Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I *." at the Bull ('luh. ll).3()pm 3am. £3 (lree). Weekly. Stevie and David rtnmnage throttgh their records to hriltg .‘ou all the good stull. There's the odd live hand. so expect a lest ol eclectronica. discotechnocarcy and other vvords that they've just made up.

I A802 Thursdays at ABCZ.

l lptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. lixpect a colourful blend ol styles and tempos. hoth classic and cutting edge. incorporating everything lrom Northern Soul and deep disco to .sottllul house. nu ja/l. and even some quality indie rock. Thursday is Andy Wilson‘s tttrn to keep you dancing.

I Atomic at ('luh Apollo. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. They inv ile yoti to throvv shapes on the daticelloor as their resident musical jigsavv huilder pieces together an eclectic mix ol past masters and enduring classics. spanning lout‘ decades.

I Chix on Dex at (’liinavvltite.

lllpm 73am. £4 (£5). Weekly. It's dovvn to the girls lor this all nevv 'l‘httrsday soiree. ('arole l)l.\t)lt ol ultra-cool cltih night (‘hakra and DJ 'l‘t‘anny play a miv ol classic hottse. disco. pop and fills revival vvith an electro tvv ist.

I Club Living at ('luh Living.

9pm 3am. £thc. Weekly. DJ Andy (Manager ol 33rd Precinct records) play s a Hed Kandi-style miv ol the finest funky house around at this nevv cltth.

I The Cockpit at Basura Blanca.

l()pm 3am. £4. Weekly. A nevv gay/mixed night from Warhol & ()ucen. liunked-up discoid dancers are inv ited to shake their asses to acid and tech-house courtesy ol DJ Atlas.

I .Dotzero at Barfly. 9.30pm 2am. £5. Weekly. .\'evv night to add to Barlly 's line-up. Live music and DJs co-evisting in harmony. Jtist as it shottld he.

llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. (’ltris BigttI/i. Zeus. Nortnski. Marky Mark and Ian Whitelavv spit) it tip at this ncvv 'I'hursday party at this Sauchiehall venue.

I Freakmoves at (ilasgovv' School ol' Art. llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l'ltra- line hip hop night lor the students. vvith DJs Dema and .\'ice.

I Firewire at Banthoo. l lpm 3am. l-tee £4. Weekly. (iraham l‘ergttson spins R&B and ('ltart in Room I vvhile DJ Toast plays indie. pop and good old lashioned rock in the red room.

I Instant Access at the Suh ('luh.

l lptn 3am. £2. Weekly. Residents Till Peaches and (ilenn (' are in your lace vvith the music at this alvvays-interesting Thursday dovvn Suh vvay.

I Mama Funk at (‘luhVDuh

ltlpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Normski and Zeus spin the hest in nu ja/l. ltmk. soul. house and disco.

I Phunky Monkey at Bell). Xpni 3am. l‘ree helorc l lpm: £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Scott (irainger. \‘ance and Richie Mc('olm are on spinning duties at this nevv club that looks like getting even bigger than Baha/a. Plenty ol drinks promos. ltmky anthems attd lloor tillers make it a vvinning lormula.

I Pink Devotion at (’luh Devotion.

l lpm 3am. £3 (lree passes availahlc lrotn the nearby l.(iBT centre). Weekly. Another chance this vveek to enjoy the delights ol this nevv gay night.


I Record Player: at (ilasgovv School ol Art. l().3()pm—2.3tlam. £3 (£2). Weekly. In the We Bar Hi-fi Sean & Hushpuppy play to an increasingly lren/ied gathering of electro lreaks. tiher- party upstarts and disco delinquents ol all varieties. It's no lie to say there ain't another party in tovv it quite like this one and you'd be plain insane to miss it.

I Sklnt at the Cathouse. l lpm—-3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Very much a night to reflect vvhat's going on in (ilasgovv at the moment. Tough chemical hreaks and heats. rock and indie for a crovvd much like the one outside the (iallery ol Modern Art.

I Speakeasy at the t'niversal.

ltlpm Earn. Free. Weekly. For those vv ho leel like a levv drinks alter the ptth. httt don‘t vv ant to go cltthhing. Speakeasy is lor you. The music isn’t compromised. and the vihe is chilled.

I Vintage at ()ran Mor. lllpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Hurrah lor Alec () and John Ross vvho have moved their Bttll party to the West [find The hoys will he pulling lrom a tniv ol the past arid the present. picking the choice cuts lrom the 80s electro scene. underground disco, punk classics. indie. ska and house. All this plus regular live hands to hoot.

I Who Dropped the Funk? at the Liquid Lounge. ltlpni 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. DJ Aaron Petrie spins. accompanied hy a live percussionist. Regular live hands also punctuate the line-up.

Chart & Party

I Shagtag at Destiny. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Brian Bennel plays a miv ol party. Rth and commercial dance tracks for the most tip-lor-it crovvd ol taggers itt (ilasgovv. Naughty games. thetttc nights and hoo/y ltln vvitlt drinks promos all night long.

I Wigwam Thursdays at Wigvvatt).

l lpm-3am. l‘ree £4. Weekly. DJ Marky Mark plays an eclectic miv ol pop. chart. soul and disco at this nevv Thursday night shindig dovvn Wigvvalt) \vay.

Glasgow Fridays


I A802 Fridays at ABCZ. l lpm 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. litian .\'ei|son does the honours at this night ol cutting edge and classic sounds.

I Amatis at ()(‘ltth lllpm 3am. £4 (£3). 8 Jul. Monthly. (iel glammed tip for a lroth-at-the mouth and lttll-on-lanlastic night ol goth. lBM. industrial and plenty ol rock. This lot have ptit lttl) and .seviness hack iltto cluhhing.

I Cathouse at the ('athotlse.

l().3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Riding high on the nu metal vv ave. this is one ol llte husiest nights it) lovvn. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of hreakheat across three lloot‘s at (ilasgovv 's top venue l'ot‘ rockers and alternateens.

I Chinawhite at ('hinavv hite.

9pm 3am. £ If). Weekly. The (ilasgovv version of the legendary London celehs' cltth kicks oil in style. Waitresses. proper doortnen and discerning DJs make up the 'vv hites experience.

I Club Living at ('luh Living.

()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Alan Macken/ie play s retro classics and Scott Mochar puts a tvvisl into it vvitlt some line house also. I Coded at Vault. llptn 3am. £5 (£4). Weekl): They ’l‘e lrotn a record store. so the tunes are going to he lresh and ltmky. Steven Mc(‘reery is the main man and the likes ol Billy Woods. Billy Kilkie and Amanda Price join in lrom time to time.

I Cotton Cake at Art School.

llpm- 3am. £7 (£5). 3 Jul. Monthly. A night ol tvvisted electro presented by monthly resident DJ Mehdi. Take note.

this tnonlh they are in sitti dovvnstairs in the \'ic Bar.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. 1 lpm -3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle and Andy are in charge ol the musical duties at this delicious. gay/mised Merchant ('ity cltih. Most vv ho enter collie otlt smiling.

I Fridays at Wigwam at Wigvv am.

I lpm~3am. £6 (£5). Weekly. (iraham

Ferguson and JP playing the lull hoona ol

party tunes to the (‘ity 's lren/ied good time gals and hoys.

I Funhouse at Barlly. l lpnt 3am. £(i. Weekly. A night ol clued-up punk and cathartic indie pop nonsense. lt’s pogo-a— gogo with Radio 1's Vic (iallovvay and Mr Paul Needles.

I Little League at the RAFA (‘ltih 8.45pm lattt. £3. ti Jul. Montltly. A cosier themed National Pop League. You name it they 'll play it. A great night ol indie. rock and pop in good company.

Mungo’s Hi Fi at the Arches.

llpm 3am. £7.50 (£5). l5 Jul only. What a treat. M(‘s Kenny Knots and vaasi Asante plus Mttngo's Hi l'i DJs spread their vv ings in a higi—‘er venue vv ill) a nevv stipersi/e sound system to hoot. (iet ready lor a superh evening of danceltall mash- ttp and some scorching duh sounds. This is heing hroadcast live on Radio Magnetic.

I Offset at ('uhe. llpm 3am. £3 (£5). Weekly. Dance classics and (till hotise lrotn resident DJs. A very popular venue and cluh night.

I Old School Funk at the Bull.

lllpm 3am. £(i. Weekly. (iordie. Jack. (‘raig and Dee play old school tan and lunk classics.

I Outer Drive at Stih (’ltih.

llpm 3am. £|() (£5). 15 Jul. Monthly. li\pecl the Stih ('ltih to he totally tll\CUli\L‘tl With hundreds ol hallootts. streamers. huge discohalls. the linest itt tllsc‘t) llttlsic‘ all hlended together vv ill) the legendary Bo/ack miver and of course the master ot ceremonies himsell. Mr \Vtititls,

I Playground at Bar Bloc. ltlpm 3am. lace £2. Weekly. l'iunk and disco lront I).ls (iiddy and Kevin McShane.

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

llptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Bringing together three Ul ( ilasgovv is hest-knovv It DJs. Kris Keegan. Iain ‘Santos' Thomson and AJ. livpect hig v ihes. cos this one's been hailed as Scotland's ansvvcr to Hed Kandi.

I Return to Mono at the Stth (‘ltih llptt) 3am. £‘)(£7). 8 Jul. Monthly. Pre T in the Park vvarnt tip lrom James Holden (Border ('ommunity ) vv ho vvas responsihle lot‘ the hrilliant 199‘) record llorlrunv. His latest ollcrittg. A llrmk in the (Tum/v. is availahle at the end of the month. Listen out for the superh accapella version. Slant are on hand all night also.

I Rockit at Banihoo. l lpnt 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. One room house. one room soul and lttnk and some chill-out in the lounge. Al) immensely popular night. (ieoll M. Jtmior ('ampos and Ma\ reside. I Summer Soul at RAl‘A (‘luh

8pm lam. l5 Jul only. £3.

A ttigltt ol Motovvn. classic ltiitk and disco at the RAT-A lor easy going. summer loving people every vv here. All proceeds to charity.

I vandal at the Liquid

l.ottnge.l()pm 3am. l-"rcc helorc l lpm. £5 alter. \Veekly. DJs Mash ol Beat lllfi lame and (iianni ol Haptic give l‘riday nights a good kick tip the hacksitle. A lortnidahle duo vv ith lortnidahle tastes.

Chart & Patty

I Vodka Wodka DJs at ('ltih\‘l)uh. l()pm 3am. £(it £4). Weekly. llakitti and Big ('ounlry spin the chart hits to get the vveekend started at this nevv Hope Street

Edinburgh’s Progression is reaching its fifth birthday and, rather than just asking a few guests to join them, they are taking it to the next level with a one-off Edinburgh Art College date, 24 September, with over 20 DJs over ten hours. Names include Layo & Bushwackal, Martin Solveig, Justin Robertson and Nic Fanciulli plus loads more, as well as a healthy showing from the Edinburgh scene.

There‘s this wee thing called T in the Park on this fortnight. You might of heard of it (see feature page 24 for more info and Slam interview). Alongside the usual dance tents this year's T will see a new feature with a Silent Disco. To tackle the problems of licenses and neise restrictions. each punter will be lSSLJed a set of headphones on entry with a choice of DJS playing live (the Silent Disco playing an eclectic mix up or Virgin Radio's John Osborne playing party Classics) so they can party on.

And as usual, some young whippersnappers by the name of Slam will be brewing up a storm in their rather fucking cool dance tent. Black Strobe are one of the acts putting in a dex & FX show and one half of Black Strobe is none other than Ivan Smagghe (pictured), who has just had a new mix CD out on Fabric. We have five to give away and as a cheeky wee bonus we also have five copies of Scratch Perverts’ new Fabric mix. So if you want a double bill of Fabric mixes send an email marked ‘FABRIC’ with your name and address to by no later than 20 July.

Save Money

see page it for details


' .21 .Jtii gen-(>5: THE LIST 37