Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
Alien Adventure 30 ll ‘i 00.0
lllcn Slraxxcn. Japan. ZlXil i \‘oicc oi John llo}lc. Bouli lanncrx. Winin .-\n alicn racc looking ior .i plaiicl lo coloiiixc lind carlh and unloriunalcl} cnicr a lhciiic park uhcrc lhc} cauxc inuch aiiiuxing lllll}llL‘lll. l.ll.ll.\' llii’rlll‘l'. (r/(Huuii.
The Amityville Horrori lSi O. «Andrcu Douglax. l'S. 2005i R}.iii Rc}nold\. \lclixxa (icorgc. l’hilip llaltcr llall. llllllli} llcniicil fi‘hiiin. l’UilillL‘\\. llacid l'L'\l.(irl\llif_' oi Sluai'i Roxcnhcrg'x dull l‘)7‘) 'haunicd hou\c' iiio\ ic. \xhich claiiiix ax ll\ ‘iiixpiraiion' unuxcd hiis oi Ja) x\ii\oii\ dixci‘cdilcd \oiii'cc hook. (ii'ric‘rii/ I'('/('ll\l'.
An American Tail 2: Fievel Goes West ll 'i O. il’hil Nihlwlink/Siinon \Vcllx. l'S. l‘)‘)l i \Vilh lhc \oicc\ oi l’hillip (il1l\\t'i'. l)oin l)cl.ui\c. Jaincx SILWHIH. John ('Iccsc. 75min l)i\illu\ioiicd \Hlli lhcir \cu York lciiciiicnl. ilic Mousckcxx ilc/ iaiiiil} hcad oul lo lhc Wild \chi. \\ hcrc l‘lc'\ cl lL'illlh up with Shcrill' W} lic Burp and lil\ ii'icnd 'l'igci‘ in ordcr lo clcan up Ihc liHHl run h} H il ('al R Waul. Not rcally up lo ilic standard oi lhc original Sir’l‘ ('i'uliin ('im'niu. Izrliriliiuju/i.
An Angel for May i PM see
lllarlc} ('olxc'lhx, 2()l)l. l'Ki ()Smin. Kidx‘ iiliii ahoul a )(lllllg lad naiiicd 'l'aiii who‘s liming li‘oiihlc :il \c‘hool. linlll hc tll\C(i\ ch a \ccrcl liinc lunncl and a guidc in thc ioriii oi a \liccp dog callcd 'l‘cxx. (‘ool. l'l/m/lullw'. Ifrli/ilim‘uli.
Are We There Yet? ll’( 3) 0..
(Brian l.c\anl. l'S. 2005i lcc (‘iihc. Nia Long, r\lL'l\llll .-\llcn. Philip Boldcn. ‘Minin. linioyahl) \lll} road lrip c‘nllic‘d} in \ihich lcc ('uhc \iarx ax a man \o dcxpcralc lo llllprt'\\ hix ncxi girli‘ricnd il.ongi lhal hc agrccx lo drch hcr [\m childrcn i'roin Washinglon l)(' to Ncu York on .\'c\\ Ycar'x lch. .S‘lioii'i'uw (TIN'HHI. l’uislci'. Pun/m: The Assassination of Richard Nixon i 15) O... (Niclx Mucllcr. l'S/Mcxico, lell-li Scan l’can. Naomi Walls. Don ('hcadlc. 95min. li\ccllcnl slow- huilding drama haxcd on lhc lruc story oi Sam Byck \xho. in l-‘chruaiy l‘)7-i. drch lo Balliinorc-\‘l'axhinglon lnlcrnaiional Airport and allcinplcd to hijack a planc. llc inlcndcd lo crash into ihc Whilc llouw in lhc hopc oi' killing l’i‘csidcnl Nixon. l’cnn in lhc lcad ix cxliuiordinar}. \\'cll uoith chccking oul. Sr'li'i‘li'rl I'('/('(I.\('.
Be Cool l l2:\i O. (l5 (iary (iray. l'S. 3005) John 'l'ra\o|la. l'ina ’l'hurinan‘ Vincc Vaughn. 1 Ih‘inin. \'cr_\' uncool \cqucl lo (iv! Shorty (ii'm'rul rcli'iiw.
Beauty Shop l IBM 00 iBillc Woodruil. l'S. 2004i Quccn Lalii‘ah. Alicia Sihcrxlonc. Andic Macl)o\\cll. ch'in llacon. lliSinin. l.ainc Biirln'rilin/i ol'i‘shool \Vllh l.aiii'ah rcprising hcr hairdrcsscr (iina rolc. 'l'hix linic around \hc has lllUVc‘d lo .-\l|anla and ix (caching a nicc \xhilc girl
Wed 7 7th May
Closer 7.30pm
Thu 72th May Scream Screen 7.30pm, 7.30pm
Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office
(Tel: 01324 506850)
or on the day from the hall
50 THE LIST 28 Apr—12 May 2005
hou lo \ccurc llc’hc‘ll a h1g2 ll.ill\l\i‘llic‘ hlack iiian .\(‘/r( In] Miami
Being Julia i l: -\ i C. 'l~i\ .lli S/aho. (’anada'l'SA llungaij. l K SWIJI .-\nncllc llcning. Jciciii} lion» lliiicc (irccimoml. \lii'iaiii \l.ll:_‘l‘_\lk'\. \haiiii l'.\an\ lll,“llilli Julia llcniiig 1. .ill agcin; London ilkllC\\ oi ihc 1‘) iii\_ l\ lot kcd iii. lo\ clcxx l'L'ldllUlhlilp \\ illi lllii‘ic‘xilli' .\1ichacl ilronxi Shc c'\c'lilll.lll} llliil\ lo\c \Hlli iiicc-hiil~iliiii _\oung [hing loiii il'.‘~.ill\' hui hciurnxoul iiil1.i\c.i \iholcdiiicicni agciida, l)u|l lilllc lllt‘dlllcdl llllllil‘t'li \xiiilcii h} Ronald Hic /)l(‘\\il llai‘uood and dircclcd h} lhc ll\ll.lll} icliahlc S/aho (i/uwmi I'I/m Iliniin, (i/muoii
Beverly Hills Cop l iSi 000
(Marlin llrcxl. l‘S. 1055i liddic \liiiph}. Judgc Rcinhold. John \xhion lli5iiiin \ dounloun. \lrcclxx |\L' (‘hicago cop I\ oui oi lll\ clciiiciil hiil nc\ci oiii oi lil\ dcplh lli\L‘\llg_‘llllllg a iricnd‘x iiiurdci in iipiiiaikcl l.n\ Angclcx. \liii'ph} l'L‘l_L'li\ \iipi‘ciiic in llil\ \xcll paccd \Iicc oi cnlci'lainiiiciil iiiadc iii lhc da} \ hciorc lll\ cgo \\\;llilpc‘tl lhc \uhxlancc oi lil\ iiliii \t‘lllc'lt‘\ Sm (‘i'iiiiin ('im'mii. lu/iIi/iiu'uli.
Bless their Little Hearts l iSi
O... lllill} \Voodhci'l‘}. l'S. Wh-li \alc llardnian. K:i_\ccc Mooi‘c. Angcla lliii'iicll. h’lliiiin. \Voodhci'i') \\ll\ a gradualc oi lhc School oi Black lndclx-ndcni l‘iliniiiakci'x and collahoralcd u illi \\ i'ilci' and icllou gradualc ('harlcx llui'ncil on lhix pi‘oiccl. l)c\crihcd ax a ncoi‘calixl iiliii. il L‘L'llll‘c‘\ on a i;iiiiil_\ \iruggling to \ur\ i\c iii lhc ghcilox oi Soulh ('ciilral l..\. A pioncci'iiig cxaininalion oi pom-ii) and xxoi‘king-Yclaxx \irugglc. l’ai'l oi l.:\ Scaxon. l‘l/Ni/ilmu‘. I'Ii/iIi/iiu'g/i.
The Blue Room llhcl l\’ai'iou\. l'K. Zillil iAn cwning oi \hori lllllh h} nc\\ and cxlahlixhcd local lilinniakci'x. i'olloucd h} dixcusxionx oi' \xhal )oii'w \L‘L‘ll. (iinu'u. Iii/iriliiug/i.
Born to Boogie il'i COO iRingu Slarr. l'K. W72) Marc llolan & 'l' Rc\. lillon John. Ringo Slai'r. 7linin. Spring W73. and lhc coxinic. cliin. rock-pop god Marc Bolan had lhc nation in piirc 'l‘Rchac}. l’la}ing i\\o dci'ining gigx ai chihlc} liinpirc l’ool. lhc hand \xcrc lllilic‘tl h} cx-l‘ah iricnd and proxpccm c docuincnlar} dirccior Ringo Starr ior a cinciiialic oddii)‘ lhal \Hillltl includc \iudio jalllh and hi/arrc axidcx \hol o\ cr lhc
In You Hands
li‘ll\‘\\llij_' iiionih~ \hoiii ax odd .i ic lc'lc‘JH' m _\oii “1” \cc llil\ }cai. \i.iii\ hoiiiagc lo
glaiii iock~ iiiii‘oh gliiicihall .ii ihc hcighi
ol lil\ i‘«‘\\c‘l\ land )c'i Io ltl\k' a \lo\\ \lt‘cllllc‘
and uiiiiiiicl} dcaihi Ii \\i‘ll\\ hcxl uhcii dcpicling llolaii'~ cncig} and l‘l.i\ii\li‘ on
u. III”: liri ...’u
\lagc \cc‘lli'li (Ham. (I‘l’v(r\'\'4’i'.
The Borrowersil i000. il’clc'l llc\\iil_l Ki I‘M“: ,Iohii (ioodiiiaii ,liiii llioadhcnl. ( ‘clia liiiiic \oiiiiii liiil} ioiii llic'lic'\ tall. lhc lli'lli\\\c'l\ hiilc iii “all
tax lllL‘\ and ll\ c hciicaih ihc lli\\‘ll‘\l\ oi ihc l ciidci lli‘lht'lli‘lil \\ licii .i naxl} l.i\\_\ci lllk'\l1‘\\\lll\llk'lllk' lllllll.lll\illll oi lhcii ililk‘llldilcC. ldllllllc" lug and \llldll ioiii
ioiccx llic dcxigii .iiid clicch c ic.iic .i
\liaiigcl} iaiiiiliai. oddl} llllpl.l\t‘.ll‘lk' \xoild.
.iiid childicii u ill h.i\ c lilllc diiiic iili} \li\[\c‘liillllf_‘ cnoiigh ilhl‘t'llc‘l lo hc \pcllhound h} ilic iii.igic oi lhc iiliii
(innii lilil, (i/ii'vquii
Bridging the Gap: Journeys il’i i» iVai'ioiix. ~\k'olland. .‘liilli l i"iiiiii Sn \hoil cicaiix c tlik'lllllc'lll.ll'lk‘\ iioiii ncu iiliiiinakcix coiiiniixxioncd h} ihc Scollixh l)ocuiiiciii.ii‘} lll\llllllt' .iiid l\.i\cd on llic lhciiic oi Joiiinc) \ l'.\pcci .i \xidc iiiici‘pi'ciaiion oi ihc ll.ill.lll\ c i.iiigiiig iioin lhc \lUl') oi a 35 _\L“llvi\ltl \M‘llldll \xho l't'llll'lh lo lici' llangladcdii lHHl\ io lhc lil\l0l'_\ oi a ho\ oi old l-icnch idciiiii} c'lll'tl\. (i/mumi Ii/m Ilinilu'. (i/iixuon Calle 54 ill 0.. ll ciiiaiido ll'llt‘l‘d. Spaiii/l'i’ancc. Zillilii lliSiiiiii llchind llic \ccncx ioolagc and inch lc‘\\\ pim idc llic hackhonc ioi llil\ c\ciliiig .iiid inxighliiil Ioiii'iic) lhi'ough lhc i‘h}lliiiiic.ill} coloiiiliil \xoi'ld oi |aliii»ia//. lhc iiioxi noiahlc hcing 'l‘ilo l’uciilc. \khoxc iiici'cdihlc \cnxc oi liining ;l\lillllitl\, l’ai't oi lll’lI‘Uc’li (i/iixuim I'l/ni I'llt'llllt'. (r/inqun .' l'l/ni/iuuu‘. Iii/iIi/iul'u/i.
Chicken Tikka Masala i 15 i .0 illarinagc Siiigh Kalii'ai. l'I-x'. ZilliSi Saccd Jai'ii'c). .laiiiila \laxxc}. ('hi‘ix lll\\iill. /.ohi'a Schgal. ‘i5iiiiii. ‘l‘i‘aiiicc docloi liiiii llli\\iilli l\ clcai'l} ga_\ hul lii\ i'cxpcclahlc l’l'LNlUll'lXML‘tl (iiiiai‘aii lainin llchind lil\ hack lil\ ialhci ilaiii'c} i and gi‘andinolhci‘ (Schgali ha\ c ai‘i'aiigcd ioi' hiiii lo iiiai'i'} lhc hcaiiliiul Siiiii‘aii. lliil Jiiiii lilix a lc‘“ ll‘lc‘lx\ up lil\ \lcc\c. \Voclul allciiipl lo i'uxc cai‘ci'ull} \ci’iplcd c‘l'(i\\» cultural iai'ccx lll\L' liml !\ lam! \\ iih ihc lllUl'L‘ \liaiiiholic iinprm l\L'(l lch oi
- '1’": fl '0'
'1‘”. ' I" a “
. 1. a;
lliai 1\ io c'\c'i'}oiic'
\oiiicihiiig likc l‘.iiil \i\l\oil\ icicx moi: \c'ilc‘\ Vania [i n ( w \."i i .'\ llhm‘l‘. .illxl lailicx was good though it.» \: lisi (Jinx (fink-up, Chinatown 1* 0000. «Roman l‘olaiixkr l _\ l‘V-li l.l\l\ \ltlli‘im‘lL l .i\\' liiiii.i\\.i_\. .lohii llli\li‘ll iiliiiiii l‘i:\.iic c3c lakc (illlc'\\\'\ on a ioiiliiic \ .‘.\\' iii I" 1" | \ .lllil ciiil\ iii‘ iiiicowiiiig iiioic lll.ill iic ltiigaiiicd ioi \l‘lt'llilltl \i‘l‘.\[‘li.i\ \ iliiillci \\llli .i ll.‘.ll\l\i‘lllt‘ [\ciiod look .lllil .i \lllllt‘ \iipcilalnc taxi llc‘xl‘ilt‘ lllllli‘lll\ \picail h} \ltlli‘lv‘li iiiiil l‘olaiixki. llioiiyh. llic iiow \lllllllj.‘ \tciic \\.i\ lakcil l‘.iii oi
l \ \cawii /.x l..".-I:"~.w.:/:
The Chorus I: \i .00
il'liiixlophc ll.lll.lllk‘l.
l'i.lll\t‘ \uii/cilaiid (iciiii.iii\_ Null»
(iciaid .Iiigiiol. l‘iaiit i‘l\ llt‘llx‘dliil. lc‘.ili lldl‘lhlk' \l.iiiiiici ‘ioiiiiii \ci lll .iii .llhlx‘lk' hoaidiiig \chool iii ihc [ioxi \\ \\ ll l‘x'lli‘il I/n ("mum lHllU\\\ iicu icaclici ('lciiiciii \lalliicii i liigiioli. \\l1i\.lllili‘\l lllillli’ill.ll\‘l\ iccogiiixcx llic piipilx' \lt‘\l‘t‘l.llli‘ll ioi ical ciicoiiiagciiiciil .lll\l l\‘\l‘\‘\l \iid oin c lic ill\u‘\t'l\ \k'\\' oi ihc l\o_\\ .iic frillcil \iiigcix. lic \lk'k l\l\‘\ lllll\l\ \l‘lllll hc llicii \.il\.ilioii .lliili iii a \liaiigc \\.i\. lll\ llcailuaiiiiiiig. old l.l\llli‘llt‘il. \ciiiiiiiciilal (i.llll\' ho\ oiiicc \lll.l\ll I’lllrlillii'l.‘ li/iri/iiug/i
Clifford’s Really Big Movie ii i .. |l\’i'l‘t‘ll (' l\'.iiiiiic/.l \_ .‘iillli \l‘lkt'\ oi lohii Rillt‘l‘ “JUN lli.iil_\. ( iic_\ l)cl l\lt‘_ _|ciiii.i l'lllll.lll P.1“Jt' \i [t l .'i i/ I: /i an Close the 68 . . . a Country Guide il i i l lic ( ‘.iiii\ oidci ( iiiciilla (‘ollccliuz l'l\'. Iliiii i ‘iiiiiiiii (iii o liil_\. ciglil lcadcix iii \U‘lltl t'uilliilln .iic j_'oiii_:' lo ( ilciicaglcx ioi llic ( i3 \lllllliill \\ Scollahd l‘l.l\ c\ ll\t'll ioi llic liiigc .iiiioiiiil
i-llllill \cc ic\ ic\\.
oi [‘lillL‘\lUl\ c\pci lcd diiiiiig lli.ll \xcckciid. llll\ iiliii .lllll\ lo §.'i\c .i \Ulk c lo lho\c pioicxloix \xliilc c\.iiiiiiiiiig llic ( i.\ and le policicx (i/iiwoii li/Iii Hi: ill/l.
Check out the
on page 13
Is this the end of the road for the Dogme film movement? Word is that Annette K Olesen’s prison-set drama is to be the last film that follows Dogme’s Rules of Chastity.
A big hit at the recent London Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, In Your Hands may just be the perfect antidote for all those people who miss Prisoner Cell Block H on television. I UGC. Fienfrew Sireei. G/asgow and Finn/muse, Edinburgh from Fri 29 Apr.