
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 28


WriterFest Rallhltill‘ll lhcaltt'. ‘IS lllf_‘ldlll Sticct. “3 ielh‘) I IS 3pni l icc ltank Kiippnct ptoi ltlt'S lunchtinic cntcrtaintncnt \kllll icadtngx lt'oin lll\ \ioik

John Connolly and Colin Bateman with Denise Mina ( )tiakaik llIN‘lelHlL‘. [int (i. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Strccl. iii ISlNl. o, illpni L3 lltc ( il.t\j_'ii\\ ctiinc \ci‘ihc prcxcntx an cicninj; \klllt tiio c\ttctnc|) \llktt'SSllll lltl\t'll\l\ who or“ hc discussing thctr llt'\\ hook\ and ditlcicnt .‘lpl‘lttitk'llt'S to cinnc \HlllllfJ

Glasgow Alasdair Gray Bittdt'h lltltth. US Buchanan Sticct. 333 "Will hptn l'tcc loin

thc cxtccnicd lltlH'llSl lot a hoot ot political dt'lhtlt' ;t\ llL' itlllllltt'\ ltl\ \ tcu \ HI] lllk' lil'lllSll goicrnincnt


* Laura Hird: Oedipus Wrecks ( longit- ('il} l’at'in. 5| (iorgic Road. ii” ~l3ll3

3 ~lpllt. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc lzdinhuigli autlioi lltt\l\ llllS \xorkxhop lot \H'llt'lS tnlcrcxtcd in Cttllll'llillllll}! a short story on lhc thcinc ol parcnthood.

The Guid Crack Club \\;i\crlc} Bat'. St .\1;it‘}'\ Sti‘cct. 550 057‘), ".illpni. L35“. 'I‘hc cluh \tclcoincx gitcxt \toi‘}tc|lcr (‘htick \Varrcn. \\llll \toncx and lcgcndx liotii tlic ()ttaiia tradition

Saturday 30


Dominic Mielville Bot'dt‘h Bookx. l‘ot‘t Rctail l’ark. Wt) l’roxan \Valk. “i 3‘)lll. lpiii. l’rcci \lcct thc \niaxhlitt childrcn'x author as lic \ignx copicx ol I'lu‘

lfurni ltt'itt'r [hi/tic imi/ I/ti‘ Slit m/ ( ill


Beltane Storytelling National kll‘l'ltl'} ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' Brtdgc. 330 453i .ipin. llt‘lll (‘HlSS l'L‘lL'HS lllt‘ \lttl'} (ll lllL' anctcnt ('clttc cclchratton marking thc passing: ol' \\ tntcr and thc coining; ol thc

\caxon ol light

Tuesday 3


Demos Scotland 2020: Hopeful Stories for a Northern Nation llt‘l'tlt'l'S Books. US Buchanan Strccl. 333 7W)” opin Join cditor (’icrr} ll;l\\;lll. authorx .-\nnc l)ono\an and ('ai‘ol ('raig [‘IUS .\1arc lanthcn ot' thc Scottish Book 'l'ruxl. tour ol thc t‘ttllll‘ll‘lllttl'S to [lllS ncxi collcction ol CSSJ}\ and tiction. ax thc} tll\\‘ll\\ \\ hat Scotland nitng hc likc h) thc _\cai 31l3ll, An Evening with Julian Clary Radixxon S.»\S Hotcl. .illl .-\rg_'_\lc Strcct. .ill3 olhi 0.45pm. {30 includc\ a oitc cout'xc dinncr \\ ith \\ inc. cottcc and a drain. 'l‘hc (ilcnmorangic Hcrald Book Sct'icx conunucx \ ta \otnc tnalarkc} \\ ith thc cainp conicdtan.


Julian Clary \Vatcrxtonc‘x. 3S l’rtnccs Strcct. 33o 3mm 13.30pm. .-\nd hcl'orc ltc has \Ulllt‘ chou in (ilaxgon. ('lar} \\ ill hc tliwtisxing lllS rcccnt autohrograph}. .t Young Hunk l’timzct'.

John Blakemore SUBS. 23 ('ockhttt‘n Slt‘cct. 033 0300. (Lil) S3tlptn. 'l'hix kc_\ ligurc in Bl’lllSll photograph} and rccognixcd niaxtcr ot' thc black and \\ lntc tncdium “ill be talking about and signing NPR“ 0t BIS nc“ hook Ii‘liii‘k imi/ li'lntc' l’ltiittigr‘itli/i\ \iirrkx/inp.

Wednesday 4

Edii burgh

>§¢ Christopher Brookmyre lli; lllll‘, ('axtlchill ~pin :1 llnc ol Scotland \ liliNT t'\clllll‘._' cllllt't‘ ‘-‘-lllc'l\ l.illllcllt'\ lll\ final

hook (all t tttakaik on 33‘ ZNS tor

ll\ l.k'l\ \c'c' [‘l'fi'. l;"~‘-. [HIV ll

Thursday 5

Glasgow Paul Sutherland limitlt-n Hooks. ‘lS Buchanan Sitcct. 33- "W opin llic ('anadian lllllhll poci lt'adS llI'lll \i .t r' [mi/i (M. \

>i< Christopher Brookmyre \\.tlt'l\lilllt"\. 1“ IV Sauchtchall Sticct. 1:: olii< (i :iipm L ltlllt'ltaSt' \L't' “Cd 1


Stewart Conn \alional l ihiat} ot Scotland. ( icoipc l\ Bridgc. ti33 lxti“ "pin licc. ad\altcc hooking t‘SSL‘llllttl llic poct lt'.ttl\ tioni lllS ncu \oltiinc (mom a: (in ll run. \xliich \tiggcxtx Roull as thc capital's lll\l poct \Vitli lllll\l\.tl .ttctllllpdllllllL‘HI tioni .lohn Saltll‘vtlt


Create and Illustrate a Story \onh l'aliithuigh \:t\ (L'tittc. l5a l’cninucll ('otit't. il.‘ 3|*l llillatn L-l itl Rll L3i loin \ nian l'icnch. oiic ol thcl K's lllHSl popular cliiIdiciiR authors. to crcatc a nc\\ \tor) l)a\c Sitttoii addx thc lllllSlldlIth Collective Bargaining Scollhll l’ot-tr} l.ihiai}. 5 (‘i'icliton'x ( 'loxc. ('anoiigatc. 55" 3V!» 3 illpni. Intctactnc poctr} rcading \\hctc lltc audicncc chomc thc [‘Ut'llh to lic pcrlorincd h} \lakar l’icxs l’octx.

Wednesday 1 1


Tommy Sheridan Blackucllx. 5i 5‘)

South Bi'idgc. (i33 5333 (i. illpni. l'rcc.

tickclcd ()pportnnin to inch thc lortnci' Scullhll Soclalhl l’al'l} lk'dklt'l :tlltl tilllt'l

conli'ihutoix to itc\\ hook \I'Jltlllt'llh

Iicdcciiiahlc .tj.‘.itlt\l

lulu/iii (LS. \xlitcli containx \ticciiict. clcai aigiiincntx on that lot\ prohlcinx.

Aline Templeton ( )llakaI'K. 5" (it-orgi- Sti'cct. 335 .1405. "put, l'i'cc. .loin lltc author lot lhc launch ol hci hrand ncu criinc lht'illct' (Tl/(l III Illt' [ain't/I. tracking; lhc lit\l inurdcr lll\t'\llf_‘;tlltlll ol l)l \larior} l-Icining,

Thursday f 2


Janet Lee Carey Blackncllx. 53 5‘) South Bridgc. (C3 3333 3pm. l'icc. 'l‘hc popular childrcn'x author puhlicixcx hcr nc\\ nowl. lli‘llll Hm lit/tax,

Medical Showcase Evening Blackucllx. 53 5‘) South Bridgc. (\33 5333 4 "pin. l'rcc. .-\ [\lttlL‘\\lUll;tl acadcinic

L‘\ Clllltg \llt‘“ c.t\lllf_' an L'\lL'll\l\L' l‘altgt' \‘l llllt'S tront kc) nicdtcal pithlixhcrx.

Fiona McCade, William O’Leary and Cath Sutton National l.thrar_\ ()l Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridgc. 33h ~15} l. "pin. l't'cc_ .loin thc authors ot Hit QIHWHHIH.‘ IU/ llilh [4r Nit/'1 1/1: ’t (tr/x from [In Sir mi and di\co\ cr IBIS ttcxx \xa} ot inccting likc-inindx.

:3 Tom Leonard and Writers Against the 68 .'\\\L'lttl‘l} Rooms. 54 (icorgc Sum. 33” 434‘). “pm. l'rcc, 'l‘hc intlucntial \xritcr opcn~ thc ninth ladinhurgli lllthPClltlL'lll Radical Book l';tll' llllth l\ Iolloncd h} rcadings troni a host ot lhc contributing authors to limit rx ,lL'ii'lllH' :m US including; Angus (‘alch .l.tlllL‘\ Kcltnan and .'\llll.t (ioxan

Big Word Performance Poetry lltc 'l'ron. ‘l Hunth Squarc. Hiin Sttcct. 33p “"31 ‘lpin £3 i£3i Rodnc) Rcla\ lctx tlic laugh and llllL‘\ ll} \\ itli xuppon troni ('upar'x \ltlton Balgoni. high ll}cr 'l’icklc. ()uartcm ISL‘ x ihc \Vishtixh and \l(\ .lcin Rolls and .lcnn} l.llld\.t_\



Batman: War Games Outbreak ' ' 2' .0.


Ghost in the Shell/Ghost in the Shell 2: Man Machine


mm ANNABLE Stickleback

l .’ ) I I & I l “‘

JOE COLEMAN Muzzlers. Guzzlers and Good Yeggs

:. THE LIST 33