Re: Rock and Rage (522)
I wholeheartedly agree With Mike Sutcliffe when he complains about the shortcomings of the Glasgow Carling Academy as a concert venue. Last night I had the dubious pleasure of attending a concert there for the first time. I was on the balcony and it was the worst concert I have ever been to. Regardless of how good the show was (and the music was actually good). the context of being confined to the main balcony — your seating ticket not even allowing you access to the non-seated pans of the balcony along the side. together wrth not being allowed to stand for any longer than a second (not even beside the door away from anybody's view). a constant flow of people walking past you. obstructing your view and not allowing you to get comfy in your chair — made it hard to actually be entertained. Notwithstanding. the balcony tickets cost the same as normal tickets.
All this leads me to believe that the proprietors of the Carling Academy don‘t actually care whether concert goers enjoy themselves at gigs or not. A money-making scam. that's what this is. No more. no less. The sooner bands are playing the Barrowland again, the better.
Carsten Mandt Glasgow
Re: DJ Dispatch (522) What's the pOint of giving a column to someone to use solely for plugging? DJ Dispatch by Mash gives us the lowdown on nothing but his own activities. Last issue was
The List,
all ‘me me me' and this iSSLie it's the same.
“This is how I got my name. this is where I‘m DJing next. this is when my radio show is on, this is some info on my record label . . . ' Fair enough for his first column. perks of the new job and all that. but is it gonna be the same every iSSue?
Hiroshi Fujiwara By email
QUIZ AND MAKE UP Re: The Green Party (522)
I enjoyed yOur recycling quiz last issue (not that I scored too highly in it. mind you) but I've got to say I was a bit confused by the ‘How many items are there in your bathroom cabinet?‘ question. According to yOur answers. the wasteful brigade have enough to fill a branch of Boots while the average person has ‘enough to keep Christina Aguilera looking presentable. Have yOu seen her recently? If yOu really sguint yOu can see the skin behind the slap. the hair behind the spray and things that look like eyelids but could be bits broken off a blackboard. If l had that many beauty products I think my floor would cave in. Trying to be eco—friendly is confusmg enough Without adding mad pop stars into the mix!
Lucy Jones
By email
Re: Make Povery History I hope the protests in Edinburgh are peaceful and get politicians' attention. But particularly considering that one of the aims of the C8 summit is to look at ways of tackling global warming. Bob Celdof's suggestion that a million people come to Edinburgh does seem
14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE
or The List at the CCA
350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD or email
spectacularly stupid. ll;;pcfii'ly a lot of them WIII take the train, but how many cars and coaches are going to be sat on the motorway on I- riday night and Saturday iiior'ning. filling the air with petrol fumes? If everyone foungl a local place to protest we might get an even bigger impact the whole of the l ll< showing their support for the campaign right across the country but we wouldn't get the envrronmental damage tI iit this sort of mass movement
\NIII inevitably cause.
Jim Macklin
Yes. global burning is one of the biggest issues facing us today, and ies, sometimes Ge/dof see/ifs capable of talking enough hot air to cause his own case of gli ibji’ manning. But serious/i; isn't a one Off bout of iii/Held use an
acceptabli‘) price to pm. for calling the (38 leaders to account for the 550.000 people who die every day as a result ofpoi‘ertv in Africa?
Re: How Green Are You? (522)
I'm suie {you‘re ha'l hundred;
of letters abi i it yoi ii' eco l‘;‘-,tl(:.
so {,ou can just add this one to the pile. Great idea in theory, but in practice? A shiny covered. full colour ero 'ssue printed on non recycled paper? Oh dear, The 1 /3l isn't quite practicing what it pieaches. is it? Not that I don't think yeti made a ‘.'EiIIZilII effort to bring people's attention to the pitiful state
of our planet. but a little consistency ‘.‘J()lII;I not
go amiss.
L Carr
Re: Cover (522)
included amongst them. Ian Mitchell Edinburgh
world is under thieat from aim: iiaiis. most of ‘.‘.’IIICII are inert. There may be litany tlzings your readers could (Lt;llI(;lllj;LtI(} saying the planet from, but I cannot see that their Zi'lili‘IHllS .‘EIIOIIItI sciioiittl, be
Yetir last edition had a headline on the front cover announcing: 'Ii-‘i ‘.'.'ays to save the pliiiet from your armchair". However laudable it is to be (i()ll( ei‘ned about the future of our planet, I think it is important to be clear about the reality of the threits facing II, many of whit Ii are exaggerated. To my knowledge. no serious Ihrcat to the ETlll‘.’l‘.'(iI of planet earth has ever boon posed by an aiiiiiliaii. My own armchair in particular. as probany most of those owned by your readers, is an almost completely harmless piece of furniture. Speaking more generally. in years of planetary threat monitoring I have never come across anyone warho has E§(:l'!f)tISBI\/ maintained that the
What did YOU think? Guts is a chapter from Chuck Palahniuk‘s new novel. Haunted
2 THE LIST ’: 215 \l i" 7.25;
Monkeyboy DJ
Pretty hideous cautionary tale for teenage boys. othervvise just a bit juvenile. Personally, I've always been very iizindful of the conseguences of my actions.
Currant/on managm Unfortunately, I think I've been desensitised by the modern age and whiie 'Guts' is undoubtedly disgust-'ig I actually found it quite an amusing short story.
i‘vlei’fia pl. 1! i' )r’ 2: Teenage angst. ironic an:l extreme iiiasttiiliation techniques Lupe-"t.
I love <III‘,'H‘.EII.J thit is g‘jiiaranteetl to offend annoying hippies
CONTRIBUTORS Publisher & General Editor Robin Hodge
Editor Nirli Barley
Deputy Editor
Brian Donaldson
Assistant Editors
Mark Robertson Paiil Dale.
Rilih Hedges
Subeditor Ashley Davies Research
Henry Horthmore (film, RockSi Jazz) Ruth Hedges lArt) Rachael Street (Theatre. Dance. Comedy 8 Sport), Morag Bruce lCity life. Classrcal Folk & Kids)
SALES & MARKETING Advertising Sales Manager Rachel Shields
Senior Media Sales Executives
Carol Ferguson
Brigid Kennedy
Media Sales Support Sharon Stephen Promotions Manager Sheri F riers Promotions Assistant Gemma Beard Circulation Manager Neil Farnshaw Circulation Executive KE‘IITI Benzie
Special Projects Amanda Mungall
KTISId Kequ Dixon Production Manager Simon Armin Designer Ille Reeves Production Assistant Russell Steedman
ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Renmrk Accounts Assistant Manager Donna Taylor
.lulie Graham
Edinburgh Office
Katie> Scott
Glasgow Office
Katharine Haslett
SECTION EDITORS Around Town Morag Bruce Books Brian Donaldson Clubs Henry Northmore (i-iith Sandra Marion) Comedy Brian Donaldson Comics Paul Dale
Dance Kelly Aoter
Eat 8 Drink Barry Shelby Film Paul Dale
Gay Nick Barley
Kids Ruth Hedges
Music Mark Robertson (iiith Norman (halmers taro! Main Kenny Mathieson Fiona Shepherd)
News Allan Radcliffe
Play Henri; Northmore faith Iain Dri‘.’l’JSOnl
Shop Kat: MrAuIay Television Brian Dcnaldson Theatre Stcie Cramer Travel Anna Millar
Visual Art Ruth Hedge-s