
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Il’( iI 0.. 1'8. IIIIHI l)IIIIIel RIIdelille. RIelIIIrd (irII'IiIhx. I’IIIII l‘errix. l'lUllII Slum. (iIII‘) ()lIllllillli HIIIIIII. II Ix llIe xIIInIIIeI‘ heI‘oI'e llIIrr_\ ‘x IhII'd )eIII' III HogxxIIrIx. and he lIIIx heard that II Ix SII'qu BIIIek I( iIIr} ()lanIInI. II I‘eIIegIIde \xI/III'd. Ix Ihe I’I'Ixoner oI~ :\/l\£lllilllI \VlIIII llIIrr) doexn'l xuxpeel Ix IhIIl BIIIek hIIx eerIped IInd Ix eonIing IIIIer lIInI. l'.\peeIIIIIoIIx IIre rIdIIIg high Ior Hum I’IIHI-r .I'. \x IllI II ne\\ dn'eeIor III (‘uIIroII I I’ III .llumu lam/urn I. and II dIII‘ker. IIIore eoInple\ hook Io IIdIIpI. 'l‘here Ix enough dIII‘k lIIIIIIoIIr. xpeelIIeIIIIII eI'IeeIx IIIId IIppeIIIIng peI'I'orIIIIIIIeex Io keep _\ou lI‘IIpped III Ihe II'IIIIelIIxe. BIII llIII‘I‘) ‘x ne\\ IIdxenIure Ix Ileo ponderoux IIIId o\ erloIIg. regulIIr l’uln'r xereemx rIIer SIM en lx'loxex‘ eonquIng. I'IIInhlIIIg. xIrIIeIuI‘IIII} Ineoherenl xeripI. III \theh elIIIrIIeleI‘x appear and deIIppeIIr IIIId plol lIIInx IIre ne\ er reIIlIxed. keepx Ihe door IirInl} eloxed on IlIIx prIxIIIe t'lllh. (1 ll (IVI/I'lhlllk. (Yule/NINA: (i '/ I'LI/III/Im'eh. III/III/IIuje/I.

Hitch I lZ.-\I O. I.-\IId_\ 'l‘enIIenI. l'S.

'tees \ Ziegmmg III?“ -. . s


54 THE LIST :9 Apr—I: Max

Ix‘xlIoIIxo ('IIIII‘on.

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ZIIIIJI \Vill SIIIIIlI. Kenn JIIInex. AIIIher \'II|lellII. lixII .\lendex~ IISIIIin. SIIIiIh plII)x .-\|e\ 'llIIelI‘ llilehenx. II Ne“ York 'dIIIe doeIoI” \xhoxe joh il ix Io xehool (he ell} ‘x guilelexx men in the \III}x oI em erI \xooing. llIx IIIIexI ehIIlleIIge Ix Alherl I JIIInexI. II roIIInd IIeeounlIInI \\ ho \xIInIx nothing more than IIII ex eIIIIIg ouI \\ IIh hix elienl. purl) girl AllengI I\'IIlleIIIII. .-\lherI'x IulelIIge enxuex. IIx doex lliIelI'x. \\ ho doex hix hexI to o\ eI‘eoIne lIIx on II Ian M L‘UIIIIIIIIIIICIIL l’IIIuoux eoIned} IIhouI Ihe Inorex oI’ dIIIing In an iIIIpIIquihl} pielure poxIeIIrd .\'e\\ York. (iI'III'rII/ I'e/I'uw.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy I l’(i) 0.. I(iIIrllI Jenningx. l'S/l 'K. ZINISI Martin l‘l‘L‘Clllilll. .\lox Del. SIIIII Roeknell. /.ooe_\‘ l)exelIIInel. Bill Nigh}. llIIIIIin. l’ier IIIIIe I‘eIIlure dIreeIor Jenningx lIIIx Inoulded .-\dIIIn'x xereeIIplII} I\x riIIen xhortl} heI‘ore lIIx preIIIIIIuI'e deIIIh III JIIIII I iIIIo IIn Ineredihl} good looking IilIII. .-\rIlIur l)eIII ll‘IL‘L‘IIIIIIlI eerIpex liIInh'x deInoIIIIon \xIIlI hix IIlien I‘riend l-‘ord l’reI'eeI (Dell h} hIIehing II ride \\ iIh Ihe \IIgoIIx. onl) Io he I'exeued h) onriding



’3 32

Ron Howard's flawed but interesting 1994 reinterpretation of classic 1930s newspaper comedies gets a very rare outing as part of allmediascotland.com’s Media Season. I Fl/III/IIX/SI). Edinburgh (TI/0 II) and Wed I I May (III/w.

(iIIlIIeIIe l’rexidenl ZIIphod Beehlehrm IRoekxx‘ellI on dreIIIII xhip the Heart oI (iold. The} head for In}IhieIIl plIIIIeI MIIngIIlIeII. Minor nigglex IIxIde IIIonII} IIhoIII ehIIrIIeIerIxIIIioIIx IIIId nexx elIIIrIIeleer doII'I deII‘IIeI ll'IIlll Ihe I'IIeI Ith IhIx lllIII Ix \xell \on‘Ih Ihe \xIIII. See l5 l)II_\x Io l.l\ e. (ieneru/ re/I’Iiw.

Hostage I l5) .0 Il-‘loreIII liIIIIlIo Siri. l'S. ZIXISI Bruee \VIIIIx. KL‘HlI l’ollIIk. lIIZInIn. Jelili'l‘IIlle} I\\'illIxI. II I‘orIIIer l.:\l’l) hoxIIIge negoIIIIIor. Ix pulled hIIek InIo IIeIIon \\ hen II eonx enIenee xlore rohhery goex wrong in lIIx IIeIghhourhood IIIId Ihe Ihree perpeIrIIIorx more III on Iuo unxuxpeeling IIInIiliex. one oI \x'lIIeh hIIppenx to he hix (m n. So xo thriller \xlneh hIIx eleurly IIIk'eII iIx lead from Ihe Ielex IonII xeriex 34. .S'IIIIIII‘IIII' ('IIII'mu. (‘qu/II'II/gc'. (i/munn ; .S‘IIIIII‘I‘IIII' ('IIII'nIu. I’IIIx/I'I. I’III'III'I.

Hotel Rwanda I IZ.-\I O... (Terr)

(ieorge. ('IInIIdII/l'K/lIIIl)/Soulh :\lilL‘II. ZIKISI l)on ('lIeIIdle. SophIe ()konedo. Joaquin PllUCIIH. .\'Iek' .\'o|IeI IZIInIn.

l’oxx erl'ul drunIII hIIxed on Ihe Irue onr)‘ III II

hotel III.IIIIIgeI \x ho houxed ox eI .I llli‘lhdlhl lquI IeIugeex duIIIIg IheII xIIuggle II:_‘IIlll\l Ihe llqu IIIIIIII.I III R\\Illl\l.1 I'heudle gnex Ihe perIoI'IIIIIIIu‘ oI lIIx e.IIeeI ,\.'I r I} urm \ (‘I'li'nlii I .ImeI-iz

How Arnold Won the West I I‘I 0.. I-\le\ ('ooke. l'IIIIIeel Ix. .‘INLII XIIIIIIII llmuIIIeIIIuI} IolloxxIng Ihe \Iell puhlIeIxed e.IIIIp.IIgn oI one \lI \Inold SehuJI/eIIeggeI Io het oIIIe Ihe ("ImeInoI oI (KIlIIornIJ. e\.IIIIIIIIIIg ho“ he “em on Io he.” Ihe oIlIeI l U hopeIulx. onIIe erIoux. -\ eIIIItIIl look .II Ihel .\' INIlIlIeJI xx xIeIII IIoIII IiIxI IIIIIe dIIeeIoI ('ooke .-\ .\ledI.I\eIl IIIope preerII.IIIoII (i/IIxemI l-II'm II'II'IIIII. l'I/NIIIIIIIII'. l‘I/Hl/‘lngh The Howlin' Wolf Story ISI .00 Il)oII \le(il}llll. l'S. IINHI UIIIIIIII l)oeIIIIIenI.Irx .IhouI Ihe (‘thIgo hluex xIIIger llouhn' \Volt \xhoxe geIIIe deIIIIIIIg IIIIIxIe prouIed Ihe IIIIx hluex lIIll\l\ Iex l\.Il

onIIe lexx xo


lhx Inlluenee (IIII he IouIId IIoIII heuxx IIIeI.I| Io |.I// .IIId Ihe lllIII Ineludex .ll\ hIxe Iooluge oI both h\ e .IIId |\ [‘k‘llfllllldlk ex ,-\ IIIo\ mg and eIIIeII.IInIng poIII.III «II .III Ieon (i/meuu III/II IIII'IIIII'. (l/muou. l'l/III/II’IIH‘. IzI/III/IIIIq/I

In Your Hands I l § I 0.. I:\IIIIk‘llI' ix ()lexen. l)enm.uk, jIIIHI l’eIIIIIe \ggeI. Jenx AlhInIIx. S.II‘.Ih lloheIg. llIlI.I IIleIolIII IIXIIIIIII See In Iexx~ ILIge 4o. .IIId MIPIIUII l'I/mlInuu'. IzI/III/IIIIg/I

The InterpreterI ISM 0.0

IS}IlIIL‘) l’olloek.l'S..3IIII~1I\Ieo|e KIdIIIIIn. Sean Penn IZ‘IIIIIII l'lil .IgenI Il’ennI Ix IIxngIIed Io proleel .I II.Inxl.IIoI le'IdIIIIInI IIIxIde Ihe l'\ IIIIeI xlIe IhInkx xIIe lIIIx heIIrd onIIeIhIIIg xhe xhoIIldII‘I h.I\e SIll}. deI‘IxIIIIxe IInd meI-long IhIIlleI \xlIlL‘lI. llkc lllL' l'N ll\L'll. [IIIIIIIIxI'x II loI Inore Ih.III II IIIIIIIIIIIeI} deherx (iI-m'm/ rI'II'IIxI'

The Keys to the House (Le Chiavi di casa) Il’(iI 0.. I('IIIIIInI .»\IIIelIo. lIIIl)/l‘rIInee/( ierIIIIIII}. SIM-h KIIII RIIxxl SIuIIrI. AndreII RIIxxI. ('hIIIloIIe RIIIIIplIIIg lIISInIII. A gIIIlIIIdden )oung IIIIIIer ( iIIInIII ISIIIIIrII IIIIeIIIpIx to bond uIlh Ihe [lll}\lL‘&Ill}' IInd px}eho|ogIeII|l_x deIIhIed IeenIIge onI l’IIolo I RoxxII he lIIIxII'I xeen xInee hith. \eIerIIII lIIIlIIIn \xIIIer dII'eeIoI (iIIInIII AInelIo I 'IIII' XIII/en (‘IIIIIIrmI IIIlellIgenIl} xleerx ele.II oI IIIehr}none xpeeehex. x\\ ellIIIg orehexlrIIl IIquIe IInd eheIIp redenIpIIon. IIIId IIIxIeIId e\plorex Ihe IIInhnIIleIII leehngx pIII'eIIIx III;va exIerenee lII\\;Ii'tl\ IheII‘ lIIIndIeIIpIx-d oIprI'IIIg (i/mwm I‘ll/II 'I‘III'IIII'I', (I'luxmm. Kingdom of Heaven I ISI .0. IRIdle} SeolI. l'S/SpIIIII/l 'K. ZIIIISI ()I‘IIIIIdo Bloom. MIehIIel Sheen. l.IIIIII Neexon.

Km III \lL‘KIIlIl. l'.\II (ireen. (ilIIIxxIIII .'\lIIxxoud. l lSIIIIlI. See llIg l’IeIure. page I l :IIIIl rex It“. [IIIgL‘ JH. (iI‘III'I‘II/ I’I’/I'Il\('.

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