Tuesday 28


I The Catherine O’Halloran Band The l’olo Loungc. \Vllulll Slrccl. 55i l22l. 8pm. l5rcc. Jan l'olk \oc.rli\l,


I Donald Lindsay Royal .\lu\crrrn. (‘hanrhcrx Strcct. 247 --12 I‘M-1422.

6.30 7.30pm. l'ir‘cc. :\ rout—'h glridc to hagpipin;y liorn hhangra to h cc irnprmixation. llc’ll pla} Scottixlr \rnall pipcx Highland. trillcann and Hungarian pipcx.

I Liz Carlisle and Jonathan Potts l.cith l-"olk (‘lulx thc \rllagc. South l ort Strcct. 478 78“). 8pm. £5, Ridng American country lolkxlcr (‘arlixlc on guitar and \ocalx. \xith l-'.rr§_'|i\lr lirldlcr l’otlx.

I Ceilidh Club 'l’hc l.ol. (iraxxnrarkcl. 8pm. £6. 'l‘raditional danccx. l‘llltllt'lN .llltl callcrs to lcad you through lhc \Icpx.

I Folk and Friends \Vaxcrlc} liar. Sr M;tt‘}“\ Sll‘ccl. 556 8855. Uprn. Non- xrnoking folk and countr} \c‘\\ir\rr\.

Wednesday 29


I Lyra Celtica lidinhurgh l-olk (‘IulL ('aharct Bar. lhc l’lcaxancc. 650 251‘). 8pm. £6 (£5). .\lulti»in\trurncntal lrorn England's .\'orlh liaxt includcx c\ l'i\c Hand Rccl liddlcr' (’huck l-lcrnrng and ix lcd h)‘ accordion \tar l.}rirr ‘lockcr. Scc prcx'icw pagc 68.

I ALP Session 'l‘lic ’l’rm. lligh Sllccl. 556 6338. 9pm. lir'cc. lnlorrnal lollx \stion \xith Scotlixh lllllt‘\ and thc occaxional \ong.


I Lomond Folk Club 'l‘hc lligllilgrrrrlc'. Sinollct l’lacc. (H.189 7575(rl.

8.30pm midnight. l‘rcc. .v\ll nruxiciaru. \itigClx and \i\iltrl\ \xclcornc.


I Dunlermline Folk Club Session Dunlcrrnlinc lolk (‘luh. 'l hixtlc 'laxcrn. Baldridgchurn. ()1381 72967 \. 8pm. l"rcc.


I Ian Bruce Star l’olk ('luh. 8t .-\ndrc\\\ in thc Squarc. oll Saltniarkcl. St .‘\lltllL‘\\“\ Strcct. 518 (ill2ll. 8pm. L6 (£4). ()llc‘ til. lllc‘ liig \olccx on lllt‘ Spun folk \ccnc.


I Out of the Bedroom \Vmcrlc} liar, St Mary‘s Strcct. 556 8855. ‘lprn. Scc Thu 23.

I Toby Shippey’s Goat Stew lhc .la/l Bar. (‘harnhcrx Strccl. 22H 1“") I230 3am. l'rcc. Scc 'lhu 2i.


I Amber Delaurentis llomlcrr l‘ark (‘cnll'cfi lltmdcn. l)l5l)6 1356\1. 8pm. l; l t£-1.5l)).8cc'lhu23.


3!: Fairtrade Gathering: World Music l'xhcr llall. l.olhian Road. 228

l I55. 6pm. U5 l£l2,5l)r. 8min} rnuxic l'r‘orn ('andido l'iahrc} \u llanda. /.tha. Poor ()ld Bcn. thc Rrrll'ncxx and ()llxc‘\ll.l dcl Sol. SpCtlle‘h including: Bianca .l;r;:;:cr and rcprcxcnlalhcx horn \cxx ('onxrnncr. l‘air‘tradc and l‘airlradc coll'cc I‘lllllllk cl \. I Celebration: An Evening of World Music St (icorgc'x \chr (lunch. 58 Shandnick l’lacc. 225 'Illlll. 7.3”pnr Elli. Singcr \ongnrilcr ltcn ()kalor' ix joincd h) (ihandaui. hringing rnuxic and dancc horn (ihana. and local lolk hand Alling and Ronak liaaia pla) a nniquc lilcnd ol Axian and ~8cotlixh Inuxic lll support ol' thc \1akc l’oxcrl} llixtorj. campaign.

I The Duffers 'l lic la“. llrgh Sim-r. 556 6338. 9pm. l‘rcc. Scc in 2-1.

Saturda‘_ 2

l (lllllflJlllll

I Celebration: An Evening of World Music \r licrrl;‘i‘\ \\l-\r( lunch. 5.8 Sharirlmck l‘lmc. .‘ ‘5 'll‘ll . ll’l‘rn. tlll (icl rlant ing' urlh lunm lrorn lhc llama lical l‘ollcclrw. illllllilll l’» ~_\ .ind l rrcrhlx lion‘. /rrnl\.rlw.c lll x'rlilmrl ol llrc \lakc l’iln‘lh lll\li‘i_\ t Illil‘.llt'lr


I Modeste ll‘ll‘»‘i‘lll. .l.:rl \\\\lltl. HI "\‘6 7‘ lllll'l \‘lrrn ll‘r'm \i:\ll\ll \r‘ll:‘\ and


rulrrcalc curl vr lir‘lll Macaw h

l. (linlrrrrgh

I Rallion \\cc I «ll. ('luh. 2o_\.rl t ).ll\. lnlrrrnar) \hccl. 55' “"6 \ illprn l5 lrncrsirnc lrrl-llc lcrl \chulr lxrnrl

Monday 4

l'rlinllurglr I Open Mic Night lllr‘ l r-lr Hank. (irlllirh' \lr‘ :' ‘5 ‘l i ii ‘llim \fc \lrr“


I North Sea Gas Slrrlrnz‘ l r‘llx (lul‘. llcxl liar "\lw l pixr (int'x. “l ‘5" ‘l.\5‘l \lurr 96 l'z-lcrlarnnrc Ntohlollt lmrrrl \ i‘ll'l‘lllr‘ *‘llli.;l. ill..l‘ll~‘lll‘r. hotlhran. Inuit).\ilnwlcxaivil irilillc\.'rllr\or1;'

(ll; 1391’ r.'-./

I The Catherine O'Halloran Band [lip I'.rlrr l irrrrr‘ ‘_ \‘. ilxr‘l‘. \irgpl. 55: l“| \r‘-'- ll. - ‘n lr's ‘\

l (lllll"llllll

I New Celeste l will lwll (lull. lhc \rilag'u \oiillr lot. \lrt' ‘l. l ‘\ \lll

. :l'l‘rn. l5 (‘cllrr rink .mrl \wrltl rnrmc :lrrl.a\. l‘on/orrld.

ll\'rl ‘\x l‘ I\\ .Illil illlllll\

on r‘ltxlrrt Iiurl .a orrxiit h\'\l‘l‘.llll\, \Hi .ll

Irwin ll:~ \ ‘lr' 'r l‘ -r .l

I Ceilidh Club lhc l.trl. (il';t\\ltlal'l\cl. 8pm £6. Scc 'l‘uc 28.

I Folk and Friends \\';i\crlc} liar. Sr .\lar_\ \ Slrccl. 556 8855. 0pm. Scc TM 28.

Wednesday 6


I Simon Bradley and Luke Plumb lztlinhurgh l‘ollx (‘lulx (‘aharct liar“. 'l'hc l’lcaxancc. 65” 234‘). 8pm. [6 iL'5r. \lanchcxtcr horn liddlcr liradlc} and ’l'axrnanian mandolin and harrio~pla_\cr' l’lurnh \hon thcir’ \kill and \rrnpatico pla} in}; lrorn thcir lop cla“ dchut alhurn ll ill/r I'IIIL’ Uri].

I ALP Session 'l‘hc law. High Strch 55(w(1138.‘)]\rri. l'rcc. Scc \Vcd 2‘).


I Lomond Folk Club ’l'hc lliglrlandcr'. Sllltillc‘l l’lllc‘t‘. (“53" 75—50l.

8 illprn midnight. l‘r'cc. Scc \Vcd 2‘).


I Randan Hunlcrrnhnc l‘olk (‘lulx lhixllc ‘l'axcrn. ltaldrulgchurn. ()1383 "305"; 8pm. [6 1L'5l. \Vhixllc. liltrlc. hurton accordion. pich guitar and



I Wallace 700 Ceilidh Series loll\oolll..la1l \\’_\nd.lll".\6 2".lllllll,

' illprn t6. lannl} lrckcl L'l5 Scc \Vcd 2‘).

Thursday 7


I Out of the Bedroom \\;r\cr'lc} liar”. .81 \lal} .\ Sllt‘k‘l. 55(15555.‘)[‘lll. SCL‘il‘llll

I Toby Shippey’s Goat Stew lhc .la// liar. ('harnhcrx Slr‘ccl. 22H -l2‘)ll.

ll lll i.rnr l'r’cc Scc lhu 2i.


. Battlefield Band [lit‘ll‘llllllh .ltlll \V'Hltl. lll~.\(r flood, ".Rnpm. {l2 rim. 'l'hc

c\cr' popular Scotland liaxcd lolk hand.

Proof if ever it was needed that music and

politics can mix and not make toes curl, it is up to the locals to put on a truly culturally diverse show with this night of charged political polemic and celebratory sonic interludes. Speakers include Bianca Jagger but musically the minimal rock fusion of Zuba, the Latin stylings of Candido Fable, the quality global funk of the Ruffness (pictured) and the indie folk of Poor Old Ben will ensure a happy balance is struck between brow

beating and dancing.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.


I Electroacoustic Performance R8.»\.\ll). lllll chl‘rcn Strcct. 332 5ll57. 7. Kllprn. l-rcc. tickctcd. \cu rntrxic pcrl'ornrcd mm a rnulticlurnncl \ound x} \tcnr. \\Ul'l\\ h} 1)} /cllc Sulhcrland. Kalic Rt)\\. liiona Ritchic. .lcnnilcr ()\|c‘). l‘ranccx Morph). .loannc .\lillcr. Miriam .\lcl"a_\dcn. Shona l)_\ \art and \\'ill (‘hadxxick

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Faure Requiem Rina] (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strch 553 8()()(). T’_3llprrr. [5 £27. l)orninitruc 'l‘rottcin conduch thc clror‘ux l'or an cwning ol' l'antaxtic choral lllll\lc‘ includng \\nt‘l\‘\ h} lirahrnx and Bccthmcn. and linixhing \\ ith l‘atrr'C'x hcautil'ul Rt't/HU'HI.

I Vaughan Williams Mass in G Minor Kch inxidc llilllicad l’arixh ('hurch. ()hxcrwalor} Road. 33 2788. 7.30pm. l'rcc. tltlllillitllh \xclcornc. 'l‘hc choirx ol' 8t .\lar'_\ ‘\ conduclcd h)

l)a\ id llarnilton pcrl'or‘nr a \pccial lli'xl Inim/ /'r'\lil'rl/ 200.5 conccrl.


Fidelio l'cxlhal 'l‘hcalrc. l5 2‘) Nic‘tllxtrll Sll‘c‘c‘l. 52‘) (illllll. 7.l.5plll. 'l'xxo inlcrtuining piotx lllille' up liccthmcn'x arrrhitioux opcr'a l-ir/r'liu. uhich tcllx thc \lor) ol' a political prixoncr' and thc tlc\pcr‘atc bid by or'dinar} l'olk to \axc him. and thc crnotional \xorld ol' _\oung_' lo\cr\. Scotthh ()pcra ix dircclcd h} 'l‘irn .-\lhcr_\ and conducch h} Richard ;\rrn\trong_'.

G asgow

I Chamber Music for Violin and Piano 81 .\lar'_\ \ (‘alhcdraL .‘~()() (ircat \Vc\lcr'n Road. 337 2862. 7.30pm. £7 1L5). Violinixt Sandic ltixhop and pianixl .-\nna .\la\rornalidi pcrl’orrn charnhcr inuxic a\ part ol‘ thc lli'x! liml l'r \Ir'i'rr/ 211(15.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Songs for Lovers of Swing Rinal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Satrchichall Str'cct. 553 8llllll. ".Rllprn. L5 £27. R8.\'() principah arc .ioincd h) \ornc ol‘ thc countr'} \ lincxt ia/x lttll\ic‘i;lll\ and \ocali\l Mark ()‘.\lallc_\ to pcrl‘orrn an cwning ol claxxic .’\rncrican songs lrorn rnu~ical icom including; ‘('ornc l’l_\ \xith .\lc'. ‘.\lr ltojanglm'. ‘lt Had to lic You' and rnan_\ rnorc.

G asgow

I Junior Academy Chamber Orchestra Concert R8.-\.\ll). loo Rcrrll‘cu Sum. .32 505". .il‘rn. L6 (H r. 'l‘irnolh} l)can conduclx thc orchcxtra in a pcrl'or'rnancc ol \Villiarn \Valton’x (inn/ruin)” .llru'r/r: ('I'nn'rr lur/u’I/irfi l’.l§_';lt‘\ ('rurr’r‘l'lu [II If 11mm; .lohn ,\darn\' X/rurl lx’rr/r' in u I'm/

.llm lllllr'. Sarnucl B;rr'l\cr‘\ .tr/agm [or SIN/1cm. ()/r// and Iconard ltcr‘nxlcin'x .thil/illulllr [hr/1cm [mm lli'x/ Sir/c Slurry \Vith ccllixt lain \Vard.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Kids Proms - Animals in my Soup l{o_\al (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall 8tr'cct. 353 8(lllll. 5plll. £5. .\ \Clt't‘lltllltil-22115” c‘l;l\\lL‘;ll lllL'lllt‘\ l‘rorn 'l'\' and crncrna locuxing on aninralx ol all upcx. Including; \larrclrrr\ I’m/t Pun/luv; tuncx l'r‘orn I'ln' .lmrgll HUN/x and much rnor‘c.

:- THE LIST 85