion) I IS) 00... Il’t-Ilm .»\lnindnxar‘. Spain. 201) l) ( iat‘l (iaicia Hernal. l‘clc MaIIiacI. l)amcl (iimcnc/
('at lin. l lqu llnmar. l05mm. .-\ xucccxxlul ynung mm ic Ilu‘cctnr l‘nriquc IMaI‘tt'ttcl) I'I'I'cixcx an tint-\pectcd \ ixitnr xnnienne claiming In he lux childhnnd hand and ln\cr l:_'ll.t\‘lI) I lJcI'IIal ). \\ltn nnw prcl'ci'x In he called Angel. llc xhnwx lumiquc a xhnrt xtnry I‘III' liin alinut a Iranxxewal xingcr /aliaia Ialxn Hcinal) w hn xlccpx w Ill) a married adnurcr called l-nriquc and whn aIII'mpIx In blackmail the pricxt l‘athcr Mannln I( III‘lIn) w hn ahuxed hcr xchnnlhny xcll. But whn c\aI'Il_\ Ix Anch and why Ix he cat'l') InI—' ainund lganaI'In'x wnrk'.’ .-\nd
w hat ix the I'nnnt'ctinn lit-tween Mannln and the my xtcrinux lJciI'nguer Illnmar)? l’nxxiltl} the lint-xt ‘Aliundrama' In date. Ihix xi/Ich \\ ith llilchcnckian \cryc and
Ripley exque menace. An ahxnlutc delight. Almndnyar ix undnuhtedly nnc nl‘ the linext lilminakerx wnrking in litirnpe tnday. ('amI'u. lz‘Ilinlmrg/I.
Batman I 12) 0... (Jill) Burtnn. l'S. 1089) Jack Nichnlxnn. Michael Keatnn. Kim Baxxinger. l20min. Nichnlxnn ix nn Inp l'nrin: pxychntic. witty and Ianier than cyer. but the real triumph ix Keatnn'x. With chx xcrccn time than the (ireat l'pxtagcr. he prnducex a perl‘nrmance nt Incinnrahle xuhtlety and pnwer. which giyex a new credibilin In the Bruce Wayne/Batman character. while remaining true In the cniuic xtrip. With eerie angular dexign hy Antnn l-‘urxt. a terrific xcnre by Danny lill'man. a xuitahly wacky xcript and a xtrnng xuppnrting caxl. .S‘I‘alxman .S‘I‘I'I'I'nine RUIN". lat/in/uag/i.
Batman Begins I DA; 000 ((‘hrixtnpher .\'nlan. ['8. 2005) ('hrixtian Bale. Michael ('ainc. l.iain .\'eexnn. Mnrgan l-‘rceinan. (iary ()ldinan. Katie llnlmex. H‘hnin. The Bat ix hack in Ihix deeply flawed hut xatixl‘yingly dark and realixtic adaptatinn nl’ hnth Bnh Kane’x nriginal xII'ipx and lirank Miller‘x Batman: Year ()m'. l)a\ id lilaIlI' (inyer'x xcript ix pretty awl‘ul hut Ihix ix alxn a fairly xuhxtandard piece nl~ wnrk l'rnm anan ax well. Batman Begins dncx. hnweyer. need In he applauded t'nr partly rey'italixing an ailing traiicliixe. (JI'III'I‘III I'('/('I1.\I’.
Bear Cub (Cacharro) I 18) (Miguel Alhaladejn. Spain. 200-1) Jnxe l.uix (iarcia- l’crcI. David (‘axtilln. Diana ('cre/n. 00min. When Vinlcta jetx nll In India w ith nn immediately planx In return. her gay hrnther. l’edrn. ix left In care l‘nr her xnn. lJcI‘nardn. l’cdrn'x \ynrld nl‘ .xtlcccxx and xtahility ix Ihrnwn intn a xIaIe nl‘ utter cnnl'uxinn. l’leaxingly xentimcntal drama. l’art nl' l.nndnn l.exhian and (an l"ilm l‘extiyal nn Inur. See picture captinn. page 52. (ilaxgmr Film ’I‘lu'am'. (i/ayumr. Between Midnight and the Rooster’s Crow I I ') (Nadia l)I'nxt. (‘anada. 2005) (unmin. .»\ xad. Inuching dncunientary ahnut the plight nl‘ licuadnrian l'armerx whnxe land ix being cnntaininatcd by a huge (‘anadian nil pipeline. ()0 giant lincana xnught In incrcaxe itx prnlitx and leap l'nrward in the race l‘nr black gnld. neglecting the care nl the pcnplc w hnxc liycx iI wnuld affect. l’art nf'l‘wenIy-tn-(hic: l‘ilnix l'nr a (ireener l-‘uture. (i/uyurm‘ I'i'lm Ali/tram: (i/axgmr.‘ I'IIm/muu'. Iz'III'Ii/Hirjult. Bombon el Perro I IS) 00. I(‘arlux Snrrin. Argentina. 200-1) Juan Villegax. Walter Dnnadn. ‘Jh’min. In the rnugh land nl' l’atagnnia. a 52-year-nld mechanic. Juan \'i|lcgax. hiIx hard timcx when he lnxex hix inh. llix l‘nrtuncx turn when he repairx a car and rccciyex paytnent in the xhape nt‘ a hnund named Bninhnn. l-‘nr Juan. Ihix ix the lirxt xtep tnwardx a career ax a dng exhihitnr. ('harining rnad mm ie t'rnm the dit'cctnr nl' Hislm'iax .llinintax. ('anu'u. [cilia/Hugh.
The Boondock Saints I 18) 00
(Tiny Duffy, l'S. l‘)‘)‘)) Sean Patrick l‘lanery. Murphy McManux. Willem l)al'ne. l0-lmin.See rcyicw. page 48. and inleryiew. page 4‘). (i/uxgnti‘ I'I/m Theatre. (i/legmi‘.
Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1.
Brothers ( 15) .0. (Stixanne Bier. Denmark. 200-1) (‘nnnie .\'ie|xen. L'lrich 'I‘hniuxen. Niknlaj Kaax. Bent Mejding. 1 10min. Michael I'l'hninxen) hax it all: a xuccexxl‘ul military career. a beautiful wife Sarah (Niclxen) and twn lnyely ynung daughterx. llix ynunger hrnther Jannik IKaax) ix a drifter and drinker whn hax recently been rclcaxed l'rnm prixnn. When Michael ix hillcted nn a rexcue mixxinn In Afghanixtan. hix plane ix xhnt dnwn and Jannik xtartx haying l'celingx l'nr Sarah. 'l‘hix .xnlid nld- fashioned weepy ix played nut nn Iwn xtagex: that (if the hnme and that nt‘ war ax it gently emhracex and ruminatex nn xuch theinex ax pxychnlngical change. guilt. xihling rivalry and the ignnminy nt‘ military death. Worth a lnnk. (flax-gun- I'll"! 'I'III’aIrI'. (ilasgmi:
The Cat in the Hat (PG) 00
(BI) \Vclch. l'S. 2003) Mike Myerx. Alec Baldwin. Kelly l’rextnn. Daknta Fanning.
Spencer Brexlin. 82min. American claxxic. perverted and rnhhed nf any charm. Mike Myerx" gnlden tnuch may have just cnme In an end. Mind ynu - Ihix did pretty well in the xtatex. but there ix. nf cnurxe. nn accnunting l‘nr public taxte. Crust-mm: Glasgow.
The Cat Returns It') 000 (llirnyuk'i Mnrita. Japan, 2002) Vnicex nl‘ Anne Hathaway. 'l‘iin (‘urryx 75min. Mnrita'x enchanting aniinatinn t'rnm Studin (ihihli Ireleaxed in hnth xtibtitled and dubbed \‘L‘rxinnx). lI lackx the epic quality (if Spirited Away nr Pl'illt‘(’.\'.\‘ .llmimmkc', but ix wnrth cherixhing l‘nr itx energy. imaginatinn and gnnd humnur. (ilaxgnu' I-"ilm Theatre. (i/asguu:
=l< Clean I 15) 0000 (Oliver Axxayax. ('aiuida/I-‘rance/l’K. 200-1) Maggie ('heung. Nick ante. Reini Martin. Mary Mnuldx. Beatrice [)alle. l l0min. See interview. page ~15. and review. page 47. (ilaxgrm‘ I'iilm Theatre. (i/axguu‘.
l ‘7
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1‘ 121 Jul 200:3 THE LIST 51