rung; iil' cilyxx iii; sci‘x i.':\. including xix-cilit‘ xiiplmrl llti‘ )i 1.;n~__i pgiaplc lll\(3l\L.‘Ll in drug and alcohol UVJ. RCA Trust Mirrcn llt‘Ll~c‘. Buck SngtlJnn Sii'ccl. l’;ii~lc_\_ 887 0880. l’i‘i‘._ic.‘l ghing l2 25-}cur-iililx ii(l\icc
& (in addiction i~~.;ic~. EN'V‘HW
Kali. .A/Ul a Alcoholics Anonymous 38 (\‘t'khiirzi Slrccl. ('zzll 22.< (1000111?
niacling limos.
This page lists a selection of organisations which provide
expert “Seam” “M” and 2:0 3.4.03. Main Sul suPport m Glasgow and l 5pm. Thu 4 8.3m. lnlin‘nxitiqm 011 Edmburgh’ ili‘iigx 21ml wx'uzil llCZillli leltl l'i'icnill} , .. . :x.l\. l'mzn [ruined \xin'kcrx.
Alcohol and Narcotics Edinburgh 8. Lothian Council on m Alcohol. (3 (‘lif'liin 'l‘cri'ziitc. 337 Xlxh‘. OBSgCK‘.’ lnlin‘nizziiiin. zi.l\ ice and \lliiliui'l. Alcoholics Anonymous Turning Point 3 Smith‘s Plus. 554 .‘0 “cilia-glam Sii'ccl. 22h 22l4 "5H1. Mun l'i'l ‘).3li;im 5.30pm. ()nc Li .\ln:‘. l‘i'i ‘);:::; <pin. 03145 76‘) 755‘ .24 an: citiznwlling l'i‘i' :i.l.li;is and support l‘..‘..l';. (hump \Lll‘l‘iif'l In liglp l;:;kl.‘ l‘i‘i‘ Elixir iiilillillc'x’.
;;l.‘iil‘i;‘li\:i‘i. West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Dumbarton Area Council on Service 43 :\;l.‘l:ii.lc Sii'cci. (‘rizlgyliill Alcohol .\2 l).;ii:li;::‘lil:i anid. l.i\ ingsinn. 0|F00 4 3.0 225. (‘ininxcllizig (‘lylsl‘uztk 952 088i. (lilt‘l'N gum-ml liclp in dealing \iiili lumil} lxxllLN and iiilltz'mulinii zinil :iil\i;L‘ including (inc—:0— liulp in \wi‘kiiig lmxzirtlx L‘llllTlll}lil.‘lil on: counselling l‘nr _\ hung psi‘pli'. \lITlilil'llliiillL‘\. Glasgow City Council Addiction Youth Action Project do
ESEELIIJZ-lifl‘i.L'Sfiliiif.Qififié’lfiig. HEALTHY PILL POPPING
.'\(l\ ice and inl'iii'inzitiini for ) mung
5 ms fu' mum l’t‘iil‘lt‘ ill’iilil Wh‘lil'k‘c 'iil‘-ii‘~‘- I Vitamins and minerals are the organic and inorganic chemical
Na Esra] compounds that are vital for the body’s metabolic processes, working I Glasgow Buddhist Centre “coho. Focus Scotland together in the field of growth, repair and overall health. While we 329 Sauchiehall Street, im Buchanan Sir-eel. (men... n l 4l should be able to source sufficient quantities of these all important Glasgow, 0141 333 0524, S72 6700. \\ \\ \\illoiil‘liil-liit‘lls- . substances from our diet, some experts claim that modern farming glasbudggcompusemacom ‘~:“l!11’?~l-‘jl':-‘ilk-:‘illh.ll‘ l_I‘-i:"‘i'llli}}'\.'~‘. methods have so depleted the nutritional content of our fruit and i.» r~ . 5" A»: t1 :::;.:‘I§T:1‘L;:'il“j1m:‘ ““ vegetables that supplement consumption is now essential for a healthy v ‘7 in": 1’ 5273:: 333777 pcnpl: \mi‘i‘iul iihznil ll‘icii' drinking. metabmism' {fits 5:125: :~::;~;::;.,~:,~;,::::, Th 3 ,9 g; 7 More specifically it is suggested that those who may benefit from the :;--:-< 33.79::- écrij :1 tie, intake of supplements include pregnant, breastfeeding, or heavily r:;-:r:3:;: 3.6.12: '31 Re;.;...:.r National menstruating women,.smokers, heavy drinkers, drug users, crash- .,,:‘-"f.§-.'.é:‘§; 3-3;: (173'; _:‘ by. Thursday . , ,. , _ dieters, some vegetarians, those With food allergies, the elderly, and , Breathing Space 0500 5.33 587 (7r . , 3,5329; 23;: if, 9:33:31 :5 Minimm (mm 3 ' 7 W, people who Sit on their arse all day. Uncle Tom Cobley and all then. I Kagyu samye along \i (i \i,hummingtpugctgiillzllkli'llllk. I Before we all go raiding Holland & Barrett however, it should be stated Theosophical Society, 28 Great (iijm 2:101. l-rcc.wniulcnnal udx is: M' that munching supplements is no substitute for a varied diet; thefoods King Street, Edinburgh. 0138., d“) “(it lull”? '0“ iii ~li‘l‘i<‘\\t’il- wle etattdeliver'a yuzrirgy Egtcktzil of Vlt'al'tfurl: andbmlineracfialontgsme . v pancemicascae p oc emicas aare eieve oac :7aanijiiciza'l' mfo©edmburgh sexua' Health and STDS positively against cancer and heart disease, and all three bear influence N333: a. :3: Glasgow on each other’s absorption into the body. Calcium, for example, requires 3 3.13:]. ruflurugltv Q 9. TM, Body Positive Strathclyde vitamin D for it to be absorbed, and vitamin E needs zinc to work its ’ “WM 2151124513213)Slice. Sziuchichzill magic. Furthermore, many cheaper pills and potions are broken down
by our stomach acids and much of the goodness jettisoned into the toilet bowl.
.n. \\ u \\ .hml} pmim (.lil‘gllk. liz'np- in
New Kadampa Tradition ccnlr-c upon Mini. \Vcd. l’ri 9am Fl‘ni.
(W (c 'Hm I (um 3pm (“liqmanun and Taking high doses of a vitamin for stress, tiredness or medicinal NKT) St Columbas-by-the- . - ‘ ' r - ~ - o - l - \lil‘piill lin' pmiplc \\ hm arc lll\ purposes (such as cramming yourself full of Vitamin C at the first Sign of Casue’ We“ to Game ROCK Pl‘ulhv- _ _ . . a cold) is also considered to be futile, and could even be dangerous. Fat Home” J°h”5t°” Terrace, aesazgg'ifirll,‘ Mfdifl’ne 3",??? soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K are stored in the body Edinburgh. For further 1 (, 9mm i‘m-il Hire gigglinSlT,” cm. .L, and can be toxw if absorbed in quantity, as can some water soluble information email 3| I 8m]: “mp in (“ma Mm, m ones like Vitamin 86. Overdosmg on minerals can bring on a whole lfll'li0@medltatelnSCOiland-Ol’g- 3mm, mam, (if uppmnlmqnl a: miller world of hurt too; over pitch your zinc intake and you’re inhibiting the H Ami? ~ <1: 9951 NA??- ;} limcx umil 7pm Mon l-‘ri. body’s absorption of iron and copper, which could lead to anaemia; an ‘ K ‘3 . fan. A I"‘ ,t ' ‘ '1 \‘V . . . . . . . " ' -'“ " “"‘"‘ N ' Rape ens.” centre “'4' 52- ~‘~”“~ excess of fluoride can weaken teeth; guzzling fish Oil might impair blood #5:: ‘. 42:1, 5‘5: foi. iii»; ::::..r:=,::- :13: \‘i‘“liliit‘x‘l"Nx'l‘llillhl-lil'glik- - . o ) bl k. t - . . d - . " 'l‘uc \le & Sin 7 0pm Tim 1 1p.” clotting, too much caICIum and you re oc ing ou your iron again, an £039.23. 3.1 if}: :‘1; C. 4755, ‘ * - ~ ~ - - a «I a . hm. and wnhdcnml (m m. “Mn”? lust a little too much in the way of iron can bring on nausea, black 3 ngpa Edinburgh inl'in'mulinn iinil summit in “union and Stools, coma, or even death! Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury girlx u hn haw hccn or (our th‘} mu} The long and short of supplementary intake is that diet and lifestyle Road, Edinbur h . Main address llim‘ l‘t‘i‘” WWII“) iihlht‘d 0" should come first. There is, as ever, no quick fix; if ou’re eatin a varied g ’ 'i \‘ll'll"tl y (with shrine room): 2 Eldindean “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ diet, exercising and sleeping sufficiently then you can think about Place, Bonnyrigg, 0131 663 7564 Edinburgh supplementing your vitamin or mineral intake - although you’d better Meeting 31‘. lxlcndags; :3: 7,4532: 9,3 mm. cnnic lam-Ni,” Building make it short term or you could overdose and do yourself a mischief. the Sairsluiry Cceir'o. Teac.‘""§is l,:llll'l\l(lll Place. 536 2103 Mon iii But above all else, our advice is to supplement responsibly, buy the ."iSC'fES’ l‘," Rial/:2! Relt'iitccl‘e‘s "i mm" -‘P'" h} lil’liiilnlllii‘lil. l‘ul' urng best, and know your vitamin. (Mark Edmundson) T only ngk I: ‘ MW. ,mq p” pi'uhlcmx. lhcrc l\ ii \izilk-in clinic \\ hci'c w» ~ - >1 <-~ ~ A l :1 nil iippiiiiilmcnl ix necessary {rum I Kagyu Samye Ling 8.30 H) 00am. Mun -l"i'i. _
Monasiery & Tibetan Cenue Edinburgh Women’s Rape & Sources of Advrce Mun l-‘ri. L‘\t‘L‘pl Wm! “high it Eskdalemuir Langho'm Sexual Abuse Centre (ll3l 550 ' 0.30am lpni l’ui‘ Limp-in. illltl iil'lci‘nimn . .’ ' U437. \\\\\\.l‘ll lL‘L‘l'l\l\\L‘Ulltllltl.l)I'Q.llk. National In ii i mniinn‘ni only Dru i-in :iiiil
Dumfriesshire 013873 73232 - . - -‘ . ~ ~ . - - - - v ” -- - l
. i . ie ( iill llll‘ opening hours. Soc Rupc ( rim Victim Support Line 0843 30 30 lL‘lL‘pllilllL‘ L'nunxclling lnr \HllllL‘ll. mail Scotland@samyelln9-org. (mu-c. (ililsgim'. uni). ifmiiliimzll ~\uppm-i and [ll'zlt‘llL'ill , www.5amyeling.org . iiLl\ lL'C l'iir unymc illlt‘L‘lL‘Ll h) L'l‘llllL‘. li‘x Edlflblllgh ': , ‘l-‘l'ir‘; 357:; A ’i’TTLI'SE it". the; National mnliilcniiul. nl' L'nurxc. Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Nu. rm... ,i, . . National AIDS Helpline 0800 567 Aid 4 (‘hcxnc Sim-i. 315 81H). Mun. . l. ,V,_(it.. C. . .. ' ,. . '-’r~"';.~l(3r~, I'm/l T.l~p',\_.n “on” n “m l33 WOMEII’S Health 8- Support \\L‘ll. l-u l0;iiii 3pm. lhii 2 7pm. Sill "_ " S ‘1' “ "‘1‘" "" "'e' ' ‘ “" Sexwise 0800 282 930. "him—l2an l0iini l2.30pm. Rcliigc. \llmlill'l :iiiil Heme": l'rwimis Qxijerierice ml l’rm ides information and udx ice on Glasgow llL‘lll l'iii‘ \Hllllk‘ll \ul‘l'ci‘ing ph) \icul. ' ‘:’i‘-:fi:~;.'-l.'";’ \cxuulil} illltl \L‘\llill llL‘dllll l’iii' )iiung Glasgow Women’s Aid 4th Hour. 30 iiiciiiiil in‘ \L‘\ll;ll iihiixc lmni lllL‘ll'
pL‘nplL‘. Boll Slrcci. 553 2022. 0.30am 4.30pm piii‘lnci'x.
118 THE LIST '2 / ,l.‘:-.