I Amber Deluantes Bt'el. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 7.30pm. £5.
I The Gypsy Kings Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £27.50 £30. The legendar} l’t'ench band return to keep the flamenco tradition ll} itig and recall a time \\ hen it \\ as compulsor) l-tll' their track ’Bulllbolctl‘ it) l‘C Pli‘t‘d tts background music in restaurants.
I Sage Francis and Grand Buffet ()ran Mor. 73] 735 (it'cal Western Road. 357 6200. 7.30pm. £8. See pre\ ieu. page 69 for lel'tlield hip hopper Sage l-‘rancis.
I Anti Nowhere League Barth. 260 ('l_\de Street, 0870 907 099‘). 8pm. £9. Old age punks.
I Born from Pain, By my Hands, Pigscum and Delay is Fatal Barll} (upstairs). 260 ('lsde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. N\'-st}le hardcore with a metal influence from Born from l’ain.
I El Presidente King Tut's \Vah Wah Hut. 27211 St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. Rescheduled date for the (ilasgou hopefuls \\ ho haxe been described as ‘the Ro}al 'l'enenlxuuns as a rock‘n'roll band and touted as a Scottish Scissor Sisters.
I Deadenstereo Bar Bloc. l 1" Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. l-‘ree. .'\lternati\c rock \sith a Muse/Radiohead slant from this lidinburgh band.
I Slowjet and Contraband l3th .\‘ote (3:16.50 (ill King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. lndie rock lrom :\}l'\llll'L‘ and lidinburgh.
I Adequate Seven aitd Misled Youth Subua} (‘o\\g;ile. 69 ('o\\ gate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £5. (’ardill punks head the bill. I Shortcut to Newark, Bad Dancer and Torqamada ('abaret Voltaire. 36 38 lilttit' Sll'L‘L‘l. 22l) (il7(\. 23llpllt. £5. See Sttn 26.
I Bo Deadly, Dudload and Japan 4 Bannerinan's. Nidtlt') Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Another Rockin' Reekie.
Tuesday 28
I Days of Worth, Magnus Blaze and The February Solution Barll)‘ ttipstairsl. 260 ('l}de Street. 0870 907 0999. 7pm. £4. Alternatixe rockers punt current album lli’slr'rlt .lleelturtt.\ni.
I Kings of Leon and The Features ('arling Academ) (ilasgou. l2l liglinton Street. 0870 77l 2000. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. SCL‘ Still 20.
I Terror Barll}. 260 ('lstlc‘ Street. 0870 907 0999. 7pm. £9. (’alil’ornian hardcore traditionalists.
I Cut Copy .-\B(‘2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7.30pm. £6. Melbourne trio “till a tll/l} ing array of influences from disco to post-punk to space) pop to ['5 indie.
I Andrea Tomlinson and Michael John Tehai ()rna. 42 ()tago Lane. .357 4524. 8pm. £2. Singer/songwriters.
I Bleeding Through, Zao and Mendeed King Tut's \\'ah Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 5279. 8pm. £9. ()\er-- l4s shim. ()range (‘ounts sextet \\ ho ha\e been dubbed the future of metal b) Rt'l'H/l't'l‘ maga/ine.
I Landslide, Korova and Fade Stereo. l4 Keh inhaugh Street. 576 50l8. 8pm. £4. Indie rock.
I Jade, Amongst the Arrows and Jinx |3th .\'ote ('al'e. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. The headliners are an e\perimental rock quartet from (ilasgtm \\ ith a hea\_\ range of influences.
I Scribe The liquid Rtllllll. ()C \ilL'lUl‘lil Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £8.50. .\'e\\ Zealand hip hop artist accompanied b) long time collaborator l’ Mone} on the decks.
I Week-End State, Carter and Dead Sea Soul Subua} ('ongate. 69 (‘tmgalu 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. Indie triple bill.
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will. It looks like butter wouldn't melt with this lot, eh? With {it "1 3‘1"” ‘3‘“: hindsight, McFly (pictured) make Busted look like the
Clash, but their perfectly coiffured manes and perfectly sculpted bubblegum punk choruses have meant they have risen to the top of the pop pile, and join Rahael Stevens, Mel C, Nat Imbruglia, KT Tunstall, and a host of potential chart wranglers (including one of the blokes from the last Big Brother, whodathunkit?) for a day of perfect pop in the park.
Ham/Mien Park. Glasgow. Sun 26 Jun.
I Merznacht 'l‘he l.ell Bank. 37 (iuthrie Street. 225 9744. 9pm. ()uter litnit hip hop. alternatix e jal/ and electro.
Wednesday 29
I Oasis, Super Furry Animals, The Futureheads, the Stands and The Redwalls llampden l’ark. l.etherb} l)ri\ e. 616 6000. 3pm. S()l.l) ()l'l‘. ()asis trundle into ltl\\ll dragging their ne\\ album Dun '1 Believe the Truth. \shich at least attempts to change the record. Bumper support bill headed b) the singular Super l’urr} Animals and the lit‘isk}. shout} l’tItut'eheads. Watch and learn. .\'oel.
I Nuclear Assault lllL‘ (‘atliouse. l5 l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £8.50. ()\er- |4s shim. Ne“ York thrash metal \eterans \s ho are contemptiraries ol' Anthrax and Metallica.
I Broken Dolls, Fade and Myopia King 'I’ut‘s “ah “ah lltil. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. Rockers promising 'grit. \oniit. pots er and glot')' l‘ornied o\ er a loxe of .\l(’5. Blur. l'XKlli and Radiohcad.
I Catcher, Bo Deadly and the Guild of Thieves Nice'ti'SleaI). 42| Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £3. (‘oinmercial pop/rock from ('atcher. Special shout otit to Bo Death} {or their terrilic name.
I Down the Tiny Steps The Bunker Bar. 193 I99 Bath Street. 229 I427. l0pm. i'il'L‘L‘. l't‘ttL‘L' (‘olleclhe lllcllllk‘l‘ l)tmtt lllL' ’l’in) Steps presents his oil-killer pop.
I Days of Worth and Camera Kill Subxsa} (‘o\s gate. 6‘) ('o\\ gate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4 £5. Alternatise rock \sith more it) be L’tllllit‘lllt‘d.
I Korova, Nixin and The Contradictions Bannerman‘s. Xitltlt‘} Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. l’ms er punk from Korma.
I The T140s, The Midnight Noise, Corca and Elysium \‘l'histlebinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| [4. 9pm. l‘ree. ()riginal guitar rock all night.
I The Proclaimers and Aberfeldy .-\B(‘. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £22. The Reid In his are a national musical treasure \sith their catch}
melodies. incisise. often \er) \iitt} l_\ries and the intuiti\ e blend of their tlislillL‘li\ e \oices. Support from l‘olk pop quintet
A be t‘lt‘ld} .
I Capturie, The Statler Project and Soul Circus The Arches. 253 Arg) le Street. 565 1023. 8pm. £6. Rock line-up. I Cephalic Carnage and Co-Exist Barll}. 260 (‘lsde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £7.50. ()\et‘- 14s shim. Sell-stsled Rock} Mountain hylro-grind' from his l)en\ er hardcore band.
I Johnscott 'l'chai 0\ na. 42 ()tago l.ane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. Acoustic guitar duo comprising members of Californian surf rock band the Fabulous Nomads.
I Karina 'l'chai ()Vlld. I69 Deanston l)ri\e. 649 7258. 8pm. £2. Acoustic singer/song“riter in a Joni Mitchell win. I Chromeo, Love Pump and El Jugador King Tut's “ah “ah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £6. 'l'echno duo \\ ho mix up analogue s) nth. rock guitars and a lo\ e of Bronski Beat and (hills n'Roses.
I Tranquil, Ampersand, Spindrift and The Now Tom Tom. 207 Bath Street. 248 2l23. 8.30pm. £5. The headliners launch their ltL“.\ ('l).
I Cnut, The Electroluvs and Bozilla l3lll .\'ote (‘al'e. 50 60 King Street. 55.3 1638. 9pm. Another [find of the Month (‘lub. \\ ith the usual electronica treats.
I Damaged Goodz, Freestyle Master and Steg G .\'ice'n'Slea/). 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £3. An exening of Scottish hip hop acts.
:2: Antony & the Johnsons The liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £ l 2.50. Sell-st) led ‘chantber cabaret' from the .\'e\\ York-based \ocalist tnuch lawured b) l.ou Reed and Rufus
Wain“ right. See pre\ie\\ page 68.
I Broken DOIIS The Venue. l7 2l ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £5. Rockers promising ‘grit. \otnit. Pt)“ er and glory' formed over a low of M('5. Blur. [NHL and Radiohead.
I A Hawk 8. a Hacksaw and Wounded Knee Subna) (‘ougate. 69 ('ougate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4 £5. Iiclectic musical mis from a llaxsk & a llacksan. \\ ith elements ol modern composition and American and liastern liuropean l‘olk e\ident in the llth l'roni Jerem) Barnes. \\ ho is still perhaps best knmsn as the drtnnmer l‘or Neutral Milk Hotel.