

I ;L.. Li . -.-. . ..'..‘.Z.{._;;-.'u £31. r. in. Lee-24-x. ;


hi V I Saw You l/o/05 V I Saw You lluman ll _ l'diuhur'gh llousing llenelit \'ihrator. I told yott you'd he fun r ' office. You: ray en haired sexy to play yyitlt and I was right. My l3 " - /__ J rock chick in the yyorld’s little (ireck Adonis I wanna v —— —— hit—‘f-‘Cst hoots. "(irony 337’ .\le: Play some more. [7523/59 v r' / ’7' - _' ray en hald hloke yy ith heard V I Saw You y sexy llarcey , C yylto yyaycd hy c. Rock my Nicks chick. drinkittg in the ( v-‘r— —- ~—’ —- ——’- —— 9/ \sru‘lyl pleee/ 3!? [7523/46 Street. You're ‘yy‘ay’ mtrch hetter ' UK's Busiest Gay Service! V I Saw You so this is “In” tltart that! [7523/60 . y . . . lttll‘c'l} \‘\\‘lllll:_'\ lll IllC SII'L‘CI [ll't' . I Saw You ll] (ICIlIl'ZIl QUICK Ddte‘8t ca‘egorles tor. lleautiful ('atli/io creature. on liriday. You were wearing a y , WARNINGH 00‘s guys on line! I'm alyyay s going to loy e you x. cricket jumper. You really i [752 3’47 knocked me oy'et‘ for six ll I '=":?":-. 2 , V I Saw You the yyee lass yyould low to meet ya. [7523/6] ‘E‘l a from l’ort \Villiam. think yotr V I Saw You otrtside Snatch 1‘ _ I] \yot'k in the Street. You're cltrh. a 'l'hur'sday. l recognised .rdor‘ahle and your hair is red you from Bruntslield J not orange. You‘ye got the l’eckhams. We had a wee chat cutest forehead. You're just so and I liked your monkey cute, \. [752 M18 j‘L-altlms. da/Jling smile. messy I 6 V I Saw You .lott. .\lartin ck hair and green eyes. Meet me ll illi.‘ ' l’aul lookirtg l'shertastic. ('ome outside Kilontpeliers Bruntslield, '*"'----~"“-‘—‘ ~ l HOT& HORNY ("RI—s 0" “NE "ow! dance yy ilh us sltttlsll 1 me tltc Sunday 8pm. [7523/62 YOUNG ’emale’ 21 with

I‘IILIIK\, S.” III (k IL l ( SIILLI “"11: & c-VCS‘

[7523 ’-l9 l‘unky modern red tipped hair

. . . . 5'7". likes cluhhing. cinema & V I Saw You my layourrte yyartress yy rth the huttermeltrng . . .. I ~ ~ . . wad . - . . . -3, ~ ruore. \\ HM young. ltrn utry httle yy ho \yotttltt t let me smile. [ /5_.~/63 [Or we.” mm; (2”? "16086906 share your red scarf on a rairty V I Saw You heatrtiftrl hoys "

756 3557 and enter 3339l-l2

uiglu. I'd let you share mine l’aul. Ba/ and Murdoc in the 4;; ATTRAcflVE petite 1a arty night angel pie x x x Basement doing your tltirtg. fema'e H Mde hm. & P [752 3/50 the rmrsic moye onyyards and hrmm w"; [now my; duh "m" VI Saw You hcautiful hoy upyyards. l.ol A xx [7523/64 ‘- L‘ L l v‘ l "

Cincnyu‘ Galina “l” relaxing in PO Box 1896 WC‘IN 3XX. Calls cost 10p per min

; t! 'u' u"( . i ,,. . .. . “1“ r‘l'?‘ “"25”! a ,Hl‘ llhm” I, 5,3“, Ivéu‘ (ll-dam“ 2“ home. \\ L] \l male lor lrrendslup shoot in the Street |-/5/05. rue. \ou yyere spotlttlL’ a cape. l , , , e ( “.h ) w [I l I W m. ' \ n n h‘ 8‘; “m (m ck mayhe ruore. ( all rue on ())()6

yhrriovrilr‘ylrlir” [x752 U5l to‘t‘ri' [all Jr ‘i‘li'rl y'Lotirs “if [:73 756 3557 and cm” [8632425 l - ‘l 5“ . .-; ‘. « '“ ' ' BORED Glasgow lass, V I Saw You In the Street on t 0-3/65 ~ -- .. . - - .

. 3 . . .y I 33. \\1.l.\l local male to ltlICU l'llyl.t\ _0tlr \ou prnk hart at VI Saw You Randy Andy , - . ~ , .. - . thv' f‘lr rt \l- r'” l" n ‘\ ii 'kin it u i on R is Str' 't yy‘ith ‘1 h” 0‘ hm h‘uk mm hm mc'

'l '1 "“l‘ " ‘- l.“ .l . ( l ,u. (‘all me on 0906 756 3557 and try mg _ \y rap your arms around l-rench slrtlterrng style. lt s cool . 3 ni~ f no then fuly llt y'll lit) hc yyc rrs hink' [7523/66 cum 330014”

. - ~: _ - - .‘ . 36"? old female yy'tth t lab/53 VI Saw You K( play-mg . , . , .

_ _ . _ - . ~ good personality. 36. loyes

VI Saw You I on m the rughy. running hard. playing , , 1 ,- , , Str “I try in" t r u ‘t 'yy 'ry yy rth dri'tors ' n l nitr‘s ‘s on th" I pum‘ Hum k h‘mng ‘1 Idllgh' H _- . ~‘ 5‘ " ‘- L ‘I ( . .k' L (‘all me on 0906 756 3557 artd murder. .\o chance you mcadoyy's. I fell ttt loy'e. _ 3 chancing fool. llappy hirtltday [7523/67 cm“ 333' H" S‘yycclltcat'l. Xx r/szrm wt Saw You Mhairi. writing » ~- - -— r - SW'TCHBOARD . . i u x; .3; . x“ -\| I I'7't‘llIIZ '.m_"\l\l ’3 ' r\ 's r \ ~ .- r

I I Saw You cuttrrrgh m m 1 me ml Sryy You tll the Sttccl‘. V trade Jr, ,. ,. .5, l (1“...8... Us“. a 1 Gym” \ \'.",n(:,.:)0a.(: salon oll llroughton Street. trying to com rnce me It yyasnt . .r. I God". You driye tne cr'a/y. you for rne htrt I know it “as?! l [t ll ly 1"? sex goddess. that asset of yours. Youre harry mate xxx [7523/68 L*-~~--~M~--' ----”“---"-~'w” Advice on Sexual Health & phyyoar l l 3 [7523/54 V I Saw You l‘ee. happy as V I Saw You tall dark [K cottld he. sitting next to me. “U ANDY 40, 6', with short and matters handsome lr'ish stallion. across gorgeous as thee! l.o\e you brown hair. ls kind and a croyrd tilled square on the alyyay s. l.l{ xxx [7523/69 generous. Works as a chef and the Gay and Lesbian Community Royal Mile. We smiled at each V I Saw You harry pal. enjoys puhs. cluhs. liy'e rttusic other (k you liltcd your cap at eating nachos laughing about 8; walks along the heach. rrre [752 3’55 ey'ery‘thing. and no. I don't like \N'lfl'fyl affectionate. caring. C D V I Saw You (ier'ald. stall rose. liareyy ell crazy piggy hack kind and gentle woman who from the Street. at a 2 l st in mart. (iood riddancel You're likes cttddles. ('all rue on 0906 llr'uutstield. l’aris Hope you gorgeous. x Barry the Bird x. 756 3557 and enter l051520 SWITCHBOARD LESBIAN LINE t'ltjtt} L'tl yttlll' days (llli. \Vc' [7523/70 235' 5'8 hlack missed ya! [7523/56 V I Saw You looking some- hair & hroyy‘n eyes. reasonahly V I Saw You ('hicken ls'iey. yy hat similar to a heauty. ‘Mon good looking & slim. likes 7 30pm_10pm 7 30pm-10pm .‘ylarriage yy ill only make us the (iunn' empire! [7523/71 going to the gym. Wlfl'M Eve Ni ht Monda & Thursda happily diyorccd. \cs yy e yy ill V I Saw You on l‘ri 20th female for fun. friendship & W 9 y y hay e a farm. l2 children and a .\lay. sitting sipping yy‘ine Al who knows. (‘all rue on 0906 Cal/S may be monitored goat called (he. in it’s destiny? l‘resco at the Street. You red 'l'— 756 3557 and ertter l506043l for training purposes. layen if you'ye got a small shirt & jearts. I sat opposite W FRIENDLY guy, 59, A Scomsh Charity No SCO 03403 yyanger. [7523/57 yotr. See you soon x [7523/72 5'10". grey hair. smoker. likes Registered as a Company Limited'by Guarantee No. 15449 V I Saw You Derek. my cute V I Saw You the dreaded ptths. karaoke. shops & ..- : . - ass httle dude in the street. Street chick. Lunch was great. museums. Seeks female to lea‘. rrrg rue yyith my orange nice to catch up. it‘s heen a enjoy life with. ('all lite on juice to go to l)isko llloodhath. yy'hile. Ney‘er change. you're 0906 756 3557 and enter

lsrill loyeyoutlto. xx r/szr/sx cool. x rt/szam 2657l56 Information ' Education ' Support

_ V. ‘I 4‘. r_ L ~r"r..,‘,v A; _- . I' ,_ .1 ,j . . 3 l‘ it‘d" vii-37‘: “:"Eb-"i‘lii'dta'[633554335137 fifi‘llfiir-“3‘W15-t i 3 I. \‘I_ 3?, ,l «mu-- -\ »:~ ~_--;.l,..-i~‘\‘2.\;.;1_-‘.--___ 349-..... .._ .-> I]. --A ' .l I ‘2 I, -. i‘. I] '.~ ' vl 1. 1‘)» t '- r -‘ r" ‘l g, '. Lg. - t , .,5 y a", -‘ l l l j ,4. I y l'l L~-‘ / j l l I ll l‘ l l U. I '. " ,, . v l ., _ if {I _.t J (at , 3- j_ ., r ., . .. V! l. . _, . l r .‘ ., .‘or trams " 9-12.531. . gay-s; l . . =:x-..t . at , t c : t . r. l .. .. . l1 _ . r . 1; : ' '-t'-V« -'*"- '9 ("3' fl?” "19:71.. ‘Waffle/2+.vJ~'x.“'§t’lflsl$'?1. 5'1: 33${1%#”"7W" ‘9' -" a v .: ‘Js' .v y ' " T- -‘f 5" '."‘3“l'§7~s3+.".t'flf‘:b§ '1, a 1 .." l ., " ' "‘ “W” ' ‘M-e ~<-‘°-*'4--C~~~~—i--~~-~- Mala “re m Guru"; *-‘. ___,,...Z.._ ,. ,..;_ _. .. . -. .._-...... -“i 1‘“, ,2 ,- ;;-;. “a;.;L21’;;;L;11.1,ta;;gggg;_;+-g;-2- _2_ “2-.--.- --___...-..--._. .-__-.'.-._4r. , 't I (‘ ..‘( l , '3'"! j ,- x s, ,L.‘ " tr; \“ \" lfjflxi y’ r i r Ll ._v I ‘V y [.1 rt...rj,)l)ll(. [(3 cm] (NHL \y/(jljf HM 51")()t_§\ 3. l 'jrrlllu ll[ltr t R l ] llt'll.l it t l‘g‘l 'r .. [l ..l‘. -..‘.‘.'." o". [All ulKl il:\c‘.‘i\l (UH {l l ‘t'2.‘/jh/‘.Ir‘. \Ilny (,lL'r‘rr‘ .157 (1?); -l7. ... l'i‘J‘ Li’l". 'l'l'r ll‘ "1 .‘l .3; i‘. .'.l} {Whi- t’ 13 r' ‘- H l l itt . .t. . .t , .I I~~ I‘M .’ A” not‘,’ J"- tl-‘I t'tl‘v “I t .1} Elvil‘rl ('t)lllllllllrliitltl ’)l at.) .a.r~~:;r.:rv Tr,‘ '-,t at . 't .e; I .kl. thew): 'rrt . .t f' t; I. t" v' ' .: 2‘ r r l 'v vvt .' -, 4". r.. C " ,‘-,r tr " " .t‘l tr" I” ‘3 Hi" l‘lj'i’tlv-H/ -:r"” " lr\~"' “1“ 'r arr'rrw 7 w 7 "' l i l 3 ~ —'. " “‘ ' 1”“ 'l - Vina ire/avatar. lintrm w [cl l’I"'.rU;t'.~‘ 7. (a: Pl”?! 7 " 1“ a r l “I " ’W/l'l'v until-[wardrer"rrrlt/rpzn-r "'t. l r ' ‘6 ,f' if". I r _‘ H 7. '__V ‘W__ V __v _' ,m‘ 7 .__y l, - v W - l .1: ... .‘ ’r-’ 32 s ’15 ~_ ""’ ‘w _ _ - ; 2- ’~;;£‘m.f‘1’zxi-_r§‘z' -' ' '- -

'l "'1 lrjrt fl’ltl‘s