Around Town
— Edinburgh
Name Janice Wardlaw Profession Dance teacher (salsa. rnerengue. batchata and cha cha)
When did you catch the salsa bug? Eight years ago after seeing salsa dancing in Spain while on holiday
How did you get into teaching? I attended classes for over a year. My teachers were going on holiday and asked me to cover for them. I enjoyed it so much that I went ahead and organised my own classes. Over 70 people turned up to my first class and I haven‘t looked back.
What’s the best bit about the job? I love meeting pCOple. There is Such a wide range of people from different backgrounds and ages. I teach children in primary schools from eight years old. then in the clubs I teach from everyone from 18 to those in their 70s. It also keeps me fit. I used to go the gym and did aerobics for over seven years, I lost no weight and it was really boring. I've lost over a stone without any effOrt dancing salsa.
And the worst? There's nothing negative about teaching salsa.
Do you come across many hopeless causes? Lots of people say they have two left feet and can't dance. I love to prove them wrong.
Plans for the future? I'd love to open a bistro with a dance space. During the day I‘d teach children salsa and serve lunch. In the evening I‘d hold salsa classes and serve tapas. I'm looking into getting lottery funding for this. or if any business person out there would like to come on board. they can give me a call!
What would you do on your ideal day off? I meet friends for lunch then we do a bit of shopping and at night I go salsa dancing. YOU could say I'm addicted to salsa.
I Janice Ward/aw teaches at Mood and Medina in Edinburgh. To book call 07734 435354 or email eastcoastsa/sa @ya/ 700. CO. uk
28 THE LIST 23 Jun~/ Jul 2005')
Activities & Events
Sambaza (Sharing) The Huh. (‘astlehilL Royal Mile-173 ZIXX).
Illam 4pm. A conference led by African “omen and chaired by Lesley Riddoch. \\ ith pt'exeltlitlitrth focuxing on the \oicex. needs and e\perieuce\ of “omen in Africa. 'I icketx are limited. email samba/aw Celebration Evening Sr (ieor'ge'x \Vext (‘hurclr 58 Shaud“ ick Place. 220 140‘). 7pm. l‘ree. lidinhtrrgh'x Refugee (’entre’x social gathering to celebrate erlircr’r' lli'r’k in Scot/(mil 3005 and the lirxt annix'erxar)‘ of the opening of the centre. World muxic l).l\. food and an e\hihition of at‘l\\or‘k created h} rnemlrerx of lidinliurgh'x refugee Ctlllltllttlliltex.
The Royal Highland Show Ro_\a| Highland ('entre. lnglixton. 335 (i200. 9am opin. £18t£l2l.s\nnual agricultural jamhoree \\ hich ll;t\ extahlixlied itself ax the highlight of Scotland\ countr'} \ide calendar.
Paolozzi of the Month l)ean (iallen. 73 lielford Road. (ll-l (fill).
12.45 1.15pm. l‘ree. liacli \teek Daniel llerrman. the Paolo/Ii curator. \\ ill gi\e a talk on a different work in the exhibition. Charles Jencks RIAS (ialler). IS Rutland Square. 33‘) 7545. (i 8.30pm. £5. ('harles Jerickx preseutx lllt\ lecture entitled "the Iconic Building: l’tm er of linigma’ followed by a hook \igning.
Activities & Events
Summer Nights at the Observatory Rn} al ()hxen ator') leilttt' ('elllt't‘. lilackford llill. (ihh' 8-“) l. 7 8.45pm. £2.50 £3.50; famil} ticket U). View images of the \un thing the Ro}al ()hxenator} ‘x solar telexcopex keep )our e) ex peeled for \tlll\pol\. check otrt their meteoritex and find out \\ here to look for Saturn and .lupiter. Booking evential.
The Guid Crack Club: Not Quite Midsummer \\'a\'erle_\ Bar. I St
Mar} \ Street. 556 057‘). 7.30pm. Suggexted donation £2.50. International ta|e\ from around the uorld \\ ith \pecial gtlt‘xlx .loxeph Sohol tt’Sl and :\nne Stewart t.>\u\tralial.
The Royal Highland Show Roytl Highland (‘entre. lnglixton. 335 (film. (lam (rpm. {l3 (£12). See ’1 hit 23.
Activities & Events
Community Garden Day Redliall Walled (iarden. 97 l.anark Road. 4-13 own. Noon 5pm. Suggested donation B. but all actii itiex are free. :\ rela\ing da} in lidinburgh'x communin garden with li\e jazz. reiki. Indian head maxxage. tai chi and ltltlt\.
The Royal Highland Show Rinal Highland (‘entre. lnglixton. 335 (iltltl. l)am ()pltt. L'IX tL‘lZI. See 'l lru 23. Antique and Collectors Fair Freemasons Hall. or» (ieorge Street. 558 872i). ltlam 4.30pm. L'l. .\ chance to peruxe or buy from the \\ ide range of antiques and collectahlex.
The Leith Market (‘ornmercial Qua). ()cean l)ri\e, 467 0422. .-\ permanent market \\ ith food. fashion. dexigu. antiques. furniture. hooks and llltlxlt‘.
Food & Drink
Edinburgh Farmers’ Market (‘axtle 'l'er'r‘ace. 053 5940. ()am 2pm. Bu} great produce direct frorri Scottixh larmerx.
My fa. my If you think charity shops are stuffed full of moth-eaten
rubbish, then you‘re missing a treat. This fashion show features some real vintage beauties from the Oxfam Style shop. But buying second-hand clothes isn‘t the only way to be conscientious; clothes from producers with their fingers on the ethical pulse, such as People Tree, Ralper, HUG and Equop, will also grace the catwalk.
I fil." full." If (I‘V'Z’Vi
Fine liqueurs and Prosecco tasting \';il\ona & ('rolla. l‘) l'.llll Ru“. 55o ()il()(\. l lam -lpm. l’ree. 'laxte a range oI frrrit lltlllt‘tlh from (iahriel lioudier neat and mi\ed \\ ith \'t\(' l’roxecco ax a refrexhing \umnier' drink.
Clever Plants Rti}.tl Botanic (iartlen. Illa lmcrleith Rim. 553 7|7l. ltl. itlarn. L71. Join the garden guidcx tor a tour of the Botanicx highlighting plant adaptation» Seek otrt clirnherx and clirigerx. drorrglit rexixtant plant\ that can \un it e e\treme temperaltrrcx and much more. Hooking evential.
Sunday 26
Activities & Events
Shore Poets 'l he (‘arinnx‘ (iait. .? i.‘ ('auongate.55(i-HXI.'7.-15prn. t3. lidinliurgh'x platform for lt\t‘ poetr} and ltltl\lt' thix month hax readingx h} Shore l’oetx .\'anc_\ Somcrx ille and Kex in llenderxon plux spec ial gue~l .lolin Glenda}
The Royal Highland Show l<ti_\;tl llrghland ('entre. luglixton. 333 (L‘IHI ‘lam (iplll. U3 (U3). See 'I hit 2 i.
The Leith Marketfommercial ()ua}. ()t't‘illl l)lt\t‘. 407 0-133. See Silt .33
Food & Drink
Fine liqueurs and Prosecco tasting \‘ahoua & (‘r'o||a. I‘) l2lnr Rim. 55o (illnn. l larrr -lpm. l'ree. See Sat 35.
Bacon and Sutherland National (ialler) of .\loderu .\rt. 75 Hellord Road. (ill (iltli). I.‘..~15pm. l'r'ee. .\lartin llarnmer. \euior lecturer in art hixtor} at
“/t [al'J‘ll
ill/z t:’rr «f’ .‘.. t>tr’ ((:\1/(/l" i.) .-U
the lirlilllttltgll ('ollege (it .'\l‘t. (ll\k'll\\L‘\ :lllillith lit‘lu t‘t‘ll lllt‘ “(ilk til l‘il'illlk'l\ liacon arid (iraham Sutherland in the It} ltlx,
Edinburgh 68 Alternatives :\tl}.‘tl\tlllt‘ l'riited ('hur‘ch. —ll (ieor‘ge l\' Bridge. 7. illpm. .loin the campaign in the l‘tlllrl up to the \urnmit.
‘. . . No serious faults, and too much gentle pathos.’ Critical Caution, Public Pleasure: The Art of Weston link. llauthornden lecture lhcalre. National (ialler). the Hound. ll-lipm. l r‘ce. .\lungo ('amphell. dcl’trl} diret tor of the lluuterian :\rt (i:lllt‘l}. tli\t ll\\t‘\ llle “Ink (ll. St'tlltixll arlixt 'l lltirll;t\ laed.
The Bongo Social Swing Club the Bongo ('ltrli. \lora} llouxc. 37 llohrood Road. 5‘3 7(iII-l 7pm. Ll for one
claxx Ur for both tt‘.‘ for one claxx £5 for liotlil learn \\\ irig dancing \\ ith lll\lltlt'lril\ hour the anard \\ inning l'|_\riglit dance cornpan} 'l he lint hour i\ Ior liegiunerx. the \econd for improxerx and at ‘lpm the tutoring t‘lltl\ and \ocial dancing hegirix. No need to living a partner
Save Money
see page “9 for details