Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to glasgow® and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.
Ticket infomation
Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:
Tickets Scotland 7.3.9 A'dyie St'eet. Glasgoy'x ()i-i‘. 20-15510?
Tickets Scotland Rose Street. idintxrrgh, (‘rtlil 221‘; «12332.
Ripping Records 91 South Hilde. ()1131 726 [()li‘u
Way Ahead OH? 339 mm.
I High on Fire and Gonga .'\B('2. 33() Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £8. ‘.-\ supersonic c\erci\e itt conquest h} yolutne'. Bring it onl.
I High Water, Recliner and The Hazeys Barl'l} (ttpxtairxi. 20(l (’Iyde Street. 0870 907 (NW). 730an the, I Di Augusto lchai ()yna. I00 l)ean\ton l)t't\L‘. (r49 7258. Split. [2.
I Genaro, Mole Harness, Varbastel and Gareth Dickson .\lono. 12 Kings ('ourt. Kitig Street. 553 2400. 8pm. liree. Benhecula Records prer‘xenh a night ol~ cleclronica actx.
I Jo Mango 'l'he (ioal. 1287 Argy le Street. 357 7373. 8pm. Free. Accomplished local singer/\ongyyriter “tilt an itL‘CL‘\\tltlL‘. melodic \l_\ le. I’rll'l rift/1c lli's/ lim/ l-i'ylit'u/ 2(IU5.
I Loris and The Blimp Baccltux. 8t) (ilasxl‘ord Street. 572 ()()8(). 8pm. £3. l’rog. hluex and indie u ith theatrical llourixhes at thix month's rexurrected Ka/oo ('luh.
I Patty Griffin and Yvonne Lyon ()ran Moi. 73l 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 0200. 8pm. L'l3.5(). .-\rnericana \irtger'/\ong\\ him play \ tracks from her ne\\ alhtttu Irrr/umi/t/r' “It’d/Hm \. \ttpported h) local singer/song“riter. I’rrrr n/ I/Ii’ lli'xr Iiiril I'i’X/it'rll.
I We are Scientists, Vancouver Deluxe and Magdalena Barfly. 20t) ('lyde Street, ()87t) 007 000‘). 8pm. £5. 'l‘enxe. catch} pop \ottg\ l'rotn llll\ l3t'ookl}tl “to.
I All my Logic, STML arid Sixx Soundhaux. 47 ll_\depark Street. 22l 405‘). 8.30pm. £4.50. .\lernher\ and gllL‘\l\. \VL‘L‘kl} Sounder \litm caxe oli trnxigned hand»
I Eastern Lane, Mangara and Bismarck Kirtg 'l‘ut'x \Valt \Vah lltrt. 272a St Vincent SII'L‘L‘I. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £0. 'l'eenage rockerx ptrtting Bernick-on-‘l‘ueed on the indie rock tnap tor the lirst tirue e\ er.
I Laker, Yellow Bentines, The Paranoid Monkeys and Colette McKendrick 'l‘om 'l'otn. 2H7 Bath Street. 248 2l23. 8.30pm. £5. l’op line— tip.
I The Needles lhe llall Bar. l0t) \Voodlandx Road. 352 9000. 0pm. l‘ree. .-\herdonian garage indie cornho.
I Primary Colours, The 1,2,3s, The Shunned and Marciano MacSor‘le) is. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 858i. ‘lptn. l'ree. l.ocal hand line tip. I Stigma arid Pylot l3th \ole (life. 5() 0() King Street. 553 1038. ()pm. £3. Stigma are influenced by grtrnge and ‘the tyyo nonxltitt} \ottg\ that .-\lice itt ('liainx t'ecot‘ded‘.
I Jamie Lidell (ilaxgtm School ol- :\rt. 107 chlreyy Street. 353 453l. ltlpm. £5 on door. British \Ulll \UL‘;tll\l. heathmer. \Varp \igning and \lio“ titan hringx ltl\ l'ull liy e \ltoyy to the cltthhiug world. See prc\ ieu in (’Iuhx page 33.
Edinburgh I Roy Ayers and Big Strides ‘l‘lte
Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 225 2504. "pm. L‘H. .|a// l‘unk \ihraphonc legend hehind the eternal ‘liyeryhody l.o\e\ the Sunxhine' and \\ho\ heen \antpled h_\ nearly eyery hip hop artixt HUI lllL‘l’L‘.
Hairy of head and serious of demeanour, here come
the three Southern brothers and a cousin for more ass-wiggling, boogie-inflected rock than a world of 22 Tops and Lynyrd Skynyrds could produce. It might all seem a tad contrived in its tight T- shirted fiber-coolness, but that’s part of the fun, innit?
(Jo/r: I ,vr;/‘;rur}e. Id ’i.‘)fl’t,”t, Sun 90‘ er/‘g /'tr:aderrty1 (31t'1f;<,'o'.'.
28 Jim.
72 2", tlirlt ’. ll XVIII,
. 0/ 8 fire
I Hookers Green No 1, Five Day Hemingway, Dancing Mice and Sweetheart Suhyyay' ('oyy'gate. 09 (‘o\\ gate. 225 0700. 7.30pm. £4 1L3). .\llllll-llt\ll'lllliL‘lllitl tyyo-piece play ittg cracked indie \\ itlt a Mercury Rey \ ihe. I Maria McKee and Deadman (‘aharet Voltaire. 30 38 Blair Street. 22() 0170. 7.30pm. U3. .'\|t.countr_\' \yail' turned .\l()R di\a McKee yyalkx among ll\ once again looking like one of those \\ l\p_\ “much from the l‘lake ttd\et'l\.
I Towers of London The Venue.
l7 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. U). ()\c‘t‘—l4\ \hoyy. (ioltlh old school pttnk rockerx tlollxetl in more llillt‘xpt'il} tltan Motley ('rtie.
I Crosby, Stills 8. Nash l’l;t_\ltoll\L‘. l3 :2 (il'L‘L‘lt\ltlL‘ Place. 037” 6063424. 8pm. £38.50 £42.50. (‘ountry' tilayoured t'oL‘k lt} lllt‘\L‘ true legends ol' the \cene (the) men haye a \pot in the Rock'n'Roll Hall of lame to proye it). I The Very, Thee Comrades and The Pheromones Banner-marry. .\'iddr_\ Street. 550 3254. 8.45pm. [4. Ban rock‘n'roll l\\o piece. the Vet"). hlending early punk miyed \y ith stripped doyy rt ltlltlllllzlllxlll.
I Impossible Songs Ro\} .-\rt “nine. 2 Ro\hurg|r Place, ()87] 750 0077. ‘lpm. £3. .\ltt\ic \\ ith a meet hard edge and a ‘tyyec pixh tinge'.
I Soundproof 'l‘he Bongo (’luh. Mora} House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 700-1. Illittn. £7. l-‘orext ('ale fundraiser.
I Funeral for a Friend, Bullet for My Valentine, A Static Lullaby and Gratitude Barroyy land. 2H (ialloyygate. 552 40(ll. 7pm. S()l.l) ()I'l. ()xet'— l-l\ \lltt“. (irunting. angxty post-grunge from ttice \Velxh lads l-‘uneral tor a l‘t'iend \\ ho are popular \\ ith the _\oung goths of today. \ye ltear. Plus a hutnper' \ttppot‘t hill of hand\ jostling l‘or \pace on the titet'chandixe stall.
I Sole, Pedestrian and Telephone Jim Jesus ..\B(‘2. 330 Sauchiehall Slt'L‘L‘l. .332 22.32. 7pm. U0. l.el‘tlield lttp hop hill l'roni the men hehind the Anticon lahel.
I Incision, Blob and A Rebel’s Guide Barfly lllpxlttll‘xl. 20(l ('lyde Street, 0870 Of)? 000‘). 7.3(lptn. £0. Stockholm hand \\lio preach death to lalxe death metal.
I The Kiteflying Club 'l‘cltai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.ane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. lntproy ixation \yith nremher'x ol' the (ilaxgoyy lrnpr'oy ixerx' ()rchextra.
I The Sluts of Trust, Freeview and Endorphin \ic’e'ri‘Slea/y. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 (Milt). 8pm. £0. Incendiary (ilaxyyegian duo Sol cornhine \lea/y gtttter trauling rock'n'roll \xith liddie Van llalen-inxpired \\ iddl} gttilar hreakx at thix lidihle .-\ttdio maga/ine night.
I Uncle John & Whitelock and Stonesthrow Barfly. 200 (‘Iytle Street. t)8."(l 0t)? (NW). 8pm. the. Scotland\ linexl. [l(t\\ll3l_\ only. e\ponent\ ol‘ \\\;llll[l} garage hluex rock.
I Crisis Loan, Subdermis, Fluid BC and Sepia l-‘ury Murry 'x. ()0 .\la\\\ell Street. 22l 05] l. 8.30pm. £4. including entry to postgig cluh. \Vcekl) \lto\\t‘;l\e ol' unsigned indie hands.
I Maria McKee attd Deadman King lutK “uh “uh llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. U5. Sec Thu 2.3 lot” .\lat‘ia \chL‘c.
I Attic Lights, The Sundowns and Paul Napier l3tli Note (are. 5” (ill Kitrg Street. 553 I038. ‘lptu. £3. Beach Boy \lByrdx alike harmonixing l'rorn .v\ltic lightx and l'rotn lidinhut‘ghk Sundoyxnx.
I The Mosa Funk Club and Junkstar Soundhaux. ~17 llydepark Street. 22l 405‘). ‘lpnr. £7 tL’0). l‘ttnk \ottnd\ at the montth Shoogakuhe night. I The Moneyshot, the Hate Brigade and Dirty Kicks Stereo. I-i Kchtnhaugh Street. 570 5()l8. 0pm. U ([3). Indie rock hill.
Surface Noise
Quality bands playing and free money on offer — it really is that simple.
T on the Fringe have announced the first acts to be confirmed to play during the whole festival shebang in Edinburgh in August. Basement Jaxx and the Prodigy will be bashing it out at the Corn Exchange while the likes of Yo La Tengo, the Wedding Present, Sons and Daughters, the Magic Numbers and Hot Hot Heat are all playing at the Liquid Room. As well as the already announced big outdoor events by Franz Ferdinand in Princes Street Gardens and the Pixies at Meadowbank Stadium, there will be more intimate shows by up and coming artists at Cabaret Voltaire. All tickets are on sale now. Check out for more details.
Fancy some free money to perform? Of course you do. Those lover folks at the PRS Foundation are expanding their Live Connections scheme by offering grants of between 5.7500 and 535000 to electronic music artists for a one-off performance of their work. Sound too good to be true? It‘s not. Check out wwwprsfoondation.couK/liveconn ectionshtm for detaits of how to apply.
Busy then, those (Ioldplay' (:haps. Not only are they (:ornrnr; up to (Slastioy‘i's Hellahotrstorr Park on Saturday ’2 .July. but they're also gonna be perforrnr'rgt at the Hyde Park l ry'eB f;li()‘.'.’ on the same day. So il you fancy getting a chance to see them In all then post l ryett glow. [it Concerts has struck us; a few pairs of tickets; to giry'e away for the Bellahouston outdoor f;li(t‘.‘.’. Just send iii; an. email or postcard marl-ted ‘| ‘.'.a':t to see the glistening; sweat on Chris Martin's; rosy cheeky to protriottottsu !r:;t.t;o.til\ or lee/.315 1.1 High Street. [ (lllilttifyill. l ill 1 ll by Wednesday 7%) June. Include your name and a daytrrvre telephone trurnlrer. If you're not
ti<:l\y enough to y'nrr. ll(‘l\(‘if‘. ‘or the dirt en the Saturday we still ayarlahle by logging; onto ‘.'.\.'.\.*./,tirti5;trt:;<:otlanrltortt.