Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.
Aetwrties & Fun
The Magic of Light U195 114.95). (ilasgow Science (critic. 511 l’acilic Qua). 431150111). l'llltl out why things aren't .tl\\.r_\s what they scent and disco\ er the science ol light in this rrragical and aura/mg show sponsored by Ilre Institute t'l I’ll) SIL'S.
Skillshops Sat IS .lun. 3.31) 4.311pni. Also \loa 13.1unt\ Mon 31) Jun. (r311 S3llpm. L3 L4 (L31 ltotr Iheatre. (r3 'ltongatc. 553 43(1‘ .lom in these lttlt sessions teaching drama. mice and rrroxerrrertt to clnldren and young people Ages 5 7 lrom 1 3pm. lolloucd 1)} .t‘Jk" N 13 l‘cl\\L'L‘tl
3 311 -l illtttli. Honda} sessions are lor ages 3 1‘). Booking essential.
Miniatura Sat ll «K Still 13 Jun. lltani. 1.5 L5 .511; “L‘Clsctltl llL'kL'l U). Slikiki. l-mrrieston Quay. (lSTll (1411 41101). An c\hrhrtiorr ol international dolls houses and rrrinratures leaturnrg international specialists and workshops.
CCA Kids Club: What Would Your Robot Say? Sat 11 Jun. 11) 3llam noon. L 3 ltlxttllllllilll) rng adults go lieet. ('(‘;\. “11 Satrcltlcltttll Sttcct. -<l‘)llll. l“ I‘lrt't‘ ttre Iuture wrtlr your \ery own rohot .{tlllllUthllSl dummy
Sunday Funday Sun 13.1Irntk Strrr l‘) 11.11 noon 5pm. llre 1.olt. Ashton latte.
\ e) S414 I-ace painting. rriarrga doodles hoards. l\osr (‘oupc ('ars and rrtuch more to celebrate tlte 11m! [and I‘m/[ml 3lll).5. Spongebob Squarepants Adventure Game Mon 13 .lun. It) 3ltam tk 1.3(lpm. llrllhead l.ll)l.tl_\. Bytes Road. Also Ill 17 .ltlll 1113llam (K I 3llpm. l‘rce \\ hiteinch I thrary. I4 \ rctoria l’ark I)rr\c South. 387 Jot l’u//Ies and garrres based on the popular characters
Fact-tastic Events with Captain Fact \\ed 15 Jun. 11) 3tlam & I3llpm.
L *1) per class. (iilrtrot‘eltill(il3. ‘)
l rirtersrty Axenuc. 331) 5533. \Vheneycr disaster strikes. mild mannered \scatlterrrrari (‘lrll 'l'horn arid Iris dogI Puddles atc tr‘anslor‘rned irrto ('aptairr l'iact and Knowledge. A ltrn and inlorrnatnc show tor children in primary 4 (r.
CCA Kids Club: Transformations! Sat IS .ltlil. Itl 3t)am rioorr. £3 (accompanying adults tree) (3(‘.-\. 3511 Satrclirchall Street. 353 49111) (‘ome alotrg and do your most ugly drawing eyer in this workshop looking at lltc dclitiiltoll til aesthetics.
Lord Provost’s Pageant Sat 13 Jun. noon. l'tec. (icot'gc Square. 3S7 4351). ('elehrating 401) years ol the 'l'rades and Merchants in (ilasgow the annual l.ord l’roxost's Procession. relaunched as a lrrstorrca! walking pageant. winds its way round Ilre Merchant (‘in hel'ore returning to (icotgc Square lor lite entertainment. Sail Away Strrr 1‘) Jun. I 4prn.'1'he'l'all Ship at (ilasgow llar’hour. lllll Stohcr'oss Road. 333 3513. lake part In a range o1 nautical .rcti\ rtrcs Ior' tlte whole Iatnily.
w rllt taster sailing sessions. how er boat trips testra cost) or rrrake your own little boat to sail in the pond. Part ol' the ll'm/ /!l(/ /t‘\llt(l/ 31111.5.
Musrc Jazz Mouse Sat IS .lun. l lam 1.4. Spicgelterit. (reorgc Square. 5(r-l 34111). llle tale ol .la// .\louse who‘s played w rtlr .:ll lltet'tt'alsatttl1.'.rc'ltt‘\ kltl\ .lg‘t'tl (t ttlltl net .111 .il‘t‘tzl t‘r.:‘~.‘. ' "..,.‘s.. /’..rl Hf
‘r:.\.’r- lit /r\'
ob l HE LIST
Theatre & Dance
The Frog Prince Sat 1 1 Jun. 1 Iain ét 3.3llpm. l'r'ee. Anmesland Library. 833 ('row Road. Also Sat lb’ Jun. 3.3(1pm. l’ree. .\laryhill library IQ learning (critic. 15(1S .\laiyhill Road. 387 3864. Show tor young children perl'ormed by (ilasgow libraries' \oung People's learn. Mucklemouth Meg Sat 1 I Jun. 3pm. L4 51) (£35111. Scottish .\Iask & Puppet llreatre ('entte. .S’ It) Balcarres Ayenue. ls'elx intlale. 33" (r185 Poppy 's Puppets tell tho true story or how the ugliest lassie in the Borders got to marry the hesl looking laddie lrorn Selkirk.
Tickets Please! Sun 13 & Mon 13 Jun. Strrr 3.3(Ipm; .\lorr 111.3(1attr & l.3()pm. t3. (iilmorehill( i l 3. ‘1 l'niyersity Axenue. 33115533. (iiarrt Productions transports you to lar oll lands. Suitable l‘or aged 6+. .SL‘L‘ picture caption.
The Witches \\ ed 15 Sun 1‘) Jun. Wed 15. '1 1m Io .lurr Ik Sun 1‘) Jun 1.3(1pm
I lhu mat 111 311mm. Sun mat 3.3llpm): \\'ed Sat 7pm rSaI mat 3.30pm). £13 IL‘H; lamin ticket L S. l‘hcatr‘c Royal. 333 Hope Street. 33 ‘)111111. Stage \ct'sion til Rthtltl 1);tltl'\lictlt1isltl'\ I'tllt ttt)\c1 about a w itclres' conlerence that aims to wipe out all the children iii Britain. Watch out Ior those bald l‘.‘§ltl\. llashing eyes and long. long nails.
The Fox and the Crow Sat 18 Jun. 3pm & 3.3llprn. 1315111133501. Scottish Mask t\ l‘uppet llreatrc ('entre. S It) Balcarres .\\emre. lse|\ indalc. 33‘) (i185. Is'idglox e puppets presents a \ar‘ied array o1 short stories. leaturirrg ‘lhe Lion and the \ltitlse' arid 'llIe l'io\ and the (‘t‘tm ‘ and many more. Ilrc 3.3(lprn show is
perlortrretl m 1
Julia Donaldson: The Gruffalo Song and Other Songs Sat 1 I Jun. llarn. l; 3.511 (iilrrroiehill(il3. ‘) l'nixersity .v\\emre. ".3 3011). Julia reads lrorrr lrer bestselling children's hook The (i/u/ltr/u Suite. along with a selection o1. other songs and stories. l’art ol' lltc West l‘.llt1 l’estiyal.
Airy Fairy 8. Captain Motley’s Crew 'lttc l~l .ltrn. 111.15arn & 1.3Ilprit. [31) per class. (iilttrorcltill( i l 3. ‘) l'rri\ersity A\enue. 331) 553.‘ \Iargaret Ryan tells the tales ol:\tt‘_\ 1.111) and ('aptain .\lot1ey 's (’rew. Suitahle lor primary 3 and 3.
Katie Morag and the Birthdays Sat 1S Jun. I 1am k 3. 311pm. £3.51). (iiltttot'clttll(il3. ‘) l'ni\er'sity .-\\enue. 331) 5533. Ages 3 S. ls'atie disco\crs tltat L'\L‘t'}ttttc‘ tilt the tsltttttl l\ [U L'L‘lt‘hl'illt‘ lltc‘ll' litt'llttlttys helore Itctsi l.l\lctt It) tlte latest ad\entures ol Katie .\1orag and her two grandrriother's as told by the author hersell. .\lair'i lledderw ick.
Activities & Fun
Artefactory l'ntil Sat 35 Jun.
11am 4pm. l‘ree. Museum of Scotland: llawthornden ('otrrt. (‘lrarnhcrs Street. 347 431‘). try otrt lots ol' I'urr acti\ ities. create museum objects and make a l'ossil linger puppet or _\ottt' o\\ n carny .\. an ancient war trurrrpet used to scare oll Roman llt\ttt1L‘t's.
Puzzles and Illusions t'ntil Mon 13 Jun. Illanr 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. l’ree. Royal .\ltrseunt Science Zone. 3 (‘hamher's Street. 347 431‘)/4433. l'ool your brain and e\ercise your mind at this inteiacth e e\lrrhitiort.
The Science behind Biodiversity
l nlil Sun 1‘) Jun. lllarn 5pm. l'irec. Royal Botanic (iarden tl:\|rihition llalll. 1'.\hrhitiorr llall. lmerleitlr Row. 553 7171. An irrter'actixe eslribition e\plaining why hiodnersity is so important to the stit‘\ i\al ol the planet.
Make a Gift for Dad l‘ri ll) Jun.
noon (rpm. to depending on item chosen. bill includes studio lee. I)oodles ('er'amic Workshop. 3‘) .\1.irclrmont ('rescent. 33‘) 13‘“) Paint a pottery gilt Ior Daddy. Booking adx rsahle
Dance Kids Sat 1 I .Iun. Illam. Ilarn. 13 311pm & I 3“put L4 tLl5ll £3). \ortlt
lidirrburgh Arts ('entre. l5a Pennywell (‘ourt. 315 3151. (let yotir shoes and socks tilt and prepare to stamp. slide. jump and leap. 10am and 11am. 1 4 years: 13.30pm and 1.30pm. 3 () years. Drama Kids Sat 1 1 Jun. 10.30am 6';
I 1.3(1am. 5.4 (£1.50 1.3). North lidinburgh Arts ('entt'e. 15a Penny well (’ourt. 315 3151. Weekly drama workshop. ll).3()am Ior ages 3 (i. l l.3()arn for ages 7 l 1. Edinburgh Treefest Sat 1 1 & Sun 13 Jan. I lam 5pm. l‘ree. lrwerleith Park. Arboretum Place. 333 333‘). Family eyent with interactiye cr'al‘ts. stalls. displays. demonstrations. axe throwing and more. Fruitmarket Family Workshop Sat 1 1 Jun. 3 4pm. £4. 1"ruitmarket (iallery. 45 Market Street. 335 3383. Artist Louise Logan deliyers a l'arnily workshop inspired by the exhibition of lillen (iallagher's work. Suitable l'or kids aged 3 (i and one guardian. Booking essential. Rocks and Lochs Sat 1 1 & Sun 13 Jun. £40 per adult and tip to two kids (£30 per adult and tip to two kids). Weston Link. National (iallery ol' Scotland. The Mound. (r34 o3(i(). Artist limily l.earmont leads a lamin workshop in ligure-dr‘aw ing and painting. related to the .llmiun'lr of the (i/t'n: [um/seer in the llig/ilum/s exhibition. l)ay two is based in llolyrood Park. sketching and learning more about this special place. Stritable l'or kids aged
7 l3 and their lamilies.
Don’t Forget a Grown Up! l‘ri 17 Jun. 3 3.30pm. £11) per adult and up to two kids. Weston National (iallery ol' Scotland. The Mound. ()34 (r500. Hands- on artist led art actiy ities l‘or kids aged
3) rs+ and their guardians. Buy tickets in adyance l'rorn the Weston link into desk. or call to hook ‘).3()am 4.3()pm Mon Fri. High Towers and a Place to Dream Sat IS & Sun 1‘) Jun. 3 4.3(1pm. £3. Weston link. National (iallery ol' Scotland. The Mound. 634 (i560. Draw a plan ol‘ your dream home. build a lairytale tow er or make a grand entrance that could lead to sornew here exciting. Ages 5+. The Enchanted Castle Sun 1‘) Jun. noon 4pm. Free. l.auriston ('astle. 3a (’ramond Road South. 53‘) 3‘)(i3. A l'airy story extrayagarr/a l'or all the l‘amily. with lots ol~ magical cral't sessions. lace painting. garden tours. nature trails and magicians. Ye}. sprinkle some laii'y dust!
“tickets {Ellesmere
“new” Pack your bags and get ready to go on an awfully 5 big adventure. Giant Productions presents its new
An Hysterical History of Scotland Sun 1‘) Jun. 13.45pm. 1.45pm & 3.45pm. l-‘ree. Royal Museum l-lawthornden ('outt. 3 (‘harnbers Street. 347 4319/4433. Actors Shonagh Price and Alan Mclluglr take you on a whistle-stop tour ol' the highs and lows of Scotland's history.
RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Kids Proms - Animals in my Soup Sat 18 Jun. 3pm. £5. Usher llall. l.othian Road. 338 l 155. A selection ol~ great classical themes from TV and cinema ItK‘ttsiltg on animals ol‘ all types. Including Mancini's Pink Panther. tunes l'rom The Jungle Bun/t and tntrch more.
Theatre & Dance
Hambledog and the Hopping Clogs Fri 17 & Sat 18 Jun. l-‘ri 10.30am; Sat
1 lam. £5 (£3 £3.50). North lidinburgh Arts (‘entre. 15a Pennywell Court. 315 3151. times are hard l'or llaitthledog the clog rriender when Twist. the King ol‘ (‘ats. demands the linest pair of slippers in the world?
The Happy Gang’s Highland Fling .\lon 3(1Jun. Mon 10.15am & 1.15pm. £7.50; l‘ainily ticket £35. Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. ()68 301‘). Join the Happy (iang in their big Scottish adyenture ideal l'or families.
Touching Colours Poetry Pamphlet Launch 'l‘hu lo Jun. 7 8.30pm. l‘ree. Scottish Poetry Library. 5 ('r'ichton‘s (lose. (‘anongate 557 3876. Poems l'or children written by Angela B Brown and illustrated by Rachel Irwin.
Musical Storytelling Tue 14 Jun. 11am 13.30pm. £3 (£1.50 [3). North lidinhurgh Arts (‘entre. 15a Pennywell Court. 315 3151. Margaret Smith creates some fun tales and lantastic noises at this interactiye session.
A Walk on the Wild Side Wed 33 Jun. 7pm. £5 (£4). Royal Botanic (iarden. 30a lnyerleith Row. 553 7171. The Talking 'l‘r'ees storytellers bring the secret places til the Botanics to me on this trail ol' stories. Ages 13+. Bring something to sit on. Booking essential.
show which, in characteristically interactive style, guides passengers on a whistle-stop tour of the world through an explorer’s suitcase. Ages 6+. 11‘] Sat 1." (S Sun 151 Jun. (III/rio/o/i/l/l.’.’. (,1/as‘gott/