Beat 1065 underground ambassador Mash gives the lowdown on what’s round the
Loads going on in club iand right now. My weekly Friday residency at Glasgow's Liquid LOunge is welcoming new resident DJ Gianni Palazzo and I'm really looking fOrward to it. I‘m a big fan of his DJing at nights like Haptic and Higher Ground - he has got great taste in electronic house and techno. Check out his ‘Vote Haptic‘ posters around the city. I wonder if any floating voters will be perSLraded. Ha ha. Our night as called Vandal: expect house with an electronic edge every week.
Remember the hedonism of Love Boutique at the Arches? It was definitely one of the highlights of the month in clubbing days of yere. Welt. the team that brought you that are presenting a new night at Favela (nee Cuba Norte) on 28 May. In a new space, new party. new shoes. the night will feature the Visitor and myself on the decks. You may know the Visitor as Jon of the Pleased Wimmin. He is an amazing DJ that always rocks a dancefIOOr with his wicked ability and choice tune selection. Now reading in Edinburgh Jon attained DJing Superstardom but preferred things in the underground. changed his name and now concentrates on more intimate parties. This is a night that Glasgow desperately needs right now — a very mixed. debauched night of craziness. Tales of the unexpected to follow. After the last one. I can't wait fOr Idiopop at the Carnival Arts Centre on Sunday 29th May. It will have a cracking home grown line- up with people like Laurence Hughes. Tom Churchill. Sobek. OTR. Kev Stevens and the Freak Manoeuvres and myself . . . and hey. it's another bank holiday Monday! I think they shOuld be weekly.
On my Sunday night slot on Beat 106 this fortnight I've got guest slots from the lDJut Boys (14 May), before SLAM pops in for their always eagerly anticipated monthly mix (May 21 ).
Catch Mash every Sunday on Beat 706 iOpni-lam
40 THE LIST 12-26 May 200:3
If you’ve been at Optimo lately you might have heard Twitch play something that sounds like Frankie Knuckles’ ‘Your Love’. Actually it’s Edinburgh-based three-piece the X-Vectors, lead singer Rory Connaghan’s vocal taken from their altogether sleazier, bassier, punkier version of said track. This is your chance to hear it as they intended it — live. Sun 75 Why Opt/mo at the Sub C/uh. Glasgow; 7 I I
I Outer Drive at Strh ('Itrh. l lpm 3am. £8t£5t 20 May. Monthly. Join Billy Woods. yyho'll take you on a tour hotrr musical journey encompassing. ja/I. hltres. electro. disco and anything else he‘s feeling. All this with his legendary and rare Bo/ack rotary mi\er. It don't get much better than this.
I Pinup Nights at litrry Murrys.
9pm Rant. [5. 20 .May. Monthly. l).ls plus liye performances trom llate Brigade. Juno? and Yullie make this long-running irtdependent hartd and cltih night a it inner. I Playground at Bar Bloc. lt)pm 3am. Free (£2). Weekly. l"unk and disco l‘rom the inimitahle DJ (iiddy and the Sotrltrain McShane.
I Pressure at the Arches. lt)pm 3am. Ll‘). 27 May. Monthly. Just yy hen you think it can‘t get arty hetter. the Pressure posse ptrll another top line-up ottl ol' their tnagic hat. 'l‘iga. D] T. Slam. Derrick (‘arteru l'MliK. Ewan Pearson. and the legendary Plaid who play the.
I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel. 1 1pm Sam. 15 (£3). Weekly. Massiye neyy' night tor the Tuniiel. hringing together three of (ilasgoyy's hest-knoyyn DJs. Kris Keegan. lain ‘Santos' Thomson and A]. li\pect hig y'ihes. cos this one's heert hailed as Scotland's ansyy er to Hed Kandi.
I Pussy Galore at the (‘orinthiart ‘)pm-2am. L'the. Weekly. lltrggy in his first ey'er' \y est coast residency. playing alongside Jim Da Best in this great (ilasgoyy yenue.
I Return to Mono at the Stilt (‘luh lt)pm 3am. L'ltl. 13 May. Monthly. lllttsL‘ Slant hoys Stuart and ()rde get cosy yy ith Matheyy' Dear yyho plays |i\ e.
I Rocket at Barnhoo. lllfltlpm 3am. Lo ti-ll. Weekly. One room house. one room soul and funk and some chillotrt iii the lounge. .'\n immensely popular night.
I Synthetic Grooves at Sountlhaus. lt)pm-4am. U) ([7). It) .May. Monthly. l-‘r‘ed liy'er‘ytlting l‘rom Ill/2th ision is the extra special guest at this great liriday night hash. Residents l’at (iallacher'. (‘hris Bennie. linrieo \'c‘l\etiriti. Antonio l.othario and Barry Moore get doyyn \yith ('hris Reid ol‘ (‘ttsa litrtura lame.
I Utter Gutter at the Riyerside (‘luh l2pm 3am. U). 27 May. Monthly. Madame Sannes and llushpuppy host a hash tor anti-mainstream cluhhing queers. lucked- trp nightlife l‘reaks. cltrh kids and hetero hipsters playing lilthy homo-electro. junk rock. disceatt heals and punk treats.
I Vandal at the liquid lounge.
lt)pm 3am. ‘5. Weekly. Residents MASH and (‘hris llar'ris play the linest in l'unky shit. \yhether it he housey. hip hoppy, L‘lL‘L‘lt'tt-t‘sqtlc or ill it lit/l style. l.ook out for ncyy resident (iianni ol llaptrc lame. lilectronic house ney er sounded so good.
Glasgow Saturdays
I Urizen at l'niyer'sal. llprn 3am. L3. I} May. Monthly. The cra/y drtrm tk hass party rides agaitt. \y ith residents .lay Douhle 1'. Nu. .lnr Bi‘y son and \lannan. (ireat name and great music.
I Beatonic at tile Riyersitle ('ltih.
Ime 3am. to lL~ll.l-l May. Monthly. lhc latest edition to the Rtu‘tfldcis lostt‘l' ttl quality cltrh nights. Dlils' and guests present lit/l heats. lunk breaks and \yorldyy ide rhythms to a discerning dancelloor‘ at (ilasgoyy 's neyy est monthly lunk-l‘uelled honan/a. (iet doyyn.
I The Butt at the Bull. lt)pm 3am. to, Weekly. Saturday nights play host to the legendary .\'ick l’eacock alongside (‘raig. .r\lc\ and .lohn leattrring .\'tr School l'urtk and tall upstairs. and eclectic classics doyy nstairs. .v\r'r‘i\e early to heat the queue? I Chinawhite at (‘hinanhite ‘lpm 3am. fill. \Vt‘t‘kl}. \Vt‘ll llt‘t‘lcd people ttl (ilasgoyy. ttrrn tip here to celeh spot. quail the linest syyallics arid take in some ol the nicest ltrnky music. .-\ heatrtil'ul cluh \\ ith heautil'ul people inside it.
I Club Cuba! at ('uha \'ortc. ‘lpm 3am. L'lll tL'Si. Weekly. (iet in touch “till your latin spirit at this night ol' classy dancing. Duncan and Shannon supply the linest latin heats. Make sure you aim e early to guarantee entry.
I Death Disco at tile .\rches.
llprii 3am. Llfttt‘Xi. It May. Monthly. Willi superlatiyely shimmery special guest Sammy .lo tScissor Sister‘s' ‘l‘otrr Dli plus (ilasgoyy's hottest all-girl grotrp. the Microsluts liye. (’atch them rioyy , . . you heard it here first. they are gonna he hig. I Disciples of Disco at ('uhe.
lt)pm .iam. Lthc. Weekly. (‘uhe l’ridays go Disco. (it‘ll)' Rtt‘ll. itlltl lit‘l't‘k llo play the l‘trnky times all night a long. I Divine ill (ilil\gtt\\ St‘llttttl til. .\ll tdoyynslatlst. lt)pm 3am. t'fitt'.< Hi; U50 (iS.v\ students_ Weekly. Deep ltrnk. (ills and Ttls grooy es and a loyal croyy d go into the mi\ at this \er'y long running (ilasgott residents‘ night.
I Emergency 1st Birthday Party at the l'niyersall lprn 3am. L7. H May. Monthly. ('itll )titt ht‘lley e il‘.’ .\ \\ hole year ol' top class ttrnage and guests has just l‘loyy n hy. Why not join resident .v\ndreyy Back With his \ery special guest (ireg Wilson tlegend/llacicndal l'or \yhat promises to he one helluya celehration. You haye to hand it to .Mr Back. it's only lilting that the lirst hirthday‘ hash ol' (ilasgoyy ’s premier underground electr'o soul and disco night is presided oy er hy' the daddy ol' electr'o tunk himself.
I Eskrima at (ilasgoyy School ol :\rt. lt)pm 3am. thlt [8). Weekly. 'I'echno, .-\cid. l'ilt‘L‘ll'll \\ ill] the L‘l'clllt‘ tlL‘ lit L‘t't‘lllt‘ ol' rolling residents incltrding Spudd. Dirty [airy and ()ptimo Dis '1‘“ itch arid Wilkes.
I Firezworks at Barfly. l lprn 3am. u». 3i \ltl}. \lttllllll}. l)L‘illlll\lll‘\ “CC slle‘l'i liclectic to the mas yyith l’otitier. (irnr. limli. Kingl‘ool and New Boy.
I Groovejet at MAS. I lprn 3am. LS (UH. Weekly. Key in Mcl-‘arlane and Stephen play house. \yhile Rayy B drops ttrhan arid pop. ()ne of the old 'l‘rash nights noyy housed in this doyyntoyyn \enue.
I Haptic at the liquid lounge.
llprn 3am. L'lt) 1L8). l4 May. Monthly. llaptic pull another one otrt the hag. Another Scottisli esclusiye looms. this tirrre in the l'ormidahle lorm ol' l.osoul. ()ne ol(iet'tttan_\ 's most talented e\ports ol~ recent years. l.osoul is strongly inlltrenced hy the energy ol‘ia/x. l'unk and soul music. lle's heen playing and producing his distinctiye. dirty. tmcoriyentional hr'and ol' music for oy er a decade yy ith countless releases on (ierrnany ‘s l’layhouse Iahel. Stalyy arts (iiantii and (‘olin reside.
I The Hip Drop at Brel. 8pm lam. l’r‘ee. Weekly. l‘trnk-l'uelled rhythms pitched from the Jamaican dancehalls and New York hlock parties cuddle into hed yy ith itchin' electro. syyeet soul and doyy rttiglit dirty disco. Role\ and .\'el persuade you to least on the musical orgy.
I Homegrown at Bartthoo.
llHllptti iam. LS (Uri. Weekly. Steye Middleton. Dominic Martin. and Scotty B like to pttt on a hit ol a shoyy lor the Barnhoo masses on a Sat. l-‘unky house music and some top notch RtQB.
I Inner City Acid at Soundhause. lllpm lam. L'ltltt‘ll. H .May. Monthly.