Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
Adam and Paul I lfii COO. .-\brahanixon. Ireland. 2004) Mark ()‘Ilalloraii. 'I'oin Mtirpliy. 80min. ‘I'\-.o haplexx Dublin heroin adtlictx i()'Ilal|aran and Murphy i begin another day in xearcli of a xtipply. Paul and Adam are loxt xoulx cut adrift from their own realitiex. one part Laurel and Hardy to two partx Iliutiiie tor (imlut. Nattiralixtic black comedy with a fatalixtic documentary leeI. (tit ' Kurt/tit SII‘t’t'l. (i/ttyumi. (i/tlyuuit .' ('(K' ( 'tttt'ttttty l'ft/I'Ii/im'e/t. lit/iii/iiu'g/i.
The Aimless Bullet (Obaltan) l l2.r\l illytin .Mok Yti. Sotitli Korea. I‘lotii Mti ryong ('hoi. Jiri Kyti Kim. Jeong xtik Moon. Ae-ja Seo. I 10min. An accountant xtrtigglex to xtipport Iiix xeriile mother. pregnant \y ife. unemployed brother. proxtittite xixter and two young children in thix liliii tlial depich the impact of Korea'x induxtrial dey elopment tipoii itx citi/eiix. Part of Korean l'lllti l'extiyal Tour 2005. l'l/ItI/IUHH’. lit/in/mrgli, Alien Adventure 30 it'i .000
(Ben Straxxeri. Japan. 2001 i Voice of John Bo} le. Botili l.annerx. Viiiin. An alien i'ace Iookiiig for a planet to colomxe tind Iiarth and unfortunately enter a theme park where they cauxe much aiiitixiiig mayhem. I.\/.l.\' Iii/It'll/H'. (i/tlyumi.
Are We There Yet? it’( ii .00
iBrian l.e\aiit. I‘S. 2005i lee (‘tibe. Nia I.orig. Aleixha Alleti. I’hilip Boldeii. ‘Hmiii. Iinioy ably xilly road trip comedy in which lCL‘ (.lll‘k‘ \lttt'x ttx ti llitttt \U tlt‘xttt‘t'alt‘ Iii imprexx liix new girlfriend iI.ongi that lie agreex to driy e her two children lroni \Vaxhington D(’ to New York on New Year’x l‘AC. (f/(I\I\’UH [ft/Ht Ili/H'll/l't'. (flilVJHll. Baadassss t l5i .O. I Mario \ati I’eeblex. l'S. 3003i Mario \an I’eeblex. .on Bryant. ‘I‘K (‘ai'teiz ’I'erry (‘rew x. l08min.See rey iew. page .1". ('(i( ‘ Rent/tn .S-fl't't'l. (f/(I\L'(lH_ (i/ttygriii.
Batman Begins l t_‘.-\i .000 i('hrixtophcr Nolan. l'S. 3005i ('hrixtian Bale. Michael ('ainc. I.iani Neexoii. Morgan l'l'L‘L‘lllitIl. (iary ()ldman. Katie IIoImex I,‘~‘)niiii. See rey iew. page I“. (it'llt'l'll/ I‘t'ft‘ttu'.
Belleville Rendez-Vous I 12A. 0... tSylyaiii ('Iioniet. I‘ranee. 2003i 80min. Dimmutiye. club footed Madame Sou/a preparex her orphaned grandxon (‘haiiipion to be a world beating cyclixt by perxonally xupery ixnig liix ardtiotix training regime. Btit during the iiiotiiitaiii xtagc ol the Tour de l‘i'ance. (’Iiaiiipion ix kidnapped by lilttL'I\\llllL‘tl men lrom the I'reiich Malia and \yliixked acroxx the Atlantic to the city of Belle\ ille. It'x tip to granny and ('Iiarnpion'x beloy ed dog Bruno to perform
a daring rcxctie. althouin they can rely on axxixtance from the elderly Belley ille Sixtet'x. a xong-antl-dance [Ho “ho once performed w ith l’red Axtaire. Rather xpecial kooky cartoon from I’rancc. that xhoyyx Dixney the door to real iiixpiration. (ii/Iiimt'lii/IU/Z. (i/tixgtm.
Berlin is in Germany I lSi tllatitiex Stohr. (ieriiiany. 200I i Iidita Maloy cic. ‘I'om .Iahii. Valentin l’latareanu. 03min. A man ix releaxed from prixon alter xery ing an I I year xentence. btit liiidx the former (iI)R greatly changed. Part of the (iernian l'llltl l'extiyal. A Zeitgeixt prexentation. l‘l/IH/IUHH’. lit/iiiliui‘g/i.
Bhaji on the Beach ( IZi O. i(itirinder ('Iiadha. l'K. 1093) Kim \'ithana. Jimmi llarkixhin. Sarita Khajuria. l00niin. A group of Axian women front Birmingham Ieayc their day today carex behind them and head for Blackpool in a \an. Bill the probleiiix of culture claxhex. a patriarchal community. doiiiextic \iolerice and generation gapx follow them onto the xaiid. lipliftiiig \ieyy of life in Britain through Axian eyex. (ii/nmre/ri/lti/J. (i/uyenii.
Bigger Than Life I t.\’i O... iNicIiolax Ray. I'S. IUSOI Jamex Maxori. Barbara Rtixli. \Valter Matthati. 95min. .‘yliId-nianneretl xchoolteacher Maxoii'x perxonality ix tranxlorined when the drug he ix routiner prexcribed turnx him into an addicted niegalomaniac. Director Ray coiicentratex on the trappingx of xubtirbia that xtaiid around liix central character and alxo contribute to the breakdown. A claxxic melodrama w ith a xharp xocial eye and great lilnimaking xkill. much dexerying of contemporary reaxxexxment. See caption. (i/tiyeim l-i/ni lillftlfl't'. (i/tiyumi‘.
Blind Spot - Hitler’s Secretary iI’( il l.'\lltlI'L‘ Heller and ()thmar Schmiderer. Arixtria. 2002i 90min. Documentary feature baxed on an e\cluxi\ e intery ieyy w ith 'li'atidl .Itnige. Atlolt Ilitler'x priyate xecretary from autumn 1042 until the collapxe of the Na/i regime. She worked for Iiiiii at the \Volfxxchan/e in ()berxal/berg. on liix priyate train and. finally. in liix bunker otitxide Berlin. It wax .Itnige to whom Ilitler dictated Iiix final textaiiiciit. In her lirxt eyer on-caniera
inter\ ieyy. SI year old Jtiiige talkx about her
unique life. Now a t'tiriotix opponent of National Socialixni. xhe ix faxcinating. guilt ridden company throughout thix thought proyoking documentary. l'i/IH/IUHH'. [Jilin/Hugh.
Bonbon El Perro i iii .00 i(’arto.x Sorin. Argentina. 2004i Juan Villegax. \Valter Doiiado t)S'min. See rey ieyy. page ‘1‘). (ii/nu). l-[t/IIi/iurg/i.
The Bridesmaid l tSi .00 it‘lautte (‘habrol. Iiraiicc. 200-1) Benoit Maginiel. I.atn'a Siiiet. Aurore (‘leinent I I0min. Iiilinmaker (‘Iiabrol takex on a Ruth Rendell adaptation for a xecond time to winning el'tccl. w ith thix tale of \y eird family niacliiriatioiix in rural I"rance. (i/mgmi l‘I/III I'lu'titi't'. (i/tiyemi;
Brief Encounters: Tall Orders l lSi (Variotix. 2005i S0iiiin. 'I'lie lirxt of three pi'ograrnniex of international pri/e \y innerx and audience fayouritex from the l‘K'x leading xhoit liliii textual. l-i/m/iouu'. Iz'tli'Ii/iurg/i.
Brothers l ISI 0.. tSuxanne Bier. Denmark. 2001) ('onnie Nielxen. l'lricli 'I‘homxeti. Nikolai lie Kaax. Bent Mejding. l 10min. See rey ieyy and prolile. page 50. film/mun: I'ft/iIi/mrq/i.
.. . Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1.
Any film. any time. every Wednesday at cinemas nationwide.
Conditions; apply
Showing as part of Channel 4’s Ideas Factory’s Future Shorts
season, this surreal ten-minute film directed by Daniel Askil evokes a ritualistic world where characters appear to float free in space and time. I Left Bank. Edinburgh (Wed 75 June (5.30pm only)
Bunty (Aur Babli) ll’(ii tShaad Ali. liidia. 2005i Amitabh Bachchan. Abhixhek Bachchan. Rani Mukherjee. l7lniin. (’harining road "10le adventure about two xiiiall town dreanierx Btinty and Babi w ho hit the road and meet many interexting people. ()t/('(Hl ut Illt’ Quay. Glasgow. Glasgow. Carla’s Song t l5) 0.. (Ken I.oach. I‘K. I000) Robert ('arlyle. ()yanka ('abe/ax. Scott (ilenn. I27niin. A more commercially \iable outing for I.oach. without a onx of political commitment. (’arlyle playx
(ilaxw egian btix driy er (ieorge. who giy'ex tip ey erything to help refugee (‘arla return to Nicaragua and liiid her boyfriend. The loy e .xtory axpect of the lirxt tSeottiini half of the film ix itx xtrongext point; the rey'elatioiix in central America don't hold .xtirprixex nor doex the director .xeem totally at home with the ‘aeiioii' eleinentx. ('arlyle. however. ix e\eellent mildly tough and totally charming. (iluyemr I-‘ilm ’I'lit'utre. (Hint-on; The Cat Returns tt'i COO
llliroyuki Morita. Japan. 3003) Voicex of Anne Hathaway. ’l'im (‘urryz 75min. Morila'x enchanting animation front Sttidio (ihibli treleaxed in both xtibtitled and dtibbed yerxionxi. It Iackx the epic quality of Spirited Away or l’I'i/it‘t'yy .llonunukt'. btit ix worth cherixhing for it.x energy. imagination and good humour. ('(i(' Run/few Street. (iluyguii; (i/trygmr; ('tmu’n. Iz'tliIi/m/"e/i. Clifford’s Really Big Movie it)
0. (Robert (' Ramirez. l'S. 2004i Voicex of John Ritter. Wayne Brady. (irey' Del.ix|e. Jenna lilfman. 74min. ('Iifford ix aii enoriiiotix big red dog; who'x well known to lllltlL‘t'-li\'L‘\ everywhere through the teleyixion xhowx. Here he enibarkx on an adyenttire that ey en the .xmallext child w ill
Orange customers text
lind blunt and oby iotix. low grade kiddie cartoon big xcreeii adaptation. featuring xecond-rate \oice artixtx. ('(i(’ l’tii'L/it'titl. (i/ttygtm. (f/(HL'UH'.
The Coachman (Mabu) t 13m (Due-ill] Kang. South Korea. I‘ltyl i Seorig-lio Kini. Yeong-gytin Shin. Jeoiig—xuii Ilyyaiig. 05min, A xingle father of four eariix Iiix Iiy ing by driy ing a Iiorxe-drayyn cart. Btit he xtrtigglex to xtiry'iy e ax poxt-yyar Korea modernixex.
giy irig way to the automobile. l‘lit' ('otit‘lmitiii \y ax the lirxt Korean tiliii to w in a major oy erxeax ayyard. xcooping the Sily er Bear from the WM Berlin International I-‘ilni liextiyal. Part of Korean Film l‘extiyal Tour 3005. I‘i/ni/iouyt'. Iz'tliii/iiu'e/i. Consequences of Love I ISi 0.00 tl’aolo Sorrentino. ltaly. 300-1i'l'ony Sery illo. ()Iiy‘ia Magnani. Adriano (iiannini. I00niin. l'ltra \L‘lf-L‘Uttxcttitlxly directed. looxcl) exixtential thriller from Italian tiliiimaker Sorrentino. ‘I‘itta tSery illoi. ll\ ex anonymouny in a Iiotel. play ing cardx. \yatching otlierx and taking deliyery of xuitcaxex containing niillioiix of dollarx. Slowly. the niyxtery begiiix to tnirayel.
t'L‘\ L‘alitig ltix ixtilttlt‘tl C\I\IL‘tiL‘t‘. (‘Ieyeiz funny niyxtery drama. (i/tiyeou l-i/m 'I'lit'titrt'. (i/tiyeoii'; l‘i/ni/inuu'. litflII/Ull'g’ll. Control Room 1 ISA) 0000 th-hane Noujaim. IS. 2004) 87min. Iiilnied during the laxt Iraq war. thix documentary followx Al Ja/eera‘x IIL‘\\\ coy erage. largely foctixiiig on itx difficult relationxliip \y ith the IS
army 'x media centre in Qatar. Ix it a propogaiida channel or a \oice of truth‘.’ Notijaim'x liliii errx towardx the latter [iL‘rspL‘L‘Ihu l’tlt'l til IltL‘ l’t‘ue‘t‘ SL‘RISUII. (iliiyeuw l-i/m ‘I'lit'titrt'. Glittering Ii/ni/ioim'. lit/iiiliiti‘e/i.
0 Bil Jun 7005) THE LIST 53