84 THE LIST '1)

/ / 1.

I The Martha Dumptruck Massacre, without Malice and Carpe Diem ('alcdonian Backpackers. 3 Queenslcrry Street. 476 7224. S.30pm. £4. I)e\i|ish roots rock l'rom the 1S act. with lidinburgh pop punk as support.

I Toro, Miyagi and Vantage Point Banncrman‘s. \iddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. High energy dance soul types .\1iyagi.

I Accelerators Noble‘s Bar. 44a (‘onstittttion Street. l.cith. 554 2024. ‘lptn. l5rec. ('ountry meets roots \ ia rockabilly and rock ‘n‘ roll.

I Barry Vista Social Club The ’I‘ass. High Street. 556 633S. 9pm. l‘rec. Sec Sat 14.

I Beat Poets 'l‘hc lion. 1) Hunter Square. High Street. 226 0931. 11pm. £4. (ilasgow ‘s surlin’ sa\ instrumentalists the Beat l’octs play Beatsy illc.

I The Stage lglu. 2b Jamaica Street. 476 55.5.5. lol‘lll. l'il‘CC. SL‘C Sttl l4.

Glasgow I The Blackheads Rent'rcw l-‘erry. .'\lltlL‘l'slttll Quay. 01608 265 51 I. 7pm. £12.50. Ian Dury 's rcdoubtablc hand return to pay tribute to their late. great t'rontman. \Vttlt ()ptiltto Ills. I’ul'l of It} [hm in .l/ut‘. I Carbon Silicon Badly. 260 (‘lyde Sum-L 0870 11070001). "pm. £l I. New \cnturc tron] old punk ntuclsers Nick Jones ol' the (’lash and Tony James M (iencration .\. I Eels ('arling .r\cadcmy (ilasgow. I21 liglinton Street. 0S70 771 2000. 7pm. £15. (her 14s show. licls‘ 1'rontinan 1‘. could giy c .r\rah Strap a run tor their money in the v. 01111 miscrabilist stakes. cycn though this show comes with ioylul string accompanitncnt. I Plain Loco (irand ()lc ()pry. Paisley Road To“. 421) 5396. '30pm. £4 I£3 members). (‘ountry I The Chiles and Placer Stereo. 14 Kclyinhaugh Street. 576 501S. Spin. £4. illtllt‘ luck. I Cold Night Song The (ioat. 123" Argyle Sll‘t‘t‘l. 5.55‘ 5.57.5. Split. I'il'L'C. SL‘L‘ Sun 15. I Dennis Driscoll ‘l‘ehai ()\ na. 16‘) Deanston l)ri\e. 0141 64‘) 725S. Spin. £2. 1S singer/songwritcr on tour. I Art Brut, Vincent Vincent 8. the Villains and Keith King 'l‘ut's \\'ah \\'ah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5271). S30pm. £7. .r\rt Brut equals art rock trom New (toss. London. tronch by the c\tra\agantly cychrowcd liddie Argos. Support trom the rockalullytastic Vincent Vincent. so good they named him twice. in! o/ /U/)rl\’_\r/I.\/t1\. I Acoustic Open Mic Bar Bloc. I 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 0pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sttn 15. I Electric Eel Shock Nice ‘n‘ Slca/y. 421 Sauchichall Street. 333 0000. 0pm. £6. SL‘C \ltttt Hi. I Live Music .\lacSot'lcy is. 42 Jamaica Slt‘t‘t‘l. 24S 3.531.0plll. I'hl'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ 'lilttl 1.2. I The Martha Dumptruck Massacre and Monktus I301 \olc (‘at‘c. 50 60 King Street. 553 1633. ‘lptn. £3. Scc Sat 21 lot‘ ole Martha Dumplruck. I Richmond Fontaine and Endrick Brothers ()ran .\lor. 731 "35 (ircat Western Road. 357 6200. £10. Bittersweet Americana 1rom thcsc .llu/o layouritcs. I’ul'l 41/ Ill /)u\ y in Um. I The Caesars (ilasgoyy School of .v\rl. l6" chltcw Street. 353-1531. £S.50. Keyboard dri\ en 60s intlucnccd garagc pop lrom Swedens ('acsars. currently cnioying chart success with lnspiral (lit'pcts-sttundalikc hit filerk It (hit as heard 00 lilttst‘ pesky li’ttd il\i\.


I Corpus 2005 Subway (‘owgate (i1) (‘owgatta 225 6766. noon. £4. .'\11 day cycnt o1 unsigned metal. punk and ska. I Charles Wood and Oatbeanie \Vhistlcbinkics. 4 6 South Bridge. 55”? 511-1. 6pm. l’rcc. ('lassic and contemporary coycrs.

I Alan Emslie and John Irvine 'l'hc Hotigo ('ltlh. Moray llotlsc. 37 Holyt‘ood

Road. 558 7604. 7.30pm. £8. Dark matter proggish rock and chilled out soundscapes from this dynamic. drum driyen duo.

I Mark Knopfler Playhouse. 18 22 (ircensidc Place. 0870 6063424. 7.30pm. The. Solo show from the guitarist 61' l)ire Straights.

I Die So Fluid, Maya 29 and Four Word Theory Bannerman’s. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Rock line- up. including 1)ie So liluid. a trio fronted by the statuesque (irog.

I The Listening Room: Plugged on Roxy Art House. 2 Roxburgh Place. 0871 750 0077. 1) llpm. £3. An cyening ot‘ja/l. and folk music to celebrate Edinburgh Rush.

I Hobo The Bongo (‘lub. Moray House. 37 Holyt'ood Road. 558 7604. l0pnt 3am. l‘ree bet'ore £1 1pm; 3 alter. See Sttn 15.

I David Allison The Left Bank. 37 (iuthrie Street. 225 9744. £4 (£3). See Sun 15.


I Jandek, Keiji Haino, Taurpis Tula and My Cat Is An Alien (‘(‘:\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. £7. 7pm. Mtisic l.o\'crs' Field ('ompanion and Volcanic 'l‘onguc present the enigmatic American folk performer Jandek with a hill of suitably lcl'tlicld accomplices. Please note Jandek on stage 7:30pm sharp. See w w w.cca-glasgow.cotn for more.

I The Magic Band and Aberfeldy The Arches. 5i) \Iltiltttttl SII'CL‘I. .505 1023. 7.30pm. £17. A real sonic treat. (‘aptain Beelhcart's handmates hayc reformed without the good old ('aptain.

who just wants to be left alone to paint in the desert. and their recreation of the peerless Magic Band swamp jazz/blues sound is remarkable.

I Acoustic Jam .\'iee ‘n‘ Sleazy. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8pm. Free. See Mon 16.

I Byzantine, D-Rail and lndica King 'l‘ut's Wah Wah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5271). 8pm. £6. Over-14s show. Heavy metal thunder from this West Virginian quartet.

I Keiji Haino, my Cat is an Allen and Keenan Stereo. 14 Kelvinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. the. Cult improy musician from Japan.

I The Alan Anderson Blues Band Studio One. (irosy‘enor Terrace. 341 6516. 9.30pm. Blues.

I Amen and Mendeed Ivory Blacks. 56 ()swald Street. 248 4114. the. (‘.-\.\'('I{I.I.lil). (‘as‘ey (‘haos isn't well but hell he back for sure.


I Cerberus Shoal Subway (‘owgate. 60 (‘owgate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. ()ne of the most interesting and original bands coming out of the North American indie scene incorporating eyerything from spoken word and abstract electronics to post-rock and industrial indie.

I Death from Above 1979 The Venue. 17 21 (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £8. Bass and drums onslaught from this hirsute (‘anadian duo.

I The Adrenaline, Rock, Paper, Scissors and Jabberjaw Scruffy Murphy's. .‘ylely'ille Place. 226 3404. 8.30pm. Free. ()riginal punk rock power trio the Adrenaline are joined by some coyers oi the alternative and roots rock variety.

The success of her debut album Eye to the Telescope shouldn’t come as a huge surprise really it is bloody marvellous, a vivid antidote for anyone who’s take on lone females who write and sing barely stretches by Norah Jones or Dido. Unlike the aforementioned pair, Tunstall retains energy and sufficient rough edges to bring the most chin stroking of cynics round. Cal/mg Academy, Glasgow. 14./0d 2:3 May.