but i rber l rauld
I BA Robertson ('urrrlwrrrauld theatre l\rldtunr. “[236 732887. . 45pm tl U) See Sat ll.
aturday 18
e lel )gow'
I 3141 0! Soul Mae Sorle) is. 42
Street 246 55M. 3.30pm. l‘tee. t.....r.atrrieiirs sl_\le \UUl/RL&B eolleetne. I Open Stage lhe llalt Bar. l6(l \Noodlands Road. 352 0006. 4 Spin. llLL 5L\ 5“!
I Madeleine Pritchard Quartet Bitl 3‘! 43 .-\shlorr lune. 342 4966. 4pm l'tee l‘unk rntused. soull'ul. :\ll.rlrlte st)le .|.r// hour the silk) \oieed ex ( onnnrtrnents singer tk hand. l’rtl'l of (ll-rr\\’tlll .lrl.. l‘r'\lllrll l'l‘lllk‘r‘.
I Open Mic Brunsnrek Cellars. 23‘) Natulllcllall SllL‘Cl. «llllll. l‘il'L‘L'. SL‘C Sill
I l
I An Evening with Ginger Wildheart Barll}. 26() (ink Street. tinftt \ltlf (N‘N Spin. Lli). \Vildheat‘ts tronlnran takes time out lrorn his group to punt his nen .rlhurn \irlur' l)¢’/ (minor; \\llILll hroadens his I‘oeking rnrisreal paletle lo nrelude eountr}. pop and gospel strtlltds lUU.
I The Mutts, Blind Pew and The Towers lsrng lul's \\ah \Vah llut. 272a St \rneerrt Street. 221 527‘). S.3()prn. £6. lhe headliners are .r Brighton hand \\llo iortned as 'a leaelton to all the sltile out there Soundreasonrng
I Rainmen Sarnuel l)o\\ 's, 67 71 .\llll\tl.tlL' Road, 423 tlltlT. S3tlprn. l’ree. RUul's \'\l\L'l\.
I Alan Nimmo Band Studio One. tirosxenor lerraee 34l 65l6. ‘lprn. l't'ee. Une hall ot (ilasgtm hlues hrother‘s. l’trr'l u/ lln lit \l lzml lilrn \ l’r'xlli'rrl.
I Hi Heel Sneakers St llldL‘s Bar. WU B..th Street. ‘Iprn tree; [5 alter llprn. Se. Mr H)
I Maiden Scotland Roeker‘s. 14 Midland Street. 221 0726. 9pm. l‘ree. lion Maiden lrrhute
I Our Lunar Activities
is... n Shun}, 42l Sauehrehall Street. 33.3 won Uprn L3 Interpol-like indie do“
I Primary 5 and Green Peppers l5tlr .\ole (ale. 5U 6U ls'rng Street. 555
:i‘. i..
k“ a“. '
I638. Uprrr L3. Bellshrll rnalia alto) l’r'irnar} 5 are the new nrelodie outtit lt'orn e\ leerrage l'aneluh drunrnrer l’aul Quinn. \\hi|e (ireen l’eppers is the alias ol' es Soup Dragon and B\l\ Bandit .linr .\le('u|loeh l nsuiprrsrngl). head Bandit l)llgl.rs SlL'\\.tll l).ls
I Kong \laeSorlex s. l2 .larnarea Street. .243 H5Sl U .illplll l ree See l ll IT.
I Blues Buddhas \M‘lnnlls. to High Street. 552 2|35 lllprrr lree Blues. as the narrre suggests.
I This ‘R’ 2Tone and Bombskare Renti‘eu l’err}. \nderston Qua). (llti‘lS 265 5| 1. ltlprn. i"), (let on _\our good loot \sith lixe rnusre hour a nine lllL'Lk' lidinhurgh ska emers hand.
I Al Kent 8 the Million Dollar Orchestra and DJ Max Asante the Butt (0 Spiegeltent. (ieorge Square. 561 3400. lt).3(lprrr. (S. l,i\e diseo rriglrl leaturing the smooth sounds ot .\| and his hand. lollou ed tip h_\ some qualit} l'urrk lt'onr lounge or lirrrrrlrmr resident. .\l;r\ x\sanle. 111/ (ll I/n (ilrrxeon' .ltrq."
l'r \Ilt'ul..
I The Gus Munro Band Studio ()ne. (it'Us\ error 'l'er'raee. ill ()Slh. l‘ree. .klter'rioon \ll(l\\ as in] wt Iln' lli'x/ lzrnl lllluw /'('\lll(I/.
I The Rab Howat Band Bannerrnan's. \rddr} Street. 556 3254. 3pm. l‘ree, See Sat 1 I.
I Spirit of Rush the l'\ehange. 55 (how Street. 443 (Hill “pin. LS. 'lrihule to the roeking Rush.
I Little Pebble and Panthalassa (Kile l{o_\al Bistro liar. I" \Vest Register Street. 55" 4"”2 3tlpnr. [2. load sorrgxxriter l rttle l’ehhle pla) songs lroni his independentl) released alhurn joined h} haeking hand the l'rehins.
I Colleen and International Airport .\B(’2. 33H Sauehiehall Street. 332 2232. Spin. tilt). .\K.\ l’arisran dreamer (‘eeile Sehott. ller alhurn /.ltl\1‘ll( .l/lll \i'r'rlx .lll\ll(’l\ is dest‘lll‘ed l\_\ the ~\ltitnlrail people as 'a serres ol ps_\ehetle|re posteards‘.
I Degrassit .rl‘aiet \olr.nre. ‘(r 38 lililll Silt't'l. ‘.‘ll (rl ~(i Split 9.5. lzdinhurgh t ornho llll\ll':f post punk and post roek. and lealurrng e\ ltl|e\\.i|d rrrarr Boh l'aitlotrll on has»
that gave them their initial appeal in the first place.
I Headspln Live lhe Bongo ('luh. .\lora_\ House. 37 llol}rood Road. 558 Tout. Spin. t5. Another in the semi regular lixe hand nights trorn eluh lleadspin. l‘hree hands still the. htrt Usuall} ol' a similar attitude to the eluh night land entr} gets _\ou in the Bongo lor‘ the night “ith |)Js rrrrtil 3am).
I Milky Wimpshake, The Last Great Wilderness and The Gems ('aledonian Baekpaekers. 3 ()ueensterr) Sllet‘l. 4 ‘6 722i. 3. illplll. Ll. (ill the “all indie kids. \\ith :rulairned ( ilasgou hlueslers and epie lidirrhurghers in tow I Barry Vista Social Club the lass. lligll Silt‘t‘l, 556 (iizS Uplrr l tet‘ St‘t‘ Sat ll.
I REM, Feeder, The Zutons, Ambulance Ltd and Aberfeldy Balloeh ('astle & ('ountr} l’ark. (H.380 75S2I6. £35 £45. Support limit that quirk} heat eonrho the /rrtrirrs.
I The Close and Sandstone Stereo. l4 Kehinhaugh Street. 576 5tl|.\’. Spin. £4. Melodie pop/roek.
I Cold Night Song lhe (ioat. 1237 x\l‘g_\ le Street. 35-7 7 i7 3. Split, liree. See Sun I2.
I Hoggboy, Vegetable State and The Psychics Barll). ltitl (lsde Street, USN) “()7 (NW), Spill. l: l. llte headliners are Shellield hased roek'n'rollers inllueneed h) the sound ol' New York punk and the Stooges. \ll )ou need reall).
I Wolf Eyes and Uter \lono. l2 Kings ('ourt. King Street. 553 2 Hill. Spin. t I”. .\ glorious eleetronie taeket from these lli/t' tnaga/ine lmourites.
I Acoustic Open Mic Bar Bloe. l i7 littllt Silt‘r‘l. 57 l (M66, *llllll. lilt't‘. See Sun I2.
I Black Rafferty, Joan of Arkansas, theoceanfloor and Paul Liddell lith Note (are. 50 (ill King Street. 553 MW. 0pm. £3. ‘l he headliners are an ollshoot ol- theoeeantloor. l'ronted h} .r\rn_\ Ratl'ert). \\ ith a sound eehoing hoth Nina Simone and l’rel'ah Sprout. Joan ol Arkansas is
Few made the comfortable transition from dub plate to dinner plate quite as easily as Basement Jaxx did. Once the toast of London‘s underground club scene, they've become .. Of the UK s last remaining credible, big dance acts. Their live shows are where record shop nerds and dinner
.r A, June. at. happily co-exist; perhaps because. in gaining a sizeable audience, they've been canny not to
another side project. this time oi alteountr) hand the State Broadeasters. l.iddell is a singer/ stirrg\\rilt‘l hailing l'rorn Surrderlarrd.
I The Ponys Niee‘n'Sleazy. 43] Sauehiehall Street. 333 (Will). 9pm. the. ('hieago garage rock/post punk hand “hose latest alhurn ('r'lr'lnult'o/r ('mrlr' has been produced by Stese Alhini.
I Geno Washington 8. Ram Jam Band and Friday Street DJs lhe Butt (u Spiegeltent. (ieorge Square. 564 3400. It). 3(lprn. t' It). Responsihle lot [\ur ol the higgest selling :tlhtltrrs ol‘ the (ills. the nonie soul star and llls hatrd are haek on the road \\ ith their radieal and e\plosi\e lise shim. lint «it the (llrrsemr' ./rl.'.' lulrrrll,
Edit rburglr
I The Oulreboys 'l he l{\eharrge. 55 (hose Street. 443 0404. 7pm. tltl. Hair rnetal also runs returning to the stage. I Air Fix, Cry Over Billionaires and Jester Barnrerrnan's. Niddr) Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. {-1. l Heal hand triple hill hoasting a night oi energetic toek.
I Hobo llre Bongo Club. Mora) House. 37 llol}rood Road. 558 7604. lllprn 3arn. liree helore L'l lpnr: t3 alter. See Sun 12.
Monday 20
I Walls of Jericho 'l he (‘athonse l5 l'nion Street. 248 66(l6. 7pm. the. ()\ er 14s slum. \Valls oi Jerielro are an aggressixe hardeore rrretal outtit \\ ith a charismatic liontmrrnan.
I Acoustic Jam .‘s‘ite'n'Slea/y. 43l Sauehiehall Street. 333 (Mill. Spin. l'iree. SL‘L‘ .\lult l3.
I Jeff Klein, Marc Carroll and Graham Ryder King lut‘s \Vah Walt llut. 272a St \‘rneent Street. 22l 52/"). 8.30pm. £6. Klein is an Arnerieaua singer/sorrngiter' “hose latest alhurn l/Ir’ lllMllr’I hoasls eollalnrrations \\ ith Ani Dil’raneo. Afghan \\ lrig (ireg llulli and Soul .'\s)|urn's Daxe l’irrrer.
I Hitman Blues Band Studio One. (irosxenor 'lerr'aee. 34l 6516. “pm. l’ree. l’tul (ll Illr’ lliwl l'lllrl lilllr's l'i'sllr'ul.
I Injuns l3lh Note ('ale. 5() ()(l King Street. 553 1638.9prn. £3. lrijuns are Sk)e lads Leighton Jones and “tilt” Maelnnes (brother of M} les. .I\K.-\
M} lo) “hose dixetse sound eneonrpasses ja/I. tolk. reggae and latin st) les hut has also draxxn eonrparison \\ ith lorrr \Vaits and Steel) l).rn.
I Refuse Boy, Remnant Kings and Corca Bannerrnan's. Nrddr)‘ Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. More indie and roek domr Barrnerrrran's \\.r_\. I Open Mic \‘i histlehinkies. 4 (l South Bridge. 557 5| l4. L)prn. liree. See Mon l3.
1'11 U2 and Interpol llarnpden l’ark. Letherh} l)ri\e. 6l6 6000. 6pm. S()l,l) ()l3 l. 'l he higgest hand in the world return is ith “hat is sure to he one ol the hest stadium Slit)“ s _\ou LUlllLl hope to \xitrress til )ou'w got a tieket that is). Roek rninrnms Interpol are permitted to splain around in their uake.
I Live Music Mono. l2 Kings Court. King Sheet. 553 240“. 7pnr. liree. Artists in l{\ile (ilasgon presents an e\ening ol lixe rnusie and spoken “old \sith aets to he L‘otllilllled.
Stereo Total, Adventures in Stereo arid Cobra Grande ()tan Moi. 73] 735 (ireat Western Road. 35/ 62M). 7pm. l’ree. 'l he annual l.a l'ete de la .\ltrsiriuie \seleornes a Berlin dtro. “ho L'olllltille kitsell telto pop inlluentes \\ illl eleetro pop elements. supported h} (ilttsgms duo eltrplo)irrg sirnilar euphorie harmonies. lint u] the Hi \I larrtl lr \rirul