
16 - 18 JUNE


CCCB, Montalegre, Barcelona, Spain. 105 (weekend pass). 0034 93 34 26 231. It bills itself as the 'Barcelona Festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art'. and you certainly shouldn't come to this impeccably hip event expecting trad rock. Sonar by Day consists of seriiinars. films and exhibitions. while Sonar by Night features a vast range of live acts and DJs. De La Soul. Jeff Mills. Ml./\.. Mouse on Mars. the Chemical Brothers. 2 Many DJs and Fller‘ Allien appear alongside numerous world riiusic showcases.

In a nutshell: Dance and art in one of l'urope's finest crties

16 - 18 JUNE

Scottish Traditional Beer Festival 0 Assembly Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh. 23424. For lovers of real ale in Scotland. this is the serious event. Bands playing folk oi Ja// might stir up a party atmosphere, hut the reason you iand 2:300 otherst come along is the chance to (El‘ti()tllti-f}l around 12:3 different Scottish beers. made hi, the country's (37 breweries large and small. With the entrance fee yOu're given a pint glass and a programme: after that you pay for each heer. though plenty of samples are available. In a nutshell: Home brew to hop heaven

17 - 18 JUNE

The Isle of Skye Music Festival Broadford, Isle of Skye. 230-9250. A relativel, ftti‘fl.’ addition to Scotland's music festival circuit. the two year—old Isle of Skye Music Festival has loads to offer the 5000 or so Visitors expected to attend during the weekend. It's not surprising when you hear that Mylo (who hails from Skye; is headlining along ‘-.'.iith ldlewild. Kl Tunstall. Silicone Soul. l ottie. the Stranglers and a hit of homegrown talent knowi‘. as Stereoglo. The festival falls on the Summer Solstice.

In a nutshell: Music for Solstice . on an island

17 - 26 JUNE

Glasgow Jazz Festival

Various venues, Glasgow. 0141 564 4220. Big acts —- including Dionne VVétf‘.“/l(lk aiid (Lourtney l’iiie’s Devotion alongside popular Scottish hands like iltt} impressive I a Boum! and Niki King. lhe Spiegeltent in George Square hosts dance orientated shows

too. including Glasgow's Sl(l(}‘.'/lll(l(}l and Nottiiig llill legend Norman Jay. while the ltoyal Bank Big Stage features free. open air gigs on afternoons throughout the festival.

In a nutshell: Jan and more across (Elasgow

22 THE LIST '1/ t.





Comedy Film



18 JUNE - 2 JULY Pride London

Hyde Park, and other venues, London. 0207 494 2225. llit'llK.T1I,E/I§I'fif$‘. tta. ‘esti‘.a .'.'i': rim? :"t- a fortastar l'ltrlt.'1t)€:ttl‘§lét“, scriet‘exf [.ea'. .'.h-:.-i‘.' 'iosisl uropiidttz l’rs y.ea"s Price is a d", .'.ll‘i. anal for Thefirs‘. tll'ifrfél'tfii’lfttk‘é31);“l’l't"'§l"i. l xents ir‘ciiide theatre st‘:)‘.'.'s. fii'its. stand up and sports. lhe P'de l’a'ade oiv Sa'. I) .lu! rias fioats '.'.iltil"t(_l the” .'.'a\, frz'“ ll".ri<- i)girk ti: Victowa E i“l)a'tk'iir_,~n’.. .'.'iti1 a ll‘tl", ii l'afalgiar Sitia'e aim (:aiiarel ift leicestei Sac-arr,- at i‘glit. In a nutshell: l 1"t’l:>'*'s (lét‘. site-he git i-irfl la'Lic 23 - 26 JUNE

Borders Book Festival 0

Melrose. Tickets Free—£1 2. 0870 6080404 /\r>solutel\, 'irithirig to do the i'etai' gia'it. th s liteiai‘i, fest.‘.a| takes place .ri picturesdut- Menst- :;i‘.<.-' a long ‘.'.(:(?l\t}'l(l in .Ju'ie. lhe strong ;>iograit‘.:'i<- features soiixe e" the liiggest 'iairies ii literature. torn l’o‘c.‘ étfttl Des [)it:<;i‘. are among the (:t-leliiatrid loxtai

.'.':)idsntiths appearing. '.'."'i='-:: (‘ieir";ii'ie Etee'. lid;

llatttrisle, ain \J

a'Yies Naug‘ttie ‘.'.'i!l also I)(r reatti'ig from ll‘i(1'l.' -.-.'ork_ www.bordersbooksfestivalorg In a nutshell: l (,‘tl' ilét‘,f;‘

.'.'=t.“. tI'ie l>-g guns

Sport Cars



Outdoors Kid-friendly

23 - 26 JUNE

Gnaoua Festival

Essaouira, Morocco. Set iii the beautiful coastal city of Fssamnra. this huge ex'er‘t attracted 7()(l.(tt)(t people (including several thousand t uropeaiisi ll‘. 200/1. t's dominated by gnaoua. a style that came f‘om African slaves who established hrotherhoods ii:

Morocco. devoted to guitar hased i'itisir; Islam and

traditional African spiritualism. these"; also a sii‘iatteiiitg of other genres 't‘rte \l’ri it"s {;‘{“,(?(I last

treatv. lhe l)t}£ttll‘ packdioti :3; health"... r'd f;,r'tfl."-":t'

is guaranteed. lnis year's festi‘.'at i5: "-"Zt(llil‘- -:: Youssoii N’Dotiv. In a nutshell: \.'."oi!d i'tusa on air /\'ll(2étl‘ l)t:£t<il1

23 - 26 JUNE

Royal Highland Show 0 O lngliston, Edinburgh. 216—5318 per 6236. ()ftiztialzi. it's 53:;ritigiii'i31 twittieiif

agi:<,u.t.i'a. -aii. .hetitlS is a .iia'ir: tit in».

day. 0131 335

if ‘.(>.l iitz'i t r\."\,.'. a hog troiii a ' eien his ,' .‘ ms outdoors. .‘.'.:.'- ac'es :ii itat tots. tieris 'i .. ‘9‘ '~)I)(1It(}j). (t :)II(/\-'-:lr"IIlII~(/I (Iltilmt (I'IKI 5,43%. fiIJ'rII‘I b(,,,, \,,.,)~Q(» [J ,9 of"./;.',1,,:(~yr»r-r\,='{‘1(_,. t\,'tlrl(I,l'\,lt.u. )trit tilt,(I!,;t..\(/.i_tr‘\lt,_.‘ xi 'tt'tv -r.r:(‘ ’l"(}‘"‘.(‘-"t't\“"‘(>‘i‘t’WI’7’ili"’t,“-“ vivi‘w'ii l(A-(]\I\A ,.). \II t “moon. WNW .(I' sit“ .'\.‘ :.< Lif‘ni‘lk'hl ll.%lilii,f;Ltl7ilf1"(t "1

oars. www.royalhighlandshoworg

In a nutshell: “.'i."‘-;--'<:- f"<‘-'-,~r: 'i‘..<‘t« ."t-Wt-E; a dis-zit

i", da, «it

30 JUNE - 3 JULY

Roskilde Festival 0 00%. Roskilde, Denmark. 0045 46 36 66 13 170. Xv ethos of 'Ltl‘rl)l'(?(lr(ft'tl)li‘t‘,. tttittt'trSti‘.(?l‘i:f;i; Itl‘ft ex;)eiiiiie'itatioi‘. c<;i'ii;iie:: with a sofa? ;t"ti.‘i.."i

poislie<irtess' has ensured that th s '.-:i-ai's “(fish gir-

we tit: is stei‘ar. 31"."HiocParfv2H-ivvta'wtljn'mgr”: [“l (u‘rarvrxr‘ ‘I‘r\t".t\\\ :t‘ Ira" rv'

:.\,.7(ni \i lSIt -;_>'_ tit/t,I\(,(I. ‘I1.. .r Organisers focus c" oer. arid gaizeit fasrrr‘t. a." 2


Audience ".."W{,-Z"’f; .'=a'.-:.- 'lf;(:" "tore f'ia'i fe'i‘ttlrl since it lzegiar‘ ii‘ ‘21?.".. .'.~'itl'i ‘.,,'.’}()(i r:=us.<: Ta'is ‘,(>;t’. In a nutshell: l"ri~ Svarti l-i‘ama'

atter‘dai‘r‘e tgiéi'.


2 - 3 JULY Tarbert Seafood Festival 0 O Tarbert, Argyll. Free. l‘tt: . liztgli- of l,1'ltt":. ' a' i.

do.» the Kathie ref tsuia a .t -.' si .i -_' \_

l‘,".(1'. ties try a :;l‘.eiI-.>r»:-d ".{t’li‘tt' . . see ‘.'.’t)ll\ll‘tt fish-rig heats. E‘v::i'.gi'.:"i"wf " t!‘-;- '.'."-I?(}l\‘}l‘-(l lliiiltltlt‘f; rook-a", ift't“:"i;i°'ttf\ ":1. t‘ ("1' hands and 'l>e<:-i oi: We t a' =-' f"-_; ,‘il‘ 2S and 7‘.) Max. the l trti'ti .w 51‘ t: t t ,a

’3‘.'.".'."‘.'.’.l()(ZITI‘.'Tfht‘t‘ll‘ .t.t\'§?f1 t: .tt‘e at .lit- t use Eia .:.

ll‘(}l1(""} of "‘.t‘lttt"‘i£l'lil 713‘ >"

and all' ms" a: \l s'itni'

www.seafood— In a nutshell: t iitf‘.i:;iastiv local fete ‘-.‘-;i'...' ".t

kpiiered k «as