Kes (Hit 0... (Ken l.oaeh. l'K. I‘lblit l)a\ id Bradley. l.ynne l’errie. (‘olin \Velland. Brian (iloyer. ltl‘lmin, In the t‘ttn-doyyn mduxtrial north. a young boy learnx xome liarin lexxonx abotit lite from the late or liix pet bird. ('laxxie pieee ol' Brittxh realixttt uliteh xho\\ ed that l.oaeh'x te|e\ ixion \yot'k eould tranxl'er to the big xereen. A \ery humane xenxe ot' hutnour leayenx a tale of xotne dexolation. (Irmrr'nm; (I'IUVL’UHL Kingdom of Heaven I IS) 000
tRidley Seott. l‘S/Spain/l'K. 2005i Orlando Bloom. \liehael Sheen. l.iam Neexon. Key in .\leKidd. liya (ireen. (iliaxxan .\laxxoud. l35min. Vixually lay ixh aetton xpeetaeular xet during the 13th eentury ('ruxadex in the llon l.and. 'l‘he aetion takex plaee in and around theein ol Jeruxalem. \\ here. ax the xtory openx in the year I 186. Kitig Baldwin and hix liuropean kniglitx ttiaintain an uneaxy truee \\ ith the neighbouring Arab army lead by the Saraeen general Saladin t.\laxxottdi. l’eaeelul eo e\ixtenee betyyeen (’hrixtianx and \ltixlnnx in the xo-ealled ‘Kingdom ol‘ lleay en'. hoyy e\ er. ixn't to the liking ot‘ the e\tremixt Knightx 'l‘emplar. \yhieh plot to begin a religioux \yar. lintertaining. il' unxurprixingly trite. take on the eruxadex l-t'ollt Seott, .Vr‘lr'i lr‘t/ I'r’lt'tlu‘.
‘35 Kings and Queen (Rois et Reine) t l5) 0... iArnand l)expleehin. l‘ranee. 2004i limmanuelle l)e\ox, .\lathieu Amalrie. (‘atherine l)eneu\ e. l53min. See reyieyy arid inter\ IL‘“, page 4‘). (i/meuu' l-i/m lilmilrt'. (i/mutm.’ film/mun: Iz'i/tIi/tiu‘e/I.
Lantana t ISI 0... «Ray l.a\\ renee.
.-\uxtralia/(iermany. 2003) Anthony’aglia.
(ieott'rey Rtixh. Barbara llerxhey. Illmin. 'l‘hix xmall emematie gem eyplorex the great themex ot' loy e and lonelinexx in a wry quret and eonxidered manner. l-‘our marriagex Ill total are brought into play. eaeli oI' them \yrought \yith gtiilt. pain and lonelinexx. Beeauxe the tilm openx \\llll a eloxe tip or a dead \yoman'x body eoneealed m a denxe thieket. \\ e knoyy that in the eottrxe ol the aetion. one ot the marriagex \\lll reaeh the ultimate end. l’art murder my xtery. part
pxyehologieal drama. part |o\ e xtory. [until/iii keepx you on your toex \yhile alxo making you think about the yyayx m \yhieh
\\ e deal tor rather don‘t) \\ ith emotional pain. (rt/mm‘t’llt/IUIJ. (i/(Ist'uu'.
Laura’s Star tl'i O. tl’iet l)e Ryeker/l‘hilo Rothkireh. (iermany/Bulgaria. 200-0 80min. Siekly xyy eel arntnation about a xeyen-yea-old girl \yho lindx a lueky xtar “hieh xhe muxt return to the xky belore it diex. ('(‘I I'fr/iIi/iiu‘eli. [film/Hugh.
The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse t tSi COO «Sit-ye Bendelaek. ['K. 2005i Reeee billeal'xltlllll. .\lark (iatixx. Ste\ e l’emlwrton. ‘llmm. rm their debut t'eature. the league hay e married endlexx alluxionx to horror Iilm \\ ith a plot ol‘ tnultiple realitiex. lt'x arnbitionx. leanly xeripted and e\pertly balanced betyy een three different \yorldx. l'nl‘ortunately. it'x iuxt not ax eonxixtently lunny ax the group'x bext “ork. (iv/rem] I'r'lt‘tlu’.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (15) O... t\\'ex Anderxon. IS. 2005! Bill Murray. Ameliea lluxton. ()n en \Vilxori. (‘ate Blanehett. l ltS’min. Anderxon'x I'ourth tilm ix part hiin xeax adyenture. part tilni induxtry xatire. part e\ixtential meditation on the meaning ot‘ relationxhipx. lt ix eonxixtently eleyer and hilarioux. xhit'ting trom the light-hearted to the xurreal. to xeenex oli real depth \\ tlll tlte kind ol eaxe
\\ e’\ e eome to e\peet t'rom the Juan direetor. Bill Murray headx an eeeentrte. otten brilliant eaxt. ax ageing oeeanographei and tilmmaker Stey e /.ixxou. No one likex hix tiltnx any more and hix lite ix t'alling apart around him. So he ralliex a ere“ around him that ineludex hix extranged \yit'e illuxtoni. a iottrnalixt tBlanehett I. and a man who may or may not be hix xon t\\'ilxont and takex one laxt tated rey enge e\pedition in xeareh tor the mythieal Jaguar Shark. (’(‘l lat/m/rm'uli. lit/iii/nu‘e/i.
Lilly’s Story 1 ISI tRo\ irox .\lanthoulix. (ll'L‘L‘L‘L /llungary/Slo\ enia/l‘ranee. 3002) ()ha l.a/aridou. Juliette Andrea. Yorf—‘o \1‘}a:_'ix. l30min. Baxed on real eyentx and eharaeterx.
l.1//\ '\ Stun loettxex on the Me of a (it'eek rexixtanee aetiy ixt during the era ot‘ the junta. lt'x narrated by a tilnnnaker tl’ut/ului \yho xeekx to eapture the opprexxiy e rule (it the (ireek goy ernment. and the depietion ol~ eyentx in the tilm'x pre produetion period eombinex the politieal “ith the highly perxonal. ax during hix rexeareb he embarkx upon an attair \\ ith a _|otii‘tialixt t.-\ndreai. l’art ol Green on Screen. I'it/IIt/mttu'. lat/iii/itu'e/i.
The Lost Boys l IS» .0. (Joel Sehumaeher. l'S. l‘ih’7) Jaxon l’atrtek. (‘orey llaim. Barnard llughex. 97min. Anaemie eomie horror ax a Santa .\loniea teen t'allx into bad eompany in the xhape ot' a mad. bad and dangeroux-to knou gang of \ampirex. ('onxtant MTV \ ixualx make thix an altogether t‘exixlible at‘l‘air. (i/rtwmi‘ I’ll/Ht III/It'tI/H'. (i/tlyg'mi.
The Mad Minutes l IS) .\Iario. South Korea. 300-4) 32min. Doeumenlary about the Vietnamexe ei\ ilianx \\lto \y ere abiixed by Korean xoldierx during the Vietnam War. l’art ol' Korean Film l-‘extiyal Tour 3005. I‘llmliouu'. I'Ii/iit/nu'e/i. Maria Full of Grace 1 l5) 0... .‘ylarxton. ('olunibia/l'S. 3004i ('atalino Sandino Moreno. Yenny l’aola Verga. 100mm. .\laria Alyare/ t.\lorenai ix a eoeky l"-year»old from a rural (‘olumbian baekyyater \yho \yrextlex \\ ith a predietable lite ol’ loyy \\ age laetory \york. tamin rexponxibilitiex and an underwhelming
boy I't'iend. \Vhen xhe ttL‘eldetllall} beeomex pregnant. xhe lallx in the eye xight ol' loeal Bogota biker boy Juan tlorol \yho lurex her into hix den \\ ith proitnxex ot’ high earningx and international tra\el. lmprexxiye l.oaehian drama trom tirxt timer .\larxton. (ii-minim: (i/uwim .‘ (tuner). lit/Hi/mreli.
Meet the Packers l IJAI 000 day Roaeh. [‘5. 3004) Ben Stiller. Robert De \iro. l)uxtm llol'l‘man. Barbra Streixand. Blythe Danner. 'leri l’olo. I l5min. Stiller t'ept'txex lttx role ax (iay lord lillk'kL'l‘. male nurxe in liver Illt' l’urt-nli 3. llllS time it'x he yyho ix taking hix tianeee l’am (Polo) and her
What is your favourite Scottish book of all time? In our guide, 100 Best Scottish Books of all Time, sponsored by Orange and in association with Scottish Book Trust, we’ve listed our top 100 books and now we want you to vote for yours.
it. torn
56 THE LIST (l 73 Jim 7001')
parentx tl)e .\'iro and Danneri. lor a lirxt Visit to hix oun parentx. xex therapixt mum Ro/ tStreixandI and liberal aetiyixt dad Bernie tlIot't‘manI. Naturally. embarraxxing eyents l‘olloyy. llilat'iouxly xeatologieal coined). if
you like that kind of thing. ()(lt’U/l.
Middle of the Moment ttbe) (Nicolas llumbert/Werner l’enzel. (ierman. 19%) 80min. 'l‘hix doeumentary eome einepoem l t'olloyxx the lite ot' the 'l'aureg nomadx in north At'riea. a eii‘eux eompany. the American philoxoplier and poet Robert Lax. Part of the ('ilaxgou Jail l‘lextiyal. ('(I-l. (iluwmi;
:1: Millions I 12A) 0000 tl)anny Boyle. l'K/l'S. 200-1) Alexander Nathan litel. Lewis ()y\ en .\Ie(iibbon. Jamex Nexbitt. l)ai.xy Donovan. 98min. Young brotherx Damien tliteli and Anthony tMeGibhont when the boyx tind a bag of pound notex btit they only hay e ten dayx to xpend it. Director Danny Sim/low (innr Boyle and writer Frank 24 Hour I’rn‘ty I’i'u/t/t' ('ottrell Boyee'x lirxt t‘oray into lamin entertainment ix an abxolute joy. (;(’Il(’l'(ll I'r’lr'uxr'.
A Moment to Remember (Nae meorisokui jiwoogae) t 13m (John H Lee. South Korea. 200-1) \‘l'oo-xung Jung. Ye- tin Son. Jong-liak Baek. Sun-jin Lee. l33min. Atter being dumped by her married boyt'riend. a xueeexxt’ul buxinexxyyoman falls tor a earpenter. They eventually marry and xhe beginx to regain her paxt happinexx. only to dixetn er that a dlxettxe ix gradually eraxing her memory. Part ol‘ Korean Film liextiy'al
Tour 3005. l'i/m/mme. lz'r/tltltttrgli.
Mondays in the Sun (Los Lunes Al Sol) I lit .00. tl-‘ernando l.eon l)e Aranda. Spain/ltaly/l-‘ranee. 2002) Jayier Bardem. l.uix 'l‘oxar. Joxe Angel ligido.
\iey e de Medina. linrique Villeri. l 13min. Superb Spanixh tilm about the liyex of a
group ot' unemployed (ialieian men. Bardem managex to generate awe and patliox in equal meaxurex ax hix eharaeter eontinuex Io
dixplay the pride ot‘ a lion in xpite of being
eaxt adrit’t \\ hen the doekx are eloxed and the men n ho worked there no longer .xerye a
Every person who votes will be entered into a prize draw and be eligible to win
. Orange Pay As You Go phones plus talk time
Be it
Over £400 worth of books from Waterstone's One of 100 Canongate Classic book sets
S A trip for two to Vancouver courtesy of Canadian Affair, the UK‘s leading tour
operator. The trip includes seven nights in the beautiful Rosedale on Robson | hotel. renowned for its comfort and location. as well as VIP passes to the l Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival. I
To enter, just text the word your favourite Scottish book of all time to
-' and the name of
All votes will be tallied up and we will be announcing the winning book at this year's Edinburgh lntemational Book Festival on 27 August. Make your vote count.
For more information go to:
.-.\. / \\\Il itxioxi x Watttns
TERMS 8- CONDITIONS: Texts are charged at your local network rate. There is no cash alternative. Winners of the first prize will require a valid passport and be available to depart on 17 October and return on 24 October 2005. Flights are from London Gatwrck. Winners must make their own way to departure airport. VIP passes tor Vancouver International Writers 8. Readers Festival are only valid on shows that are not sold out.
Usual List rules apply.