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l\ k l’iltn.’ ('all chtacrowd
( .istmg lot' [now inlo on
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1“ l-: :ntligolwrsouncl(<I llasdtllls. .v\ll ('\"s wilth
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I Enthusiastic and expe- rienced hass pla) cr rcquircd to coiiiplctc \cr} promising Italic ls’ock hand with own aatci'ial and lots ol potcntial. .wlilacl Scan 0502i 0l5 720
Evolution recording studio \lll;'\‘l'\ singcr songwritcrs. solo .atists. hands clicck out v. w \‘..c\ or call 0141 337 2358 for details
1996 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 1.8 2dr Convertible, Black, Manual 5 speed,
P Reg, Central lock- ing, Power steering, Driver and passenger airbags, Electric win- dows, Motd until Jan 06, 53000 miles, Only £3,200 ono. Call 07747 600928 (Edinburgh).
To advertise in The List call
01 31 550 3060
I SHIATSU MASSAGE THERAPY. l'lttll Bod) 'l‘rcatnicnts £30. llcad. .\'cck and Shouldcrs £10. tl‘ull_\' clolhcd and no oils.) (‘ati lt‘au‘l. ('ontact qualilicd practitioncr 'l'alitha Kot/c 0702l7l 1830.
I Life Coaching for mpanding )our lilc lltlpl‘oVL‘ rclationships. inakc transitions. l‘L‘lL‘ttNL‘ potcntial. IIL' lltllillCtl atna/c )oursclll ('all .\Iark. 0I3l-477-005l. lor I-'Rlili sani- plc scssiott.
I IYENGAR YOGA. For a complctc list olclasscs in (ilasgow phonc 0|4I 042 0470 or L‘ttlall
liclcng.) oga(tI ntlworld.cotn
Personal Fitness Trainer .\ prograinmc tailorcd to )otit' ltlt‘sl} lc and hudch lidinhurgh hascd with ongoing support and cnctmragctucnt. ('all lot” an inl‘ortnal chat 07743-741-088
Reverse Therapy UK Ltd. lill'cctiw trcatntcnt lor .\ (‘I‘S I‘MA to lind a 'l'hcrapist in _\our arca contact l’ain 0l382 50] 222. w w w .rcx crsc-thct'ap} .coni
Book Classified adverts online from as little as
£16 at
Accommodation wanted
Carole Smith/Anne Goring Tel: 01620 810 620 email: festl' or write to 3 Linkylea Cottages, Gifford, East Lothian EH41 4PE. www.l‘estivalllatsmet
GLASGOW I Glasgow West End.
Axailahlc Atigust. Modcrn. lur- nishcd st} Iiin llat. 2 dotihlc hcdrootns. cnsuitc. sccurc park- ing. lixccllcnt location. tuhc and bus .3 inins. .\Itist scc. £030 pcm + hills. 'l‘Cl 07843 248 048
Stunning southside 2 hcd L‘oVCl'siolt in Victorian townhousc. (i('Il. gardcns. pri- \alc parking. sccurit} cntr}. lunk) intcrior dcsign. adj to train and has links. mins lrotn Shaw lands. £575 pctn. .\lust hc sccn. Call Angela 07766 682 366
I Glasgow: Leafy Southside main door flat in (ircck 'l'hotnson tcrracc com cr- sion. Spcctacular loungc. lirc- placc. w indow shuttcrs. wood lloor. Largc douhlc hcdrooni. dining kitchcn. ()n strcct park— ing. .\'car to transport routcs. Suit couplc. £520.00 pcr cal ttiltlh. 07000l0082‘).
Glasgow West End. Axailahlc lst August. 'l‘hc tilti— matc loll hilliard room l'Iiior/dctachcd mansion. w in- dows all round. ()wn inlcrnal hall/staircasc. largc dhl hcd- room. opcn Iargc loungc. raiscd dining arca. inodcrn littcd gal- |c_\ kitchcn. lull} tich hath- roout/showcr. hall/utilit) arca. (l('ll. £550 pctu.
Tel 0141 3571116/ 07984 955 079.
I Glasgow West End. Axailahlc August. Modcrn. lur- nishcd. sl_\‘ll.\lt llat. 2 douhlc hcdroouis. cnsuitc. sccurc park~ ing. lixccllcnt location. tuhc and has 3 mins. Must scc. £030pcin + hills. ’l‘cl 07843248048.
I Glasgow 1 bedroom fully lurnishcd llat \Vcst (irahani St. l)alhousic ('ourt. ltlcal location I'ot' cit} ccntrc and w cst cud. l’rivatc parking. 340 pcm + hills. ’I‘cl 07855452343.
Flats to let cont.
I 1W0 brand new llals availahlc. Alcxandria I’aradc. I)cnnistoun. (ilasgow: 'l'wo hcd- roonis (onc cn-suitc) with din- ing kitchcn. All mod cons including (i('Il. £575 pcm L‘Xc‘ltitlitig hills. 0|4l 045
383l altcr 0 pm.
littiail lop2 l 3((1 l2s.cottt
I GLASGOW BROOMHILL CROSS Axailahlc now. Spacious lur- nislicd llat. l.argc sitting room. two douhlc hcdrooins. cxtt'a room. all mod cons incl dish- washcr. (iootl amcnitics /trans- port. Non-smoking. £405 pcm + hills. 'l‘cl ()l-Il 042 2000.
Dickins Festival
& Short Lets rcquirc qualin ccntral propcr- tics to lct during August. ()ld
low n/l’lcasancc/I'cvit)t/Marclun
ont arca prclcrrcd. I’lcasc call
0l3l 558 ll08
or email
I FOR RENT lovely spa- cious llat. l.cith Links. l.oungc with solahcd and dining arca. Bathroom with show cr. largc douhlc hcdrooin with small sola. idcal \‘iwing spot lor thc annual castlc lircworks. I-‘roin £550p/w tlcstival lClsI. £425 tloug Ict). I’hotos a\ailahlc. ('all Launt070hol4o784.
I Spacious Morningside one hcdrootn l'lat mailahlc. Suit prolcssional or postgradu- atcs. £450 pcm. (‘all ('clinc or .lcl'l on 07717300423 or 0705I8404l4. l‘cstixal lcl also autilahlc.
TO LET LANGSIDE/CHROMA DEVELOPMENT. Brand ncw cxccutix'c 2th1 flat with halcon) ou‘t‘lookittg Quccns l’ark. l.argc opcn plan kitcltcn/Ioungc/dining arca. Mastcr hcdrooin cn-suitc. l’rivatc parking. £505 pcm.
07850 534 023.
I EDINBURGH WILLOW- BRAE ROAD. I)ouhlc room lor solc occupanc) in largc pcnthousc llat. Sharing with 2 ga} tnalcs. Non-smoking. £350 pcr month includcs all hills. 0770500l3 l 5.
Bruntsfield. Bright spacious linc apartmcnt t4 hcdrooins) llal axailahlc lrom carl) :\llgllsl. cht ncgotiahlc. 'l'cl ollicc 0l383 733 224. evening 01383 723 907.
DUNBAR I Flat To Let l)unhar.
cscapc lidinhurgh. Loungc. lah sca \ icws. kitchcn/dincr. dhlc hcdrooin. halltt'oottl and \\‘('. £350.00 l’('.\I plus hills. 0780 004 (HIM.
I Double room available in inodcrn llat. \‘cry closc to city ccnirc. idcal lor undcr- ground. would still ti/s pt'olcs- sional malc. all mod cons including hroadhand. £320 pcm. 'I‘L‘l: 0l-Il 420 0250.
I Easygoing female flat- mate to rcnt lull} l'urnishcd room l-ot' 8 w'ccks. ti/s. Closc to (’it}‘ ('cntrc. £278 pcm includ- ing hills & ct. plus phonc hill. 'l'cl: Iilainc 07047 300704.
I Executive flat in trcc- lincd strcct in Kch insidc. hcau- tilul largc hcdrooni with privatc halcon). 2 bathrooms - l with jacuui. privatc parking. niodcrn amcnitics. £370 pctn. atailahlc lltllllCtlllthl)'I}. Id: 07708 003004.
I Flatmate required to sharc hcautilul top lloor llat in Shawlands. a tnust scc. lull} lurnishcd with all mod cons. prolcssional lctnalc prclcrrul. £275pctn pltts dcposit. Id: 0773] 025282.
I Lovely room available in pct‘iod w cst cud llat. pcacclul location. closc lo lhc BotattiL’s. I3I3('. transport. ctc. suit L‘il\_\'- going prolcssional. £300 pcm inclusi\c ol all hills. 'l‘cl: 0I4l 040 0 l 55.
I Room available, Strathbungo tnr
Shaw lands). sharing kitclicn. hatliroom & Ioungc with 2 oth- crs. largc lurnishcd spacious lricndl)‘ lIat. (i(’II. all mod cons. cxccllcut transport links. rcnt £220 pcm plus hills & ("II 'lcl: 0I4l 4230018ot‘078l5 4725 I0.
I Spacious room avail- able in largc 2 storcy ltt\ur) South Sidc lIat sharing with l tnalc t8; 2 lcuialcs. would stiit prolcssional or maturc post grad studcnt. c\ccllcnt transport links to (it) ('cttlt'c & Victoria lnlirniar}. £350 pcm. inclusive ol ct & hills. plus £250 dcposit. .'\\ailahlc llllltlL‘tll;llL‘lL_\‘. 'l'cl: Kathlccn 07080 ()I00 I 2.
I Wilton Street - large room in a stllltl) 3 hcdrooiu lIat o\ct'lookiltg thc gardcns. largc loungc. dining/kitchcn. woodcn l'loors. lull} lurnishcd. (i('ll. n/s. £300 pcm phis hills. 'l‘cl: 0l4l 334 5882 or 07040 50lh’22.
I Large bedroom with cn-suitc in luxur} \Vcst lind llat 2 mins lorm Botanics. (i(‘ll. pow cr show cr. Loungc with IV. \‘itlL‘o. l)\'l). PS: L‘lc’. (‘lL‘llllCl' oncc a w cck would suit prolcs- sional malc 25 to 35. £350 pcm + hills +("l'. (‘all 07073
20244 I.
I West End, room to lct in conilortahlc traditional llat. Suit lull tinic working prolcssional. All mod cons. .\'o clcaning. .\'o hills. .\'o c\tras. :\\'ailahlc lorm I3th Jul}. £200 pcm. 'l'cl 0I4l 570 5 I50.
I West End Flatshare: Bright . spacious and rcla\cd. ou‘t‘looking park. closc to l'ndcrground. Non-sinokcr L‘\\L'lill;tl. \L‘gclat‘ialt prclcrrul. cht £250 pcm + dcposit + sharc ol hills. 0l4| 334 03 I0.