The latest club news

ta In what seems to be a regular feature, we've got a couple more signings for the Slam Tent at T in the Park: DJ Sneak, Two Lone Swordsmen and Mylo (live). Coloursfest (4 June) have announced their headliner in the shape of Paul Van Dyk.

t9; Smirnoff Experience are taking over the Arches in Glasgow for one night uniting rock. hip hop and electro. On 14 May there'll be live sets from a selection of Poptones artists such as the Others. Rarsrng Kane and Boxer Rebellion; Rodney P. Killa Kella. Skinnyman and the Mtxologists will provide the hip hop. and there‘s a slice of French electronica from Cassius and Dan Ghenacra. Tickets are free via

trait DJRed6 hip hop and funk DJ at Bongo residency Give It Some will be turning his hand to the finer arts, supplying the score to the Traverse Theatre’s new production In The Bag which opens 3 May. Including music from LiveSciences.

Edinburgh's Cameo Cinema is also launching regular DJ dates in its bar every Monday. spanning everything from Americana to microhouse.

tit Now onto competition corner. We’ve got two very tasty sets of prizes up for grabs this issue. First up is the new Danny Krivit in the House limited edition numbered vinyl. There are only 3000 being pressed and we have four of them to give away. Send an email marked ‘DANNY’ with your name and address to promotions© by no later than 10 May.

til And it you hadn't noticed it's Triptych time and those nice folk at Fabric noticed they have mix albums for a few of the DJs spinning. So they have given us five sets of three CDS including exemplary mixes from Bugz in the Attic (pictured), Stacey Pullen and Akufen. Send an email marked ‘FABRIC' with your name and address to promotions©listcouk by no later than tO May

I Coded at \atilt. llpm 3am. £5 itlli. \\eekl_\. the} 're llt‘lii a record store. \0 the tunes are going to be tresh atid highls t‘tttik}. aren‘t the} 1‘ .-\ rotating roster oi" l)Js tll'l‘lll‘alt‘tl [U 33rd l’t‘L‘c‘lltc‘l suppl} the house-led groo\ es )ou cati rel} on. Ste\en .\le('reer} is the main man. bttt the pool ot’ talent includes Bill} ls'ilkie. Bilb Woods and .-\manda Price. .


I Cotton Cake at the (ilasgoss School ot Art llptn 2atti L": ‘5' 1‘.\la} \lotithl} 'lhc (ats in the Hat and wasted Youth pla} records at this nets [‘all} .\ppareiitl} the clientele are ubei cool club kids with nothing to prose

I Darkroom Dubs at the Sub ('ltih \e\t date [it .ltiii

I Fluid at M -\S llptii ‘ani Lb - bit \\eekl_\ Heat trio‘s l.isa l.lllle\\iiittl. Scott .\l.tck.t} and Ran B all pla} as residents at this raucous part} tip at the triad erid ot ltMtl. l-ttnk} house. urban pop and loads ot cheap boo/e make it .t \srnntng ptoposlttoti

I Friday Street at () (‘lub llptii zant t5lt-1t. 3‘).-\pr .\lorithl_\ ('Iasstc .\lod sounds. (ills ps}che and northern soul at Scotland‘s preiitrei .\lod club \eit \entie tor this great clttb. so check it otrt rti tltc lie“. llllel'eslltlg‘ L'mtt'tttts

I Funhouse at Haiti} llptii iaiii. L-l tUi \Veekl} .\ tiiglit ot clued-tip ptirik and cathartic tridie pop nonsense It's pogo-a-gogo “tilt Radio l‘s Vic (iallossa). Mr Paul Needles and DJ .-\|pha \lrtchell.

I Gilles Peterson at the Sub (‘lub

‘lpin 3am. U5. 2‘) :\pr only the genius nittsic selector l'rorii Radio I torns l’lantlile. lillg/ iii the .-\tttc. Nick) Siatto. Kano and Hutch tor a great tiiglit ot ll'l/HH'II nitschtel 'l‘he inimitable Katharine arid Se\ also appear. See

pre\ text page 3-1.

I Goodfoot at the Rnerstde ('lttb. Midnight 3am. £5.(i.\1a_\.Monthly‘l‘hrs red hot northern soul. Hammond ia/I. ltriik arid Rtkli club is tthi;i_\s reall} bus}. so get dtmn on little tor. ideall}. belot‘e llieiit tl )ou \saiiiia cut some rttg at the social. .~\ll records are pla}ed on line!) old \ in} I.

I Inside Out at the Arches. lllpin 3am. fill). it) :\pr. Here it comes again. It's the triad hard hotise. trance and techno part} at the Arches. Marco V. Yoii Biornehanika. (in) ()rtiadel. .\lareo Baile}. Markus Shul/ and And} l‘arle} all p|a_\ their records.

I Kinky Afro Present the Comb at the Sub ('lttb. llptii 3am. ill). 3‘) ;\pi‘. .\loiithl_\. This is the ('oirib's contribution to the \er'}. \er) line 'l'rt'pti'eli lt‘sllHtl. The club is joined b} Luke Vibert. Magic l)add_\ and l‘ound. See pre\ ieu page 35. I LiveVEvil at (ilasgms School ol' .-\t't. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). (i Ma}. .\lonthl_\. Special night at this great drum tk bass night. as it \seleomes Hebatlo's brilliant lrian Ja)a lot' a night ol‘ real hard l'ttnk. Morph}. (ieeo. Sirnon l). l’attl Reset and .\l(' (itllll\ are the residents.

I Mash, Chris Harris and Deportivo Street Team at the Liquid Lounge.

I lprri 3am. to. 2‘) .\pr onl}. It's tll\\il}s good to see lt‘tply‘lt supporting the home grown talent. and this night is a great shoucase (it that. \Vhoewr's on the decks totiiglit. sort cart be sure the} are going to e\pand your mind.

I Mekanik at the Arches. lllpiii 3am. (I: With. l3 .\la_\, Monthl}. .-\ti international l)ee_ia_\ (itgolos shots case.

\\ tth l)a\ id (’arretta. (‘hi'istopher Jtist. Sa\as l’ascalidts. \eil ('onnoll}. Little Miss Mint and Richie Mobbs. .-\n interesting tiiglit ol' littropeati music.

I National Pop League at \Voodside Social. 8.45pm 2am. L11. 2‘) .'\pr. .\lotith|_\. Post-punk. ('Sb. indie-pop. laughing. good people. datietrig. hearts on sleex es and in months. tears. kissing. hand-shaking arid smiling.

I Pressure at the .-\rehes. lll._5llpllt 3am. (I. 3‘) .\pr. .\lonth|_\. The biggest serious house and techno night iii the cit} .' .r\_\ e. probabl}. 'l‘his tristaltiient comes \stlli Vitaltc lt\e. .\1'.-\'.\' D‘i. :\tlttllt Be} ei'. .lesper l)ah|back. l’hil Kieran. Slaeknoise. l’erc} .\ and Runstoprestore. ls that the sound ol emelopes beirig pushed .’ See pre\ text page .‘iti.

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

I lptii 3am. £5 it‘St. \Veekl}. .\lasst\e next night tor the Tunnel. bringing together three ot' (ilasgoxi 's best knimn l)Js. Kris Keegan. lain ‘Santos' lltiitttstitt and .\J. li\peet big \ ibes. cos this one's been hailed as Scotland's ans“ er to lled Kttlltll. I Return to Mono at the Sub (’luh. .\'e\t cl;th l5 .\la_\.

Detroit native Recloose makes his Glasgow debut at this

most unlikely of venues. Why not try something new. we say. He's released albums on Carl Craig's Planet E and his next album comes out courtesy of Peacefrog so this is a chance to check him out before that drops.

1'.lr()(/tl‘fttluli. u

I Rocket at Itaniboo. lll .illprn iarii Ur ltd t. \Veekl}. ()ne rooiti house. one room soul atid Mark and some chtllotit t:i the lounge. .-\ti lllllltetlsel} popular ritglit I Superfly at the \\ootlsttle Sociallllpiit 3am. t5 o .\|.i} .\lonthl_\ lake note tltat this is .t \er} irregular l-rrda} titglit Slll‘t‘l'll} sessrori' I)tttieari Superll} and larii l.ainarr‘a do the bottoms tsrth art eclectic rni\ ol rock'n'sotil. ltlllk and post pttrik. I Nisted and Brainfire al x\lcliaiis lllpni 3am. (I: (i .\la_\ only this hatdass hardcore and techno itigltt comes at its again \stth a scar} line-tip ot unrelenting pots er. It includes l)arreti St_\les. the l'ltiriiate litt//. ('atscan. Michael l‘otsliau and Bass lniader's. atttorig a great lllttll} others. ll} the na}. bit} tickets \iell trt arbattce as the part} trsrtall) sells ottt. I Utter Gutter at the Rner'srde ('lttb ll.-l5prn .iaiii. {lit 3‘) \pr‘ \lotithl} this is one ol the best parties tti (ilasgou. \Hlll \ladarne Sartne\ and llllsllpllpp}. You ma} ahead} klltm that. birt “hat )0“ into not knoxs is that l.ad_\ Kier' ot lllllk legends the late \Hll also be appearing behind the decks. l’eople called Se\t .ttid Katharine “ill be chtttled I What? at the l.l\[llltl lounge lllpni Rant. (5. \Vcekl} \\'hat ' residents .\l.-\Sll arid ('hr'is llttl'l'ts pla} the tinest tri t'unk) shit. \shethei it be house). lirp ltopp}. electro—estlite or iii .t tan sl}lc

White Trash Cooking at the Brunswick llotel liasetitent lllptn :altl Ur. (i \la}. \loitthl} 'l'he l,o\cts appear ll\ e at this great club ttiglit iii the Merchant ("its llie l'ls'rbased l-rench nittsical collectnc are it great [‘l'iispcc'l. and It's .tl\\;t}s good to see clitb pioitiotet's bringing lt\e iiiirstc rrito the equation

Glasgow Saturdays


I Beatific at Bar Bloc lllpin iarit. t3 alter rittdritglit. " \la}. .\lorithl_\. l.atiti and ritt-_|a// \sith ('r'arg ()'(‘orinell and guests. I The Buff .tt the llult Spin 3am. to. \VL'L‘kl}. KL‘MH‘. SIM ells arid Mark Riilili cook tip a little next school ran business at (ilasgott 's nets ia/I. soul arid ttink clttb

I Carl Cox and friends at the Barrooland. ‘lptii 2am ill .-\pi'il onl}. L3H. ('at'l ('o\ presents this unique clubbing rneets giggrtig e\perience with a little help trotn 'l‘in 'l’iti (‘hatnbers Sallt‘oti and ()nnalee. See Pt'L'HL‘“ page .Vi.

I Chinawhite at ('hrriaishite. ‘lpin 3am. \VL'L'bl}. “ell heeled people ill (ilasgott. turn tip here to celeb spot. quail the tinest snallres and take iii sortie ot the nicest l'ttnk} music A beattttlttl clttb utth beatttrlul people inside It.

I Club Cuba! at ('uba .\'orte. ‘lpnt 3am {Ill it'5i. Weekly Get in touch \irth )otir l.atiti spirit at this rirglit ot class} dancing

llittitait .tiid Shannon stipplx the tinest lattti beats \lake sitre son now calls to g'lldldlllt‘t‘ t'llll}

I COIOUTS at the \tcltes lllprti iattt

Ll" ~ \l.r\ \loiitlih lhts is t‘t'lllla be riiasst\e l’ete long. Sander lsletrteribeiz'. l)a\td ( illclla. Sliapeshitters_ \tex e \lat .itid .Ioii \lanctnt all pla_\ .it this bloods ltttge (‘olottrs part} \\ ltat the hell is tlte \l\llk'\ _‘..'iHll“.' lit liN'k ltkt' .tl lltt' t‘tlil til lllls night I \souldn‘t like to t lean that \.l‘..'k' ottt iii the ritoiniiie

I Death Disco .tl the \rthes \c\t date :l \la}

I Disciples of Disco .tl ('tihe

lllprrt iatlt Ltbt \\eekh ('rtlie l ttdass go Disco (ietr) l son. I it" Rich. and |)etel. llo pla} the ltttik_\ times all night a long

I Divine .tt (ilasgou St ltool o! \rt ltlii\\ll\l.tllsl lllprii iarti tort5 t. it.

L5 5H ( iS.\ students \\ lleep lirtik. (ills and fills grit-Res and a lo\al \ loud t'it into the ll||\ at this \ert long llllllllll‘.‘ (ilasgoxs residents night

I Freakmenoovers .tl (ilasgoti st hool ol .\t‘t. lllptti ialtl Cit-1 tot \\eekl\ lhe best dedicated litp hop t lttb iii the t Il_\. iii the melting pot ol the \rt \tlli'lll ewrt Satttrd.t_\

I Groovejet at \l \s I Ipirt iattt t_\ tLlil \\eekl_\ Kenn \lt l atlatie and Stephen l ee pla} hottsc, ulirle Rae. it drops ttrbati .tiid pop ()tre ol the old lrash nights nov. housed in this tlH'.‘-lllii\‘.ll

I Haptic at the I ltlllltl l Htlllt't' \e‘-.t date I i \la}

I Heads Down Thumbs Up at (l'llenus llasettierit \piit lain t_.‘ it. it

ill .\pt \iottthl} lttts great ltxe lllll\lt tlttb shakes tt oti down once tttoie. \‘.llll the .\l. l'tgttte 5 and the l _\es\|.ideoperi Ills all appearing tip the latte l} the uaj. this time ll-\ a litter pttiik \lldkt'tlilV-ll at lll ) H

I The Hip Drop at “tel .‘s‘piir lallt l'tee. \\cekl_\ l'tlllk lttelled tlistlirris ptlcltctl ltHltl the Jalttalcalt tltiltccltalls and Next York block patties cuddle into bed with ttchtn‘ electto. sueet soul and doxitir‘ight dirt} disco Rolex and \el [\L't'stlatlc _\tttl lo lcasl tilt the llttlslcal til!) I Homegrown at Harrihoo

lilillprn iatn {MUM \\eek|_\ Steie \lrddletoti. l)oitttnte \lattttt. and Scott} ll like to put on a bit ot a show lot the llatnboo triasses on .t Sat l'iiitk} house music and some top notch Rrkli lltg nexus this month as tio less a DJ than Kerri ('handlei' drops b} i~ Ma} i to pla} sortie ot that 'hottsc' music that v. e l.ltii'.‘. arid line.

I Juan Atkins and Overtone at the latiutd Lounge. llptrt iarit LIZ. ilk-\pr lhe techno legettd .-\tkins plays a selection ol records that best represents his state right non (hertorte is the luck} tella \l. ho gets to support the dttde See pre‘. rev. page