

3 Market Street. 53‘) 3903. Mon Sat l()am 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm. Showstoppers t'ntil Sat ll) Sep. ’l‘lie (‘ity Art ('entre celebrates its 35th anniversary with a selection of its best works ll'tilll the permanent collection. Looking Both Ways: Art of the Contemporary African Diaspora l'ntil Stiti ll Sep. The work of l3 African-born contetiipoiary artists now livitig iii Western countries. Identity. nationalism and memory are explored by (ihada Amer. Keiidell (ieers. Wanhechi Miitti. Yinka Shonibare among others.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina tn 1

Jtil Sun ll Sep. ‘lhe story ol‘the massiv e international collaboration that led to the btiildiiig ol‘ liibliotheca Alexandria which houses a huge collection ol‘ books and rare manuscripts from the area. NF'W SHOW.


33 3S ('ockbtii‘n Street. 330 l3(i().

'l'ue Sat noon 5pm.

Hateball Sat 35 Jun Sat 3t) .ltil. l’irst solo exhibition l'or London-based artist. Nathaniel Mellors. NEIW Si l()W. JOANNA BRYNIARSKA Sat 35

Jtiii Sat 30 .liil. Project Room. New work.


75 Behold Road. (i34 (i3llll. Daily l()am 5pm.

Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney l'ntil Siiti 3o .liiii. l‘ree. A touring show ol over .il) works ol British 30th century art from the Pier Arts ('entre in ()rkney while the island gallery undergoes a major refurbishment.

Christian Art l'ntil Sun 36 Jiiti. lixploration of (‘hristianity iii art including works by liric (iill. David Jones. Jacob lipstein. Stanley Spencer. Ian Fleming and lidtiardo Paolo/Ii. Paolozzi ot the Month Thu 23 Jun. l3.45 l.l5pm. l-‘ree. liach week Daniel llert'inan. the Paolo/Ii curator. will give a talk on a different work in the exhibition.


74 l.aiiriston Place. 33l (illlltl. .Moii 'l‘hii l()am 8pm; l-‘ri Sat l()am 3pm.

311 Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show 2005 t'iitil Tue 38 Jun. l-‘rec. Annual degree show featuring work by over 4()() graduating students across all disciplines. ('heck w w'w'.eca.ac.iik lot details. An ideal opportunity to view, commission and purchase new work. See llitlist. NEW SHOW.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'nion Street. 557 347‘). Tue Sat l()am (rpm.

Another Time Another Place t'iitil Sat l(i Jill. Prints by Martin Aitchison. one ol' the principal artists tor the children's Ladybird series ol learn-to- read books iii the (ills and 70s. The prints are accompanied by some of the original gouache and watercolour paintings. Edward Summerton - The Rural t'ntil Sat l(i Jul. New screenprints. commissioned and published by lidinbiirgh Printiiiakers. inspired by (ills aitd 7()s editions of Ladybird books. Member’s Selection: Through a Child’s Eye l'ntil Sat l(i Jul.

l()am (rpm. Prints ol' paintings seen iii the children's Lady bit'tl set‘ies books are shown alongside work by members on the theme ol' ‘through a child‘s ey e‘.


45 Market Street. 335 3383. Mon Sat

l lain (ipltl'. Sun noon 5pm.

iii An Aside O... l’ntil Sun 17 Jul.

liree. A group exhibition selected by

Pal" it’s the heart of the Heart of Midlothian. While

international superstars Lothar Matthaus, Terry Venables and . . . Howard Wilkinson circle around the Romanov millions, Paul Gray has spent a year at Tyneside shooting his team in all their maroon glory. I All For One, Stills. Edinburgh, until Sun 24 Jul

artist 'l'acita Deaii according to the principles which govern the making of her own work. including pieces by Joseph Beuys and (ierhard Richter. See review. page 98. atid llitlist.

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY Palace of llolyt'oodliottse. 55b 5 l()(). Daily 9.30am 5pm. £5 (Li-£4); family ticket £13.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother t'ntil Siiii 35 Sep. liirst exhibition ol’ 73 watercolotirs and drawings from the Queen Mum's collection. And we thought she just drank girl and bet on the horsies all day.


l5 Rtttland Square. 33‘) 7545. Mon Fri 9am 5pm.

Long Moments in Eternity t'ntil Hi I Jul. Showcase of work by Barbara Berkowitz.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnverleith House. 348 3983. Tue Stiii l()am 5.30pm.

Evergreen 0... t'ntil Still 3 Jul. l()am 5.30pm. liree. A survey exhibition lt‘tllttl'ltig major new works by some ol- the artists who have taken

part in the lnverleith llotise programme.

spanning arts and sciences. including botanical drawings from their archive. Artists include (iraham l’agen. Douglas (iordon. ('alluin lnnes. (‘y ’l‘w'onibly. Agnes Martin and Richard Wright. I’m-I (if Illt' lirlilt/Hire/i International Science

Festival 3005. lASl CHANCY 'lO S“.


lixhibition llall. lnverleith Row. 553 717l. Daily l()am 5pm. l’ree.

With the Grain: The Lite and Work of Tim Stead Stiii 3o Jtiii Stiii 4 Sep. l()am 5pm. l‘ree. An exhibition celebrating the lite and work ol post- war Scotland’s most inspirational and influential lurniture maker. charting his career as a conservationist. poet. designer and sculptor.


3 (‘hambers Street. 347 43l‘)/4433. Mon & Wed Sat l()am 5pm; 'l‘tic l()am 8pm; Sun noon 5pm. l-‘ree. Pictures at the Museum Mon

4 Hi l5 Jlll. \Vot'k‘s by selected al‘lists w ho are visitors of the (iarvald ('cntre.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. ()l5l 335 (ih7l. Mon Sat l()am 5pm; Stiti noon 5pm.

Body in the Library t‘niil Sat it) Jul.

(ieorge Donald RSA continues the tradition ol‘ the study ol~ anatomy and the human figure. displaying work limit his book .rlnulnmiu. displayed alongside work by his heroes. \‘esaliiis and Albinus.

An Historian’s Tour of the Monarch of the Glen in l Jul. 13.45pm. Prol‘essor 'l‘(‘ Siiiotit gives a personal tour ol‘ the Landseer exhibition.


75 Bellot‘tl Road. 634 (i300. Daily

l()am 5pm.

T11 Francis Bacon: Portraits and Heads 0.... t'ntil Sun 4 Sep. 'l‘lie lirst museum exhibition to explore iii depth Bacon’s portraits ol l‘riends. lovers atid other artists. coiiipt'ising over 5() works. His life was notoriously volatile arid complex lov c allairs w ith Peter Lacy and (ieorge Dyer the latter who killed himself on the night ol~ Bacon's big opening iii Paris provided intense sources ol inspiration. See review. page 06 and llitlist.

Jon Schueler: The Sound of Sleat l'ntil Siiti 5 Mar. A display ol~ work celebrating the American Abstract lixpressionist painter who set tip a studio in Mallaig. on the Sound of Sleat.

Visual Art


Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery floor

Happy Hardcore comes to one of Dundee’s holy buildings this month with a performance at St Andrew’s church on Wednesday 29 June at 7pm. The off-site project presented by Dundee Contemporary Art and Matt Stokes will include anthemic tracks, transcribed for organ, such as Hopscotch’s ‘Midnight Express’ and Sy and Demo’s ‘Stay with Me’. The tracks are selected and performed by John Riley. On Wednesday 13 July at 7pm at Caird Hall, it’s black metal’s turn to get an organ rendition. Call the DCA on 01382 909900 for more details.

Daria Martin, whose work is currently on show at CCA as part Of Beck's Futures 2005. will be showing new work, specially commissioned by the Collective Gallery as part of this year's Edinburgh Art Feshval. She finished filming earlier in the month and the work will tour throughout independent cinema networks and be screened at the Fiiere art fair later in the year.

§ Get your kit off in the name of art. New York artist Spencer Tunick is organising one of his grand strips in which hundreds of bodies lie or stand nude in a city to create a site-specific work and to be photographed. You could be one of the many in only birthday suits on Sunday 17 July in Newcastle. Other metropolises whose residents have bared all include Barcelona, Santiago, Melbourne and Montreal. To register visit

www.balt cprojectscrg/tunick. Participants will be contacted nearer the event with details of place and time.

Trajectory Publications is well under way to fulfilling its aim of ‘promoting original book werks' produced by contemporary artists. The not-for-protit publishing house. initiated by Glasgow-based artists' collective Something Haptic in 2002, hopes to have published work by 100 young artists to be accessible through the Whittaker National Book index. Visit wwwsomethiiighapticcom for more information.

2);; Lin f Jul 900:3 THE LIST IO‘I