(I Fair
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days betore publication to morag.bruce0list.co.uit. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.
Thursday 28
I Last Night’s Fun Star Folk Club. St Andrew's in the Square. off Saltniarket. St Andrew‘s Street. 548 6020. 8pm. £7 (£5). L'illeann piper Nick Scott. box player (‘hris Sherburn and singer Denny Bartley make up the trio Last Night's Fun.
I Out of the Bedroom Waverly Bar. St Mary‘s Street. 556 8855. 9pm. Open mic session for Edinburgh-based singer/songwriters. Folk. punk. funk. Just bring along your original songs and sign up to play at 8ish.
I The Duflers The Tass. High Street. 556 6338. 9pm. Free. Informal folk session.
I Donnie Munro and Heather MacLeod Palace Theatre. 9 Green Street. 01563 554900. 7.30pm. £13.50 (£12.50). Folk-rock from the ex-Runrig star.
I Cruachan Royyantree Folk Club. Rowantree Inn. Old Mill Road. 01698 303407. Traditional music and song.
Saturday 30
I Rod Clements String Jam Club. Salmon lnn. Bank Street. 01750 "20538 8pm. £7. Founding member of Lindistarne promotes his solo album Srtriiipint’ (ii-omit]
I Fling: Ceilidh in the Club Ana. the ()1d (‘heesemarkeL 13- 19 Walls Street. 552 2101. 7.30pm. £8 t£10i. The Scotch Schnapps ('eildh Band are joined by a host of Glasgow's top 1)Js for a traditionally different night.
I Deseo-Flamenco (are (‘ossachok Russian ('ultural Centre. 10 King Street. 553 0733. 8.30pm. £5 l£3i. The trio make a welcome return to ('ossachok yy ith a fiery programme of Spanish mUsic. bringing a wee touch of Andalucia to (ilasgoss.
I Pirates Aboard Wee Folk Club. Royal Oak, Infirmary Street. 557 2976, 8.30pm. £3. This four-piece bluegrass outfit come to take over the Oak in an act of musical piracy?
I Open Mic Night The Left Bank. 37 Guthrie Street. 225 9744. 9pm. Liy e acoustic music and poetry.
I Michael Hurley and James Yorkston The Fallen Angels (‘1tib. Lauries Bar. 34 King Street. 204 5151. 8pm. £10. Hurley's first album First Songs \s as released in 1964 on the legendary Folkways label. and some say he's the last of America's rambling folk troubadours.
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(Titanic, 11 Oscars. I rest my case) but when Lhasa de Saia walked off with a gong at Radio 3's World Music Awards last year, few eyebrows were raised. Being in possession of a steely but smooth voice does go a long way, as does having an ear for everything from blues to cabaret to soul and a variety of latin sounds.
Usher Hall. Earring/rer ‘1 7m.
He's Joined 1‘} the Athletes' James Yorkston in a rare solo performance.
I Emily Smith Band Leith Folk (‘ltih. the Village. South l'iot't Street. 223 11.5.5. 7.30pm. £8. Top folk singer and yy inner oi the 2002 BBC Radio Scotland's Young 'l‘raditional Mtisician of the Year. limily Smith. bridges the gap betyyeen old and neyy traditions of Scottish lolls' ttttlslc.
I Ceilidh Club The Lot. 4/6 (irassiiiarkct. 8pm. £6. ('eilidh dancing. furious liddlers atid callers to lead you through the steps.
I Folk and Friends Wayerly Bar. St Mary 's Street. 5568855. 9pm. Non- smoking folk and country sessions.
I Bob Fox l’enicuik Folk ('lub. \asaar Home Hotel. Bog Road. 01968 078153.
8.15pm. £61£5L Hailing from the north- east of lingland. Fox performs traditional music \sith y'ocals and guitar.
Wednesday 4
I The Incredible String Band The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £14. (‘ontinuing their reyiyal begun iii the 90s. the much-loy ed and eyer- lncredible String Band perform old classics.
I Jim Reid lidinburgh Folk (‘lub. (‘abaret Bar. 60 The Pleasance. 650 2349. Split. £61£5L ()ne o1 Scotland's lilicst singers of traditional songs and bothy ballads. Jim is also yy e11 renoysned for his musical settings of the poetry of Violet Jacobs and Helen ('ruickshank.
I ALP Session The Tass. High Street. 5566338. 9pm. Free. Informal folk session yyith Scottish tunes and the occasional song.
I Lomond Folk Club The Highlander. Smollet Place. 01389 757561. 8.30pm—midnight. Free. A fantastic eyening of traditional folk music and song. All mUsicians. singers and y isitors are yyelcome.
I Pete Morton 1)unferniline Folk ('1ub. Thistle Tayern. Baldridgeburn. 01383 729673. 8pm. £5 l£4i. Leicester born singer songyyriter performing soitgs about politics. loy e. tragedy and comedy.
Glenrothes I MOW DU" Rotth Halls. Kingdom
('entre.01592 611101. 7 30pm £15
(£1.3 £14i Mary liult sings old layoutites pltis some tracks trom her latest album Jim! (I (iotulrrt (1111.
I Bob Fox Star l-olk ('lub. St Andreys ‘s 111 the Square. off Saltmarkct. St Andreys 's Street. 548 6020. 8pm. £6 l£4i See The 3
Edinburgh I Out of the Bedroom \y'ayerly Hat. St Mary ‘s Street. 556 8855. 9pm. See Thu 28
I Ben Sands l-‘alkrrk l‘olk (‘ltib. The Polish ('1ub.:\i'not Street. 01324 61 3395 8.30pm. £5. The third of the renosstied lrish musical lamily to bring his unique singing and instrumental talents to the club
I Dominic Kirwan Adam Smith 'l‘heatre. Hennochy Road. 01592412929. 7.30pm £14. An eyeiimg of song yyith Dominic Kirys an.
I The Waits The Arches. 253 .-\rgy le Street. 565 1023. 7pm. £12.50. Bluegrass arid .-\inet'icana irom :Xtistralian sister dtio Vicki attd Donna Simpson.
I Flower of the West - A Gaelic Celebration from an Lochran Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Satichiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £15 £18. An Lochran. (ilasgoyy 's (iacltc Organisation. present a musical celebration \Htli sortie of Scotland‘s foremost artists. including l’hil ('unningham. Mary Ann Kennedy. Karen Matheson. Donald Shays and more.
I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Assembly Rooms. 54 (ieorge Street. 228 1155. 8pm. £8. ('eilidh band 111.1 and caller Ken (iourlay lead the festiyities.
I Rory McLeod North lidinburgh Arts ('entre. l5aPennyyse11(‘ourt. 315 2151. 8pm. £8 «£4 £6). .»\ssard-mnnuig ()rkney- based performer v. ith a talent for magical mUsic \Mth influences from a yside mUsical ysorld. flamenco and blues as well as celtic and calypso rhythms.
I Terrafolk Queen's Hall. (’lerk Street. 668 2019. 8pm. £12 (£10i..»\ repertoire of folk tunes from around the world mixed
yy ith mad impromptu comedy.
I The buffers The Tass. High Street. 556 6338. 9pm. Free. See Fri 29.